Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ Stages to Freedom ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10: Stages to Freedom

Bulma opened her eye's very slowly. She looked at her surroundings for a moment, then realized she was in a dungeon. Her arms and legs were chained to the wall behind her and her head was chained to it as well. She had a small ring around her neck attached to the wall.

*Ha, they think this stupid chains can hold me they are stupider than they look.* She tried to break the chain to get her hands free. But instead of getting free she felt a large shock go through her body. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed and could hear it echo through the corridors of the ship.

"I wouldn't do that my pretty. We know you are strong. We wouldn't be so stupid as to put normal chains on you. If you struggle against those chains then you get a 20,000 volt shock through you system." Cooler told her while laughing.

"Where am I?! Where is Vegeta?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM!!?" "Now now little one, do not fret. He is still alive and well...although...he may not be for long." He started to leave the room.

"What the hell do you mean by that...come back here you coward!!!!!" He walked on as if he didn't even hear her. *Vegeta where are you? What are they doing or going to do to you? I hope your safe.*
________________________________________________________________ ___________

Vegeta opened his eye's to find himself in a dark room. He could see nothing. He perked up his senses to make sure no one was in the room. He picked up a ki in the room but it wasn't human or humanoid. I was some sort of animal and according to the signature it was a BIG animal.

He could hear what sounded like talons on the floor. He could hear a low breathing and then a loud grunt. All of a sudden the room lit up for a split second. Vegeta looked to see the sorce of light. The source of light was fire. That wasn't the surprising part, the surprising thing was where the fire had come from...A DRAGON!

There was a huge fire breathing dragon in the room with him. It would be hard to fight it since all he could do was sense its ki. All of a sudden Vegeta felt himself flying into the air at a very fast speed. Then with a crash he hit the wall hard. It hurt, but Bulma could hit harder than this thing.

'Do these morons believe me to be so weak?' Vegeta flew at the dragon full force using his senses to locate the beast. He found it and powered up his energy and blasted a hole through the dragons chest. 'That was too easy.'

All at once the room fully lit up and Vegeta found he was in a rather large room that was all white. In front of him was a rather large screen. It flickered slightly then came on and Vegeta was starring at Cooler.

"Very well done Prince. You are much stronger than I thought, you defeated my dragon with ease. Well that was stage one. If you wish to get to your little whore you will have to get through stages two and three as well."

"Where is Bulma? What have you done with her? I swear if you hurt her I'll..." Vegeta was cut off by Cooler, "Relax she is fine. But you have to make it throught the stages to get to her." "Very well, I will play your little game, but as soon as I get out I will kill you. No one kidnaps my mate and gets away with it!"

"Oh so you have taken the little slut as your own?" "Yes, but that is of no concern to you. Your only concern is to get out of here, because as I get through your stages I'm coming after you!"

"Haha I doubt you will even get through stage 2; it is a bit more difficult." Just go through that door over there." Cooler looked at a door to the right. "Good luck Prince...you'll need it." With that the screen flicked off. 'I'll have to remember to kill him slowly.'

Vegeta walked through the door to go to the next stage. If it was as easy as the last one he should be able to get out of here soon.
_________________________________________________________________ __________

Bulma had fallen asleep, but was quickly awakened by a loud noise. It was the door to the chamber opening. Bulma felt her heart leap into her throat as she saw who it was...VEGETA!

"Oh Kami, Vegeta get me out of here. Please and hurry they might be coming back any time now." Vegeta said nothing as her undid her chains then picked her up. "Come on let us get out of here."

Vegeta started running through hundreds of corridors. He turned left then right then left again. *He acts as if he actually knows his way around.*

They finally stopped at a door marked with a weird looking symbol on it. Vegeta grinned, but it scared Bulma. She had never seen him grin like that before and it was frightening. He looked at her then smiled a cold lifeless smile that scared Bulma even more.

"Here we are. This is the docking bay where they put our ship. You go in and wait for me I have to get something I'll be back soon." Bulma took another look at the symbol on the door then remembered seeing it on Coolers forhead. Then Bulma looked at Vegeta and saw something she hadn't before on his forhead was the same symbol!!!

"Wait a minute your not Vegeta your..." She was cut off. The person who was supposed to be Vegeta opened the door and threw her in. She shook her head to take a look around her. She was not in a docking bay she was in a BEDROOM!!! *Oh no this must be that Cooler guys bedroom. What do I do now?*

All of a sudden the Vegeta imposter appeared in front of her. "Well you are observant I'll give you that. It didn't take you long to figure out I wasn't the real deal." All of a sudden the form started to morph. His face changed shape as did his body. Bulma looked on as the body of Cooler appeared before her.

"Nice trick huh? I will leave you for the moment to tend to Vegeta, but once I kill him I will come back to claim my victory prize. You see unlike that stupid race of moronic apes called Sayain, Ice-jinn do not care about bonding. If you are bonded to someone we could care less, as long as we get what we want."

He left the room leaving Bulma to figure out how to get out of there.
________________________________________________________________ ___________

Vegeta walked through the door that Cooler had pointed out to him. He found himself in a rather large hallway. He walked for what seemed like hours. Then he saw at the end of the hallway was a large door.

He had to power up slightly to open the door. Once it was open he found himself in a very familiar looking room. To his surprise the room he was in looked a lot like his father's throne room in the old palace.

Vegeta looked around waiting to see what the next test would be. Then the throne moved out of place opening the secret door in the back. And out stepped...his father!

Vegeta looked in surprise to see that it was his father standing before him. 'NO!!! It can't be he's dead! He can't be here!' His father looked at him for a few seconds before speaking. "What's the matter Vegeta you looked surprised to see me?" "You are dead old man you can't be here!!!"

"Oh, but I am alive and well. Oh and in case you are wondering that whole thing with you being taken by Frieza. That was a set up; I gave you to Frieza. The fact that your mother was killed was purely accidental. She got in the wrong place at the wrong time. She decided at the last moment she didn't want to give you up and Frieza blew her away."

"YOU LIE!!! Mother would never agree to that. There is something wrong with you I know you aren't the best father in the world, but you wouldn't freely give me up to that scumsucker Frieza!"

"Oh, but I would and I did and I am your next challenge. You get by me and you get to advance to Cooler himself." Before his father lunged at him Vegeta noticed a strange device on his father's head. 'So that's it he's being brainwashed. But how is he still alive I know I felt his energy fade away that day on the ship?'

Vegeta's father came at him full force already at maximum power. Vegeta found it extremely easy to dodge his father's attacks. 'This is too easy he has grown so weak.' Vegeta planted his foot in his father's chest then punched him in the face. He took his hands balled into a fist and hit his father in the back sending him flying towards the ground.

His father stood up and looked at his son. "You have grown much stronger Vegeta. You haven't even powered up and you were able to dodge all my attacks so easily. The sad thing is I am at full power. Which means I can't beat you, but I have a duty."

He flew at Vegeta again this time Vegeta was ready. 'I'll end this now.' He powered a ki blast and sent it straight through his father's chest also shattering the device on his head.

King Vegeta hit the ground full force and coughed blood. He looked dazed as if he had no idea where he was. "I am sorry Vegeta...cough...I never meant for this to happen. I wasn't killed in the fight against Frieza, but he gave me to Cooler who knew I would never fight you so he used this thing to brainwash me. Everything I said awhile ago was a lie my son. I would never give you up to that monster freely. I am sorry. You never forgot the promise did you?"

"No Father I never forgot." "Good now go and find her. She needs you Vegeta. She loves...cough...you. Go! Go now and rescue her...cough...but first please put me out of my misery Vegeta. Kill me please!" "Yes Father..." Vegeta powered up a blast. "I love you my son never forget that. Your mother loved you just as much and I want you to protect that girl with everything you have...after all she is carrying my grandchild." "Yes Father I know and...I love you too."

"You need to tell her so as well. Oh and...cough...I'll say hello to your mother for you." "Thank you Father I will protect Bulma and I will always love you and Mother. Tell her I send my love." "I will...cough." "I've missed you Father." "And I you Vegeta..." With that final word Vegeta shot the blast at his father blowing him into nothing. "...goodbye...Father..." Vegeta heard a faint, "Goodbye," from his father as he disentagrated. Vegeta could feel the tears welling up in his eye's as a single tear rolled down his cheek...but only one.

The screen that had been in the room flickered for a second then lit up. "Very well done Vegeta, I never thought you had it in you to kill your own father." "YOU SICK FUCK I WILL KILL YOU FOR MAKING ME DO THAT!!!!!!!" "Now calm down Vegeta you are the one who agreed to play the game. Now on to stage three which will be much harder than the last two I can asure you...good luck."

With that the screen flicked off and Vegeta went through the door to his left to go to stage three.
________________________________________________________________ ____________

Bulma was still in the room and fired thousands of ki blasts at the door by now and it hadn't budged. She had cinged it a bit, but that was about it.

Bulma's head shot up when she heard the door start to creak open. It was Cooler. "Well my dear, I see that you have a lot of spunk. You will be a perfect whore for me." " I wouldn't sleep with you if you threatened to kill me you freak!"

"Well for now we have to go and see Vegeta. He actually managed to get to stage 3. That means he has to face me. But I need to have a loop hole to make sure that I win so you are going to come with me."

He grabbed Bulma's arm and jerked her out the door. *Oh no he is going to use me to blackmail Vegeta into forfitting the fight on account of my safety!*

They walked on until Cooler brought her into a large room. He tied her to a pole in the middle of the room and gagged her. "Now be quiet little girl or I'll have to kill you. I will be back shortly."

Bulma mouthed something under the gag, but it was untranslatable. Cooler left Bulma in the cold dark room all alone. Kami knows how long it would be before he returned.
_____________________________________________________________ ______________

Vegeta walked through another large hallway for longer than the last one. He came to another door at the end of the hallway. This one was normal sized and Vegeta opened it with little effort.

When he came into the room it turned out to be a large arena. He looked around and saw no one and could sense no one.

It wasn't long before he sensed Cooler's approach. Vegeta looked up onto a large platform at the very end of the arena. Cooler came into view shortly.

"Well well Vegeta, how do you like it? I modeled it after the one on Planet Vegeta. You know the one where you made your first kill at the age of 5. You were such a ruthless child. All your inacense taken from you at such a young age. You were a blood thirsty killing machine by the time you were 4 1/2 and made your first kill at the age of 5 in this very arena."

"You freak where is Bulma? I will kill you for making me have to kill my own father whom I thought dead for the past 12 years. I finally found out he is alive, only to have to kill him!!! You are a phsychopathic freak only you could do something this underhanded!!! I should have killed you when I had the chance you baka of an Ice-jinn!!!!!!"

"Well now you will get the chance..." Cooler starred at him for a few seconds then spoke with a devilish sickening grin on his face. "Stage 3 you fight me!"
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