Fan Fiction ❯ Our Agreement ❯ Home Where I Wish I Wasn't ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 11: Home Where I Wish I Wasn't

It was a quiet night on a dirt road, much unlike the modern youkai city Kobayashi expereanced. The air was still hard to breath and the scent of cars were noticable. The moon was high in the sky and it was about nine o' clock. Kobayashi was pulled out of his thought by Siaka.
"What do you think?" she said, walking off the dirt road and into what appered to be an overgrown orchered.

Kobayashi followed her, yet again. "I like it better then the city if that's what you mean."

She sat on a rock and Kobayashi sat infront of her. "I don't, cities suit me better." She then changed the suject. "I wonder if Reizo was expeting us."

"I bet he was." he answered. Then looking around asked, "Are we going to stay here for tonight or go meet your parents?"

"Well, I figured we could give ourselves a day to recuperate then vistit tomarrow night." she mumbled, changing into her kitsune form. She was black with a silver tint around her ears, tail, paws, and chest. The eyes were the same deep amber color as always. It was the first time Kobayashi had seen her in anything but her full human form.
He watched her prancing around. She was slender and graceful. "I never really thought of you as being a fox, well in a kitsune form anyway."

She stoped and sat next to him. She spoke in a soft voice because it was difficult to talk as a fox, "Well at lest you... know what I am...... I have no clue..... as to what...... you are....."

"Sorry I hadn't told you. I am a dragon youkai." he smiled at the voice she had in her fox form.

She just knodded and layed her head on his lap. Kobayashi was surprised by her actions and even more so when he found himself petting her head. Siaka was purring quietly, enjoying the feeling. They sat quietly for what seemed like hours, untill Kobayashi noticed she was asleep. He gently moved her off himself, layed down, and soon drifted off.


Kobayashi tausted and turned in his sleep. The dream was a nightmare, but what was worse is it happened. In his thoughts the dream went:
Reizo stood before Kobayashi. He said in his menacing voice," You idiot! How could you have betrayed me? For your punishment I will bring back one of your surpressed memories from the night that you where supost to kill that whore. No, boy, this is not a dream, mearly a mecinism I made incase you were to betray me further. Have fun."

They both vanished and Kobayashi was back to where he was walking back after leaveing Siaka on the tree. He was flying in his true form and landed in the yard of Reizo's castle. Riezo was waiting for him. "Kobayashi, why haven't you killed her?!" he yelled in anger.

Kobayashi scoffed turning into a human again, "I didn't think it was nessisary, Reizo-sama."

"Shut up, I don't care what you thought was nessisary. You are to do as I tell you!" shouted Reizo. "Kin, Jiro, show Kobayashi what happens when he disobayes me then send him back to his quarters!"

The two oni, Kin and Juro, seize Kobayashi and drag him down to the torcher chamber, where he was beaten merclessly for several hours.

"Are you sure we're supose to put this in him before sending him back?" the one asked, looking at the broken Kobayashi chained to the wall.

A gruff voice replied, "What the fuck do you think?! You heard what Reizo-sama said."

Then Kobayashi felt a sharp pain as the seringe was jabbed into his arm. He was then unchained and told to go to his quarters imeadiatly.
He slowly limped back to his room and washed off the blood. He fell onto his cotton futon, not bothering to put on new clothing, though sleeping in the nude was normal for him. He layed limp on his stomach until he heard someone enter the room. Kobayashi tried to get up, but found he couldn't move.

"W-who's there?" he studdered. He felt cold fingers tracing his spine, obviously a man's.

An icy voice answered, "Who do you think, you little bastared?"

Kobayashi whispered nerviously,"Reizo-sama?"

Reizo answered, "Your asumption was correct."

"Why can't I move?" he felt the claws scrapeing up and down his already tatered back.

"Did you think I would let you off that easily? I had you momentarily paralized with an enjection." Reizo hissed in his ear.

Kobayashi glared, "You can't kill me. I'd haunt you until the day you die."

Reizo kissed Kobayashi's head, "Now why would I kill you? You still have to distroy that bitch you seem to be so fond of."

"Reizo-sama I-.." he cut himself off as he felt Reizo's toungue running down the wounds his torn back. "Don't even think of doing anything else." Kobayashi growled.

"Or you'll do what?" he laughed, removing his own pants. Reizo then sunk his claws into Kobayashi's skin and flipped him over.

Kobayashi tried with all his strength to get Reizo off him, but it was futile. Reizo just bit into his wrist and began to suck the blood from it. Kobayashi bit his lip like Siaka had done to keep from skreaming, that girl had taught him more than she knew. Reizo pulled himself away from Kobayashi's wrist with a bloody grin, leaving blood flowing from it. Kobayashi tried to struggle, but Reizo roughly planted his lips on Kobayashi's raggid bleeding ones. The discusting, slug-like toungue that had made it's way down his throat caused Kobayashi to gag.

"Time to have fun." Reizo smiled as blood dripped freely down his chin. He then pinned Kobayashi's bleeding wrists to the cotton futon. Kobayashi tried to struggle, but Reizo was too strong.

Kobayashi hollared, "Get off me you fucking asshole!!!!" Reizo's husky laugh pierced his soul.

Reizo's slimmy tougue darted down Kobayashi's throat. He continusly pounded into Kobayashi, causing blood to flow out down his thighs. Tears rushed down Kobayashi's cheeks, he would have selled his soul if the pain would just stop. It was as if a firey dager was tairing is broken body apart. He passed out as Reizo released into his body. Reizo chuckled as he pulled out.

The dream ended.


He woke up panting heavily, steaming tears raced down his face. That wan't a dream. He remebered all that accured that night so long ago.

"Are you.....alright.....?" Siaka whispered as she quickly changed back into a humanoid form. She looked at him, her eyes full of consurn.

"I-i...i." he suttered as tears fell freely.

Siaka went to him and wiped away his tears, "Shhhh, it's okay, Yashi-kun. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She wrapped her arms around him in atempt to confort him. 'What would cause him to break down like this?' she thought.

He pulled away from her and looked at her in the eyes. "N-no I want to.." he whispered, trying to calm himself down. He told her the whole story of what happened that forsaken night. By the time he had finished it was early morning.

When he finished Siaka muttered, "I'm sorry, Kobayashi. No one should ever have to go threw with that."

Kobayashi just stared at the ground in a daze, compleatly emotionaly drained. "Yeah, it doesn't change anything though."

She was clueless as to what she had to do to make him feel better. "Uh...I...-" she began.

Kobayashi cut her off witha hug, "It's okay. I know you arn't good at emotional things." He let go of a shocked Siaka. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Siaka-sama."

"No, no, you just surpised me. And you don't have to call me 'Siaka-sama' all the time 'Siaka' would work just fine." she sighed, getting up and streching.

He tilted his head, "If that's what you want,.... Siaka. You know, your the only person I really know that lets me just act casual around them, it's almost like we were.." he faded off, thinking he had said too much.

She asked, "We where what?"

Kobayashi had a light bushed come acrost his face that Siaka thought made him look compleatly adorible, "It's almost like we... were friends."

Siaka got up and started walking to the road. "Come on." she shouted in Kobayashi's direction.

He followed her as wondered if he had said something wrong again. Everytime he said exactly what was on his mind things got messed up.

"Kobayashi... I guess if it means anything at all to you, I do consider us as friends. You probably don't even consider me a friend, only someone you have to be with because of a contract. Maybe I just don't really know what one is." she muttered.

Kobayashi and Siaka had mad there way to another road and turned down it, to only Siaka knew where. "Siaka, I would like nothing more then to be your friend." Kobayashi then smiled the most genueinly happy smile he could remeber.

She smirked back, "Okay, well, we have reached our destination. And luckily they aren't home." She pointed to the house before them.

His smile quickly faded, "What are we to do before they get back?"

She had already made her way to the door and picked the locks, "Break in?"

Kobayashi folowed after her and looked around, it was different then her apartment, it was obvious more then one person lived there.

Siaka was grabbed from behind and bear hugged, "I missed you!" the youkai exclamed spinning her around as he hugged her.

"Eddy! I've missed you so much, Baby." she smiled, pulling away from him.

Kobayashi growled at the youkai. "And who might this be?" 'and why did she call him baby?'

"Kami-sama, Kobayashi. It's just my dog!" she glared.

Eddy made a pouty face, "Hey, I'm not 'your' dog!"

Siaka smirked, "Oh, I'm sorry, I mean the Inu Youkai that eats our food and sleeps on our carpet."

"God, I get treated like a dog around here!" he glared jokingly.

Siaka smiled, "That's because you are one, my dear."

"Well," he put his arms around her waist, "who is your friend over there? Fiance? Husband? Boyfriend? Should I not be doing this?" Eddy asked, licking her cheek, with his cannine tongue.

A deep growl emitted from Kobayashi's throat. He watched the two, fists clenched tight enough that he could feel his claws had drawn blood.

"Kobayashi isn't my boyfriend or anything just friend. As for weither you should be doing this or not, I think not. Your just a little to friendly for your own good, Puppy." Siaka chuckled, pulling away from. She made her way over to Kobayashi and stared at his hands. "Your bleeding, Kobayashi..."

"I didn't notice." he muttered harshly, trying to look at anything, but Siaka's eyes. Siaka picked up his hand and he felt all his strenght to make her stop melt away. "Please... don't look." he wimpered, quietly.

She looked dispite his protest, "Fuck, you've dug a good three centameters in your hand." She grabbed his wrist and dragged him into a bathroom. Locking the door she has a perplexed look, "Now would you like to tell me why the hell you did this?" She began dabbing at the gashes with a wet wash cloth.

Kobayashi stared at her hopelessly, but knew he would have to tell her the truth one way or another. "He was hugging and kissing you." he whispered.

She stopped cleaning the cuts and stared at him, "I'm not sure why you would even care about that, but your acting like an idiot. Me and him are just friends. Sure he has a crush on me, but that doesn't mean I like him that way." Siaka then bandaged him up.

"Oh, I'm sorry for my actions Siaka-sama." he muttered as he followed her out of the bathroom.

She seemed a little peved by him, "Can it with the -sama's okay?"

"Yes, Ma'am." he answered.

Siaka dropped into a couch, "So where did my fucking family go to?" she asked Eddy.

"To one of Zen's baseball games. They'll be back around 9:00." he smiled, about to sit next to her to only have Kobayashi quickly take the seat.

Kobayashi looked to Siaka questioning.

Siaka yawned, "My little brother's name is Danno Zen. My little sister's name is Danno Miyako." She put her head on Kobayashi's sholder, "And now I'm going to pass the time with a luvly nap." Siaka then drifted off.

"Kami-sama... that's just you isn't it?" Kobayashi sighed, laying her on the couch as he got up.

Eddy was in the kitchen, "We need to talk." He went to the coffee machine,"Would you like coffee?"

"Yes we do. And sure, I don't know what that is, but sure." Kobayashi said sitting down at the table.

Eddy rubbed his tempoles handing Kobayahsi a coffee,"God damn, where she pick this one up?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, was he not the first?

Eddy took a long breath and a sip of coffee, "Siaka has a habit of getting guys to fall for her. She doesn't evn need to try hard, to bad she couldn't make friends that well. Now tell me the truth what is your relationship to her?"

Kobayashi tryed the coffee and didn't really like the taiste. "Well, you can't tell anyone unless Siaka wants you to. I am her, uh, slave." he mumbled, imbarrased.

Eddy looked annoyed, "Okay, when and where are you from."

"Japan, and when.. I'm not sure. . It was the Kamakura Period, aparently have a different way of numbering years. " (a/n: The Kamakura Period 1185-1333AD)

Eddy stared in shock for a moment, but it quickly faded, "Okay, so how old would she be then?"

"200 years, I think." Kobayashi answered after a sip of coffee.

Eddy muttered, "Damn these myobu kitsune, they fucking jump around in time too much."

"Uh, I thought she was reiko...."

"Oh, so it is true then, she switched her god. Every kitsune in this house are myobu, worshiping Inari. Then again she never did really what everyone else did. She's to much like her father."

Kobayashi was confused "What the hell is her background? I don't understand any of this on account of I didn't grow up with her and even if I did I couldn't fucking remeber because a psyco path stole my fucking memory."

"Sorry, I supose I'll have to give you a summery of Siaka's childhood." Eddy sighed," Siaka if she hadn't done all the time hopping would be twenty-three right now, but she looks like she did when she was only17 so I don't exactly know what went on there. Anyway, her parents devorced when she was three and her mother soon got remarried. I guess that kindof fucked up her relationship abillities because she never was very good at making friends. She wasn't emotional around people because her stepfather would yell at her if she cried when he would beat her up. So she hated it here and basicly only lived for the day she could leave. Once she said I was the only reason she hadn't killed herself yet, thinking that no one loved her. It wasn't that no one did, it was just she doesn't know how to adsept it. Deep down I think she knows it, but she just wants to feel that she is loved. She also has boyfriend issues. She never dated anyone for more then a month in her entire life. She always had boys with crushes on her and Siaka knew just the way to lure them in and break their hearts. She did it without even having to put any effort into it. I've come to the conclusion that she has some form of a curse or something on her because guys either love her or hate her, there is no grey area. That's her life until she disappered after graduating school. I asume she turned on the harvest god as soon as she left."

Kobayashi understood why she acted how she did now, "So your in love with her?"

"Yeah, ain't it obvious? She thinks of me as more of a brother, though. You must be in love with her too then, correct?"

Siaka was laying on the couch listening to the whole conversation. She found her heartbeat quicken as the inu youkai asked the question. Why she was so anxious for Kobayashi's answer though puzzled her.

Kobayashi took a long sip of the coffee, "What do you fucking think? I love her with all my heart! If anything happened to her, I swear I would kill myself. That angel is my entire life and I never want it any other way. Damnit, I'd do anything for that girl...." He said the rest of what he wanted her to hear so bad in his head, 'For some reason I can't stop thinking of you, Siaka.. Your in my head.. My throat... I'm drownding in you Angel, and there is no way I'm going to be able to recover from this.'

"Well, it's good to know she found someone like you. She needs someone to care about her for a change.

The door to the grage opened. "We're home!" a boy shouted, his white fox ears poped out from under his baseball cap. No doubt, Zen.

Siaka shot up and ran up to the door,"Hey Bub, how'd the game go?!"

"Siaka!!!!!!" he shouted latching on to his older half sibling, "Mom, mom, Siaka's home!!!!!"

An older kitsune with white fox ears came in, "Oh Siaka, where have you been? I was worried sick!" She ran to Siaka and inbrassed her.

"I am safe enough on my own, Mom." she smiled weakly. Kobayashi figured she had to really hate this place to leave for her current life.

Another came in, a young golden eared kitsune with glasses, "Siaka, I missed yah! I knew you were going to going to come back, though."

"Yah, well I had to come back at least one more time..." she glared, seeing a bear youkai enter the room, her stepfather.

Her mother was the first to notice Kobayashi, "And who would this be?"

"I am Kobayashi. It is a pleasure to make you aquatance, Mrs. Danno." he bowed.

The older vixen blushed, "It is nice to meet you also, but you may call me Kimi if you like." She then turned back to her daughter, "Siaka, are you two dating?"

"Mother!!!" Siaka blushed. "Heaven's no!! We're just close friends."

"Yes, I'm sure.... Anyway, are you staying for dinner?"

"I guess so."

YAY!! it's officaly been a year since I came up w/ the Idea for writing this... and now look a year and about 500 coffees later it's almost finnished!!