Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ In the Cold Night... ( Chapter 30 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
By the time Dee returned to the dorm room, his mood was tense from his meeting with the Dean and his run-in with Drake. His friend's fierce defense of JJ surprised him, but he didn't have time to ponder the boy's odd behavior, the greaser had more important things to worry about- such as the blonde waiting for him on the other side of the door.
As he opened the door and glanced inside, he saw Ryo sitting dejectedly on his bed, head bowed in the fading sunlight. He winced at the sight of his lover looking so worn and miserable and he was immediately at the boy's side, pulling him into his arms.
“Ryo, are you alright?”
“I don't know,” came the boy's honest reply, breaking Dee's heart.
The greaser thought of how cheerful and good-natured the blonde normally was and his anger and frustration grew. For Ryo's sake, however, he held his wrath in check; he knew the boy needed comfort more than anything else, not Dee's harsh words. So he continued to hold him.
“What did the Dean say to you?”
The dark-haired boy seemed to hesitate. “Nothing important, just some lame warning about my falling grades.”
Ryo looked troubled; he could tell Dee wasn't telling him everything and that the discussion had probably been far more serious than he was letting on. Moreover, he had thought that Dee's grades had been improving and he had the disquieting notion that the boy was lying to him.
“What did he really tell you?” Ryo pressed.
“Nothing, Ryo! Really, he just threatened something about academic probation. He's just blowing hot air and I don't want you worrying about it.”
“I /will/ worry if you talk about academic probation so lightly!”
Dee gave a loud sigh of frustration. “Look, I'll try harder, alright? And when all this is over with the hearing, if you still want to get on my ass about my grades, you can do it then, ok?”
Feeling suddenly fatigued and in no mood to argue, Ryo nodded and let himself settle back into the boy's embrace. There they sat together in silence as the day worn on, each of them taking solace and comfort in the other's presence.
After a time, the dinner bell rang outside. When Ryo made no effort to move, Dee nudged him gently.
“Ryo, it's time for dinner. Why don't we go eat, it might help you feel better?”
But the boy shook his head. Readjusting himself, he leaned down to place his head in Dee's lap.
“Can he just stay here, like this, for a while?”
Dee smiled sadly. Even in his melancholy state, Ryo couldn't help but look angelic and sweet, his halo of golden hair falling lightly across his lover's thighs. With one hand, the greaser stroked the boy's soft locks and caressed his furrowed brow. And with each passing moment, he became more and more determined to keep him and safe. No matter what it took, he would take care of him.
Through the long windows, the sun's last bright rays held the two lovers before plunging them into the dim shadows of evening. Dee continued to stroke his fingers through the boy's hair and watched Ryo's eyes flutter shut as he finally relaxed and drifted into sleep. With the night coming on, Dee allowed himself to doze, but only lightly; there were many things he had yet to do.
Waking an hour later with a start, the dark-haired boy quickly checked the clock and breathed a sigh of relief. He still had time. Reluctantly, he roused Ryo from his peaceful slumber.
“Ryo,” he whispered softly, “I hate to wake you, but I need to talk to you.”
Sitting up, the blonde rubbed the sleep from his eyes and blinked up at his lover.
“Sure, what is it Dee.”
The other boy looked back at him with the most serious expression Ryo had ever seen him use.
“I think I may have thought of another way to clear your name and get Martin sacked.”
“What? How?” Ryo asked, his eyes now wide-awake and alert.
The blonde watched as Dee bit his lip and looked conflicted. “Well, I can't really tell you- not yet.”
Ryo's expression soured. “Why not?”
“Trust me, you're better off not knowing.”
“I don't like the sound of this, Dee. If you're planning something that's going to end up getting you into trouble, then forget it. We don't even know the outcome of the hearing yet, they could rule in my favor.” Even as Ryo said this, however, he knew such a favorable turn of events was highly unlikely.
“ Ryo, do you trust me?” Dee asked, unexpectedly.
“Of course, but-“
Dee put a finger to his lips. “Then believe me when I tell you that things will go better if you don't know.”
Although Ryo clearly had reservations on this point, he nodded. No matter how much he tried to persuade Dee to tell him, he knew how stubborn the greaser could be and that his efforts would only be in vain.
But when Ryo continued to look unconvinced, Dee took his chin in his hand and turned his face toward him, locking his eyes with his intense emerald gaze.
“You know I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you, right?”
“Yes, but… Dee, where is this coming from? You're scaring me.”
“I promise, I'll explain everything later. For now, I need to go check on something and I need you to meet me outside in the courtyard in-“ he checked the clock, “twenty minutes.”
“It'll be nearly ten o'clock by then, how will we make it back before lights out?”
“Let me worry about that.”
“Dee…” Ryo said plaintively, his intuition telling him something was amiss.
“I have to go. Promise you'll meet me.”
The blonde paused. “I don't know, maybe if you told me…”
“Ryo, I'm serious about this- it could be your only chance to take care of Martin for good.”
“I still don't like it, but ok, I'll meet you.”
“Thank you,” Dee said sincerely, giving him a quick kiss before grabbing his coat and heading for the door. “Don't forget,” he insisted, “twenty minutes!”
“I got it! Go on!” Ryo said, waving him off.
Once the boy had left, Ryo stood to turn on one of the lights so he wouldn't sit in the dark brooding over the day's events. His mind was spinning as he tried to think of what on earth Dee could be planning. Whatever it was, it couldn't be too safe. Maybe Dee was right, maybe he was better off not knowing.
But he couldn't turn off his brain that easily. The time ticked by and he grew more and more concerned. Despite the frigid night temperatures, Ryo was glad when it was finally time to leave and he could stop pacing in the stuffy room and get some air.
As he stepped outside, he pulled his coat tighter about his slim shoulders and shivered in the cold. Most students were already in their rooms for the evening and everything around him was still and quiet under the chilly moonlight.
He had never realized just how dark the courtyard was at night; even with the moon, most of the area was blanketed by thick shadows that hung like threatening ghosts over the pale, snowy ground. Ryo didn't know if it was the cold or the darkness, but he suddenly felt horribly vulnerable and exposed. He deeply wished that Dee would return soon. After all his talk of being there on time, the greaser was late! Typical Dee, Ryo mused.
A sudden crunch in the snow made him spin on his heal; he squinted his eyes, but he couldn't see what had made the sound.
“Dee?” he called out tentatively.
“Well, well. What do we have here?”
The boy felt a terrifying chill run down his spine that had nothing to do with the cold. He knew that voice.
“Mr. Maclain, what are you doing out here all alone? And with lights out in a few minutes too. What a naughty boy you are.”
Out of the shadows the owner of the detestable voice finally showed his face…
“Martin…” Ryo whispered.