Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Words That Are Spoken Yet Remain Silent ❯ Time Flies ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~OK I have decided to be really nice and post the rest of the chapters tonight. *covers ears while people scream* And I am going to post the first chapter of Elemental Dragons soon. (Sequel to WTASYRS) Now on to the story.~

Chapter 18: Time Flies

Time sure did fly pretty fast. Bulma was now about 11 months and as big as a blimp. She had a hard time walking and gettting dressed. And she was always complaining on how she hadn't seen her feet in over eight months now.

Her and Vegeta had had to stop their nighttime activities after about 3 months because Bulma had started to grow in size.

She was expecting in about a month an a half. The doctor still didn't understand how she was way over 9 months and he was going to take the baby out by c-section, but Vegeta had interjected saying that if he had even tried to take the child out before the right time that he would blow his head off and shove it up his ass.

Bulma was totally miserable. She felt like a blimp and looked like one. The others were always telling her that she looked great, but she knew they only said that to cheer her up. Vegeta was training harder than ever trying to keep his status above Goku's. He gloated all the time now that he was finally stronger than Goku.

Bulma had had to put her training on hold for awhile. You can't really train when you can't even lift yourself into the air.

Bulma walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. She thought it time to go and get Vegeta for dinner.

She walked out of the house and across the lawn to the GR. She opened the door and the emergency shut off system kicked in making Vegeta hit the ceiling. "Damnit woman, what is the meaning of this?!" "Dinners ready." He "hmph"-ed in reply and walked out with her.

He had been especially protective of her since she had started to get bigger making her scent slightly stronger. Tien, Choazu, and Krillon stayed away from CC now, because the scent affected them as well. Each one had made the mistake of mentioning it to Bulma and getting their ass kicked by Vegeta. So they only called so as to avoid Vegeta until the baby was born.

The scent didn't affect Goku since he had been through it once, it didn't affect Gohan because he was only a little boy, and it didn't affect Piccolo because he was A-Sexual.
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After dinner Bulma had gone outside to take a walk. She walked through the woods for some time. Vegeta of course had tagged along so as to keep her safe.

"Vegeta tell me something?" "What?" He said sternly. "What the hell happened in your past to make you so cold?"

Vegeta had known for a long time that this question would be coming. He had hoped to tell her some time before now, but had never got up the courage to do so. He remembered that in that one dream he had, his father had told him to tell her, but it was just so horrible to try and remember all that had happened.

"Well we will need to find a place to sit down. It is a very long story." "Ok." She took him by the hand and led him to a nearby tree and they sat down. He sat next to her then picked her up and situated her in his lap so she would be comfortable.

"It all started when I was about five years old. I was at home with my mother and she was out at the back of the palace in the garden. I was still an inocent child then. I wasn't a ruthless killer yet. I would always go out back and help my mother with the flowers. She always used to say that I would have been such a perfect little boy had my mind not been corrupted by Frieza."

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't have the Vegeta that I love." "True. But this was also before Frieza had taken over. I had been back there helping Mother and then the sky went black."

"My father ran out back and told me and my mother to go inside and stay there. I heard what sounded like a ship landing. I looked out one of the castle windows and saw the most hideous looking creature I had ever seen...Frieza." Vegeta said his name with a coldness and such disgust that it was almost frightening.

"He started to talk to my father. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could tell my father was angry, because his face was red, his energy was swelling, and it looked like he was yelling. All of a sudden that monsters ki swelled at a higher level and he hit my father in the stomach making him fall to the ground. My mother ran outside and I followed her. She ran to my father's side and tried to see if he was ok. He was fine. It was a minor injury. But then Frieza snapped his fingers and his guards grabbed my mother."

"He said something to my father, but before he could finish talking I had attacked. I flew at the guards as fast as I could. Even as young as I was I was still the strongest child on the planet. I powered up to my maximum and hit both of the guards full force. They crumbled to the ground and I started to run to my mother, but then Frieza grabbed me and pulled me back."

"Sure I was strong, but I was no match for Frieza. He had an evil and snake-like voice. He asked my father, "Who is this boy?" He told him that I was his son. Frieza laughed and said he would make a proposition with my father. He would take me and train me to use my beyond normal powers to their full extent and instead of destroying Vegeta-sei ~Planet Vegeta~ He would let us work for him. My father agreed as long as he didn't hurt us."

"Well the next few years of my life were the most miserable. Frieza's men tortured me and put me the brink of death a hundred times over. Everytime I came out stronger and a little more heartless. By the time I was eight years old I was so cold hearted that the whole planet quivered at the sound of my name."

"It got so bad that I couldn't even walk through the ship without people running to keep out of my way. Everywhere I went I was feared. If it was even rumored that I was going to a planet to purge it all the inhabitants would clear out as fast as they could. I have destroyed thousands of planets and killed millions of people, Bulma. I always want you to remember that. I never want you to think me something that I'm not. I am not one of those lovey dovey caring for all kind of men. I am cold and ruthless and I am a murderer."

"You forgot to say arrogant. And Vegeta, I want you to know...I wouldn't have you any other way. I know you aren't that way and I understand. Besides I wouldn't like you if you were. I have always liked the strong arrogant type."

Vegeta chuckled slightly, "Well to continue with my story. It was when I was eight years old that I decided never to love anyone ever again. I loved my parents dearly. But one day I went to my room after training and found my mother there. She said her and Father were going to start the attack on Frieza. I told them that they wouldn't survive, but they said that they had to try."

Vegeta looked slightly disgruntled, but continued, "They told me if they survived then they would come and get me. And if they didn't then Frieza's men would come and get me. I told them that they had to promise to come get me...they didn't promise me though. My father made me promise to never forget how to feel. I silently promised, but told him that I refused to promise to such a weak thing. He laughed and said I would have been so much better off if Frieza had never come. They left and not too long afterward Frieza's henchman Zarbon came and got me."

"I cried so long that night. I had never cried before in my life until that day. It hurt so bad. I knew my parents were gone and I would never see them again. I vowed then that I would have to break my promise to my father and that I would never love anyone again. It hurt too much. I thought why bother loving someone only to lose them again."

"Then ended up breaking my vow to myself and keeping Father's promise by falling in love with you the first time I met you by accident. It happened so fast that I hadn't realized it until you were already gone."

He looked down at her and smiled. He was so glad to finally be able to tell someone of his past. It felt wonderful to get it all off his chest. "Then when you were kidnapped by Cooler I saw my father again. He was the second challenge on the ship that I had to face. He had been brainwashed. I ended up having to kill him all over again after so many years of thinking him already dead. That was the biggest mistake that Cooler could have made in his life other than kidnapping my mate."

Bulma grinned at his words. It sounded strange at first to hear him call her his mate, but now that she remembered her Sayain heritage it sounded very nice. "Well now you know of my terrible past. And I am so releaved to have told someone. That shit has been boiling up inside of me for so many years. If I hadn't found you I don't know what I would've done." He placed a kiss on her forhead. "And our brat is going to be the strongest in the universe beside his parents." "And the smartest," Bulma added.

Bulma snuggled into him. She always felt so safe in his arms. He had such a strong grip and yet when he wanted to be he was as gentle as a lamb.

All of a sudden Bulma felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She thought at first that it just might be a stomach cramp. She had been getting those a lot lately. But she thought other wise when she looked down to see that her pants were wet.

She looked over at Vegeta with a panick stricken look on her face. He looked at her slightly worried, "What is it? Is something wrong?" She looked at him and whispered gently, "Vegeta..." She said placing a hand on her stomach, "it's time..."
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