Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*** Finally! It's Dee and Ryo's reunion! Will things go as they'd hoped?
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
The School looked even less inviting than usual as Dee stepped through its large wooden doors, but his heart was racing at the thought of seeing Ryo again and mending the rift between them. He fingered the ring hanging about his neck, the one Ryo had given him at Christmas. He recalled that it was his father's ring, the one that held in it a secret pledge of fidelity and love and the greaser reminded himself of Mother's words of encouragement. Yes, Ryo was all worth it.
As he made his way to the dorms, he found that there was a frantic energy running along the walls, as if someone had picked the place up and shook it. Dee tried to remember if there was some special event taking place, but nothing came to mind. As he walked, he glanced around nervously, expecting to see Ryo at any moment and trying to imagine what it would be like, what he would say. However, he made it to his room without any sight of the blonde.
Dragging his luggage behind him, he opened the door and stepped inside- only to be tackled by an over-excited JJ.
“Dee! You're back!” he cried.
“Yes, yes, I'm back! Now get off me!”
Begrudgingly, JJ stood and helped Dee bring his suitcases into the room. The younger boy hovered about the greaser as he unpacked, fawning over him with questions about how he was feeling and whether he missed him or not.
“For God's sake JJ!” Dee shouted when he finally lost patience. “I just got back this second, can you give it a rest?”
The boy pouted, but shut his mouth. When he continued to sulk, Dee turned to him, “Why don't you fill me in on everything that's happened here while I've been gone? That, at least, would be useful.”
He figured that JJ would jump eagerly into conversation with an open topic at hand, but the boy clammed up and looked uncomfortable.
“I'd rather hear about you,” he replied stubbornly.
“Why are you avoiding the subject?” Dee asked, eying him closely.
“No reason!” JJ chirped, bouncing up and beginning to fold some of Dee's clothes away without being asked, blushing when he came across his boxers.
“Give me those!” the greaser yelled, swiping his underwear back and narrowing his eyes on the shorter boy. “What's going on that you don't want to tell me? Spill it!”
JJ fidgeted. “Well, kind of a lot has happened since you left, wouldn't you rather rest first before getting into all that?”
“No,” Dee retorted flatly.
Settling himself on his bed, JJ looked down at his hands in his lap and told him, “Fine. There's been a formal complaint filed against one of the teachers, and the charges against him are being gossiped about all over the school.”
Dee's heart thumped in his chest at this unexpected news. He swallowed, trying to calm himself as his head raced with possibilities.
“What are these charges?”
“Sexual misconduct.”
“Who's involved, JJ?”
Finally meeting his eyes, the silver-haired boy confessed, “It's Randy against Mr. Martin.”
For a moment, the floor felt unsteady beneath his feet. Ryo had done it, he'd finally come forward and Dee hadn't even been there to support him. He sank into the mattress opposite his roommate and held his head in his hands. Part of him wanted to race out the door and find his lover that instant, take him in his arms, soothe him, make love to him, but he was also afraid- afraid that Ryo might reject him after being abandoned for so long.
“The hearing starts tomorrow,” JJ offered.
A thought occurred to Dee. “Has anyone else come forward to support Randy's claims?”
JJ shook his head.
“God damn it! Martin's a manipulative bastard! He'll run Ryo right into the ground!”
Dee flinched. Had he slipped?
“It's nothing- a pet name, that's all,” he answered dismissively.
His roomie frowned at his knowledge. Like he needed to know their little pet names he thought, scowling.
“There's got to be others that Martin took advantage of, JJ. Tell me, do you have any ideas, anything that might help?”
The boy didn't answer and Dee had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach as JJ squirmed.
“Maybe,” was all he said, but it was written all over his face.
“JJ, you-?”
Jumping off the bed, JJ headed for the door. “I have some research I should be doing right now.”
As he passed by him, Dee grabbed hold of his arm, none to gently.
“Martin went after you too, didn't he?”
JJ's eyes went wide. “I don't know what you're talking about! Let me go!”
But Dee's grip was firm.
“I swear to God, JJ, if you know something and you don't come forward, I'll never forgive you!” Dee's tone was uncompromising and JJ had little doubt he meant every word.
Their eyes locked together, Dee watched as the boy's pale eyes searched frantically for escape.
“I can't!” he cried, “You don't understand! It would be a disgrace to my family's name to get caught up in something like this!”
Dee's emerald eyes flared; he'd had enough of people being ruled by fear and family pride. He was sick of it. With deliberately cruel strength, he tightened his grip on JJ's arm, causing the boy to wince.
“You're hurting me!” he protested.
“If Randy has enough courage to come forward, you sure as hell can do the same.”
Suddenly, the boy's eyes changed, narrowing with his own anger. “If it means that much to you, there are better ways to convince me to testify than man-handling me!”
Immediately, Dee eased his grip.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
JJ smiled in return. “I could be coaxed into coming forward,” he said softly, lifting his face within inches of Dee's lips, “if you are willing to persuade me.”
Before he could utter a word or push the boy away, Dee watched in horror as the door opened and Ryo's face appeared before him.
The blonde's dark eyes reflected the shock that snapped through his whole body as he saw Dee and JJ in what looked to be a very personal, very provocative moment. His mind could barely register the scene, so startled was he to suddenly see Dee back when he had heard no news of him for weeks and then find him there with JJ draped over him so intimately.
“I- I'm sorry…” He swung around and left, shutting the door hard behind him.
“Randy!” Dee called, pushing JJ away and running after his lover.
The blonde took no heed of him, rushing down the hallway to his own room and shutting the door.
“Randy!” Dee called plaintively again, just as he was shut out. “It's not what you think! Please!”
Trying the knob, Dee found that the door remained unlocked and he opened it slowly.
The boy was standing with his back to the door, his arms folded across his chest as he gazed out the window at the falling snow. Once Dee was inside, he wasn't sure what to say. For so long he'd looked forward to seeing Ryo, to touching him and reconnecting. He'd had such high hopes and plans for their first meeting and now it had already been ruined.
“I'm sorry about JJ. You know how he is, Ryo. I just arrived a few minutes ago and he practically jumped me.”
/Yeah, that sounded just great!/ Dee thought ruefully to himself as he made his way across the room.
Ryo remained as still and silent as stone as he approached him.
“I heard what you did,” Dee said softly from behind. “It may not mean much anymore, but I'm proud of you, Ryo.” He paused, adding, “And I'm sorry- about leaving, about the things I said before… I'm just sorry.”
The dark-haired boy could almost feel his heart breaking as Ryo continued to stand without a word.
It was too late after all.
“I guess I should leave you alone,” Dee told him, amazed he could keep his voice steady as he moved toward the door.
“Don't go.”
The words were so soft he barely heard them, but they were there, like a gem in the darkness sparking hope again in Dee's heart.
Slowly, he watched as Ryo turned to face him. The blonde's beautiful face looked anguished, the dark depths of his eyes stormy with conflict. All Dee wanted to do was fly over to him and crush him in his arms.
So he did.
“I missed you so much,” he said into the boy's blonde locks as he nuzzled his face into the Ryo's hair, pressing him so tightly to him Dee practically squeezed the breath right out of the boy's body.
Not that Ryo cared. Dee was with him again, as if magically placed back at his side after the long weeks of deprivation. He brought his arms up and clung to him desperately, reveling in the heady dizziness that overtook him as he became drunk on his lover's presence.
“You won't ever leave me again, will you?” Ryo whispered, gazing into those intense green eyes that threatened to encompass all that he was and drown him alive if he let them, and his own obsidian orbs brimmed with tears.
“Never,” Dee replied fervently, stroking Ryo's hair and peppering his angelic face with kisses, licking away his tears.
The passion quickly escalated between them and Dee let his hands roam freely, reacquainting himself with his lover's body. When he reached around to cup Ryo's enticing buttocks in his hands, however, the boy yelped as if he had hurt him.
“Maybe we should slow down,” Ryo suggested, averting his eyes.
For a second, Dee's eyes grew suspicious. Why would the boy's backside be tender? Ryo was an exemplary student, surely he wouldn't have been paddled, but that only left the even less welcome explanation that someone else had been intimate with the blonde and left him sore.
As Ryo sat down uncomfortably on the bed, Dee looked at him intently. “Want to tell me why you're so sore in that particular area?' His tone was sharper than he'd meant it to be and his attitude softened when he saw a look of hurt cross the other boy's face.
“You're not going to like the reason, Dee.”
Now the greaser's temper was flaring, his jealous nature kindled. “Better to tell me sooner than have me find out from someone else. And I /will/ find out.”
Seeing no other alternative, Ryo gave in. “The other day,” he said reluctantly, “I was paddled in class.”
Dee almost laughed, the idea of the quiet, demure Ryo being disruptive in class was slightly amusing. “You? What on earth for?”
Ryo rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I… sort of screamed at Martin.”
The mirth left Dee's face and his eyes darkened. “Martin was the one that paddled you?”
He nodded.
“In /class/?”
“Stand up.”
“What? Why?”
“I said stand up,” Dee said sternly.
Grudgingly, Ryo complied and, to his dismay, the dark-haired boy proceeded to turn him around and push his trousers down over his backside.
“Jesus,” Dee whispered, surprised to see how pink and raw the boy's buttocks was. “How many strikes did he give you?” he demanded.
“I don't remember. Dee, please, stop this!” Ryo pleaded, struggling.
“Tell me!”
“Five or six…”
Dee frowned. He shouldn't be so red just from that. A dark thought entered his head as he surveyed the punished flesh.
In a voice filled with quiet rage and disbelief, Dee asked, “Did he do this on your bare ass?”
The silence that followed spoke for itself.
An image of Ryo prostrate and exposed over Martin's desk burned into Dee's mind. The thought of him being punished in such a manner, before the entire class, made him see red.
“I. Will. Kill. Him.”
“No!” Ryo called, grabbing Dee's arm to pull him away from the door, pausing only to pull his pants back up and grimacing as the fabric brushed his raw skin.
“You can't!”
“Like hell I can't!” he roared, “Don't you know what he did was against school regulations!”
“What are you talking about?” Ryo asked, still tugging at Dee, who had his hand on the doorknob.
The dark-haired boy glanced back at him. “No one's supposed to be paddled like that anymore!”
“It says that in the school code?” Ryo asked hopefully. If Martin had already violated one school policy, it would definitely work in his favor during the hearing.
“Well, not exactly,” Dee admitted, “But no teacher has done it in years!”
Ryo looked disappointed and his companion's anger subsided a bit as it was overtaken by compassion and sympathy for the blonde. Cupping the boy's face in his hands, Dee reassured him, “He won't get anyway with this, Ryo. You'll see, the Board will believe you.”
“I'm not so sure about that,” Ryo retorted, sitting back down on the bed with apathy.
“/I'm/sure,” Dee told him, sitting next to him and laying a hand on his knee.
The boy was quiet for a moment, then said quietly, “They wouldn't let me see the Dean right away, so I had to speak with the Headmaster first. When I went to talk to the Dean the yesterday day, I found out that the Headmaster had already contacted my Aunt and Uncle. They were there, waiting for me in the office.”
“Oh, Ryo.”
Dee took him in his arms as the blonde struggled to continue.
“I had to explain everything right in front of them!” he cried, his emotion bursting forth. Ryo had tried so hard not to let it all get to him, but now, with Dee holding him, he was finally able to let go, to set his feelings free because Dee was there to support him.
The greaser could feel Ryo's tears soaking his shirt and he rubbed the boy's back to try and soothe him. His heart ached at Ryo's pain, but he was also very proud of him too, for facing the truth and having the strength to finally come forward.
“How did they react?”
Sniffling, Ryo shrugged. “They seemed kind of shocked and dazed. I don't think they really knew what to say… but they believed me.”
Slowly, the boy grew calmer. “They're staying in one of the extra rooms in the Faculty's Residence hall.” He paused. “It's going to be so hard to go through with the hearing knowing that they'll hear every word.”
Dee pulled him close, rocking him as the boy's worries started to get the better of him once more. “It'll be so humiliating for them!”
“Ryo, don't think about that! They love you. /I/ love you. We will support you.”
The blonde nodded weakly.
When he continued to stay silent, Dee tilted his head up to meet his eyes. “I promise you, Ryo, Martin will pay for everything he's done. /Everything/.”
And not waiting for a reply, Dee claimed his lips, pushing away all the anxiety and pain with his expert touch. Ryo responded in kind, pressing into him, eagerly seeking his tongue with his own, hungry for his lover's mouth and hands upon him after so many days of forced solitude and loneliness.
Dee was surprised by Ryo's aggressive manner and drank it in fervently, impatient to feel every inch of the young man's skin now that he was back in his arms. However, after a time, the greaser tried to slow their fevered explorations, for as much as he wanted to take Ryo hard and mercilessly, he knew the boy's punished flesh would not be able to endure it.
But when Dee caressed the blonde's naked, twitching member, Ryo ceased to care about the pain and urged his lover on until Dee could no longer hold himself back and prepared Ryo the best he could before thrusting deep inside him. The boy's excruciatingly sweet tightness, coupled with his heady moans of ecstasy, was too much and Dee's will broke. Gripping Ryo's hips, he plunged into him without restraint and Ryo's own desire was so intense and so acute, he took all the pain for the sake of the pleasure, falling over the edge into an orgasm so violent in nearly shook him. Dee followed a moment later, unable to hold out when the blonde's ring of muscles clamped down on his cock as Ryo climaxed. The dark-haired boy spilled forth into the boy's secret channel with a choked cry.
Blissfully sated, the two lovers drifted into sleep in one another's arms. The day was not yet late and in a few hours they would awaken to join the world once more, with all it's complications. But for now, for this small space in time, there was only the two of them, wrapped in the glow of their love.
*** Review welcome! For advanced chapters, e-mail: yaoifix@gmail.com