Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Metal gear solid: WildHorse ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Metal Gear Solid: Wild horse.
I don't own anything so don't sue me or kill me.
The timing in the story is the number of hours taken and not the time of a clock or watch
[---------] other languages.
Off the coast of Japan
USS Lincoln. Seawolf class fast attack Submarine.
Ranma sat in a cabin. He had put on the latest so-called sneak suit.
He straps on a knife on his left shoulder.
He takes apart his M-2 and packs it away in a waterproof pack.
He checks the rounds and puts it away.
He takes out the patriot and packs the barrel magazine away.
He then starts to wrap waterproof material around it.
“Captain Ranma? We are at the target site.” A voice calls out.
Ranma walks out of the cabin as he straps on a small pack around his waist.
He was escorted to the torpedo room.
“This way sir.” A crewman directs him.
Several crewmen were busy prepping a torpedo.
“So you guys going to shoot me out of here in that?” Ranma asks pointing at the hollow out torpedo.
“Yes sir this has been used many times so it's safe.” One crewman said.
“Hmmmm...” Ranma looks at the contraption.
“Ah Captain Ranma the equipment we provided adequate?” Smith asks as he walks into the room.
“Yes they are.” Ranma nods as he gets into the contraption.
The crewmen start to help Ranma put on his mask and close the torpedo.
“Radio check. Captain Ranma can you read me?” a crewman asks.
“I read you loud and clear.” Ranma replies.
Slowly the torpedo was moved into the tube.
Smith takes the mike.
“Listen Ranma we don't have much time. You got 2 hours maybe less to get that thing off line. Remember once you get everyone out send us a signal.” Smith said.
“Right.” Ranma said as he hears the tube starts to fill up with water.
Japan Nerima.
“Hello yes. Yes sir I understand. All right I'll be on my way.” Akane said as she puts down the phone. “What's going on sis??” Nabiki asks.
“I don't know all I know is that I'm being recalled back to base.” Akane said as she runs upstairs to change. “Damn that Ranma!!” Nabiki curses and stalks to her room intending to find out what the hell was going on.
JSDF headquarters.
“Finally we can find out what they are doing on near the islands. This is an opportunity we cannot pass up.” A general said.
“Yes we have now a reason to board that platform.” Another said.
“……..” minister of defense looks around the table.
“All right get a team together. I want this done quietly.” The minister finally said, “I'll tell the Prime Minister.”
JSDF special forces Razorback headquarters.
In the commanding officer's room 10 minutes ago.
“Sgt. Akane what I am about to tell you is classified only you will know the true intentions of this mission. Do you understand?” a general said to Akane.
“A few hours ago the coast guard intercepted a distress signal from the Chinese research facility the Ascending Dragon. We plan to insert you and the Razorbacks on board that research facility. Your mission is to get on board and try to get any information on what they are doing. Do you understand Sgt. Akane.” The general said as he looks at her.
“But why me sir there are others who can do this.” Akane starts to protest.
“ Yes but none do not have the proper security clearance. As you know your sister is working for the intelligence branch. That is why you have the clearance.” The general explains.
“You mean Nabiki? Oh my god she belongs to intelligence!!??” Akane was very surprise.
She thought that her sister was working in some government branch but not the intelligence branch. “Here.” The general hands Akane a small box.
“The higher up are promoting you for this mission. You'll be in charge of the operations.” The general said. Akane picks up the box and opens it.
There was a set of Lieutenant bars in the box.
“Here are the files. Your team is getting ready as we speak good luck Lt.” The general said as he hands the files over to Akane.
Akane salutes the general and l eaves his office.
Akane stands outside of the office in a daze as she looks at the bars in the box.
A few minutes later she heads over to the armory to get her stuff.
Several minutes later she heads over to the assembly area to meet the team she is assigned.
She enters the area she was greeted by 10 men who were getting their gear on.
“Hey I'm Sgt. Ryoga Hibiki.” A guy said as he walks over to Akane.
“Hey, Akane.” She shakes his hand.
“Is the team ready? Have they been brief on the mission??” Akane asks looking around.
“Yes they are we are just waiting for you to turn up.” Ryoga said.
“All right then lets get going then.” Akane said as she walks out.
The rest of the team grabs their stuff and follow suit.
Ascending Dragon.
Ranma slow climbs up a ladder near one of the piers.
He could see several guards patrolling the area.
He ducks behind some crates and activates his codec.
“ Smith this is Ranma I'm at the pier. There are a lot of guards around so this might take some time.” Ranma said.
“Understood. Be careful Ranma.” Smith said.
“Right.” Ranma switches off he codec and takes out his small pack and starts to assemble his equipment. When he was happy with them he puts them away.
“Time to go.” He mutters as he slowly makes his way towards the end of the pier.
He creeps towards a shed and ducks into it just as a patrol of two walks by.
“That was close.” He mutters as he takes a peek out a window.
The guards were lingering around the pier.
“Damn.” Ranma curse. He looks around the shed wondering if there was anything that he could use. He finds a map of the facility on the wall.
“Just what I need.” Ranma said as he takes down the map and walks back to the window.
The guards were walking away to wards the main facility.
He smiles and slips out.
Over the Sea of Japan.
“How long do we have before we get there??” Akane asks over the radio.
“ETA 5 minutes.” The pilot replies.
“All right everyone let lock and load!” Ryoga barks out.
The team starts to load and ready their weapons.
“Don't worry. This is going to be a simple mission.” Ryoga said to Akane smiling.
`I hope so.' Akane thought to herself.
Ascending Dragon.
[General there is a helicopter heading this way.] One of the soldiers said as he looks up from the radar.
[It is Japanese.] The soldier said.
[They are requesting to land.] Another said from the radio station.
[Damn they must have gotten part of the distress signal. No matter let them land then kill them all.] Mu Shu orders. [Make sure none of them live!]
Ascending dragon helipad.
“No answer their radio must be out.” The pilot said as he lands the helicopter.
As the door opens a hail of gunfire rips through the compartment killing instantly two of the members.
“SHIT!!” The pilot screams and tries to take off. As the helicopter rose a RPG round hits the back rotors and sends the helicopter spins wildly.
“Everyone out now!!” Akane screams as she jumps out the door.
The remaining razorbacks follow her lead and leaps out with her.
As they leap clear the helicopter crashes into the side and explodes.
Ascending Dragon
“What the hell??” Ranma looks up to see an explosion.
He had seen the helicopter fly by but didn't expect it to be blown up.
“Shit better get in before this place starts crawling with guards.” Ranma runs towards the main building not knowing that his fiancée was now on the Ascending Dragon with him.
Akane shakes her head as she gains consciousness.
She looks around and finds that she was alone and in a strange place.
“Sgt. Ryoga where are you!! Razorbacks come in!” She activates her radio trying to contact the rest of the razorbacks.
She got nothing on the radio but static.
She staggers up and tries to stand but falls.
She checks herself but finds that she was bleeding on her forehead.
“Damn.” She takes out her first aid kit and starts to bandage her head.
Ryoga and his remaining two men were doing a running battle with the rouge soldiers.
They were hiding in warehouse as the soldiers run past their hiding place.
“Damn who the hell are they!!” Ryoga mutters as he tries to get his radio to work as he reloads his weapon. “Sarge we are in trouble we lost almost the whole team we got to get out of here.” One of the remaining razorbacks said.
“Can it. We find the lieutenant and get out of here or we don't.” Ryoga said as he strips one of his dead men of his ammo.
“Right boss.” His two remaining men said in unison.
Ranma ran down a corridor ducking into a room when he heard footsteps coming his way.
He heard shouts of Chinese.
[I want the survivors found and killed do you understand!!”] Ranma hears some one shout.
`What the hell is going on??' Ranma thinks to himself as he waits.
He activates his Codec.
“Smith come in.” Ranma said softly.
“This is Smith what is it Ranma??” Smith asks.
“Someone just crashed. Looks like a helicopter.” Ranma said as he looks around the room.
“What are you sure??” Smith asks.
“Yes I am. Now I have the whole place crawling with enemy soldiers.” Ranma said in an annoyed tone. “Give me some time I'll go see what's going on.” Smith said as he went off line.
Ranma creeps over to the door and takes a peek.
He walks out the room and softly closes the door.
Slowly he made his way down the corridor again.
He hears some footsteps and ducks around a corner.
He takes a quick peek and sees two guards.
One was in the elevator and one was outside.
The one inside comes out and the one outside takes his place.
“Oh crap!” Ranma curses as he looks around.
He sees several lockers and tries every one of them finally finding one, which was not lock.
He pulls it open and ducks inside closing the door softly as the guard rounds the corner.
Ranma could hear his heart beat as the guard walks past the lockers.
The guard pauses in front of his and looks around.
A few seconds later he carries on. Ranma lets out his breath slowly and counts to five, then quietly comes out of the locker.
He pulls out his M-2 and takes aim at the guard's neck.
“Poof” the dart hits the neck.
The guard turns in surprise but before he could shout he falls to the floor.
Ranma walks over to the guard.
“Sorry but I am going to need your uniform.” Ranma mutters as he starts to strip the sleeping soldier.
[What do you mean that we have lost contact with the platform!!] Admiral Herb slams his fist into the table.
The messenger quakes with fear as he stands there.
[Come now Admiral, it is not his fault.] Brigadier General Saffron said smirking.
The various heads of army and the navy where in a meeting over the crisis.
[What do you mean by that!!??] Admiral Herb shouts pointing his finger at Saffron.
[It's one of your people who did this and you dare blame it on me!!]
[Watch yourself Admiral. Yes that traitor was one of ours but it was not us that let them slip through the security net.] Saffron said angrily.
[Enough of your bickering!!] The chairman shouts slamming his fist on to the table.
[Now is not the time to fight among ourselves. If that traitor manages to launch an attack on America or any of their allies think of the consequences. They will have an excuse to destroy us!] The chairman said as he looks around the table.
[I want you Brigadier general Saffron to provide a force to retake the platform if all else fails I want the navy to destroy the platform do I make myself clear?] He said looking at them.
The two stands up saluting.
[Yes Chairman!] They said in unison.
Finally another chapter done.
I would like to thank all the people who had read and review this fic.
Well stay tuned to the next chapter!