Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ The Trip ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~A/N: Ok I am sooooo sorry I have not updated in so long, but i am having a family crisis and i hav been busy with school and i am just really sorry...i know i am such an ass for taking so long but here ya go and enjoy.~

Chapter 7: The Trip

Bulma woke up the next morning still wrapped in Vegeta's arms. She slowly lifted his heavily muscled arm off her chest and slipped out of the bed to go take a shower. She turned on the water and climbed in.

The warm water felt really good cascading over her tired muscles. She had muscles throbbing she didn't even know existed. She was trying to scrub her back, but couldn't reach and thought she would try to do what she had seen Goku do before. She grabbed the brush with her tail and began to scrub her back.

All of a sudden Bulma feels a pair of familiar strong arms around her waist and a furry tail coiled around her legs. She turned her head to see Vegeta with her in the shower in all his naked glory. ~*grins* i couldn't resist i see that in so many fics i had to use it.~ She was enjoying his carresses but knew she had to go and try to get caught up on her work.

"Vegeta as much as I am enjoyng this I have to go get caught up on my work." "Give me five mintues and I'll let you leave." "Ok you got five mintues I suggest you work fast." She said seductively. She licked his ear to entise him. And it seemed to work.

He thrust himself into her (from the front for once) and she wrapped her legs and tail around his waist. They both began to move in rhythm with one another. He took him all ,but a few thrusts to climax as well as her. "You still have three minu..." She didn't finish, he merely began again making them both climax "several" times before they were both too tired to move. "You went a minute over your time limit." "Don't you dare complain Onna, you can't tell me you didn't enjoy that." "Sure I enjoyed it but you went over time." ~evil smirk~

She unwrapped her legs from around his waist and got out of the shower. He "helped" her dry off so to speak. Paying more attention to drying her tail than anything else since he knew it was a "sensative" spot. She moaned with pleasure as he finally got it dry.

She kissed him passionatly until he left to go train. She got dressed in a white tight fitting tank top and some tight fitting black jeans. Both pieces of clothing excintuated her feminine features.

She left and went down to her lab to try and catch up on her work. She was unsuccesful in her attempt. She couldn't get a certain Sayain prince out of her head. *I can't believe it. He took me as his mate. He marked me and by the way he talks it is very sacred. Sayains, I have a lot still left to learn about them, but I will figure them out one day. I can't forget who Vegeta is. He is a bloodthirsty killer. He has more blood on his hands than I can imagine. And I have to be careful not to cross him. He could seriously hurt me. Damnit Bulma, what have you gotten yourself into?*

Bulma was brought out of her thoughts as she heard the booming sound as Vegeta trained in the GR.
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Vegeta was throwing punches and kicks all in the air at the small machines that Dr. Briefs had made for him to train with. He threw an energy beam at one and it melted into nothing like all the others.

He was having a hard time training. He couldn't get Bulma off his mind. 'Damn Onna why must you constantly invade my thoughts the way you do? I have to get you off my mind, but how do I do that? Wait a minute...DAH! She is a SAYAIN! I'm such a baka! If she is a Sayain she can help to defeat the androids that will be coming. And she will need proper training so why not me?'

Vegeta decided then he would take her into space and train her, so she would not be destracted by the trivalties of the Earth, but he knew she would not agree to it so how to get her to go would be the problem.

Vegeta walked out of the GR and went to Bulma's lab. He found her with her head on her desk fast asleep. 'Ha no need to try and convince her I'll merely take her while she sleeps.' He gently lifted her out of the chair and took her into one of the many ships at Capsule Corp. and laid her down in the bed so she could sleep.

He set the coordinates for Planet Vegeta knowing it wasn't there anymore so that would leave them in the solitude of space all alone. He could train her properly out there.

The ship took off with lightning speed. Vegeta was tired so he decided to go to bed as well. He went in to the bedroom of the ship where Bulma slept. He crawled into the bed and laid next to her. She stirred as the bed moved when he crawled in. "mmmmm Vegeta..." He heard her mutter. 'Hehe she must be dreaming of me.' She rolled over and put her arm around him. 'Funny she seems to crave warmth. I have something important in my life now and I have to protect her...and I know she'll protect me.'

He put his arm around her so she could stay warm and he let the much needed sleep fall over him. (~*~*~*~ = dream)


Vegeta was in a dark room. He could see nothing not even his own hand in front of his face. But he could smell something familiar. 'Where is that smell coming from?' Then he realized why the smell was so familiar. It was her.

All of a sudden he saw a light just ahead of him and he began to go towards it. Then he looked ahead of him and he could see her in front of him. She was in a flowing gown that exagereted all her features fully. It was white and silky and made her look like a queen.

She raised an arm out to grab his hand. They came together in an embrace and began to kiss passionately, but then Bulma gasped as a hand went through stomach. When the hand went out of her from behind. Vegeta was the only support keeping her from falling to the ground.

He held her close as the wound healed in a matter of seconds. She was fine now, but the hand had taken something out of her, but what? He looked and the hand looked familiar. It looked like Frieza's, but it wasn't Frieaz'a energy that he sensed. Bulma whispered softly to Vegeta still recovering from the attack. "He took the baby..." "W..What?" "He took our baby...." She whispered again. "Don't let him take our baby." She pleaded.

Vegeta looked up into the hand that was like Frieza's and saw a small crying child sitting in the middle of the palm. Vegeta laid Bulma down so she could rest, and then lunged at the hand and with a flash of light it disappeared into nothing.

The room was dark again. Bulma, the child, and the hand were gone. He looked all around before an image appeared before him. It was fuzzy at first then came into focus. "F..Father?" "Yes Vegeta, it is I, your father. Your woman is carrying the next generation to the Sayain empire." "Yes, I've known that for about a week now. It is the main reason I marked her, so she wouldn't die from the non-bonding pregnancy." "You love her Vegeta, and you have to protect her...and let her protect you. Open up to her, tell her of your horrible life and let her take away the pain. Do not let anyone hurt your child. That child will be the most important thing in your life along with your mate. Do not forget what I told you before I died at Frieza's hands. Do not forget how to feel." "I promised you that day Father that I would never forget, and I keep my promise to you now. I will protect her and my unborn child as well." "Good, Vegeta I want you to know son that I always loved you and your mother. She misses you as do I..."

With that final word the image of the once powerful King Vegeta faded away leaving Vegeta alone again. 'I made a promise to you all those years ago Father...and I always keep my promises.'


Vegeta shot awake with that final thought. Then looked at his mate still sleeping. He put a hand on her stomach and concentrated...then felt the small ki of his unborn child. 'Hehe the little brat is already as strong as his mother.'

He laid back down and began to remember that horrible day that he had lost his father and had to go to Frieza's ship to live out his miserable days.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was a cold day and 8-year-old Vegeta was in his private training room beating the stuffing out of the rediculously weak siabamen. It was descracful how weak the ugly little cabbage heads were. ~no it is not a corny name calling. I call them that because thier heads do look like cabbage.~ Vegeta easily desposed of the little monsters.

He waited for them to open the door, but they were still in shock at his display. "OPEN UP YOU IDIOTS!!!!" Yelled the irritated prince. "Oh sorry sir." The baka at the control panels pushed the button to open the door.

The bald headed body guard of the prince's waited outside the door and handed Vegeta his cloak. Vegeta draped it over his shoulders. "That was an incredible display your majesty, your the best." "Hm, stop kissing up Nappa!" Barked the young prince.

"Grr, I'm bored. I'm tired of this. I want another combat assignment, no more stupid drills. Hm Frieza, the day will come when we are free of that baka." "Uuuh you think so, Prince Vegeta?" "I know so, Nappa." Smirked the prince.

Vegeta walked on ordering Nappa to leave him be. He went to his chambers and found his mother in his room. "Hi mom." The prince said CHEERFULLY! ~Run away the prince is happy~ "Hi Vegeta how did your training go today?" "Pretty good. I destroyed all the siabamen with ease." "That's good. But listen Vegeta me and your father have to talk to you."

"Oh about what?" "Well we are going to start our attack on Frieza today, but if we do not return to collect you then Frieza's men will, which means we have failed my son." "No mom, you can't go you won't make it. There is no way you will last five minutes with Frieza." The prince sobbed running to his mother and hugging her. "Stop that crying boy." Ordered his father who had been standing behind his mother. "We have to go Vegeta. This is our one chance to be free of Frieza." "Father you have to promise me that you and Mom will come back to get me."

There was silence. "PROMISE ME." "Vegeta..." His mother cooed. "We can not promise you that, but we will try our hardest. I love you Vegeta." "I love you too Mom." His mother kissed him on the forhead and gave him a hug then ran out of the room crying.

"Vegeta before I go," boomed his fathers voice, "I want you to promise me one thing...promise me, no matter how weak you are taught it to be, promise me you will never forget how to feel. It will be what keeps you going." He took one last look at his son and headed for the door. "Goodbye my son..." "Goodbye Father..." The young Sayain managed to get out through sobs, as he saw his mother return to get his father. Then he saw his parents leave his room for the last time. He watched them walk away for what would be the last time he ever saw them...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Vegeta snapped himself back to reality. That had been the hardest day of his life. He had had to say goodbye to the most important people in his life. He hadn't promised his father verbally, but he had promised him in his mind. But Vegeta had forgotten that promise when he heard of his parents deaths and had been taken to Frieza's ship.

He had told himself then that he would never love again. It was too much heartache to lose the ones you loved. After that day he had shut himself off from the rest of the world. No one could get close to him. He wouldn't allow it. He knew he would just lose them again anyway, so what was the point.

He looked over at his mate shivering from the cold. He laid next to her again and put his strong arms around her to warm her. 'I didn't forget the promise I made to you Father. I haven't forgotten how to feel. I just hid it from the world afraid for anyone to get close to me for fear of losing them again. But I love this woman and I would do anything for her. I want to protect her from all those who dare try and hurt her or take her from me. I'll keep my promise to you Father and protect her as you did Mom...all the way to the end.'
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Vegeta drifted off to sleep. When he woke the next morning or so he thought it was morning. It was morning...5:00 in the morning. He rolled over to see that Bulma was not beside him. He wandered around the ship and checked all the rooms and couldn't find her.

He finally found his way into the control room and found her sitting in the pilot's seat fast asleep. She looked as if she had been looking at the stars. He picked her up then sat in the seat and laid her in his lap. He situated her so that she was comfy.

She stirred a bit, but did not wake up. He took a blanket that was on the floor and covered her with it. She squirmed a bit in his lap then finally settled. He wondered if she knew she was pregnant yet. He held her close to him.

'If she doesn't know yet she will soon.' He thought of her and him together now for the rest of their lives. Raising their family. But she must never forget who he was. He found joy in killing. And at any time he could kill her with ease. He would never hurt her purposely, but she should always remember who he was and not some fantacy lover who wouldn't hurt anyone the way she wanted him to be.

That wasn't him and it never would be. She could see him that way all she wanted but one day her fantacies might betray her. 'I'll never hurt you my sweet but never forget I am a ruthless killer. All my life I have taken joy in killing others and I still do but you are the reason for me to reach my goal now. I will protect you and my child. But don't ever forget that my name is feared throughout the universe and will always be.'

He finally left all his thoughts behind him. He held her closer so as to keep her warm and drifted off to sleep. But before he did he heard a small voice say, "Thank you Vegeta..." Then it drifted off.
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Bulma woke the next morning remembering what she had seen when she had woke up that night. She had been in a bed, but not her own. She got up and realized she was in a ship. She wandered around until she found the control room and she had opened the main window screen. She had almost fainted when she looked at what was outside...SPACE.

He had brought her into space with him. But why? She shifted a little in her seat and heard a loud grunt. She then realized she was wrapped in a pair of all, but too familiar strong arms. He had gotten up in the middle of the night and found her asleep in the chair.

She moved a little more to get comfortable trying hard not to wake him. She was unsucessful in her attempts. His eye's fluttered open. "Hey sleepy head I see you decided we should take a vacation." "Not a vacation Onna. A vacation consist of relaxation. We are here to work I'm going to train you until you are at my power level. So this is more of a trip you might say." "Your going to what?"

"I'm going to train you. No real Sayain should be so weak and we are going to get you as strong as me." "Oh really and how do you plan on doing that?" "The same way I train. But we aren't going to get you on the gravity training right away first I have to teach you the basics. Like flying and ki blasts. Then we'll work on the harder stuff. I am not an easy teacher to work with. I don't care if you are my mate. That does not mean I will take it easy on you. Now I expect you to know how to fly and direct ki blasts by the end of the day, which means I will need your full attention and cooperation, and if you don't plan on giving it to me then I will turn this ship around now and take you home."

"Sir yes sir, I will follow everything you tell me to do." "Oh, by the way Onna, would you like to know where we are?" "Sure." "This is Planet Vegeta, or at lest what is left of it." She looked outside and saw the rubble and they watched it float around together for some time.
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~Ok i am uploading more chapters as i type so be happy wooooo~