Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Growing Tensions ( Chapter 29 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake!
Dee shifted in his in chair irritably. If it was possible, the second day of the hearing was pissing him off even more than the first. The only upside to the entire affair was the fact that he was missing classes in order to attend it. Glancing at Ryo, he patted the boy's shoulder, not daring to show any more obvious signs of affections toward his lover after the line of questioning had turned to Ryo's sexuality the day before.
The school board was certainly taking their sweet time with the proceedings. Dee might not have minded this if things looked better for Ryo, but, sadly, the administration appeared to be leaning towards Martin's side. It wasn't a surprise, but the realization was unwelcome just that same.
Martin had traded his smug grin for a facade of hurt and confusion. Why would Ryo do this to him? he wondered aloud. Why would he put everyone through such an embarrassing and unfounded trial? Then Martin should his head as if he was struggling with a tough burden. Dee didn't think anything could enrage him more than the teacher's previous arrogance, but this mask of martyrdom was far more infuriating. He could only imagine what Ryo was going through as he watched the impossible man tell the administration that the blonde boy had offered to service him sexually if he agreed to turn a blind eye to Ryo's declining grades. In an ingratiating tone, Martin explained that he had turned him down and, feeling pity for the poor boy, had told him he would forget everything that happened as long as Ryo promised to apply himself from then on out.
“But the boy had convinced himself that he couldn't possibly pass on his own and wouldn't listen to me. Then, he threatened me.”
Dee saw Ryo's face flush with humiliation and anger as Martin continued to elaborate on his lies.
“He told me he would accuse me of sexual abuse if I didn't comply. I was shocked, to say the least,” Martin said with a staged, melancholy sigh.
“I know it's hard, but please go on,” Mr. Sawyer prodded- the very same man who had questioned Ryo about his sexual proclivities.
“I never would have thought that the young man you see sitting there would be capable of such blackmail, but that is what happened. He said he had an honest face and people would believe him. He told me I'd be sorry for what I had done.”
By now, Dee was beyond mere anger and was spiraling into an overpowering hatred for the man. He secretly vowed that, no matter what the outcome of the hearing, he would have his revenge on Martin, even if it meant expulsion. Hell, what did he care if he was kicked out of the school when it looked like Ryo was going to be expelled anyway?
With this silent promise, Dee's temper settled down to a less volatile level, but it remained steeping inside him, just below the surface, waiting for the right moment to spark and explode.
“I think we've heard enough,” the Dean finally announced. “The verdict will be given tomorrow at noon. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation.”
Without waiting for his Aunt or Uncle, Ryo stood and rushed from the room. His reserves were worn thin and he knew if he stayed for one moment longer, he would break down in front of the whole assembly.
Dee stood to follow him, but was stopped when he heard someone call his name. Elena looked up at him with imploring eyes.
“Please take care of him, Dee.”
“I will,” he said confidently before running after him.
Uncle Rick put an arm around Elena and gave her a comforting hug. “Things will work out,” he whispered, “We have to believe that.”
She nodded, giving her husband a weak smile, but she was not so sure. Her eyes drifted to the doors and she prayed that Ryo would be able to come through this whole incident unscarred. If he did, Elena would certainly never again question where he found his happiness. And if he found it in Dee's arms, so be it.
“Randy! Randy wait!” Dee called as the boy struggled to make his way through the crowd. Classes had just been dismissed and the halls were swarming.
Finally catching up with him, Dee grabbed Ryo's arm to stop him.
The blonde looked back at him with eyes so filled with pain and anguish that the greaser's heart plummeted into his stomach.
“I just want to go back to the room, okay!” he yelled.
“Alright, alright, just let me walk with you,” Dee replied patiently.
In his agitation, Ryo bumped and shoved his way through the crowd; the boy was about as upset as Dee had ever seen him. Suddenly, a hand pulled on Dee's arm and he turned to see a pair of pale eyes gazing up at him entreatingly.
“Dee, can we talk?” JJ pleaded.
Angrily, the dark-haired boy shook him off. “I don't have time for you right now!” he spat, turning his back on him so that he didn't have to see the heart-broken look on his face.
But a moment later Dee felt yet another tug at his sleeve. “I told you, not now- oh!”
Instead of the slender boy, Dee was surprised to see a woman standing in his place. He immediately recognized her as the Dean's secretary.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, “ I thought you were someone else.”
“Never mind,” the woman said, “the Dean wishes to see you in his office. Now.”
“What did I do?” Dee whined defensively.
“Dee, you better go,” Ryo warned him.
“I'll be fine. Go on.”
The blonde's words hardly sounded convincing, but Dee supposed he didn't really have a choice in the matter.
“Oh, alright,” he muttered. “I'll be back soon,” he told Ryo, giving his hand a little squeeze.
Ryo nodded and Dee left, feeling almost as miserable as his crest-fallen lover.
Damn it! Dee thought, why does the Dean have to bother me now? Ryo needs me and I didn't even /do/ anything! But like it or not, he was forced to follow the woman back down the hall, leaving Ryo to turn and walk back to the dorms alone.
Thankfully, the Dean didn't keep him long and Dee was soon on his way back to the dorms, but his mind was troubled. He wouldn't be able to share with Ryo what the man had told him and he detested having to keep any secrets from his lover after all the problems they had encountered simply because they kept things hidden from each other. The greaser rubbed his forehead; the pressure of the situation with Ryo and Martin was getting to him and he felt a headache coming on.
“Hey, Dee! I want to talk to you,” he heard someone call. Looking to his left he saw Drake coming towards him down the hall.
“I'm kinda in a hurry. I'll talk to you later,” Dee replied curtly.
To his surprise, Drake stepped in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. The dark-haired boy was in no mood to be delayed and he leveled his friend with an extremely /unfriendly/ look.
“What's the big idea?” he almost growled.
Drake's eyes narrowed on him and he crossed his arms defensively as he told him, “I just said I needed to talk to you.”
“And I said I was in a damn hurry! What the hell is it?”
“It's about JJ.”
After hearing this, Dee gave a derisive snort and tried to pass by the other boy once more. “Whatever! Like I have time for him!”
The next thing he knew, Drake had grabbed him by the collar and twisted him back around. “You'll /make/ the time, Dee!” he demanded.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Get off me!”
“Do you have any idea what JJ is going through right now?”
Dee ripped the boy's hands away from his shirt and just barely held himself back from smacking him in the face.
“Like I give a crap how that little coward is doing!”
“You can really be an ass sometimes, you know that? He's really hurting and you won't even give him the time of day!”
“If he's hurting, maybe it's his conscience! He knows why I'm not talking to him, so stay out of it!”
Uncharacteristically, Drake's temper erupted and he pushed Dee hard up against a wall, shocking the other boy with his aggressiveness.
“You think you know so much! You don't know shit! JJ told me everything. He wanted to come forward, but his parents threatened to disown him if he did!”
This information, as well as Drake's suddenly harsh attitude, gave Dee pause. So, JJ had tried to testify after all. What a mess.
As Drake watched the greaser's features soften, he loosened his grip.
“You're right, I didn't know about his parents,” Dee confessed. “But that doesn't change things.”
“He should've had the balls to testify in the first place, then his family would've just had to deal with it.”
“How can you say that?”
“It's the truth,” Dee retorted. The greaser had lived a rough life and for him a person either did something with full conviction or they didn't do it at all. He couldn't understand the pressures that came along with wealth and privilege- all he saw was Ryo getting hurt deeper and deeper with every passing day and that JJ refused to help.
The two boys stood for several moments glaring at one another, Drake's hands still gripping the lapels of Dee's school jacket. Each was absorbed in his own thoughts and neither was able to give in to the other's point of view. Finally, Dee's patience broke down. Even if Drake was his friend, he had his limits and the other boy was pushing them.
“I suggest you let go of me before I have to force you,” Dee said. His eyes gleamed with a fierce glow and his voice was so menacing that Drake immediately dropped his hands without another thought. Drake wasn't one to normally pick fights, and certainly not with Dee, whose reputation as a street tough was well known throughout the school. What had gotten into him?
As if playing off his thoughts, Dee asked crossly, “Just when the hell did you become JJ's biggest supporter anyway?”
Drake could do nothing but shrug as Dee turned and stalked away. From the corner of his eye Drake caught a movement and looking over he saw a curious mop of silver hair sticking out from one of the doorways. Making his way over, Drake gazed down at the boy's face.
“Sorry you had to hear all that,” he muttered.
But JJ shook his head. “No. It's ok. I knew how Dee felt… but I didn't know how /you/ felt about me.”
“What do you mean?” Drake asked cautiously.
“You defended me. You stood up for me.” As he spoke, JJ's voice grew stronger and his eyes began to take on a familiar sparkle that Drake had not seen in quite some time. Then, the boy suddenly broke out into his trademark squeal of delight.
“You /do/ care!” he cried, wrapping his arms around Drake's neck and nearly choking the boy in the midst of his enthusiasm.
“Ok, ok!” Drake said, pulling on the smaller boy's arms to get some air.
When he noticed that some onlookers were beginning to take an interest in their doings- especially after hearing the yelling between himself and Dee- Drake waved them off and stepped into JJ's room so he could close the door behind them for some privacy.
“I'm so happy!” JJ squeaked, his arms still vice-like around his friend's neck.
“I get it JJ, but you're cutting off my air supply!”
“What? Oh!”
JJ dropped his arms and stood back on his heels, looking pleased.
“Does it really matter that much to you?” Drake asked once he'd gotten some air back into his lungs.
“Of course!” JJ cried, then went into pout mode. “I really should be mad at you, though. You never showed up last night.”
The other boy scratched the back of his head and looked sheepish. “Yeah, well, Ted's kind of a blockhead and he had be up all night trying to tutor him for his math test. I sorta fell asleep about three in the morning.”
“You still could have stopped by sometime to let me know.”
Drake couldn't help but smile as JJ continued to sulk like a child- the boy was pretty cute when he pouted like that. Closing the space between them, he asked softly, “How can I make it up to you?”
“Well, I can think of a few things,” the boy replied, tilting his head up to position his lips invitingly beneath Drake's own.
Without knowing how or why their relationship had so quickly taken this unexpected turn, Drake quelled the unanswered questions in his mind and simply did what felt right… and kissed him.
It was soft and sweet and both boys momentarily wondered why they hadn't come together sooner. JJ had run after Dee for so long that he'd been blind to what was right in front of him. But he was definitely going to make up for lost time, especially after all the recent difficulties with the hearing and his family, not to mention the loneliness he'd endured as he watched Dee grow closer and closer to Ryo.
Throwing himself into the moment, JJ clung to the taller boy and pressed himself tightly against him, opening his mouth to encourage Drake to plunder him. The other boy hesitated only briefly. Although the experience of being with another male was new to him, Drake's attraction to the slender boy in his arms could not gainsaid and he let himself step away from the edge of reason and be swept into the tide of his passion.
His hands tugged at JJ's shirt, pulling the material away so he was free to caress his skin even as he slipped his tongue passed the boy's lips. And JJ responded with nothing but eagerness, pushing the boy's jacket off his shoulders and pulling him down onto the bed.
This small act of encouragement dangerously inflamed Drake's lust and within moments he had stripped the silver-haired boy of everything but his underwear. With his body exposed, Drake was free to let his mouth wander over him, nipping at his sensitive neck and licking down his chest. Although he'd never been with a boy, Drake had some experience with women and he wondered if JJ's nipples would respond to touch in the same manner. Tentatively, he laved his tongue over one pert nub and smiled when he heard the boy beneath him gasp and pull him closer. Feeling more confident, Drake increased his efforts, settling himself between the boy's legs and pressing their hips together in a wonderfully erotic rhythm that sent them both reeling. It shocked Drake just how arousing it was to feel JJ's erection rubbing against his own through their clothing and he kissed the boy with fervor as he enjoyed the sensation to its fullest.
JJ was equally surprised by the powerful torrent of desire that rippled through him as he felt the other boy's firm frame move against him. He'd imagined doing such things with Dee over and over in his mind, but he'd never had any real experience with other boys except the occasional awkward fumblings stolen in empty corridors or locker rooms. This was entirely different! Drake's searching fingers branded his skin with their fiery touch and he couldn't seem to stop himself from moaning into the other boy's mouth as Drake twined his tongue about his own.
Desperate to relieve the growing ache that was building with every sway of Drake's hips against his groin, JJ wriggled out of his boxers and tore at the boy's clothing to reach his bare skin. The older boy allowed his fevered hands to pull off his clothes and gasped as they finally embraced one another without any barriers to hinder them. Drake was as hard as a rock and fit to burst as JJ spread his thighs to bring him even closer, but now that they were at the brink, he wasn't sure how to proceed.
“JJ, I- I need you to show me what to do,” he pleaded.
“I've never done this before either!” JJ said somewhat defensively.
Drake bit at the boy's neck in heated frustration. “Then what do we do?” he groaned. “If you were a girl I'd just fuck you,” he said teasingly.
JJ gave him a sly smile and he told him, “You can still fuck me… if you want.” To emphasize his point, he pulled his knees toward his chest and reached down to guide Drake's aching member to his tight portal.
“Are you serious?”
JJ nodded, grinning at the boy's wide eyes.
Drake was torn. He desperately needed release, but he was worried he might seriously hurt JJ if he did what he was suggesting. He could just ask the boy for a blowjob, but what he really wanted was to be able to bury himself within that lithe body and hold JJ in his arms as he came. And JJ was willingly offering himself to him in such a provocative manner he didn't think he'd be able to refuse.
When Drake hesitated, JJ clawed at his back in impatience and bucked his hips up into him demandingly. He might be new at this, but he knew the basics of how anal sex worked and he was more than willing to give it a try. He wanted Drake just as desperately as the boy wanted him.
“Please, Drake.”
“What if I hurt you?” he asked, voicing his worry.
“It's ok,” JJ murmured, reaching his lips up to kiss him.
The silver-haired boy grabbed his hand and Drake watched as his fingers disappeared into between his rosy lips. The sight of the boy sucking on each digit nearly undid him and when JJ pulled his hand down between his legs and whispered, `use your fingers first,” Drake couldn't resist.
Little by little, he worked a single digit passed JJ's tight ring of muscle. Though he was tentative at first, JJ's mewls of encouragement soon had him pumping in and out of the boy with two fingers at a time.
The obvious and open pleasure the small boy took in being penetrated made Drake grin with wicked delight.
“You like that I think,” he whispered, flicking his tongue over JJ's ear.
All the boy could do was moan in reply and hike his knees up higher so Drake could venture deeper inside.
After a few minutes of watching JJ writhe beneath him as he pumped him with one hand and stroked his straining cock with the other, Drake was beside himself with need.
Slipping his fingers out, he positioned himself against him, holding his erection with one hand.
“I need to be inside you JJ. Are you ready?”
“Uh-huh,” came the boy's dreamy reply; he was barely coherent but for the pleasure coursing through him.
“Hold on tight!” Drake muttered as he shoved passed the reluctant ring. In his desperation, he plunged in quickly and JJ cried out in suddenly pain.
Drake looked down with regret as he saw tears slipping down the boy's cheeks and bit his lip to keep himself from moving until he felt JJ relax around him. It took all his will not to move, however, since the boy beneath him felt more heavenly than anything he had ever experienced before. JJ's grip on his shaft was tight and unrelenting and… /exquisite/. He shuttered in ecstasy as he felt the heated fiction of JJ's body envelope him when he finally allowed himself to move once more.
“Oh God,” he gasped.
Even though he was still in some pain, JJ tried not to cry out. He couldn't keep Drake from moving forever and, after all, he had been the one to propose sex in the first place. Opening his teary eyes, he saw the other boy's face transported with pleasure and his own body responded in kind. A warm, heady feeling stole over him as he watched his lover moan, eyes shut tight as he thrust into him, and soon he began to feel his pain replaced with something far more agreeable. As Drake pushed deep within him, he reached that place of rapture waiting inside and JJ moved his hips up to meet each thrust as the unexpected intensity grew.
It wasn't long before both teenagers were grasping at one another frantically, their bodies pounding together. Drake had reached between them to pump JJ's weeping cock in an attempt to reciprocate the unbelievable pleasure flowing through him. Neither of them knew how to contain the swell of ecstasy crashing over them and suddenly Drake's orgasm hit him without warning. Usually he could control his ascent, but the moment was too much for him to control. As he shuttered his release, JJ felt his hand go weak and reached down to stroke himself to climax, crying out as the incredibly sweet sensations washed over him.
When Drake collapse beside him, both boys seemed surprised to find the normal world still about them. Dusk was settling outside along with a thin layer of wispy snow and the dinner bell had not yet chimed. The strength of what they had just shared left them both sated and sleepy; they snuggled together, Drake wrapping JJ in his arms. Though neither of them spoke, they both knew they would be skipping the evening meal. Staying naked under the blankets for the rest of the day seemed much more enticing.