Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ A Painful Choice ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

***Ok, you have permission to kick my butt- I didn't get to Dee and Ryo's reunion yet! This chapter ran away on me, but I am 100% sure they WILL see each other in the next chapter, so don't hurt me too badly!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
Nearly two weeks had passed since Dee's departure and still Ryo had received no word from him and no one else had heard from him in days. The blonde was beginning to worry he wouldn't be coming back. He had returned to his room with Rose after the unsettling incident had occurred with JJ, but he didn't feel any more comfortable around the older boy. Most of his time he spent alone in the library, though he got very little studying done as his mind was filled with images of his lover and plots to sneak off school grounds to see him.
Day after day away from the dark, handsome greaser was taking its toll on Ryo; he couldn't concentrate his schoolwork and his grades were starting to slip. As badly as he wished to see Dee, however, he knew he couldn't just show up on his doorstep, that wouldn't change anything. He needed to take action first to try and mend the damage he'd made. It may have been too late to help Aaron, but he could ensure that the boy didn't die in vain. Finally he would take it upon himself to clear his name and get Martin sacked. But that would mean coming forward and having to explain to the school board what the teacher had tried to do to him.
If only Dee could be there to support him and help him through it. No, he would have to face the ordeal alone. Then, maybe, he could face his lover again and heal the rift between them.
However, this was easier said than done. Each morning Ryo woke with the resolve that /this/ would be the day he would come forward. Yet every day he hoped against hope that Dee would return and he would be spared the trauma of going through with his plan. As time worn on, he knew in his heart he had to rely on himself, no one else, and finally he woke up one chilly morning and just /knew/- it was now or never.
There was still one option left, however, that would enable him to avoid testifying before the board and bearing their scrutiny: he could give Martin the chance to resign. Straightening his tie, he walked definitely down the long corridor, passed the Dining hall towards the classrooms. Ryo knew Martin would already be in his classroom for first period, so he chose to confront him there, it would give him enough time alone with the man to explain his intentions, but knew he would be safe from any of the teacher's advances as the other students would be arriving shortly for their class.
Opening that door to face Martin was one of the hardest things Ryo would ever have to do, but there was no going back now.
“Well, well,” Martin said with a raised brow as he watched the blonde enter the empty classroom. “What brings you here? We don't have class until this afternoon and you usually bolt out the door the second the bell rings.”
Pushing back the disturbing memories that surfaced as the tall man stood and walked passed him to quietly shut the door, Ryo steeled his will and looked him challengingly in the eye.
“Such a serious face,” Martin said in a low voice, leaning in close to him. “I was sure you were avoiding me, Ryo. Have you finally decided to stop running and give in to me?”
The blonde fought a shutter of revulsion as the man traced his jaw line with a one long finger. His anger at Martin's casual use of his real name helped fuel his resolve and, stepping away from him, Ryo tried to draw himself up to look braver than he felt.
“Hardly,” he replied in a stern tone, “I'm giving you a chance to resign.”
Martin's laugh at these words sent a sickly chill running along Ryo's nerves and now he wished he had never come. What had he been thinking? Martin would never willingly leave the school, he was too arrogant and too sure of his reputation to be frightened by one frail student's threats.
But Ryo had no choice, he had to see this scenario through no matter how distasteful.
“Just why would I be resigning?”
Ryo clenched his fists, “Because otherwise I'll go to the Dean and tell him everything you've tried to do to me!”
But Martin continued to smile.
“What I /tried/ to do? And what evidence to you have of this?” The teacher's smirk sent Ryo's temper seething and he began to wonder if this same scene had been played out before between him and other students in the past. The man was far too confident.
“I have my word!” Ryo retorted.
Martin waved a hand dismissively. “Do you really think they'll believe a troublesome student over a teacher that has served them without incident for years? All I have to say is that you misconstrued my actions and you'll look like a complete fool. Is that what you want?”
“Is this the same speech you told to Aaron before you had him expelled? Or had he already made a statement against you so that you had to discredit him? Don't think I'll go as quietly as he did!”
Ryo was surprised to see a deep and sudden shift in Martin's demeanor at the mention of Aaron's name. His smooth veneer cracked and his brows drew together like dark clouds over his narrowed eyes.
“You'd be wise not to bring up that name, his fate should be a warning to you.”
Before Ryo could reply, the door burst open and the first students jostled into the classroom, oblivious to the episode they were interrupting.
Ryo, needing no other incentive to leave the room and Martin's presence after his threatening words, scurried quickly out the door. If the man had wanted to frighten him, he had done his job well.
However, it had become all the more clear to him that he must come forward against Martin, since it was painfully obvious the man had no fear of authority and must have been exploiting his position for some time in order to abuse his students. As soon as the day was over, Ryo would run straight to the Dean's office, but for now he had class to attend. Though he would have preferred to go see the Dean right at that moment, he knew it would look bad to go rushing into his office while classes were in session. And besides, it would give him some time to collect his thoughts and figure out exactly what he would say to the man.
Unfortunately, this meant Ryo was forced to face Martin once more before the day was out, as he still had a class with him. Although he prayed that the hour would pass without incident, his hopes failed him. Before he had even taken his seat, he glanced briefly at Martin and caught a sly, malicious look in his eyes.
The next hour was pure torture for Ryo. It was no secret that he was behind in his work and the sadistic teacher knew it. At every opportunity, Martin called on Ryo, who failed to answer correctly again and again, earning a sharp slap across his knuckles with a rigid ruler. It wasn't an unusual punishment, although it was being administered somewhat liberally.
“What the hell did you do to piss him off?” Drake, who sat behind him, hissed in Ryo's ear after the third strike. Ryo simply shrugged, he couldn't exactly explain the situation.
Martin wasn't simply exacting revenge for Ryo's threats earlier that morning, he was baiting him and Ryo knew it. The teacher obviously wanted him to act out, all the better to discredit him when he went running to the Dean with his accusations. But Ryo knew if he could hold out than the teacher's actions would work against him. Martin would be the one to look unreasonable, he would be the one to look as if he was deliberately bullying his student. Just a little longer, Ryo told himself, and class would end and he could be free. If only he could hold out until then…
Ryo flinched as the ruler rapped once more across his fingers.
“Pay attention, Mr. Maclain!” he heard the unbearable man tell him. Ryo sucked at his red knuckles and held his ever-rising wrath in check.
But Martin didn't give up so easily. As he walked back up to his desk, he shook his head. “I'm very disappointed in you, Maclean. You showed such promise earlier in the year, but I suppose your increasingly poor academic performance is a product of the company you keep.”
Ryo gritted his teeth at the deliberate dig at his lover and his friends. Around him, he heard the more privileged students snickering, while others whispered in surprise at the teacher's thinly veiled insults toward the group of greasers. Drake and Ted stared daggers at the smug teacher from their seats, but said nothing.
Yet Ryo remained silent as well, so Martin pressed on.
“I would have thought that what happened to Aaron would have served as a warning to you, but I suppose it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch and Aaron, unfortunately, was always rather weak-willed.”
Drake blinked in surprise as he saw Ryo slowly rise from the seat before him.
“Take that back,” the blonde said in a voice that quivered with suppressed fury.
“What did you say to me?” Martin retorted, eyes narrowing dangerously on the defiant student.
Ryo lifted his dark, rebellious eyes to meet the teacher's own. He had tried to ignore the man's needling, to restrain himself from speaking out, but he could not sit idly by while this man slighted Dee and besmirched the memory of Aaron, when he knew quite well that the only reason the boy ended up back at the orphanage and back on the street was because of Martin's own cowardly perversions. At that moment, Ryo stopped blaming himself for the boy's death and focused all his hurt and anger on the one person who was responsible: Martin. And Ryo would see him pay for his transgressions, of that he was certain and suddenly all his fears left him.
Everyone stared up at Ryo with eyes widened in shock. No one had ever heard him yell in such a voice before, let alone in class!
For a long moment the entire room was as still as stone and just as silent. Ryo stared at Martin, his eyes aflame with a defiant fire and his face red with emotion. Without a word, the teacher turned his back on him and pulled open a drawer from the back of his desk.
“Mr. Maclain,” he said in an icy voice, “come up to my desk please.”
Ryo remained stubbornly in place.
“NOW, Randy!”
Slowly, Ryo walked up to the front of the room, prepared to take whatever punishment the teacher would give out. He didn't care anymore, Martin had ceased to have any power over him in his mind. Already Ryo was imaging his conversation with the Dean and the teacher's subsequent expulsion. He watched the man pull out a slim, wicked-looking paddle from the drawer with cool detachment.
Before Martin even had to ask, Ryo leaned over the desk and placed his hands flat on the hard, polished wood. He wouldn't even give the man the satisfaction of ordering him around.
Or so he thought.
“Lower you pants, Randy.”
Unable to hide his dismay, Ryo's head snapped up to meet the teacher's eyes. His own onyx orbs, filled with incredulity, were met with a sickening look of supreme satisfaction from Martin.
But surely he couldn't be serious? Ryo had never seen anyone paddle bare-bottom before. Even when the Headmaster disciplined Dee and Aaron, he hadn't demanded this of them. And to ask for Ryo to submit to this humiliation before the entire classroom- it had to be some cruel joke!
Behind him, the blonde could hear the other students abuzz with this new turn of events. This punishment was unheard of; the newest Headmaster had made it clear when he took up his post several years earlier that, although corporal punishment itself was encouraged, he did not hold with the students having to bare themselves in such a fashion during said punishment. Nothing had been permanently changed in the curriculum, but it was an understood regulation.
Ryo of course, being a new student, was not aware of this and so did not even have the gratification of knowing that Martin was endangering himself by disciplining him so blatantly in front of an entire group of students.
All the boy did know was that, just when he thought he was free from the teacher's grip, the man had found a new way to torment him.
As Ryo stood gapping, Martin, whose face was hidden from the other students as he stood with his back to them, caressed his paddle with unveiled anticipation and ordered Ryo again: “I said to lower your trousers, Mr. Maclain!”
Afraid that if he defied the teacher further he would truly get himself into serious trouble with the higher authorities, Ryo slowly and begrudgingly unbuckled his belt and slid his pants, inch by reluctant inch, down his backside, until he was fully exposed.
“Quiet!” Martin yelled to silence the ripple of chuckles that spread through the room as the others amused themselves at Ryo's expense.
The small blonde boy had never felt so vulnerable. He tried in vain to resurrect the courage he had felt earlier, but it was difficult to do so as he was forced to prostrate himself before his fellow classmates. He could never remember being so embarrassed and he realized now he had been foolish to act out against Martin. The man wasn't worth enduring this humiliation and he could have easily avoided it if he hadn't let his emotions get the better of him.
“I'm going to have to teach you to treat others with respect, Mr. Maclain!”
God, how it galled Ryo to hear such words being spoken to him by the very teacher who so shamelessly disrespected his students and violated them.
“You'll receive six strikes for your disobedience!”
Although the teacher's voice was stern, Ryo knew he was enjoying every sordid moment the boy was required to remain so exposed.
Steeling himself for the first blow, Ryo promised himself that he would not cry out, at least he would not give Martin that perverse pleasure. But the boy had never been paddled before and he underestimated the strength of the teacher's arm, as well as the vicious delight he took in tormenting him.
Martin grinned at the gasp of shocked pain Ryo let escape from his lips with the first strike. He couldn't get enough of the site of the boy helpless and sprawled out before him and with each swing he seemed to hit the mark with more cruel accuracy.
By the time he reached the fourth blow, Ryo's buttocks was a deep, raw red and even the most glib of students was squirming in his seat and flinching as the paddle sang through the air and hit the blonde boy with a resounding crack.
After the initial surprise of the first strike, Ryo had been able to hold back from vocalizing his agony, but he now had a renewed appreciation for the fact that Dee had taken his licks for him after the Dining Hall incident at the start of the school year. He'd never quite been in so much pain, and coupled with the mortification of his naked backside, it was almost too much to endure.
Martin paused before the last blow and Ryo prayed that he would forgo it. His palms and brow were sweating from the exertion of holding back his cries and his fingers clawed at the desk beneath him in desperation.
“Maybe now,” Martin said in a low voice filled with enmity, “you'll learn to keep your mouth shut!”
The double meaning was not lost on Ryo and he gritted his teeth in frustration. /Just you wait!/ he thought. Unfortunately, the teacher's pause had given time for Ryo's numbed nerves to come to life once more and as Martin pulled back and swung the paddle with the strength of both his arms, he connected with the boy's punished flesh with bruising force. Caught off guard by the brutalizing strike, Ryo cried in anguish.
Hearing the boy scream was like icing on the cake for Martin, who was finding the entire exercise thoroughly arousing. Ryo's bare and reddened behind, his teary face buried in his hands as he struggled to collect himself, it all was deliciously erotic to the teacher and he longed to be alone with the boy and violate him just as he had done with Aaron so many months before.
The bell rang then, interrupting his thoughts.
As the now-sober students shuffled their way out the door, Martin, unable to help himself, leaned down and said softly in Ryo's ear, “You look just like Aaron the first time I took him.”
If he hadn't been so weak, Ryo might have sent his fist into that smug face, but he could barely pull his pants back over his sore bottom, which was probably a good thing. He needed to get away from this man. He needed to report him and end this sick game.
Seething with loathing, Ryo allowed Drake and Ted to walk him out the door.
“Stop,” he told them once they were outside, “we're not going back to the dorms.”
“But Randy-“ Drake protested.
“No,” Ryo said, shaking his head, his eyes set with determination.
“Take me to the Dean.”
***Gotta say, you have no idea how much I was itching to get to this spanking scene! (I guess I just enjoy tormenting for Ryo!) Ok, Dee's coming back next chapter- I promise!
**For advanced chapters and other updates, e-mail mizu@goddessmail.com