Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ Scary and Painful...We Thought ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5: Scary and Painful...We Thought?

Bulma slept the entire next day she was so tired. She awoke later on that night and got up. She went downstairs to find Vegeta sitting on the floor near the fireplace with only the light of the fire to light the room.

Bulme felt edgy to go over to him, but still did, thinking he might want some company. She could tell that she had startled him when he jumped then relaxed. She went over and sat next to him.

"Hey," she said in her normal cheery voice. "Hey." He replied sounding a little depressed. "What's wrong Vegeta?" "Oh nothing really." He gave her a curved smile and put his arm around her. She cuddled closer to him and then he made a bold move. He grabbed her legs and pulled them into his lap. But she didn't protest merely put her arms around his neck.

He grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and wrapped her in it. "Are you feeling better?" "Yeah, thank you for getting rid of Yamcha. He might have killed me if he caught me. I guess he was mad about me dumping him and wanted to get me back. The main reason I dumped him was because of a dream I had."

"What did he do to you?" She was a little taken by the question. "I was in a totally dark area then I appeared at Yamcha'a house. I saw a dark figure and ran to it but when I got to it, it attacked me. I looked up and it was Yamcha laughing and calling me a whore. He pulled out a knife, but I grabbed it from him and stabbed him with it killing him. Then I ran as fast as I could to get away. Then I saw another figure in front of me...I got to it and it was...you. You grabbed me and held me in your arms and then we...well you know..."

She trailed off now blushing. "Oh really?" "Yeah I had that dream the night before you got back and I thought it was a sign so I thought I had better get away from Yamcha. I guess it was a good idea huh?" "Yeah it was."

Vegeta had been messaging her feet because he knew she liked that and had worked his way to her lower thigh. She had been stuttering through her story because of it. It felt so good.

Vegeta reached over and kissed Bulma deeply. He opened her mouth with his tongue begging for entry and slid his tongue into her mouth. He let the kiss last a very long time then pulled back. They both lay there the rest of the night by the fire asleep.
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Bulma awoke the next morning in her own room. She got up when she heard a loud crash. *Vegeta must be training again as always.*

She went downstairs to fix breakfast. She had it all prepared when he came in. He was cut, mangled, bruised, sweaty, dirty, and looked as if he would die at any moment.

"What on Earth have you been doing in there Vegeta?" "Shut up Onna, I'm too tired and wore out to put up with your shit this morning." "Well aren't we Mr. Happy this morning."

He set himself down and ate till he was full then went back to train. Bulma went to the living room and sat on the couch to read. She read for quite a while. She looked at her watch and it was already dinner time. She ran into the kitchen and made dinner. Vegeta stomped in right on cue looking worse than he had that morning.

Bulma sighed and ate her lunch quickly then went to the living room and went back to her book. Vegeta ate all his food in a flash then went back to the GR. ~Not much happening I know but it is leading up to a certain event and I didn't want it long and drawn out so nah :p.~

Bulma once again lost track of time and it was supper time when she looked at her watch. She made the food then ate hers. She was done before he came in. He walked in, his eye cut across the top where he couldn't see and he looked ready to die any given moment. He ate slower than normal and before he could go to the GR again he passed out halfway through the door.

Bulma dragged his sorry hide to the regen tank and put him in. He was in there until 3:00 in the morning and when he got out he looked as good as new.

"Thank you woman, but I am fine now so go to bed." *He is ordering me around I don't think so!* "You are not going back to the GR tonight Mister. You almost killed yourself in the process." He ignored her for awhile, but he was almost at the door when he snapped from her proceeded yelling. He grabbed the collar of her shirt and yanked her off the ground. He got right in her face. "That is enough Onna I will not tollerate your whining and bitching anymore. No one, I mean no one tells me what to do!"

He was going to yell more, but when he pulled up more on her shirt it wripped completely. He couldn't take it anymore.
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Vegeta grabbed her arms by the wrist completely surprising her. He threw her to the ground and pulled what was left of her shirt off. He held her arms above her head to where she couldn't move.

Vegeta played with her nipples with his tongue then began to suck on them hungrilly. "V..Vegeta w..what are y..you d..doing?" She tried to ask. "I have to have this, Bulma. You are driving me insane I need this." He took her hands and put them behind her back. He began to suck on her again and she moaned at the pleasure. He then slipped his hand into her pants breaking the buttons and pulled them off her.

He went down her body with his tongue then got to the area between her legs and sucked hard and played around with his tongue. He could hear her moaning getting louder as she felt his tongue playing around with her insides. 'She tastes so good, this is unbareable.' He came up after she had gotten her hands free from behind her back. She wasn't protesting to anything so he figured he had her consent.

He wiped his mouth off and removed his clothes. Now she was warmed up so she was ready for him. He crawled on top of her. Then started to slide himself in her when he ran into...nothing? But he remembered she had said that she had never done this before, he had of course. But only once. But still, it came naturally to men. "Bulma, I think this may hurt. If so, it is going to hurt like hell. But hold on for me." She nodded in reply.

Vegeta thrust himself into her. He was in exstacy, but he knew she was in pain...or so he thought...so he sat still inside her until she got used to him.

Bulma could feel no pain and was ready for him. She nodded so he would know. He started coming in and out of her slowly at first, then with quickening speed. He got faster and faster, only going where he thought she could handle it. What confused her was that your first time was supposed to be painful because of the barrier breaking, but she had felt no breaking and no pain.

They were both moaning out in pleasure. *Even though I didn't feel any pain any amount would be worth this. But like my friends in school told me, all first times are scary and painful.* She moaned even louder as she came. Vegeta was not done yet, so he kept going. But when he came, Bulma thought that the world had known it because the ground under them started to shake.

He finally came and then Bulma reached up putting her arms around his neck, then she looked into his eye's and they kissed passionately. Vegeta grabbed the blanket that always seemed to be on the couch and covered them both up still on the floor. Their heavy breathing seemed to put them to sleep more than anything. He held her in his arms the rest of the night and they slept together, holding each other close.
Vegeta grabbed the blanket off the couch and covered them up. They laid there the rest of ther night sleeping.
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