Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow's of the Night ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Okay, wha's ev'ryone's sudden interest in my well-being?!" I shouted, glaring at Logan and Bobby. Logan glared back, but Bobby must of decided he'd had enough since he left the room and followed Alison down the hall. "A week ago no one, not even Remy, gave a fuck 'bout me! Now aluva sudden, one person see's me in a bar playing poker and ev'ryone panicks!"

"When teenagers wager their virginity in a card game it makes people think bad about ya, and the cuts and scars on yer wrists don't help that idea much." Logan said, his calm demenor pissing me off slightly. I saw Remy slip out the door, pissing me off even more that my own brother wouldn't stay and back me up on this. "I don't know where yer 'no one cares' theory came from, but maybe you talk with Gumbo a bit more often. He cares about yer safety, even if he doesn't show it."

"Sho he does, da's why he and dad let t'Brudderhood kidnap me! I'll believe dey care when Hell freezes over!" I left the room and slammed the door behind me, slamming my bedroom door just as loudly. I began hunting for my knife, but for some reason I couldn't find it. I could of sworn I'd left it sitting under my pillow last night, but I guess even I can misplace things. Damn, half the mansion get's drug into a fight and it ends up with me arguing with Logan... again! Why do I even bother trying anymore, no one else bothers to try and help. I could feel the old tattoo on my arm burn slightly, a feeling I'd grown acustomed to by the time I was 8. Remy had the same mark on his upper left arm, the ink those guys used to put them there made from a chemical that only showed up when exposed to blood and burned when some one else with the same mark had a problem.

'Hey, Remy?'


'You okay in dere, frére?'

'Qui... '
Both of us were silent for a moment, then 'Non, I'm not okay.'

'Wanna talk 'bout it, or is it one o' dem problems?'

'Was Logan tellin' t'truth... when he said you was wagerin' you virginity in dat game?'

'Non, I was jus' showing some ol' Brudderhood amis up in poker game. I tol' 'em dat if I lost, the winner got a kiss. Da's it.'
Remy laughed through our link, making me wonder if he'd finally snapped. 'Wha's so funny o'er dere, Remy?'

'I dink Logan likes you, Aiyen. Jus' dink about it, he's t'only person in t'mansion dat hit t'ceiling when he saw you sittin' in dat bar. I figured it was all in a Cajun's day, and everyone else jus' figured "Hey, she ain't my kid! Why should we really care what she does?" Face it Aiyen, Logan likes you.'
I blushed, glad that Remy wasn't right here talking to me. 'Anudder ding I noticed, he was t'only one who jumped to t'conclusion dat you was wagering anyding of importance.'

'I git t'point, Remy.' 'You do?' 'Qui, I git t'point. Speakin' o' relationships, how's you and Rogue's goin?' 'How t'hell do you know 'bout dat!?' 'Call me a hopeless romantic, but bot' o' you are showin' t'classic signs.' 'I guess i's going well, i's jus- WHAD D'YOU MEAN "CLASSIC SIGNS"!?!' 'Ow... Remy, I'm right here you know. I mean y'all are startin' to act like Cyclops and Jean do towards eachudder.' 'Oh... Rogue jus' came in, should I tell her you said hi?' 'Sho ding, and I'll leave you two alone. Jus' remember she has to be able to walk outta dat room sooner or later, Remy.'
I put my mental blocks back up before Remy could answer, laughing softly and realizing I'd found my knife. "Finally, something good about today!"

I slashed the words Memento Mori into my right arm, making sure I only bled on my jeans. My spirit healing thingy never took effect when I cut, a flaw I discovered when I had to slice my arm open to escape the cops while I was still with the Guild. Of course, thinking about the Guild aroused memories of my 10 years with the Brotherhood.


"Hiya Cajun, how ya been?" I gave Rogue one of those so-so looks, collapsing on the floor and letting my spirit take effect and heal my numerous injuries. Niala fell through the door a minute later, closely followed by Orcania. They both grunted their hello's and struggled to get up, tripping Magneto in the process. "Hiya Erik, did ya have a nice trip?" "Very funny, Rogue. Have you seen Mystique anywhere, she was supossed to come back with these three worthless brats." "Hey now, one of those 'worthless brats' is mah little sistah. Ah haven't seen mama anywheah, she's mos' likely at a bar gittin' drunk." "I see, would you happen to know what bar?" "No, now do ya mind leavin' so I can help Orcania and Niala heal?" Magneto left with one of those looks on his face, leaving Rogue to help the other two while my body just healed itself. (A/N: ladies, you know the look i'm talking about. that look that says 'damn it, you worthless bitch! you aren't good for anything but sex, and even THAT 's a long shot!') By the time I regained my physical body, Niala and Orcania we screaming in pain thanks to the thialade Rogue was putting on their wounds. "Are ya sure you're okay, Cajun?"

"I have a name, you know. Damn, t'Guild din't even treat me dis bad! And dey was family... Well, sorta." I crawled over to a chair, collapsing in that once I could. I started thinking about Remy, and wondering where he was if he wasn't with the Luisiana Guild. "Din't ya mention havin' a brother once or twice, Aiyen?" "Quais. I gotta brudder, his name's Remy." "Is he cute?" "Da's up to you to t'judge, Rogue. Even in Cajun Country da's considered creepy, you know." "Yeah, guess it is. If ya came here, why's he still there?" "T'Brudderhood kidnapped me from schoo' one day, den dreatened to tell t'police about my record if I din't stay. You was dere for most o' t'kidnapping, and you met Remy den too." "Ah remembah that, which screamin' kid was he?" "T'one dat Mystique shot dat was dreatenin' to kill her if dey hurt me? Dat was Remy... I don' even know if he's still alive after dat."


I looked at my arm confusedly, finding it bandaged almost expertly. Knowing for a fact that I hadn't done it myself, I looked around to see if whoever had was still here. That's when I realized I was sitting on my bed, and Logan was sitting against the wall with a worried look on his face.

"What t'HELL!?" "I'm sorry about what I said earlier, kid. I could smell yer blood down the hall, so I figured I'd come check on ya." "You sho' did, but you din't come hea of you own free will. I can see it in you eyes, sumone forced you to come apologize to me. So who was it, Wolverine? Jean? Or maybe Remy got off his ass and told you dat I cut, and dat made you feel guilty?" I was pinned against the wall in an instant, Logan's hands on my shoulders. "I did come ta apologize, but you missed yer mark on who made me come do it. A voice in my head callin' itself Phantom told me there was somethin' wrong, and that maybe I should come take a look." "Phantom?" "Yeah, Phantom." "But... my uder spirit don' give a damn about my life... Why would it decide to save me now... ?"

I would say that I was confused, but that would be lying. I knew exactly why Phantom wanted to save me, though the only thing it wanted to save was my body. It needed my physical body to remain in this world, so it wouldn't allow me to bleed to death. Not now, at least. Phantom wanted to get rid of my mental blocks, and had nearly talked me into it once. I had fallen into a state of depression and just didn't care anymore, so I nearly gave in to Phantom's malevolent commands. Rogue and Niala just so happened to come in the room that very second, stopping me from giving in and proving that, for the first time in my life... I had friends. I could feel Logan looking at me, but I refused to look him in the eye. He'd probably saved my life, just like Rogue and Niala did that day, and I'd flown off the handle at him. Logan dropped his arms to my waist, sitting down and pulling me into his lap. All I did was sit there, fighting the tears threatening to pour out of my eyes.

"Somethin' on yer mind, kid? You can tell me anything, you know." "I's nuttin' of importance." "Professor X said you might not remember anything before the Brotherhood, I've got the same problem. Only my first memory is the Weapon X facility, being in an over-sized aquarium with a bunch of scientists around." "T'Brudderhood was worse, I woke up face-to-face with Magneto and Mystique. Rogue was dere, too, but dat was before I got to know her and Niala." "Who's Niala?" "T'only true friend I ever had, since Rogue bailed on t'Brudderhood ater she broke it off with Magneto." "Well, you got me beat by a longshot. Magneto AND Mystique, huh? I'll take the Weapon X scientists over them any day" I don't know why, but for some reason I laughed about what he said. Flashing Logan a brief smile, I kept laughing until he pressed his lips softly to mine. A few minutes passed before I got the slap in the face that told me I wasn't dreaming, a telepathic intrusion from Professor Xavier.

'Attention X-Men, meet me in the War Room imeadiately.' Logan pulled away from me cursing, setting me aside and getting up. "Sorry 'bout that squirt, guess I took that whole comfort thing a little too far." "Not a problem, but it is a problem if you stick around while I git inta mission costume. So leave, before I hafta drow you out." "Alright already, I'll pass along the message that you wanna be a show off." As soon as Logan left I pulled my Brotherhood gear out of the lock box it was in, looking at it fondly before donning the uniform quickly. Looser fitting black jeans and a shorter black tank-top allowed my body freedom of movement, and just for kicks showed off my well-toned form. Pulling my boots on and strapping my bo staff across my back, I pulled my jacket on and left my sword hiding under the bed. Well, no one said I had to let them in on ALL my strengths... I'll introduce them to the sword later.


"Whoa... Talk about decked out..." Bobby gave me one of his over-used apreciative stares, earning a glare from me and the threat of a charged bo staff. I didn't really mind the looks, I got them from the Brotherhood fools all the time. What bothered me was the fact that every guy in the room short of Cyclops and Professor X was openly gawking at me, even Remy had one of those 'If you weren't my sister I'd fuck you in a heartbeat' looks on his face. I just rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall, my staff returning to my back before anyone saw me move. "Now that we have that issue settled, can we get to the briefing?" "Lighten up, Cyke. You can't tell me she wouldn't be worth gawking at if you weren't married, can you?"

"Your attention if I may, and your silence if I may not." Iceman and Cyclops were still glaring at each other, but they were doing so silently. "It's come to our attention that the Brotherhood has a captive, listen to this." He clicked something that started a playback, the voices I heard sounding all too familiar.

"The captive is getting out of hand, sir." It was Toad. "Then DO something about it, damn it!" I recognized Magneto's voice and the tense sound of it, he was afraid of this "captive" of theirs. The only two people I could think of that scared him were me and Niala, and since I was here that meant he'd caught up with Niala. "But sir, you don't seem t- HEY!"

"Shut it, Toad! Magneto, she's gotten ahold of Havok. If we aren't careful, she can say 'hello' to Havok's powers and we can say 'bye-bye' to living." "I never thought I'd live to see the day that you were afraid of one of your children, Mystique." "I'm not afraid of Niala herself, it's the concept of an extremely pissed off Niala with Havok's powers that scares me." "What was Havok doing in the room, he's supposed to be out gathering information. Or killing that brother of his, whichever came first." I risked a glance over at Cyclops, he'd finally started listening when he was mentioned. "How the hell am I supposed to know? He just walked into the room, got a little too close to the cage the brat is in, and the next thing you know Havok has a sword against his throat and the threat of a teenager stealing his powers hanging over him."

"This is all well and good, but do you guys think you can hurry it up a bit? OW! God damn it, you little bastard!" My main question was how Niala had gotten Havok close enough to that cage to grab, since that idiot wasn't dumb enough to get that close to a captive whose powers could kill him. Cyclops laughed quietly, amused that his brother couldn't get away from a teenager. I'll admit I found it interesting, especially since I knew Niala wouldn't kill him unless he attacked her first. But if Havok did that now, he'd let her out and she could run for it. "Ah haven't even begun ta be a little bastard, Havok. Ya just hang tight for a while, and don' move if ya wanna keep your head atop it's shoulders." "Why you little -!"

"Havok! You attack that cage and you'll let that brat out, and then she'll kill us all anyways. So follow her advice and hang tight, we'll get you down from there... eventually." "You'll leave him hanging there, he can be added insurance that the X-Men hand over the Cajun brat without any trouble." "But Magneto, if Aiyen is with the X-Men she's bound to come in here killing. And are you forgetting that Cyclops and Havok have a score to settle?" "He wouldn't kill his own flesh and blood, and the X-Men's honor won't let them kill at all. So leave Havok hanging there and get back here, leave Niala with her thoughts and Havok. Just make sure that cage is well lit, we don't need her escaping again." There was a click, so I guess Magneto didn't want to make sure Mystique carried out his orders. "Oh shut up you sorry son-of-a- " Another click, this time Professor Xavier had turned the playback off.

"Your mission is to rescue their captive, and possibly find out the Brotherhood's plans for Aiyen. Beast, you stay here and work on finding out their plans through their computers. You have your mission X-Men, God speed to you." I followed Remy out the door, my thoughts being interupted for the second time in 20 minutes. 'Aiyen, are you sure you can handle a mission with your arm bandaged?' 'Stop treating me like a child, damn it!' 'What do you mean?' 'I mean that since I got here, I felt like everyone is treating me like a toddler instead of a mutant.' 'Once you get back we'll test your abilities, then maybe everyone will treat you less like a child.' I put my mental blocks back up, somehow making then strong enough to keep Professor Xavier out. I kept my head down and followed Remy's footsteps, sitting alone in a corner on the X-Jet. A few people tried to get me to talk to them, but I just scooted away and started running over the lay-out of the Brotherhood HQ in my head.


Author Note: hm, long chapter huh? i'm allowed on the net again, so chapter length will be the major issue with not updating. see ya next chapter!