Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ Hidden Feelings Bring Out Hidden Powers ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 11: Hidden Feelings Bring Out Hidden Power

Cooler lunged at Vegeta with lightning speed, but he was still no match for Vegeta. Vegeta dodged him easily and rammed a fist into his stomach then sent him sailing to the ground by planting two iron fists into his back.

After recovering from the last attack Cooler got up out of his crater. He looked at Vegeta a furious look in his eyes. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT MONKEY!!!" Vegeta was then in front of him in the blink of an eye. "You know I am really sick of you people calling us MONKEYS!!!"

Vegeta powered an energy beam and shot it straight into Cooler's chest. He went flying across the arena. He hit a wall with a loud crash. He climbed out again. Then once again lunged at Vegeta.

Vegeta decided to have some fun. He starting toying with Cooler. He would get out of his reach just before his fist hit him and he would let Cooler hit him then look as if it didn't even hurt. ~which it didn't~ Then finally Vegeta rememberd who was being held captive in this hell house.

"Well Cooler it has been fun, but I have to end this. You took something then had the gall to challenge me for the right to keep her! I don't think so, I marked her and she is mine you ugly lizard! You really are a baka if you think you can take something from the Prince of all Sayains and live to tell about it!"

Vegeta was about to power up a ki beam to finish off Cooler when to Vegeta's surprise Cooler began to laugh. He stood up off the ground and laughed even harder. "Did you really think it would be that easy to defeat me, You stupid monkey?! I have a little trick to show you. As you know an Ice-jinn can transform at certain ages. Being the oldest I learned to transform before Frieza, but my transformations seemed to be weaker than Frieza's and then I found out Father had been giving him a new type of stellroid that enhanced the transformations. I was furious. How could Father share this new secret with that brat and not me, his oldest son who should rightfully be the stronger?!"

"I got so angry that my power exploded and my rage took over. As you can see I am in the third form at the moment. Well thanks to my explosion of rage I discovered a fourth form. It far surpassed that of my younger brothers even with his little helper. I loved it and I couldn't wait to try it out on the little runt, but unfortuanatly for me he had already been killed, so I'll just have to use it on YOU!"

With an explosion of power Cooler began to take a different shape. His muscles bulged and armor begen to sprout all over his body that looked organic. A large helmet looking thing appeared on his forhead. It had a large purple jewel in the middle of the helmet. Four large horns were on the helmet and as soon as he was done transforming he whispered develishly "Now we begin..." He lunged at Vegeta after a mask appeared over his face. ~It made him look like shredder from the teenage mutant ninja turtles. FYI: His form was called the shredder. What a concept.~

Vegeta tried to block his attacks, but he was too fast. He ended up with two punches to the face, three kicks in the stomach, and Kami knows how many to his groins. ~OUCH!!~ He tried his hardest. But try as he might Cooler was just too strong.

Vegeta powered up to his maximum level, but Cooler still beat him to a pulp. Cooler planted his locked fists into Vegeta's back sending him hurtling towards the ground. Vegeta hit with one hell of a blow. Vegeta felt every mucsle in his body throbbing with pain.

Cooler came down to plant his foot in Vegeta's stomach, but Vegeta managed to block it. Unfortunatly that did more hurt than good. Cooler's blow had so much force to it that it broke Vegeta's arm and dilocated his shoulder.

Vegeta wailed in pain. Cooler got up and Vegeta barely managed to lift himself out of his crater. Vegeta looked at Cooler and was so angry he could hardly contain himself. 'No I can't lose! If I do who knows what this freak will do to Bulma! He will rape her, torture her, or even worse, he may kill her after he has his fun with her! I can't let that happen!'

Vegeta heard a small chuckle coming from the other side of the room. Cooler was laughing. "You know Vegeta I could kill you now, but I want someone here to watch as you slowly die."

Cooler flew up to the tall platform and stood on it. He held up a small remote and pushed the button on it. All of a sudden the ground under the arena shook. Vegeta looked all around to see what was happening. All at once a small hole in the cieling of the building opened and a pole began to slide out of it.

Tied to the pole was a now screaming Bulma who immediatly stopped her yelling when she saw Vegeta. "Oh my Kami, what happened to you Vegeta?! Your hurt! Cooler you son of a bitch you wouldn't be laughing if I were untied!!!"

"Bulma are you all right? Has he hurt you?" "No I'm fine Vegeta, but there is no way in HFIL that you can fight! Not with the way you look!"

"I'm sorry to break up this little reunion, but I'm afraid I have to kill you now Vegeta!" Cooler lunged at Vegeta full force, but before he could hit Vegeta he heard a loud scream. He felt a large serge of power then looked to see the pole. The chains were rattling and Bulma looked furious. She had a light blue aura glowing around her then all at once the chains snapped. The one thing that worried Cooler the most was not her power. His was still stronger, but the fact that those were energy draining chains made to hold back even a Super Sayain and the fact that her eye's were no longer blue, but a dark, glowing,...RED.
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Bulma was sitting above the arena starring at her love who was hurt and unable to defend himself. Then after Cooler spoke he charged at Vegeta ready to kill him with one strike.

Then something inside Bulma snapped. She could feel the rage building inside of her as the thought of losing Vegeta crossed her mind. *No he will not take Vegeta from me! I have to protect him no matter what the cost!*

She felt the ki around her begin to swirl. Her mind was racing. Every agonizing thought of losing Vegeta that crossed her mind made her want to kill Cooler even more to were she thought she was at the breaking point.

And then it hit. She snapped and she could feel her ki rising to new hieghts. It still wasn't enough power to defeat Cooler though and then something else happened. She could hear that all to familiar voice in her head. The demon was back.

She had stopped using her mind abilities for this purpose and now it was back. ~^demon speaking^~ ^Bulma you know you need me. You don't have enough power to defeat Cooler, but if you use your mind he could die instantly. You could make him rip out his own heart with a thought if you liked.^ *No I got rid of you long ago and I am not going to use those powers again no matter what the circumstances.* ^Fine let your beloved Vegeta DIE!^ *NOOOOOOOOO!*

With one last explosion of rage Bulma let the demon take over and she could see nothing, but red now. She felt the dark black gargoyle like wings sprout on her back, the red glowing horns grew on her head. With a mere thought Bulma felt the chains snap into nothing. She flew down to the fighters and starred Cooler in the eye's with her dark red lifeless ones.
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Vegeta looked at Bulma in astonishment. He remembered that Frieza had told him about this. It was the demon that lerked inside an Albino Sayain. All the demon needed was to be prevoked out by the need for the Albino to want to kill. Then once it had killed the demon will either rest for all eternity and leave the host be or take them over fully and go on a killing spree.

'When Cooler attacked me Bulma must have let her rage take over and it let the demon free. Does she care about me that much? In that state she is the most deadly being alive! She can kill Cooler with a mere thought! And if the demon lays to rest after the kill she will be able to use her abilities freely. Hmm, that could prove useful.*

Cooler starred at Bulma so scared to move that he almost passed out. Bulma looked at him with the most deadly look on her face. "Cooler you will DIE!!" She had a seductive voice that would make a person crumble at her feet with desire and yet it was so frightening that you would die from hearing it.

Bulma took hold of Cooler's heart with her mind. Cooler clutched his chest feeling a pain as if something had taken hold of his heart. Then he remembered a story about beings who could do this, but they were called Albino Sayains therefore they had to be Sayain.

Then Cooler caught a glimpse of something that he hadnt' noticed before. An aquamarine tail swayed back and forth behind Bulma. (My Kami she is the Albino Sayain who escaped all those years ago!!)

All of a sudden Bulma began to scream, "Nooooo!! I don't need your help and I don't want it! Give me back my body you demon and get out of my head!! I will kill him of my own accord not like this!! Get out!!" Bulma released her grip on Cooler while arguing with the demon. ^No you fool you let him go, now he will kill you for sure!!^

Cooler saw this as a moment of weakness and then charged at Bulma grabbing her around the neck. She was still fighting with herself and couldn't fight back. "Well Vegeta, I guess you get to watch her die first."

Cooler was ready to snap her neck then he felt a power surge from Vegeta. Vegeta threw his head back and screamed, "YOU WILL NOT HURT HER YOU FREAK AND I WILL KILL YOU FOR TOUCHING HER!!!!!!"

All at once Vegeta's hair turned golden then his eyebrows. His eye's turned blue and his power went through the roof surpassing way beyond Cooler's. (Oh no, not another one the girl, gaining enough power to kill me was bad enough, but now Vegeta has gone Super Sayain!!!)

Vegeta lashed at Cooler. Cooler releasing his grip on Bulma began to flee for his life. "COWARD GET BACK HERE AND FACE YOUR DOOM LIKE A LIZARD!!!" Vegeta was a lot faster than Cooler and caught him easily. He powered up as much he could and got ready to fire. Then Vegeta yelled in rage, "FINAL FLASH...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He fired his most powerful beam at Cooler turning him to nothing, but particles of dust.
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