Fan Fiction ❯ Gundares: The Destined Warriors ❯ The Rebels ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gundares: The Destined Warriors Chapter: 3 The Rebels
Written By: R. S. Xavior

Shizen smiles with a evil expression written upon her eyes. She places her lips against the mouthpiece of the flute. Sweet notes are blown from the flute into the night sky. The ground starts trembling ever so slightly. Both, Kitayama and Ohashi ignore it and head for Shizen for an all out attack. She smiles as they near. As soon as they are in attack range, a large vine comes from the ground and grabs them both. They both their weapons sending a loud clank echoing throughout the valley. They are taken some odd meters into the air being suspended only by the corrupted plants of evil. Shizen still plays watching the helpless victims struggle for their lives. The plants start choking the two causing them to gag and what not. Suddenly, the plants allow them to fall. Ohashi grabs his no-dachi and looks up to find Muto with a few sliced plants at his feet. Muto smiles and they continue their little fight. Shizen stops playing her flute and gives them a hateful look. Ohashi nods at Kitayama and they begin to circle her slowly. Muto charges forth to attack. Shizen prepares to slash him down with her ninja sword. At the last second he dodges and leaves her a little confused. She turn to face Ohashi, who has his no-dachi raised into the air. He brings it down in one large cut.
"Electrical Impulse!" Ohashi yells.
Large electrical waves are sent in her direction as the blade touches the ground. She screams as the energy takes its toll on her body. While she is still recovering Kitayama sends out a purple energy wave in her direction. Shizen screams louder into the night sky. She comes out of the energy waves with a smile playing on her face. She chants something and the plants that remain start advancing towards Ohashi and Kitayama. Ohashi jumps onto one of them and starts jumping from each of them to escape their little trap. He slashes at some along his way back to solid ground. He looks to Kitayama, who is not so lucky. Out of nowhere flames surround the plants allowing Kitayama time to escape from their hold upon her. They turn to find Kiyomitsu with his hand extended and some remnants of fire left. Shizen growls to herself as her plants succumb to fiery inferno. Muto looks to where the others are. He looks to Ohashi and signals something with his katana. Ohashi nods and they both begin circling Shizen. Kitayama and Kiyomitsu get the idea and begin doing the same thing. Kiyomitsu is the first to charge. He slashes his glaive at Shizen, but she dodges it with ease. While occupied with him, Kitayama manages to lay a good sized wound on her back from her whip. Ohashi jumps to the air while running towards her and flips his no-dachi so he hits her with the guard as he descends. Muto charges her with his katana shifted to his side and hits her hard with his guard as well. Shizen backs down to the ground and disappears with a small smirk collecting on her face. Then, the battle ceases as the soldiers that stormed the city mysteriously disappear as well.
As if appalled by some weird force, all the Tenshinions sheath their weapons. After doing this they clap three times and then bow on one knee to some higher being or something. Complete silence is drawn upon the city as everyone is engaged in some type of prayer. Then in unison they all rise and return to their normal tasks. Kitayama gives Ohashi, Muto, and Kiyomitsu a strange look. Her curiosity got the best of her at this point in time.
"What in the Spirit's World's name are you doing that for?" she asks.
Ohashi glances at her with his signature death glare written upon his face. Muto starts twitching his eye at her and then sighs. Kiyomitsu is clinching his fists and baring his teeth as he suppresses a growl. Ohashi sighs as well and walks up to her standing three meters away from Kitayama's pissed off look.
"You see... When we win battle, we thank Guardian of Tenshin for it. We must respect him or a bad omen shall be wished upon all of us. This is our way of honoring him." Ohashi explains.
"Sounds like another stupid Tenshinion idea." Kitayama says to herself.
Ohashi's attention is drawn to Ryutaro and Kyrama running towards them from the direction of the dragon statue in the middle of the town. They stop when they reach the others and quickly catch their breathes before they speak. Ryutaro gestures his hand towards the temple and starts explaining.
"Yang said to meet them inside tatami room for meeting. He says we must discuss issues before anything else decides to happen, today." Ryutaro says.
"Well, let's not keep him awaiting, shall we?" Kiyomitsu says with a smirk upon his face.
Ryutaro nods and follows behind Kiyomitsu. They are followed by Muto, Ohashi, Kyrama, and Kitayama, respectively. They are escorted by the temple guards inside the temple to the tatami room. On the floor are placed several tatami mats around a large, close to the ground table. They take their seats beside the others. Ohashi motions to a near by geisha girl to bring them some refreshments while they converse.
"I still say that you, Tenshinions, are male chauvinists pigs. I mean you got that poor girl to do the all work for you." Kitayama complained.
"It is their own choice to do that kind of work so shut your big fat mouth before I accidentally hurt you. Besides we can say that you, Venchiains, are sexist towards males." Shinji retorted.
Kitayama just crosses her arms in response and purses her lips at Shinji. Kauwn stifles a laugh boiling inside his throat. At that moment the geisha girl returns and sets rice balls, tea, bits of sashimi, and ohaki on the table. Ohashi thanks her and places three coins into her hand before she leaves the door while bowing. The Tenshinions, Kyrama, and Krystalia take their share of the food while the others stay clear of it.
"Well, let's get started. First of all the Venchiains are still scheduled to leave tomorrow for the capital. Next, we have this little problem of a war we are currently in. So I suggest that we make a treaty out when Kitayama assumes the throne. That way we can concentrate on these recent attacks from the Hybrids. Well, Ohashi, what do you think?" Yang proposes.
"Is okay with me." Ohashi replies.
"Fine, I will go with it too." Kitayama whines.
"Now, we need to figure out who is Shizen and what caused the Hybrids to attack..." Ohashi remarked.
"Who is Shizen?" Konin asks.
"She fought us during the attack. She called upon some huge plants to help her." Kitayama answered.
"She is a Guardian." Muto answered.
"What do you mean? Guardians are supposed to be disciples of Gundaria and can not possibly be evil." Konin says a little shocked.
"I do not know how this could come to be myself." Muto states, "Even Ja'aku is a Guardian. Of what I do not know because I would have to see his powers."
"Well, this makes our job a hell of a lot easier." Mustadio complains.
"This just means we have to keep guard up." Konin comments.
"Yes, but we still have to worry about the people's safety and rebuilding what was destroyed." Kiyomitsu adds.
"Hey, has anyone seen, Jegoro? Since the battle begun I lost track of him." Gremoro stated.
"He will show up sooner or later. He most likely got lost trying to look for the huge building on the edge of town." Mustadio replied.


Jegoro looked to his master and sighed. She was tending to her wounds with her herbal cures once again. Leona was not too far off mending the scratches she had obtained. Jegoro sought no use in treating himself other than removing the arrow that was lodged in his upper left arm and bandaging it. Shizen stopped her healing of herself and stared at Jegoro for a moment.
"Any word from our leader?" Jegoro asked.
"No, but I am sure Ja'aku will show up soon and tell us something." Shizen answered, "We may need to contact Ningen for help on this one."
"The crazy man who sits in that library of his and reads books all day." Jegoro replied with a slight smirk, "Like he can really get his nose of out those books long enough to help us."
"I would keep my mouth shut, Jegoro. Master Ningen is a strong fighter no matter how you look at him. With his help they will not stand a chance against us. " Leona commented.
"Well don't come crying to me when we lose another battle." Jegoro added.
"Maybe what we need now is a disturbance. And it seems that you elite warriors are good at starting that." Shizen began, "So I guess that means you can come into the fray, Strider."
Shizen looks towards the window. Sitting upon the sill is a teenage boy around age sixteen. His hair is a tainted color of dark mahogany wood. His eyes a forest green color. Strapped to his back a knight sword with several runes and imprinted on its sheath. His clothes were Venchiain styled. He wore medium sized dark red cape upon his armor. His leather boots came up to his knees and were tied down securely. His hands were covered by armor plates and his arms free of armor leaving his flesh exposed. His right hand was lain across his risen leg on the window sill. His other leg and arm hung loosely at his side. His head turned to face Shizen and he slowly rose to his feet.
"Then what is my task?" Strider asked.
"Go now to Tenshin and spy on our little Venchiain friends. Follow them to the border and that is where you will go inform Ningen of their coming. Once that is completed you must go to the capital and insure that Kitayama's annunciation will not be easy for her." Shizen answered.
"Simple enough, but what about the Tenshinions?" Strider asked.
"Xaingfei, will take care of them." Shizen replied.
"What about myself?" Jegoro asked.
"Report back to your empress and follow her orders until further notice or contact from myself, Ningen, or Ja'aku." Shizen answered, "Leona, you are to report back to Ja'aku for further instructions."
"Sounds fun." Leona replied.
"Well we might as well get to work." Strider said.
"Well I will see around sometime." Jegoro said as Shizen sent him and Strider back to Tenshin.
"I am going to be in trouble when I return." Leona thought to herself.


Jegoro looked at Strider and nodded his head before they parted ways. Jegoro was permitted inside the temple by Ohashi's orders. He was escorted to a guest room that was near the top floor. He fell upon his bed with a thump and stared at the ceiling for a few moments. He glanced at the clock. It was eleven and that meant most of his Tenshinion friends would be asleep now. He smiled evilly and snuck out his bedroom window to the streets below. he had to find a disguise for when he would come back here. Plus he always wanted a kimono since he became obsessed with Tenshinion things. He followed the signs until he reached the tailor's shop. Surprisingly, she was still awake and willing to take in customers. He walked inside and told her he wanted a gi, happi coat, and hakama. She measured him for the outfit and he picked out the type of cloth and its color.
"Can it be done before morning?" Jegoro asked.
"I think you are in luck. We have a gi and hakama just your size and the color you wanted. Come back in an hour and the happi coat will be ready." the lady replied.
"Arigato." Jegoro said remembering to bow.


Strider was scaling the walls of the temple ever so quietly and slowly. He was almost at the top. Under his breath, he was cursing himself for not taking climbing lessons with Ja'aku when he asked him. He was making slow progress and he was getting steamed about that. Finally he reached the window he had aimed for. He slowly snuck in to find a teenage girl asleep on the bed in the room. He glanced in her direction as the moonlight made her hair illuminated a purple light. She turned over and he could help but to gaze in awe at her features. He shook his head and mentally slapped himself.
"Stupid, you can not fall in love with a girl you just seen. Never the less she is most likely Tenshinion. Besides most girls are jerks anyway." he said to himself.
"Girls.. not jerks..." the girl muttered in her sleep.
"Great, she reads minds." Strider said mentally slapping himself again, "Just hope she does not wake up."
"I will do that..." she muttered while turning over again.
Strider gave off a pissed off at himself face. He slowly blew at the strain of hair that came into his face. He went to the door and tried to pull it open. Unfortunately, he forgot that Tenshinion doors slid open instead of being pulled or pushed open. His face turned red and finally he ended up with the whole door in his hand. This noise caused Kitayama, the person in the bed to wake up. He looked at the door and then dropped it and started whistling like nothing ever happened.
"AHHHH!!!!!!" Kitayama screamed, "There is a unauthorized personal is my room!"
"Please keep it down, would ya?" Strider said moving his hands up and down.
Kitayama started throwing the things surrounding her futon at him. This included candles, pillows, blankets, combs, in other words you name it, she threw it. Her screaming continued until Ohashi in his yukata showed up to see what all the noise was that had woke him. Ohashi drew his katana and held it up kind of pointing at Strider. A bead of sweat formed on Strider's head as he gave him a unconvincing smile.
"Kisama setsumei suru. Maa!" Ohashi yelled. (Bastard, explain. Now!)
"Um sorry?" Strider said starting to walk off.
"Tomaru! Ayamaru!" Ohashi said getting in front of him and pushing back to Kitayama's room. (Stop! Apologize!)
Strider did not understand a word the maddened samurai short stuff was saying, but he got the message. The guy was pissed and he better do as told or as the samurai short stuff's actions told him to do. Now, he cursed himself for not paying closer attention in his Japanese class. Then, it came across his mind that he remembered only one phrase.
"Kon'nichi wa. Let me explain. You see I did not know that anyone was in here and the door would not budge. I also had no idea that this (gulp) lady was under your protection..." Strider said while smiling sheepishly.
"Let me handle this from here." Kitayama spoke, "First of all excuse that short person. He speaks that weird language and his English is very poor."
"Thanks for vote of confidence." Ohashi said while crossing his arms.
"Anyways, what in the Spirit World's name were you doing in my room?!" Kitayama screamed.
"I was trying to get the dirty laundry from here. See I am the servant that tends the laundry around here." Strider said.
"You are not one of the temple servants. You are a Venchiain. If you were then you would have responded to my questions a minute ago." Ohashi said blankly.
"Damn." Strider thought to himself, "He caught me."
"Well, I will forgive him if he apologizes and goes right this minute." Kitayama states.
"I am very sorry miss and I promise it will not happen again." Strider said.
"Now, if you do not get out of city in about two minutes then in prison you will be." Ohashi added.
"Yes sir." Strider replied while running off.
"That guy has lot to learn about sneaking around in people's houses." Ohashi comments.
"Yeah, but he did not come into your room. What are you doing here?! Did you not think I could not take care of myself?!" Kitayama screams, "Oh so that's it.
Ohashi quietly sheathes his katana and slowly inches his way to his bedroom door. Suddenly Kitayama starts stomping towards him. Ohashi takes this as a bad sign and runs the rest of the way into his room remembering to lock the door behind him. Kitayama stands proudly smiling in the middle of the hallway. Hiding behind the wall Gremoro told Mustadio to hand over twenty units of the Venchiain money called Asra. They had betted on whether or not Kitayama would stomp off after Ohashi or not. I think we all know who won the bet.

The next morning started off as usual for the Tenshinions. They awoke at six, but the Venchiains woke up sometime around eleven. They each took a fruit cake bar and loaded onto their "borrowed" hovercrafts. They all looked ready to go when Kitayama realized that their border pass for the Tenshinion path was not signed. She handed it Ohashi and smiled pointing to the signature. He looked at it and took out a ink brush and signed it. Kitayama looked at the symbols he called his signature. She gave him a questionable look before heading off on her way.


Ja'aku looked at Leona long and hard. His face showed that he was not very pleased with her actions. Kentaro and Xaingfei were looking on with smiles on their faces laughing at her pain. He paced back and forth occasionally starting to yell in English and somewhere in the middle get so mad that he starts speaking in Japanese. He looked to Xaingfei and beckoned her forth. She slowly approached him and waited for his orders.
"Yes sir?' she asked unconfidently.
"You are to spy on our Tenshinion friends. You are at all costs not to be captured and if possible not detected." Ja'aku spoke.
"As you wish." Xaingfei said while slightly bowing.
Ja'aku held out his orb and chanted something. Xaingfei disappeared and would reappear somewhere in Tenshin. He turned to Leona and sighed. Her punishment would have to wait for now. He dismissed them and went to his room to meditate. For now, Leona would have to enjoy her freedom.

Meanwhile the Venchiains were getting along the trail just fine. Krystalia was stuck reading the map since no one else wanted to or they just could not read maps. But the time came when they had to make camp. None of the girls were too thrilled about that one. The guys were stuck pitching the tents and starting the fire that would cook their food and scare away the creatures of the night. The girls were shifting through their food supply for something good and edible for them to eat. They finally settled on hotdogs and french fries for dinner. Mustadio was stuck cooking the food and passing out the plates. As night approached poor Strider began to run out of air. He stumbled out of the trunk once everyone was asleep. He stayed on the ground gasping for air.
"Note to self. This will be the last time I sneak a ride on any vehicle in the trunk." Strider said to himself.

Strider stood up and brush himself off. He took a blanket from the hovercraft and looked at the bushes. After he thought about the possibility of one of them wanting to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, he settled for finding a tree. After what seemed like an eternity he managed to settle down on a tree branch and cover himself with the thin blanket and fall fast asleep. He was awakened in the middle of the night by Jegoro. They stared at each other before Jegoro decided to go up there with Strider so that they could talk about their orders and plans.
"Well, how did sneak off with us?" Jegoro asked.
"The stupid storage trunk." Strider said slightly pissed.
"That had to be a fun trip. They will wake up at eleven and get ready to go. I will wake you before then so you can hitch your ride. " Jegoro responded, "We should be at the border in three or so days. I am sure you can rent or buy a horse there to make your journey to Mechi much easier."
"Thanks for the warning. I will send a message to your laptop once Ningen has put his part of the plan into motion." Strider replied, "That is when the true plan will commence."
"That means we will have to keep Ja'aku informed on double time. Send me something when you reach Venchi and I will arrange a hiding place for you to stay at." Jegoro stated.
Jegoro looked at Strider for a moment. The teenage knight seemed to be lost in his thoughts once again. Jegoro's expression slowly became one of a pissed off boy. He waved and snapped his fingers in Strider's face until he looked at Jegoro. Jegoro sighed and begun to tell him the statement running across his mind.
"And do not let any crush of yours get in the way of our mission." Jegoro said while smiling and climbing back down the tree and into his tent.
"Too late for that, bud. Stupid me. Never fall in love with a girl you just seen and never really had a conversation with." Strider thought to himself.


Three days later where Shizen is. She looks at a picture she finds in her old albums. Ja'aku had come over and they both were cleaning up each other's places while Kentaro and Leona were sent off to aid Ningen. The houses were dirty and needed cleaning so badly. She sat down in a chair and contemplated over the picture in her hand. In the picture she was standing on the stairs of a large house. A young boy was standing on her right. He was around four years of age and had ebony black hair with emerald green eyes. On her left was another boy around age three. His arms were crossed and he did not bear a smile. His hair was the purest of black as were his eyes. In her arms was a small baby boy no older than a week or so. His eyes were a teal color and his hair was sea blue. All three of the children looked familiar to her but she could not place names on them.
"I would say that the baby looks like your husband." Ja'aku pointed out.
"He kind of does, but he is not." Shizen replied, "Maybe these were future servants for us and I was making a good turnover with their parents."
"We may never know." Ja'aku responds.
"Any word from Ningen or Strider, yet?" Shizen asks.
"Strider said he was only a few days ride from Mechi." Ja'aku answered, "That means we better start preparing."
"Yes, for now, we have no time to sit around and contemplating over silly old pictures." Shizen added while standing up and looking to Ja'aku.
"We will have this world one way or another." Ja'aku stated.


Kiyomitsu and Kauwn looked upon the grove of trees and flowers lain before them. They sat upon some semi flat rocks playing a game of Go. The wind blew through their hair and Kauwn suddenly looked up from the game. Kiyomitsu stared at his friend with his head cocked.
"What matter with you all of sudden?" Kiyomitsu asks.
"I sense evil presence coming. It is strong." Kauwn answers.
"Maybe it is just large animal or something." Kiyomitsu replied.
"No this is much larger and more intelligent ki that I feel." Kauwn responded.
Kiyomitsu sighs and returns to his game of Go moving his pun three space forward and conquering one of Kauwn's pieces. Kauwn gives him a look of displeasure and sighs while he takes his turn. At that moment Muto walks over to the two competitive players and squats down beside them and watches the game. Kiyomitsu starts laughing for no apparent reason. Kauwn and Muto stare at him like he is crazy or was some other mental problem.
"What so funny?" Kauwn asks.
"I think that evil presence you sensed was harmless Muto, here." Kiyomitsu said while continuing to laugh aloud.
"Kiyomitsu no baka! Matte! Damare!" Kauwn yelled while pounding his hands on the game board. (Kiyomitsu, you idiot! Stop it! Shut up!)
"I am not harmless... Arigato." Muto replied looking angrily at Kiyomitsu.
"Kauwn, maybe you should go back to Ninja School and get taught again." Kiyomitsu said while trying to stop his laughing self.
"He was right their is evil presence in air. Guardian of Tenshin must be trying to send us a warning through the wind's traveling." Muto comments.

Ohashi walks through the garden (separate from the one Kiyomitsu and Kauwn are in.) that the guards said was his own personal one. A single iris blossom falls in front of him and he catches it in his palm. He stares at the small flower for a moment before allowing the wind to claim it once more. He looks to the wind and his eyes change from the calm and passive look to one of a person ready to kill.
"The wind is not right today. This means something is meaning to disrupt order soon." Ohashi thinks to himself, "But what? Sometimes the wind leaves things very unclear."
"You must seek.... You must learn... to control... your gift..." a lady's voice says in the wind.
"Nani?" Ohashi replies, "Who are you? And what gift do you speak of?"
"For now listen and watch.... You will understand... one day..." the voice says fading into the distance.
Ohashi starts running after the voice hoping to find its source. He reaches the bridge over the small stream that runs through the garden and stops. He spots a lady in a kimono on a section of the roof of the fifth floor of the temple. Her features are completely shrouded by a mysterious shadow. She holds her arm out and points to Ohashi.
"The time of fate will show you the way." the voice says.
Ohashi is surrounded by a column of wind. He stares around as he is lifted into the air. His hakama and gi flap against the strong current of wind. Ohashi then clinches the sides of his head as a pounding headache over comes all of his senses. He starts thrashing about in pain screaming itai (pain or aw). The lady retracts her arm and the wind dies down slowly placing Ohashi to the ground. His eyes are wide open and his mouth bears his teeth as he stares into space. He starts hearing voices and seeing images in his head.

----Inside Ohashi's Mind-----

Krystalia bends down and offers her hand to someone as she smiles slightly.
"Here I will help you." she says.
A man in a cape stands over them with an evil grin played upon his face. He laughs as a knight and archer charge towards them. They start running as white fire consumes Ohashi's senses. Behind them and in front of them he can hear footsteps of others running like no tomorrow. Water pours on them from the sky with no end in sight. The wind blows harshly making it hard to hear anything. The sounds of the mud as they run across it can also be heard. A loud scream from a girl and boy can be heard in the distance. Then, a strong gust of wind knocks them off of their feet and into the air. Krystalia grabs onto Ohashi and they brace for impact to the ground. As they hit the ground they are covered by a solid but wet substance. Then, the world turns black and it focuses back in on a campfire in a cave. Then, the image disappears all together.

-----End of Images----

Ohashi stand back up to find the lady gone. He sighs and sits down on the bridge to figure out what the images meant that he just played witness too. His head still ached from the experience. The wind blew once more but this time he carried a clam and passive side to it.
"Listen to what one may not understand." the wind whispers.
"Maybe I will never know." Ohashi whispers to himself.
Ohashi walks off the bridge and sits down by the stream's edge. He stares at the reflection of himself and sighs once again. He takes his daisho off of his hakama belt and places it against his shoulder. He crosses his legs and closes his eyes. He begins to meditate to figure things out.


Krystalia stares out into the open desert air and watches the seemingly endless sandbox fly by herself. Kitayama notices her staring and starts poking her so she may come back to life once again.
"What is bothering you?" Kitayama asks.
"I do not know maybe just tired of traveling that's all." Krystalia answers.
"Don't tell me you are lovesick." Kitayama responds.
"Now why would Krystalia be lovesick?" Milvera questions.
"Well she is a girl too and all normal teenage girls think about boys." Kitayama states, "All except Kyrama here.
"Hee." Kyrama says holding up a peace sign with her fingers.
"Ninety bottles of beer on the wall!" Gremoro starts singing.
"Shut up!" everyone says in unison.
"Well go ahead and spoil my fun." Gremoro says crossing his arms and pursing his lips.
"Well you deserved it." Kitayama mumbled to herself.
"You know I can not wait until we get home. We all know there is going to be a huge party welcoming Kitayama back. That means we will get a real party." Mustadio stated.
"Party means buffet and buffet means Jegoro gets lots of food." Jegoro says with a grin spreading across his face.
"Well that is Jegoro for you." Kyrama states.
"It is okay." Gremoro says patting Kyrama on the head.
"I do wish he would stop doing that." Kyrama says to herself while frowning slightly.
"I did not Kyrama was a dog in another lifetime." Krystalia joked.
"Oh shut up." Kyrama retorted while removing Gremoro's hand from her head, "And you stop that right now!"
"Well it looks like no one likes to have fun around here." Gremoro mutters under his breath.
"Quit complaining. At least they have not thrown you off the hovercraft, yet." Jegoro whispers to his brother.
"Don't give them ideas, stupid." Gremoro yells while hitting Jegoro on the head.


Strider had traveled for several days now on horseback to Mechi. He could see the city in the distance and he sped his horse up to its maximum speed of 65 mph. Upon entering the city he slowed his horse to a trot and rode onto the back edge of town. He stopped at rather large castle type house. He knocked on the door and a servant greeted him. Another servant took his horse and put it in the stables in back. The first servant led him up the stairway into a hallway. He pointed towards a single door occupying the end of the hallway. Strider softly knocked on the door with the back of his knuckles. A man's voice told him to come in and that the door was unlocked.
"Master Ningen, I come with news from Master Ja'aku and Mistress Shizen." Strider said while bowing on one knee.
A man in the chair before turned the chair around to face Strider. He set a book down on the table and stared at the teenage knight kneeled before him. Ningen had dark brown almost black hair. His eyes were a light green color. He wore a blood red cape and knight's armor over his body. His hands were protected by bracers and he had short sleeves that stopped at his elbows. His feet were covered by ankle high battle boots. Strapped to his side was a handle to a knight sword but the blade was missing from it. The room was decorated by wall to wall bookcases slam full of various books he liked to read. Above the fireplace was a crown of some sort decorated with multiple jewel of all colors. Strider rose when Ningen motioned for him to.
"What do they say?" Ningen asks.
"Here this paper will explain to you the whole plan and the results that we should achieve." Strider answered.
"Are you to stay with me or are you to leave?" Ningen asks while he read the piece of paper.
"I was told to go back to Venchi and help Jegoro." Strider replies.
"Well you are to stay with me. Jegoro is smart enough that he can handle things at Venchi by himself." Ningen commented, "Ja'aku and Shizen will not yell at you as long as I tell them that I ordered you to stay here."
"I will need to contact them by vidophone and tell them that we are ready." Strider said.
"No need to trouble yourself I shall do that." Ningen said sitting down in front of a laptop looking thing.

Ningen typed in a few numbers and said his name. The computer replied by making a ringing sound. Ja'aku appeared on the screen with a cup of tea in his hand. Behind Shizen was looking over his shoulder with curiosity written all over her face. Ja'aku took another sip of his tea before setting it down beside himself and looking to Ningen and Strider.
"Ningen, it is good to see you. I think it is safe to say that you have received the plans?" Ja'aku asked.
"I have and I have no quarrel with what you plan to do." Ningen answered.
"Mistress Shizen, I do hate to go against what you told me to do, but Master Ningen has requested that I say here and help him." Strider spoke.
"Is this true, Ningen?" Shizen asked.
"Yes." Ningen replied.
"Then, you shall stay with Master Ningen." Shizen added.
"I shall see that Jegoro gets this news as well." Ja'aku commented.
"When do the plans commence?" Ningen asked.
"As soon as we get the go ahead from Xaingfei and Jegoro." Shizen answered, "Until then all we can do is wait and be ready to attack."
"Over and out." Ningen said turning off the vidophone.

Ningen walked over to his chair and began to read his book once again. Strider sighed and decided to unpack his stuff in the guest room. He laid back on the bed and took a nap.


The Venchiains screamed for joy as they finally were let into their home city. Kitayama was welcomed with open arms by the citizens that had missed their beloved princess. They were immediately escorted into the castle in the middle of the city, where Kitayama would be declared their empress. She was greeted by a woman by the name of Amira. She walked Kitayama and everyone else into a conference room. There they all had to sit down and listen to a long and boring lecture. When the lecture was done, Kitayama was left to choose her councilmen.
"I guess my advisor will be Mustadio..." Kitayama stated, "For now."
"Oh goody." Mustadio muttered.
"My war planner will have to be... How about I put this on hold until another day?" Kitayama asked.
"As you wish." Amira replied.
"All right then when is the party and the food?" Jegoro asks.
"Later, stupid." Gremoro says hitting his brother once again.
"My poor immature little brothers will never learn." Milvera comments.
"Tell us about it." Kyrama added.
"Thank you, I think?" Jegoro spoke.
"That was an insult idiot." Kitayama replied.
"Oh it was?" Jegoro said a little confused, "Stop confusing me!"
"We forgot that your brain can only comprehend two words before it overheats." Kyrama comments.
"Could not have said it better myself." Gremoro said while smiling.
"People, can we get to the introduction ceremony sometime this century?" Amira asks.
"Sure let's go." Krystalia said cheerfully.
"Do I have to wear the crown?" Kitayama asks.
"Yes." Amira replies.
"Darn..." Kitayama mutters to herself.

Kitayama is taken into another room and fitted for the ceremony. She dressed in a dar purple dress and a small crown is placed upon her head which now has her hair in a high ponytail. She quickly was pushed onto the main balcony of the castle. Beside her was Krystalia and Mustadio. The people down in the main square started cheering them like crazy people escaping from the Men In White (MIW). They started waving at the people below to entertain them some what. Amira silenced them and turned to Kitayama. The whole crowd was on edge and eager for the ceremony to continue.


Meanwhile Jegoro had hide himself in the depths of his room. He had his laptop opened and typed in a message of preparation to Shizen, Ningen, and Ja'aku. He also received the message about Strider and the slight changes in their plans. He places the laptop back under his bed and looks out his window at the people in the square. A smirk appears on his face and he laughs slightly to himself.
"Soon, you will know a true horror and find yourselves with a true leader." Jegoro whispers into the wind.

Jegoro walks over to his closet and chooses an outfit appropriate for the upcoming occasion. He sets his archer outfit on his bed and smiles to himself once again. He retrieves his bow and quiver from the floor and places it on the bed as well. He looks into the mirror and growls at his own reflection.
"The mirror will have to go." Jegoro says aloud.
With that he aims an arrow for the center of his reflection. A smirk appears on his face and he fires the arrow. He hits its mark with deadly accuracy. The mirror shatters into millions of little fragments across his bedroom floor. Jegoro smiles at his accomplishment and steps back to admire it. He resumes his packing and keeps thinking about his mission ahead of himself.
"Soon..." he whispers.


Shizen looks upon her prey. She watches Muto and Ohashi train with their bokken (wooden Japanese katana mainly used for training). They are constantly blocking each others attacks and dodging many times. Watching them from mats are Konin, Shinji, Ryutaro, and Yang. They are drinking away their cups of tea as they comrades test out each other's abilities. Shizen can not help but to watch in awe as well. Something in her mind clicks as she watches Ohashi swing his bokken and parry Muto's attacks. Suddenly from the depths of her mind a faint memory resurfaces. Something she must have long forgotten until now.

------Shizen's Memory-------

Shizen stands on a balcony looking out towards the rising sun. In her arms she holds a very young baby. His eyes squint at the sudden brightness of the sun's rays. Shizen laughs slightly and then coaxes the boy to reopened his eyes. When he does so they seem to shimmer in the sunlight.
"Your father was right about you. You do have the eyes that retain life and emotion." Shizen says stroking the boy's cheek, "I am sorry, but today is the last day I will be able to see you. I hope that you will be safe and that you will find me again."
The child just lays his head on her shoulder in response and falls into a light slumber. Shizen strokes the child's hair and walks back inside. She sets him on a small futon that is beside her own. The boy turns over and sleeps soundly once again.
"Little aka-chan, so cute. I hope that harm will never come to you. May you grow to be strong and may the Guardian of Tenshin see that you do." Shizen said before leaving the room.

-----End of Memory------

Shizen is snapped back to reality and she gazes once more at the fighting pair. They seem to be unstoppable, but that can not be true. She stares into space and then sighs.
"Why is it that he reminds of my distant past?" she pondered to herself.

Her thoughts were forced back to the battle as she heard a scream of itai that wrenched at her heart and had it hurt. She saw Ohashi stumble back a bit and grab his side with his right hand. Muto had landed a blow to his side. Ohashi regained his fighting stance and charged once more towards Muto. The pain in Shizen's heart stopped and she found herself wanting to run to the injured teenage boy. She shook the thought aside for now. Finally Muto hit the floor with a thump. Standing above him was Ohashi with his bokken placed under Muto's neck.
"I admit my defeat." Muto said, "I thought I would never see day that my student defeated his master."
"I am honored, shisho (master)." Ohashi said while bowing.
"I am proud of you. Now, your training is complete. This is what your father always wanted for you to defeat me at kenjutsu, (Art of Samurai Swordmanship) one day." Muto said proudly while standing up.
"Hey Muto, how about I battle with you? We will see how much training I need if any." Yang said while smiling slightly.
"I am afraid that this samurai is getting too old to be doing those kinds of things everyday." Muto answered while laughing slightly, "Maybe some other day, Yang."
"I am holding that to you." Yang replies.
"Hey Ohashi, in celebration of your victory how about I introduce our prince to some girls." Ryutaro said while smiling.
"No thanks." Ohashi says while his cheeks flush red, "Nani..."
"Look I think he is blushing." Konin says smirking, "So does chibi ototo (small younger brother) a little shy about meeting girls?"
"Nani?" Ohashi replies looking quite confused.
"Quit confusing him." Shinji comments.
"Yeah quit messing with my friend's mind." Ryutaro adds.
"Quite okay, I can defend myself easily." Ohashi says managing a slight smile.
"Oh my, Ohashi can smile!" Yang burst out, "And after all these years I thought that was action you could not perform."

Ohashi just sighs and shakes his head at his friend. He takes his daisho from the floor and places it back into his hakama belt. He walks out of the room as the others start laughing over a comment Ryutaro made to Yang about him needing to look at his crazy scientist self. Meanwhile Shizen smirked as she ventured for the outside world in the square. Ja'aku was waiting for her out there. Once she reached him the plan would be set into motion. She find him propped up beside the dragon statue eyeing his sword. He stopped and faced her.
"Well?" he asks.
"We are ready." Shizen answers.
"Good." Ja'aku replies while getting off the statue and standing up straight.


To Be Continued.....