Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Metal gear solid: WildHorse ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Metal Gear Solid: Wild horse.
I don't own anything so don't sue me or kill me.
The timing in the story is the number of hours taken and not the time of a clock or watch
< --------- > other languages.
Chapter 2
The past few months were uneventful as Ranma and Akane worked closely together.
The two fathers were very happy that the two were getting along well.
That morning as Kasumi was getting ready breakfast the doorbell rang.
“Coming!!” Kasumi walks out of the kitchen and opens the door.
“Oh.” Kasumi gasps as standing at the front door was two men, one was carrying a silver brief case chained to his wrist.
“I'm sorry but is Mr Satome Ranma around?” one of them asks.
“Yes he is please wait here I'll go get him.” Kasumi said smiling as she scampers off to the dojo to get Ranma.
“Ranma! Ranma!” she calls.
“What is it Kasumi??” Ranma steps out of the dojo.
“Ranma you have visitors.” Kasumi said as a worried look came to her face.
“For me?? Hmmmm.” Ranma walks to the door.
“Mr Satome Ranma?” the man asks again.
“Yes.” Ranma replies.
“Good this is yours.” The man with the brief case unlocks it from his wrist and hands it to Ranma.
“Please sign this.” The man gives Ranma a document to sign.
Ranma looks through it.
“You are from a law firm?” Ranma asks looking at them.
“Yes we are we belong to a well known one.” The man answers.
“Do you know what is inside here??” Ranma asks.
“No I'm sorry. We only carry out the wishes of our clients. And this particular client of ours has instructed us to give this case to you on his demise. You are a hard man to find Mr Satome.” The man said as he takes the signed document from Ranma.
“And this is yours too.” He hands a letter to Ranma after that the two left.
Ranma looks at the brief case and at the letter.
“Kasumi tell Akane that I'll meet her at the base and to go on with out me.” Ranma said as he walks to the dojo.
In side the dojo he sits down and opens the letter and out drops a key.
He takes the key and tries it on the brief case. Ranma takes a deep breath and opens the brief case.
His eyes went wide.
Inside was a sub machine gun.
He takes it out to examine it.
It was a patriot.
He recognizes it as his mentor's favorite weapon.
He had seen him use it a few times.
He looks in the case there was a drum magazine, which look like an eight in side and there was a CD. Ranma check clears the weapon and puts it aside.
He takes the magazine out and to his surprise it was still loaded with rounds.
He puts it away and takes out the CD.
`Hmmmmm…..' Ranma looks at it.
`Must be a computer CD.' He puts it back into the case along with the weapon and locks the brief case.
He takes the key and hangings it on hid dog tag chain.
He leaves the dojo, little that he know that he was being watched.
Up in her room Nabiki sat at her table, watching a monitor.
“Who are you Ranma?” She said as she taps her chin.
She had tried to use her resources in the government to dig up information on Ranma but everything had turned up blank.
His records were a mystery, it dates up to 5 years in the service in the American army then it was blank until recently.
The information she had got was that he was recruited into a highly classified and covert unit called Foxhound.
He was also one of the few surviving members of that unit.
He was found buried under a pile of rubble in Zanzibiar land by a UN humanitarian unit and that was all she could find.
She was very intrigue with the CD he got.
“You are going to make a mistake Ranma and when you do I will be there.” Nabiki taps her finger on his image smiling.
Ranma went to the base and to one of the offices there.
He locks the door and starts up the computer.
He inserts the CD and starts it up. An image appears on the screen,
“Hello Ranma if you are seeing this it means that I am not around any more. You have been like a son to me Ranma. You are the best student I have. You are the best among all of them.” The man said smiling. “Boss.” Ranma said looking at the image.
“Ranma listen and listen close. Take apart the patriot you will find a microfilm in the butt of the weapon. That micro film contains part of the Philosopher Legacy.” The man was smiling and continues.
“The Philosopher Legacy is a massive fund that was collected during World War II by various powerful and influential individuals in the United States, the USSR, and China collectively known as The Philosopher. The fund itself is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and all three branches of The Philosophers are trying to get it for themselves. My mentor The Boss gave this film to me when she died. Ranma and now I give this to you do what you will with it but you must be careful of those that want it. On the disc is all the information you will need to use the Legacy. Ranma you have the heart of a patriot and I am proud of you. Now I will pass on my legacy to you Ranma you are now the Big Boss. Good bye my son.” The image goes off.
The screen starts to fill up with data.
Ranma was astonished at what he was seeing.
There were also names of various people working for the former big boss.
Ranma took apart the patriots stock and finds the micro film, it was the size of his thumb.
He takes it out and puts the gun together.
He takes out the CD and puts it into the brief case.
He leans back on the chair his head spinning.
00:00 hrs
Several miles off the coast of China. On board Dragon class nuclear submarine.
[General Mu Shu the men are all ready.] A soldier reports.
[Excellent we strike and soon the world will tremble. Wahahahahah!!]
00:10 hrs
Research platform the Ascending Dragon.
[How is the project going??] a middle age woman asks as she walks towards the observatory window.
[It goes well. Professor Ku Long.] The scientist said as he watches a swarm of technicians swarm around in the hanger bay. [Good I'll be in my room.] Ku long took her leave and hurries to her room.
As she enters her room, [Mother!!] a little girl hugs her on her leg.
[Shan Pu! Have you done all your homework?] She asks as she carries her daughter up into her arms.
[Yes mommy I done it all can I go out and play now??] She asks making puppy eyes at her mother.
[All right come back in an hours time.] Ku long relents and her daughter streak out of the room in a flash. […..] She shakes her head and walks over to her computer and turns it on.
She pauses for a while, `I hope what I am doing is correct.'
She hits the enter button and an e-mail is sent.
CIA headquarters.
“Sir there is something I have to show you!!” an agent enters the Director of the CIA's office carrying a file.
“What is it?? It better be important.” He said as he put down the phone.
“Sir it extremely important sir.” The agent puts the file on his table.
He opens it and starts to read through it.
“Are you sure about this??” he said as he puts down the file.
“Yes sir the source of the information is one of the head researchers. She has requested that she and her daughter be granted asylum for the rest of the information.” The agent adds.
“This is very serious, I'll have to confer with the president. You may go now.” He waves his hand dismissing the agent.
“Yes sir.” The agent leaves the room.
The director picks up the phone and presses a button.
“Mr. President we may have a situation I have receive information that the Chinese has in their possession of a Metal Gear.”
Research platform the Ascending Dragon.
[Mayday! Mayday! This is the Ascending Dragon we are under attack by unknown forces!! We ne…] the man falls to floor his body riddled with holes.
[FOOLS!! I want everyone on this platform captured I don't want anymore surprises!!!] Mu Shu shouts as he puts away his gun.
His men drag out the body from the bridge.
He sits down on the captain's seat. [Post guards at all the doors leading out. I want that the weapon secured soon or I'll have your heads!] Mu Shu said menacingly.
[Yes general!] his men move off to carry out his orders.
“Mr. President we now have a situation. A rouge force has captured the Ascending Dragon a research facility near the Dao Yue islands. According to the information we got the Chinese government are using as a front to make their Metal Gear.” The director of the CIA reports.
“What is more according to satellite photos there is a dragon class nuclear sub moored to it and they are moving supplies into the research facility. According to intelligence reports the dragon class subs carry a payload of 14 nuclear tip Silk V intercontinental ballistic missiles. I believe who ever has taken over the facility is arming the Metal Gear.”
“Gentlemen it seems that we are in a very tight situation? Any suggestion?” the president looks at his generals and staff with him at the meeting.
“Sir the platform is in non US active area and close to China, Soviet Union and North Korea.” One general said.
“What about our allies what will say about this if they find out. There will be a panic and with the touchy situation in that region now World War III might erupt there.” The president adds.
“Sir we might have a way out, we have an operative who might be of some use.” The director of CIA said. “Well sir he is at the moment situated in Japan and he is the one of our best. He was trained by one of our best.”
“And who might that be.” The president asks.
“Well sir he was trained by the former Big Boss.” The director said.
“The Big Boss. You don't mean the Big Boss who gave us so much problems several years ago in Zanzibar Land?” The president asks in surprise.
“Yes sir the one and the same. It seems that he taught everything he knows to this particular individual.” “…….” The president leans back on his chair.
Japan Nerima
“So Ranma how was your day??” Nabiki asks as the family sat down to have dinner.
“…….” Ranma didn't say anything he found Nabiki too inquisitive for her own good.
“Nabiki stop bugging Ranma he had a bad day as it is.” Akane said defending him.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“Hmmm wonder who it is.” Kasumi said as she gets up and walks to the door.
She opens the door and to her surprise there were several men dressed in black standing at the door.
“Is Mr. Ranma Satome here.” A man asks.
“Yes he is. Is there is problem??” Kasumi asks getting worried.
Akane comes from the dining room to see what was keeping her sister.
“Wha..” Akane looks at the group of men standing at the door.
Ranma rushes out from the dining room and to the door ready.
“What do you want?” he pushes Kasumi towards Akane.
“Captain Ranma we have been ordered to escort you to one of our military bases.” The man said looking at Ranma.
“Why?” Ranma asks.
“Sir it is classified.” The man said.
Ranma looks at the man and nods his head.
“Let me go get my things.” Ranma said as he runs up to his room.
Several minutes later he comes down wearing his BDU and carrying his duffel bag.
“Lets go.” Ranma said as he walks out.
“WAIT! Ranma!!” Akane rushes up to him.
“Where are you going what's going on??” she asks franticly.
“I have to go Akane I'll call you.” Ranma said as he kisses Akane on her forehead and leaves.
“RANMA!” Akane shouts for him and tries to grab him but the men in black stopped her.
He enters the car without looking back.
The car starts up and leaves.
Unknown military base in Japan.
The car stops and Ranma exits the car.
He looks around, finds himself in an underground car park.
“This way sir.” One of the men in black said.
Ranma puts on his beret and follows him carrying his duffel bag.
A few minutes later they were in a lift going down.
The man escorts Ranma to a door then opens letting Ranma in.
Ranma walks in the room was full of technicians at computers, some running around franticly.
A MP* walks up to him.
“This way captain.” He said as he shows Ranma to a conference room.
Inside sat several people, a general, a major and two men wearing suits.
Ranma snaps off a crisp salute.
“At ease Captain. Take a seat.” The general motion.
“Sir.” Ranma sits down.
“Captain what we are about to tell you stays in this room do you understand.” The general said looking at Ranma.
“Yes sir.”
“This here is the head of the CIA Tokyo branch Mr. Smith and he is Major Collins.” The general introduces.
“Captain we will get straight to the point. Here.” Smith said as he hands Ranma a file.
Ranma opens it and starts to read it.
“7 hours ago the research platform the Ascending Dragon was attacked by a rouge element of the Chinese army. That platform was a front to develop a weapon.” Smith explains as Ranma reads the file.
“The weapon in particular is a Metal Gear.” Ranma looks up.
“I see that you have heard of it.” Ranma nods his head.
“According to intelligence we have gathered the Metal Gear is almost operational ready, except for its launch capabilities. It was in the process of being fitted when the platform was over run. According to our estimates it will probably take them another 3 hrs to get it ready.” Smith said.
“And what does this have to do with me.” Ranma asks.
“Captain we want you to infiltrate that platform and disable that Metal Gear with any means possible.” Smith said looking at Ranma watching for a reaction.
“Why don't you let the SEALs or the Deltas deal with this.” Ranma said.
“We can't if we do there might be an international incident between us and China and we don't want that.” Smith explains.
“So you decide to get a jap to do your work for you?” Ranma said.
“CAPTAIN!” the General bellows.
“Do you what is the first target twill be when the Metal Gear is ready?” Smith asks.
“……” Ranma looks at him.
“Japan seems to be the first target.” Smith adds.
“……..” Ranma's face hardens.
“What do I have to do?” Ranma finally said.
“Good this is what we will do.” Smith starts to brief Ranma on the operation.
Finally another chapter done.
Sorry there is not a lot of action but I promise it will start in the next chapter.
So stay tuned.
Well until next time.