Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Ryo's Lesson ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

***Ok, finally feeling better! Sorry this took so long, but it is basically just one long lemon- so I hope it was worth the wait!
Warning: spanking and perverseness ahead! ^_-
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake!
Dee and Ryo tried to hang on to the comfort that surrounded them as they laid in bed together, but the realities of the day quickly crept into their warm world. Rose came knocking at the door shortly after they had dressed and interrupted their dozing. Not that it mattered, the evening meal was coming on soon and Ryo was expected to join his Aunt and Uncle at the table adjacent to that of the faculty. It was difficult for Dee to let him go, since he could not join them and he knew poor Ryo was going to feel horribly uncomfortable sandwiched between his well-meaning guardians and the administration.
As soon as the meal was over, however, Dee was off making arrangements so that he and Ryo would be able to share the same dorm room for the duration of the trial. There was no way on earth he was going to be separated from him each and every night while the blonde was enduring such a tough emotional trial. His immediate inclination was to evict JJ from their room and have Ryo move in with him, but he happened to run into Berkely first and, much to his surprise, the upperclassman was receptive to his concerns. Apparently one of the resident supervisors in the dorm had taken a short leave and the man's single room at the end of the hall was available, Rose had actually already inquired about switching into the empty room during the supervisor's absence. His compliance caused the greaser to be slightly suspicious, but he took the offer nonetheless.
Dee didn't know that Rose was merely trying to resolve his own guilt by the uncharacteristically helpful gesture. Ever since he had found Ryo cornered by Martin in the teacher's lounge, he had felt uneasy about promising the blonde that he would remain silent about the incident. He was glad to see that Ryo had finally decided to break his silence and fight back against the teacher. Switching rooms seemed like a small inconvenience to ease his conscience about holding back the information from Ryo's lover- even if he didn't particularly like Dee himself.
“Thanks, Rose,” Dee told him as he left. And he meant it. Whatever Berkely's reasons, he was just happy to know he could be by Ryo's side as much as possible.
By the time Ryo returned to his room, his heart heavy from the weight of trying to maintain a cheerful veneer throughout dinner for the benefit of his guardians, he discovered Rose and his things missing and, in their place, was a very satisfied-looking Dee, his feet propped up on the bed as he leaned back in one of the chairs. Ryo couldn't help but smile in reaction to the positive energy emanating off his lover, it was almost enough to make him forget his worries and the impending trail the next day.
“Don't get too comfortable,” Ryo teased, “Rose will have your head if he finds you with your dirty shoes on his bed!”
As the blonde approached him, Dee planted his feet and pulled him into his waiting arms. “Not tonight,” he replied with a lopsided grin.
“What do you mean?”
Taking a moment to brush his fingers over the soft skin on either side of the boy's face, Dee held his eyes as he told him, “Rose and I came to an agreement- he's going to take an empty single room for a while and I'm going to stay here with you.”
“Really?” Ryo replied, his voice a mixture of happy surprise and incredulity. “How did you manage that?”
“I have my ways,” Dee said with a wink, not willing to divulge the information that Rose's absence was actually voluntary.
“Oh you do, do you?” Ryo answered coyly, wriggling in closer to Dee's body. While he was in the other boy's arms, Ryo was more than willing to set aside the unpleasant realities that lay beyond the doors of the cozy room and he was grateful that Dee had seen to his needs even before he thought to ask for his support or comfort.
For a moment they remained in the soothing quiet between them, their eyes locked and conveying all the love and affection in their hearts without need of vocalization. Although Dee couldn't fathom why, he suddenly thought back to the first time he had looked into those soft, onyx eyes and all the misunderstandings that had occurred since, until they could finally find themselves within this moment, in each other's arms.
A deep need to claim Ryo gripped the greaser and he suddenly pulled him forward, pressing his mouth possessively against Ryo's own, his tongue immediately slipping between his lover's willing lips. Even having made love earlier that day, it wasn't enough- not after the long weeks apart.
Soon Dee's hands were yanking at the blonde's clothing, wanting, /needing/, to feel his bare skin under his hands, to taste it with his tongue. Ryo helped the raven-haired boy divest him of his shirt and tie and gasped at the sudden rush of ecstasy that shuttered through him when Dee began to kiss up his chest, then stood to nip at his neck.
“Oh, Dee,” Ryo murmured, his hands tangled in the other boy's hair, pulling him as close as possible against him. Suddenly, a cry of pain escaped his lips, as Dee's hands, wanting all of him, had slipped lower to caress his bruised backside. The greaser had forgotten Ryo's discomfort in the heat of his lust.
Dee watched his lover wince and recalled only then the punishment the blonde's bottom had taken at the hands of Martin's paddle and he frowned even as the boy clung to him, his already weak knees giving out in the wake of his pain. Dee could see the hurt written on his face, and it was not just the physical pain, it was a deeper trauma that had settled into the boy's mind when he remembered the humiliating experience and Dee knew that if something wasn't done soon to counter that recollection, that the memory would always terrorize him.
The thought of Martin having so much power of his gentle Ryo made the dark-haired boy vivid. If even now, in his embrace, Ryo's pain automatically struck him with the fear Martin had wrecked upon him, what would happen tomorrow at the hearing? Dee couldn't bear the idea of the blonde being haunted by that pervert's presence when he sat down before the school board the next day, so the greaser decided he would have to replace that memory himself; he would give Ryo something new to associate his sore ass with and when he squirmed in his chair the next day, it wouldn't be from shame.
“Ryo, get on the bed.”
The boy looked up, seeing his lover's deep green eyes staring at him with an intense, authoritative gleam.
He obeyed.
As he climbed onto the mattress, he glanced back at Dee, wondering just what kind of game they were going to play. But whatever it was, he was more than willing.
“Like this?” Ryo asked, stretching his arms above his head submissively to display his firm body.
Above him, Dee grinned wickedly. Ryo had surprised him with his ready
compliance, but he didn't know yet what the greaser had in store for him.
“Now take off those pants and turn over onto your stomach,” Dee commanded, his excitement growing exponentially with each passing moment as Ryo followed his orders, flipping over and baring himself.
“Very good,” he whispered, climbing onto the bed to join him.
For a moment Dee did nothing but gaze at the boy's beautiful, naked body and Ryo wiggled a bit on the sheets, wondering what Dee would do next, anticipating his touch until it was unbearable.
“Dee,” he pleaded softly, shifting his hips to better accommodate the uncomfortably stiff erection growing beneath him, “Aren't you going to touch me?”
The blonde's innocent request sent shivers of delight running along Dee's spine. Leaning over the boy's prostrate form, he said softly in a voice as sinuous as black silk, “Hush, love.”
But Dee soon gave in, letting his hand caress the small of Ryo's back, pinning him there. The heat of the his lover's hand burned Ryo's skin and he moaned as he bucked his hips against him, seeking a more intimate touch.
“Tsk, tsk, seems you can't follow orders very well.”
Ryo pouted, not sure if he liked this game. He wanted to feel Dee so badly it was driving him mad.
“Maybe you need some discipline?” chided the dark-haired boy into the other's ear. “Do you remember what happened the last time I had to punish you?”
Ryo quickly searched his memory, but nothing came to mind. Slowly, he felt his lover's fingers drift lower, tracing the curve of his tender ass and suddenly the hazy memory filled his mind of Dee throwing him over his knee and spanking him at the orphanage before Aaron and Bikky had barged in. It had been over Christmas break and they had all had far too much to drink. He'd completely for forgotten the incident and now his eyes went wide at the implications of Dee's reference.
“You're not-!”
“Oww! Dee!”
Ryo tried to sit up, but Dee kept him pressed to the bed with strong arms. “Quiet,” he commanded.
“But Dee, please! I'm so sore… really…” his voice broke off as two skilled hands lifted his hips from the mattress and he felt a teasing kiss placed on his inner thigh.
“Trust me, love,” came Dee's rich husky tones.
“I'll show you that not all pain has to be a bad thing.”
“Dee…” the blonde whimpered breathlessly as fingers squeezed his hipbones in a possessive vice and light kisses settled over his inflamed flesh. He wanted to trust Dee, but he just wasn't sure about this. Although he could admit the spanking at the orphanage had turned him on, he was so terribly sore right now and he didn't know how much punishment he could take in this condition.
“I said quiet!”
Ryo winced, his ass stinging from Dee's firm hand. Quickly, the raven-haired boy moved to lave the reddened area with his tongue and Ryo couldn't help but moan at the lovely sensation of that soft, velvety heat over his skin. The inexperienced blonde was lost between the excitement and stinging pain, the combination of which was leading him inexplicably to an over burgeoning arousal.
“Put your ass higher in the air. That's it.”
The blonde's face was now buried in the sheets beneath him, his weight shifted forward onto his forearms, his body entirely exposed and at his lover's mercy.
“Do you like this, Ryo?” Dee asked before trailing the tip of his tongue lightly up the crack of his ass. The boy gasped. Since Dee and he had become lovers, they had done many intimate things which Ryo never would have thought himself capable of, yet even so, this new exploration pushed his limits.
“Dee, don't…”
“You didn't answer me.”
“Yes!” Ryo sputtered, biting into the sheets as his ass burned under his lover's `punishment'.
“I thought so,” Dee told him, and Ryo could hear the smile in his voice just as surely as the dark-haired boy could feel the deep blush creeping over Ryo's face as his tongue teased the cleft at the top of his ass. “Because you're /naughty/, aren't you, Ryo?”
Unable to stop himself, the blonde cried out, his mind increasingly confused by the conflicting emotions Dee's attentions were giving rise to. The pain, and the anticipatory fear it induced, were sending his adrenaline soaring through his veins and Dee's inappropriate oral explorations were combining to give him a begrudging, but rock-hard erection.
Dee continued to spank him firmly, even as he worked his way down between his cheeks until he reached Ryo's reluctant portal. And the blonde was panting beneath him…
Because he /did/ like it. Because he wanted Dee to continue. Because the spanking took the edge off the shame he felt for desiring such an illicit pleasure.
With each passing moment, Dee knew his angelic lover was falling deeper into the heady game of pain and ecstasy, just as he had planned. For a long time he had wondered how the boy would react if he tried to access him in such an intimate fashion and the spanking provided the perfect distraction for him to do so. It countered the embarrassment Ryo otherwise would have felt in letting Dee do something so lewd.
As Ryo's whimpering increased, Dee's slaps grew lighter, his hand lingering longer on the sensitive flesh to caress him as his tongue became more insistent. When he reached one hand around to slip his fingers around the boy's weeping erection, Ryo cried aloud, pushing his hips back into Dee's face, unable to stop himself from begging for more. And Dee obliged, pressing his tongue into him as his hand stroked his arousal to even greater heights.
Then, with deliberate drama, Dee took his hands and spread Ryo's ass, licking him slowly.
“Nuuhhh!” the blonde gave a strangled gasp.
Returning one hand to grip Ryo's aching shaft, Dee used his other to slip one finger into his tight channel, even as he continued to caress the ring of muscles with his lips and tongue.
“Yes, let yourself go…” he coaxed, quickening his pace as his fingers pumped the blonde's cock and he pressed another digit into his inner sanctum, pushing deeper.
Ryo was beside himself, rocking his hips in time with Dee's thrusts in unabashed need. “Dee! Don't stop! Oh God…!” he gasped.
And then he was shuttering as his orgasm burst forth with such force he saw white behind his shut eyes. Dee watched as he arched his back and his come flowed over his fingers, milking him for all he was worth.
Gently, the raven-haired boy guided Ryo over onto his back, showering his flushed neck and chest with sweet kisses.
“You're so beautiful, Ryo.”
The other boy tried to catch his breath, still light-headed from his release and surprised that he had lost himself so deeply in Dee's illicit administrations. He smiled. Life with Dee would never be boring! Just when he was beginning to feel he was experienced in the art of love, Dee would open up another world to him. How could he love anyone more?
Dee blinked as he felt Ryo's hands come up to twine into his dark locks and pull him forward, crushing his lips against his mouth and seeking entrance. The dark-haired boy was more than eager to placate his desires. Seeing Ryo climax with such abandon had made him painfully aware of his own driving need.
Swiftly stripping off his own uniform, Dee pressed his naked skin into Ryo's and the electric heat between them sent his passion soaring to dangerous extremes. He grabbed hold of Ryo's wrists and captured them above the boy's head. The blonde, still feeling the secret thrill of submitting his will to his lover, didn't struggle against his conquest, but revealed in his helplessness as Dee ran his lips down his neck and nipped at the juncture of his shoulder.
But as aroused as Ryo was, his backside was excruciatingly sore as Dee settled between his thighs and pressed him into the bed. The greaser recognized his shudder as one of fear rather than pleasure and kissed his lips with unbelievable tenderness.
Dee knew he couldn't push Ryo too far this evening and that, with the spanking, the blonde would probably find more pain than pleasure if he took him now- but, dear Lord, he /needed/ him so badly! His brow began to sweat from the effort of holding in check the raging desire coursing through him.
“Dee, I'm so sore. I don't think I can, well…”
“Shhh. Don't worry,” he reassured him, a grin creeping over his face, “There are other ways we can satisfy each other.”
Ryo returned his look with a hesitant smile. “And just might what those be?”
“Just lie there and relax.”
But relaxing was not something the boy was capable of right now. The night had already brought him new revelations about what sex could entail and he was not sure he was ready for any more surprises. Then again, Dee had coaxed him to a mind-blowing orgasm, at least he could try and return the favor by giving him the benefit of the doubt now.
His dark eyes watched expectantly as Dee shifted above him, until his prominent erection was hovering inches above his mouth and Dee's lips were so close to his own cock that he could feel the boy's heated breath tease his shaft back to stiffness.
“Take me in your mouth, love,” Dee said softly, encouraging him with a flick of his tongue over the head of the blonde's aching member.
Ryo mewled in acquiescence and opened his lips as Dee spread his thighs over his face. It was a new experience for Ryo, to have his lover's mouth enveloping him at the same time that he sucked the green-eyed boy's cock deep into his hot mouth. At first Dee's attentions, with his sensual lingual arts, distracted him from attending to the other boy's needs, but when Dee thrust his hips down and forced Ryo to admit him, it quickly brought his mind back to the task at hand. Soon he began to suckle him in earnest, lifting his head to take him in deeper in an effort to focus his own rising need- urging Dee to pick up his pace by increasing his own movements.
But Dee needed no encouragement. His lover's mouth so wantonly sucking and surrounding him that it was drawing him rapidly to his breaking point, yet still he desperately tried to hold back. The sensation was so exquisite he wanted it to last forever- Ryo's slick tongue sliding along his shaft, his soft lips embracing him with fervor. Oh God! It was heaven!
He loved this position of mutual bliss, and he briefly wondered why he had waited so long to introduce Ryo to it. All he could think was that he hadn't wanted to rush the shy blonde, and that Ryo's sweet, taut ass was so tempting he forgot how glorious oral sex could be when he was so preoccupied with pillaging his lover and driving into his depths.
Dee's cock twitched in his lover's mouth as he remembered Ryo's exquisitely tight embrace and as the blonde bobbed his head up and down to increase the already dangerously seductive friction, Dee knew he wouldn't last long. In a last effort to bring Ryo with him, he bent down and enveloped his member completely, taking him so deep in his throat he thought he might gag. He felt the blonde's entire body quiver in rapture in response. The boy's hips shot off the bed as he came and Dee felt the blonde's powerful orgasm coat the back of his throat as he greedily swallowed all that Ryo had to give him.
As the blonde ascended, a cry vibrated around Dee's cock as Ryo tried to vocalize his climax and this sent Dee teetering over the edge as well. He didn't even have time to pull out from between Ryo's heavenly velvet lips before he shot his seed into the boy's waiting mouth. Although he felt Ryo's throat initially constrict with surprise, the boy managed to relax and swallow down his salty-sweet essence.
Dee turned around to tumble into the sheets next to his lover. Brushing the wispy blonde locks away from his eyes, Dee watch him as Ryo's breathing slowly returned to normal, but his face remained flushed in the wake of his powerful climax.
“Are you ok? Was that too much?” Dee asked softly, planting butterfly kisses along his collarbone.
“No, it was… I mean, yes, I'm ok. It was…very good,” he said between breaths, his eyes finally opening to beam up at his lover.
Dee's smiled in relief then settled back into the sheets and pulled Ryo to him. Soon he could feel Ryo's breathing fall into the soft rhythm of sleep. He hugged him closer.
“I'll never let anything happen to you,” he whispered, as much to himself as to his sleeping lover, “I promise.”
Never again would he allow someone he cared about to be hurt. Not if there was a breath left in his body. No matter what he had to do, he would protect Ryo from what the future held. If he had learned one thing from Aaron's death, it was never to take anything for granted.
**** So? Have I made up for lost time? I'll work on the next chapter as soon as I can, but this weekend I'm off to San Francisco for a few days!
They'll be lots of tension with the hearing coming up and more citrus is ahead- but it's not necessarily with dee and ryo! *Hehehe*