Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Of The Heart ❯ Wish Of The Heart Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
" Wish of the Heart"
Chapter 1: Brolli and Bura meet! SPARKS FLY!

Bura and Marron flew around looking for Brolli. Their sense picked him up and they flew
towards the ki. ~ Where Brolli is~ " What?! I'm alive! But how," Brolli asked himself and then
sensed two people approaching. He was stunned to see two women. But only one caught his eye her
long blue hair, her leather tank top, leather short and boots to match, and her blue eyes. The most
beautiful blue he had ever seen. He decided to watch them further before approaching them. ~ Bura and
Marron~ They landed and looked around. Only to find nothing. " I don't see him. That damn dragon
jipped us. I thought I was finally gonna meet the guy that kicked almost everybody's ass," Bura said
yelling and crossing her arms.

" Chill. I'm sure he's still around here. Somewhere," Marron said as Bura sat down on a boulder.
Marron scanned the area again. " I don't believe this," Bura yelled as she started to lose her patience.
" I said chill," Marron said as she sat down on a boulder across from Bura. Bura pouted even more as she
conteplated on to beat Marron up or not. But thought against it 'cause Marron didn't know how to fight.
" You're lucky my good mood hasn't left me yet or you'd be on the floor begging for mercy," Bura said
as she smirked. " Yeah yeah. Whatever Miss EGO," Marron said sarcastically.

Bura growled, got up, and walked towards Marron. Marron was shocked. Was her friend gonna beat her
up just because of a sarcastic comment? Bura popped her knuckles and Marron's suspicions were correct.
Bura was gonna beat her up. Marron's expression turned from shock to fear as her friend was inches from her.
THen all of a sudden Bura started laughing uncontrolably. Marron realizied the trick her friend just played
on her and glared at her. " Your facial expression was hilarious," Bura said through her fits of laughter.
Marron frowned and watched Bura laugh. Little did they know that Brolli was laughing at them. Bura finally
stopped laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes away.

" It's not funny! You're half saiyan! I wouldn't stand a chance," Marron yelled and pouted. "It was
to funny. So? Even if I wasn't half saiyan, I'd still kick your ass. And you know it," Bura said smirking.
" Whatever," Marron said as she rolled her eyes. Then she felt as if they were being watched. She started
looking around frantically. " What," Bura asked as she scanned the area. " Someone's watching us. I have a
hunch that it's Brolli. It's just gotta be him," Marron said still looking around. " Duh! We wished him back.
He's probably watching us to make sure we're not some psycho out to kill him," Bura said as she frowned.

" Yes, Bura. I remember that. It's just that he watches us like a hawk watches his prey. He'd get the
surprise of his life when he meets you. 'Cause you are a psycho," Marron said as Bura glared daggers at her.
" At least I'm not class A," Bura said cooly (( A.N.: SORRY MARRON LOVERS!!!!)) as Marron's eyes narrowed. Then
they heard laughter and they froze in their places. " Excuse me, but you two are hilarious. You are very good
entertainment," Brolli said coming out of his hiding place and they turned around to face him. " Wow. What a cutie!
I'm glad we wished him back," Bura said looking Brolli up and down. " You're a cutie too," Brolli said smiling at
the blushing Bura. Brolli didn't even notice Marron. All that existed to him was the blue haired beauty infront of
him. He couldn't explain why he felt the way he did, but he liked it.

It was a great feeling to him and he walked over to Bura to close the gap between them. They looked into each
other's eyes, blue vs. black. Marron saw that as her chance to leave the couple and started tiptoeing away. " I really
want to kiss you," Bura said as her's and Brolli's faces kept getting closer and closer. " Do it," Brolli said and as
soon as he said that Bura kissed him. It started innocent at first, but turned hot and heated. Their tongues danced
together and explored each other's mouth. It was as if their tongue were performing a dance ritual. Brolli wrapped
his arms around her waist and lifted her, she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, and wrapped her legs around
his waist. Marron left quickly and quietly. ' Yes. Goten's all mine now,' Marron thought as she flew off to Goten's house
leaving the couple to themselves.

They finally broke their kiss and they gasped for breath. " Wow. That was fun," Bura said panting. " Yeah. It
was," Brolli said as he smirked. Where did Marron go? That bitch! She left," Bura said as she frowned. " Don't worry
about her. Worry about him," Brolli said as he pointed up. Bura looked up and saw her father, she almost freaked out.
" What are you doing alive," Vegeta asked Brolli as he landed. " I don't know," Brolli answered. " Dad, I can explain.
You see, me and marron wished him back. And for him to forget his hatred for Goku," Bura said. " I see," Vegeta said.
" Vegeta's your father," Brolli asked Bura. " Yeah," Bura said as she smiled. " I guess Brolli can stay with us. Keep
the lovey dovey stuff behind closed doors from now on," Vegeta said as Bura and Brolli had a shade of pink on their cheeks.
" Let's go," Vegeta said as they blasted off towards Capsule Corp..

" Thank you daddy for giving him a second chance," Bura said. " More like a third chance. (( A.N.: BioBrolli don't
count!)) You're welcome princess," Vegeta said as they continued to fly. Bura looked at Brolli who was looking around. ' He's
so cute,' Bura thought to herself. ' Great, I can hear her thoughts. Are we bonding? Is she the one for me. She sure is
fine,' Brolli thought to himself. ' What? I just heard what he was thinking. What the hell,' Bura thought as her and Brolli's
eyes met. ' Whoa,' both their minds shouted and both of them heard it. ' They are definitely bonding,' Vegeta said who was taking
Bura being with Brolli rather well. They're shocked expression told Vegeta that they were bonding.

" We're here," Vegeta said breaking the silence. They landed and walked to the backyard. As they reached the backyard they
saw none other than: Goten, Marron, Trunks, Pan, Gohan, Videl, Bulma, ChiChi, 18, Krillin, and Goku. " Oh goody," Vegeta mumbled under his
breath. " A cook out," Bura said as everyone mainly Goten,Videl, Gohan, Trunks, and Goku staring at Brolli. Brolli looked at everyone and
smiled. " Nice to meet all of you. I am Brolli," Brolli said as he bowed. He looked at Goku and they stared at each other. Brolli
thought he was familiar, but couldn't place how. Goku had a slight frightened expression on his face. Vegeta saw the two staring at each
other, he knew it wasn't gonna be a very good day anymore.....
End of Chapter 1.

Next Chapter: Marron's wish worked for Brolli not to remember his hatred for Goku, but will it be enough? Will Brolli remember the hatred he
has for Goku? Will it ruin Bura's and Brolli's relationship if he does? Keep reading to find out.

A.N.: Cliffhanger! Don't you hate cliffhangers? I do. Lady X, I'm not sure if there's any on the web. My friend/sister writes BuraxBrolli fics
all the time, but never posts them. But I do look forward to writing more BuraxBrolli fics after this one's completed. Thank you for reviewing.
And thanx to all who read this!!! ^_^