Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Metal gear solid: WildHorse ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Metal Gear Solid: Wild horse.
I don't own anything so don't sue me or kill me.
Chapter 1
Kasumi stifles a yawn as she makes her way to the kitchen she was surprise to find Ranma there.
“Oh Ranma you are up early. Did you sleep well?” Kasumi asks as she walks into the kitchen.
There were 3 pans on the stove one contained scrambled egg another bacon and the lash sausages.
“Did you cook this?” Kasumi asks.
“Oh yeah I did didn't know what you guys like so I made those.” Ranma said as he gulps down some coffee.
“Hmmm I am sure I didn't have these ingredients around.” Kasumi said looking at Ranma.
“Oh I went out to get them while I was taking a jog.” Ranma said.
“Well you shouldn't have you are a guest.” Kasumi said as she began to take out the plates for breakfast.
“It's no problem. It keeps me busy.” Ranma said as he made himself another cup of coffee.
Soon the whole house was awake and having breakfast.
“These are good Kasumi.” Akane said as she dug into her food.
“Oh Ranma did breakfast today.” Kasumi said with a smile as she helps to get more for her father and Genma.
Ranma had finish breakfast earlier and was in the dojo going through some katas.
“Hey Ranma I'm going to leave soon you still want to go see the doctor?” Akane asks as she stood at the door of the dojo.
“Yeah sure give me a few minutes to get dress.” Ranma said as he wipes the sweat from his face with the back of his hand.
“So you heading back to your base?” Ranma asks as the two walks upstairs.
“Yes. Got to get some exercises done for the new recruits.” Akane said.
“Can I come along.” Ranma asks interested what Akane would be instructing he was suppose to report to a JSDF base might as well be Akane's.
“Sure I don't see why not. After all you are in the military. Just bring your id.” Akane said as she walks into her room.
“See you later.” She said as she closes the door.
Ranma walks into the bathroom and took a quick shower and was soon dressed in his uniform.
He sheaths the knife and puts it away.
He looks in the mirror and was happy at what he saw he grabs his duffle bag and left the room he was staying in and went downstairs.
Akane's breath was taken away as she watches Ranma come down from the stairs.
Ranma was wearing his BDU* instead of his dress uniform.
It was just as impressive with the various patches on his shoulders and chest.
Akane could make out that he was both a survival and demolition specialist.
What impressed her most were the patches on his shoulder.
One patch was to show that he had gone through Ranger training and the other was a patch she had never seen before.
It was a foxhound patch.
She had heard of such a unit but she had not seen anyone wearing it.
“Ready to go?” Ranma asks as he stood next to Akane.
“Oh yesh….” Akane said. Outside parked a small compact car.
“This yours?” Ranma asks as he looks at the car.
“Yup.” Akane said as she got into the driver's seat.
Ranma got in and soon they were on their way.
After a few minutes Akane stops in front of a clinic.
“Here we are come on.” Akane said as she gets out.
She pushes open the door and goes in.
A man was sweeping the floor when they went in.
He stops and looks up.
“Oh Akane what can I do for you?” He asks.
“Morning doctor Tofu. This is Ranma he's staying at our place he's uncle Satome's son.” Akane introduces.
“How do you do.” Tofu greets as he shook Ranma's hand.
“So what can I do for you this morning.” Tofu asks as he puts away the broom and dustpan.
“Oh I need to get some medications and I was wondering if you could prescribe them to me.” Ranma said as he pulls out a file and gives it to Tofu.
“What's this?” Tofu asks as he opens the file.
“That's a copy of my medical file.” Ranma said as he looks at the doctor.
“Hmmmm interesting Akane will you mind waiting out side please come with me Ranma.” Tofu motions Ranma to come with him.
As the two enters into the office Tofu closes the door ands motions Ranma to take a seat.
“It says here that you two major blows to the head. One while you were young and one quiet recently is that so?” Tofu said as he took a seat.
“Yes doctor.” Ranma said as he looks at Tofu.
“Hmmmmmmm….” Tofu pushes his glasses up on his nose and closes the file and looks at Ranma. “You would like sleeping pills am I correct.” Tofu asks.
“Yes I'm having trouble sleeping the past few days. My meds ran out and I get these weird nightmares that keep me awake every time I sleep.” Ranma explains.
“I see. That is only a short-term solution. If you want I can try to correct it for you.” Tofu said.
“That would be good.” Ranma said sighing.
“All right then let me examine you.” Tofu said as he gets up and walks over to Ranma and starts to probe and feel Ranma's head.
“What are you doing doc?” Ranma asks confuse at what Tofu was doing.
“Don't worry this won't hurt a bit it might cause some disorientation but it will pass.” Tofu explains as he taps and presses on his head. Ranma winces in pain then suddenly blacks out as a flood of forgotten and surpress memories come flooding back into his head but he still could not tell what they meant. Ranma opens his eyes his head feeling a bit lighter.
“There all done you don't need the medication any more just plenty of rest. Everything will be a little hazy but it will come back to you so don't worry.” Tofu said as he returns to his seat.
“How are you feeling?”
“I feel better all ready. Thanks.” Ranma thanks and got up.
He almost falls as his legs almost gave out.
He manages to catch hold of the side of the table.
“Careful now don't overexert your self.” Tofu said as she rushes over to help Ranma.
“Thanks doc I'm fine just a bit disorientated that's all.” Ranma said smiling he felt great like as if a large load was taken off his head.
Tofu ushers Ranma out of his office.
“If there is anything you need please come by.” Tofu said as he walks the two out.
“Thanks so how much do I owe you doc.” Ranma asks as he reaches for his wallet.
“It's on the house as you are friends of the Tendo. Well feel free to drop by anytime.” Tofu said smiling.
“Thanks again Doctor Tofu.” Akane said as the two leaves.
During the drive to Akane's camp it was quiet.
“So ummm…. You had Ranger training....” Akane started to say.
“Yes I do I was slated for a SEAL evaluation but I decided not to take it.” Ranma said nonchalantly looking out the window as the scene change as they drove.
“Ummm if you don't mind me asking but what is that. I never seen any unit with that patch before.” Akane said as she points at the Foxhound patch on his shoulder.
“This was the unit I am in.” Ranma said and went silent.
“…….” The rest of the ride was quiet. As they drove up to the gate the guards at the gate asks for their I/D.
“Good morning Sgt Akane.” The guard greets and looks at Ranma.
“Sir I have to run you through my boss.” The guard said as he went back to the guardhouse.
After a few minutes later the guard exits the guardhouse he returns their I/D and salutes.
“Sir the base commander request your presence in his office sir.” The guard informs before waving them through.
Ranma salutes back and looks at Akane.
“Mind leading me to the commander's office?” Ranma asks.
“Sure no problem.” Akane said as she parks her car.
Ranma grabs his duffel bag from the trunk and follows Akane.
They headed into the main building and made their way to the commander's office.
Akane knocks on the door.
“Come!” a voice calls out.
Akane opens the door and lets Ranma in.
Akane and Ranma went into the room and stood at attention and salute the commander who was behind his desk sipping on coffee.
“At ease. Ah…. Sgt Akane who is this gentleman.” The commander asks looking at Ranma scrutinising him.
“I'm captain Ranma Satome.” Ranma replies.
“Ah Captain Satome what pray tell is a Marine captain doing in my base?” The commander asks as he stood up.
“I was told to report to the nearest JSDF camp.” Ranma said as he takes out an envelope and hands it to the commander.
He looks at it briefly then opens it and starts to read it.
His eyes went wide as he read the letter.
He slumps on his chair and looks up at Ranma.
“It seems that I'm stuck with you. Now let me lay down the rules don't ever cross me. I don't care who or what training you got over in the States. You are here you'll play by my rules do you understand me captain.” The commander said narrowing his eyes at Ranma.
“YES SIR.” Ranma barks out.
“All right Sgt Akane here will be attached to you until further notice.” The commander then waves them out and goes back to his coffee.
Akane looks at Ranma.
“So that's why you wanted to come along….” Akane said a bit annoyed.
“Sorry I thought it might be all right with you I didn't want to go to a place with strangers.” Ranma said.
“So where to now?” Ranma asks as he follows Akane.
“Well I go an exercise slated for the SAT today.” Akane said as she looks at her watch.
“Hmmm mind if I join in?” Ranma asks.
“Sure no problem you want to pick a team?” Akane asks as she brings Ranma to the training area.
“I'll do it alone got to get the kinks out of my body.” Ranma said.
“You think you can take on a team of 20 highly trained counter terrorist personnel alone you got to be either crazy or really good.” Akane looking at him.
“No problem let me go get ready. Where's the op area.” Ranma asks.
“The five story building over there.” Akane points.
“Right and when will you begin?” Ranma asks.
“2 hours from now. They'll be using rubber bullets and thunder flashes to simulate grenades and flash bangs.” Akane tell Ranma.
`He's going to get his ass kicked.' Akane thought to herself and walks away leaving Ranma to get ready.
Ranma smirks and walks towards the building.
In the briefing room Akane was going through the battle plan with the SAT teams.
“So how many are there?” One asks as the briefing winds down.
“That's unknown so you guys got to be on your toes.” Akane lies she didn't want to embarrass Ranma. “Ok boys let's go!” the team leader of the SAT said and soon they were filing out of the room.
Akane walks to the command centre where there were cameras all over the building to record the exercise.
“Ahhhh…. Sarge I can't even pick up any thing on the cameras in the building are you sure there is an enemy team inside?” one of the technicians asks.
“Yeah I saw him walk into the building myself. Maybe he's hiding in a corner some where. This is going to be a short exercise.” Another said.
“Twenty bucks say that it'll end in 5 minutes.” another said.
“You are on.” Another said soon the whole room was making bets.
Akane shook her head and decides to join in.
“100 say that he'll wipe the floor with them.” Akane said as he takes out 100-dollar note and adds it to the growing stack of notes on the table.
“You sure sarge.” The tech asks.
“Yup. Ok lets get back to work!”
“Tango leader to all teams report in when in position.” Tango leader said as he readies his weapon.
He motions two of his team-mates to get ready for a door breach.
“Tango alpha in position.”
“Tango bravo in position.” Tango leader looks at his watch and wonders were is Tango Charlie.
Unknown to them Tango Charlie had been taken down by Ranma.
He was dragging away one of their bodies into the shadow.
His face was covered in camo paint making him blend into the shadows.
His uniform was grey and black and it blends into the shadows and the building well.
The 5 men were careless and were taken out by Ranma each by a dart to the head before anyone could react.
It was all captured on tape.
Akane shook her head in amazement 5 men in less then 2 minutes.
“Tango leader Tango Charlie is down I repeat down.” Akane said into her mike.
“SHIT!” Tango leader curses.
“All Tango heads up Tango Charlie is down, proceed with the breach watch your backs out.” Tango leader said and motions his men to take the door down.
The two men bashes through the door their weapons aimed sweeping the room.
Slowly they made their way down the corridor and to the rooms.
There were 4 rooms on the first floor and 3 rooms on the 2nd floor, 3 on the 3rd, 5 on the 4th and 3 on the 5th.
The first floor was cleared swiftly by tango leader team slowly they made their way up suddenly there was gunfire and shouts then it was quiet.
“What the hell is going on Tangos report in!” Tango leader shouts into his mike.
“This is Tango alpha lost 2 guys to a trap. The bastards used Tango Charlie as targets.” Tango alpha's leader said panting heavily.
“Oh shit!!!” there was a loud explosion.
Then it was quiet.
“Tango alpha come in any one come in!!” Tango leader calls out.
“This is Tango bravo we have the target in sight going in!”
“Wait!” Tango leader calls out but it was too late. There were several bursts of gunfire then it was all quiet.
“Shit how many guys they have here!!??” Tango leader was sweating.
His team was the best but they were being cut down like grass.
“Come on lets go!” Tango leader said motioning to his men.
Soon they were on the 5th floor.
They went all around looking for their team members but couldn't find them on the other floors.
They cautiously enter the rooms their weapons at ready.
Suddenly as the first guy went in his weapon was grabbed and was flip to the ground the was pop and the man laid on the floor the rest of the team charges into the room but were taken down.
Before they could even aim and fire their weapons.
Tango leader manages to roll away as he was thrown to the floor.
His eyes went wide as he see Ranma standing there holding a knife in his left hand and a gun with a silencer on his right.
His face was all blacken and the uniform he wore blends with the walls and the shadows in the dark boarded up building.
Tango leader grads for his gun but he was not fast enough his arm was wretched from the holster and he was flipped.
He lands with the air knocked out of his lungs he tries to get up.
The next thing he knew every thing went black.
“Holy shit did you see that he took down 20 men!!” one of the techs couldn't believe his eyes.
“Looks like I win.” Akane said smirking and grabs the money off the table.
“Control this is wild horse exercise is over 20 men all accounted for please send some people to get them over.” Ranma said over the radio and disappears off camera.
15 minutes later in the briefing room the members of the SAT were all waking up from the effects of the tranquilliser darts.
Tango leader was pissed his whole team had been taken down by one man.
The door to the room opens and in came Akane and Ranma.
He still had his camo paint on.
“Gentlemen this is captain Ranma he has just come back from the sates and he will be assisting me in your training exercises.” Akane introduces Ranma.
Ranma steps forward and looks around the room and shakes his head.
He takes off his bandanna and starts to wipe off the camo paint on his face.
He motions Akane over to him.
“Can you play back the tapes.” Ranma said as he sits down.
Akane nods her head and heads out.
The SAT members filled the whole room with whispering and murmuring.
Some were giving dirty looks at Ranma.
Soon the room darkens and the screen in front lights up.
It starts to show the whole exercise.
After half an hour later the lights come on and Ranma stands up and walks to the front of the room.
He faces the room looking around waiting for everyone's attention.
“Gentlemen can some one tell me what went wrong?” Ranma asks the room.
He paces the room waiting for an answer.
“……” Ranma waits for a minute but still there was no response.
He stops pacing and turns to the room.
“No one??” Ranma looks at the people in the room then he starts to shake his head.
“ Name and rank.” Ranma points to one o the SAT members.
“Ummmm…….” The man was startled.
“And you call your self the best!” Ranma shakes his head in disappointment.
“You what is your mother's name?” Ranma points to another SAT member.
“WHAT??!!” the guy was baffled.
“I have my work cut out….” Ranma slaps his forehead.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN!!??” The SAT team leader stands up defending his men.
“Last chance you what is the full name of Sgt Akane?” Ranma points to another.
“….” He looks at Ranma blankly.
“I see that you guys still don't get it do you?” Ranma said as he pulls a chair and sits down.
Akane was baffled at what Ranma was doing.
`Does he have a death wish??' Akane shakes her head. Ranma stands up.
“You guys are pathetic.” Ranma said as he walks away.
The team leader was furious and went at Ranma, intending to hurt on him.
Ranma sidesteps and brings his elbow down hard on his spine.
He went down into a heap.
Ranma turns around. “Anyone else? Look if you guys don't want to learn how you lost to me it's fine your lost not mine but remember this one day you guys will go up against professionals and not those half ass wanna be terrorist and you guys won't be that lucky to walk away unscratched.” Ranma said as he looks around the room.
The room was silent.
“All right then I will make an exception this time.” Ranma said as he made his way to the front of the briefing room.
“What I was doing just now was a simple exercise to test your reactions to various unexpected situations.” Ranma said as he starts to pace the room.
Soon the other SAT team member were nodding their head at Ranma's comments and his advises occasionally correcting how they were to react in an unexpected situation.
After several hours Ranma decides that it was enough for 1 day and ends the lesson.
“All right gentlemen that will be all for today. If you want you can have another try at me tomorrow.” Ranma said smiling.
The SAT team member look at each other and shook their heads.
“That would be good captain, but unfortunately we have to return to our base we are on a rotation duty so ours are up.” The SAT team leader said.
“That's a shame you want me to do what I did to you?/' Ranma asks jokingly.
“By all means captain we have learn a lot today thanks to you my men's chances of survival on their missions has gone up. I am sorry for being so rash just now.” He apologises.
“No hard feelings then. Ranma said as she shook hands with him.
“Well be seeing you around captain.” With that the SAT team slowly files out of the room.
“That was very interesting.” Akane said as she walks up to the front.
“….” Ranma smile at her.
“How about lunch on me.” Akane said as she walks out of the room.
Ranma smiles, “Sure.”
Sorry for the short chapter.
The next one should be out soon if time permits.
Well see you all soon.
Ps in the next chapters you'll see some guest stars and familiar faces from the Ranmaverse.
Want to make a guess who will they be??
Well stay tuned.