Fan Fiction ❯ Withered as a Rose ❯ Again ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Withered as a Rose`Chapter Two - Again`

She stopped, blinking stupidly, 'Was…That…?'

"Catrina?" He blinked, clearly his voice brimmed with confusion. "Catrina…?" He asked again, shaking her slightly, to no avail, her eyes wide, like a deer in the headlights. 'What's she looking at?' He looked in her direction to merely see a guy. He was leaning against the school sidewall, casually watching the crowd. Nothing out of the ordinary, so why was she staring?

'C-Corick?' She tilted her head, it couldn't be. It's just some black-haired kid. I mean, he didn't have wings, nor claws, fangs, irregular ears. She sighed; it was just a black haired kid. So, why did she stop then? What drew her to him…? Her boyfriend's voice hit her ears a few times and she broke from her dream state. "S-sorry." She mumbled, dragging him along, the heavy doors of the school opening. 'Who am I kidding, it's just an off day…No Corick, he's just something of a dream and, jeez, I'll be sent to the mental ward.' She said in her mind, glaring angrily at the tile floor below her.

"Is that dream bothering you…Or, who was that kid?" He asked, wanting so many answers. His Catrina, wasn't the same since these past few weeks of April?

"I-It's nothing. Just wondering about a few things. I slipped off into daydream and I guess I was staring at someone. Sorry." She looked up, flashing a usual smile; it usually warded off any and all questions. Not this time though, so a scowl remained on her face.

"I don't think that's all. You just don't want to tell me what's on your mind, do you?" He said softly, hurt and angers hinting his words.

What he said felt like daggers, but they were so true. Too close for comfort, she sighed, and looked ahead, her hand limp in his grasp. "No, it's not that, Dryst. It's just…Something I have to get over alone, you know?"

"No. Everything that happens we get over together." He stated, icy eyes watching the tiles now.

"…Not everything." She tried again, but she knew, once he thought of something he wouldn't let it slip. She glanced up, watching as his lips opened and then, the bell sounded for class. "We'll deal with this later then."

He snorted, "Fine."

"Come on, class." She mumbled half-heartily, dragging him along to their first period class. Sitting next to eachother in the top row. Their relationship was crashing around them. And it was…Her fault. All because of a stupid dream. She couldn't let that happen could she? Didn't she care for, Dryst HighWind? …She wasn't sure anymore. She took out a black notebook, one to match her mood, and opened the pearly pages. Slamming her backpack aside, not caring for the alarmed looks of her classmates. Scribbles of her blue ink pen, she wrote down all the teacher began to say. It was history class, so she was ready for a long day of note taking. But, away from the words she began to scribble. Stupid little drawings of a certain blue rose, and forever promise…


"In here." The girl whispered, taking the hand of the demon and leading him through her window. "You can stay in my closet. We get rid of your hurts." She said, seeming intelligent from a normal five-year-old child. He rolled his eyes and hovered into the rather large closet. "I be back." She mumbled, and ran off. He watched the girl slam the door behind her.

There he made observations of his new 'home'. The child's room was…certainly a human's room. Toys scattered closet a mess with many small dresses and shoes. He sighed; tossing aside a dress that was bothering his seating position. If he stood up, he'd surely hit his head on the ceiling of the closet. He grumbled why was he even putting up with this? He could just kill her and leave. But, if others were looking for him…Or others saw him, where would he be? He sighed in defeat, and waited for the girl to return. She scooted the door open once more, and dropping a rather large first aid kit by his side. She smiled, gesturing for him to open it. 'What's…this?' He thought, not accustomed with that form of medical treatment. He opened it cautiously with an ebon talon and found some things he did recognize. Such as bandages. He couldn't touch his wound he knew, and… There was no way he'd ask the child. But, the look upon his face did not go unnoticed to her.

"I help!" She giggled, grabbing up the bandages and what appeared to be a brown bottle. She applied the stinging solution but he didn't make a move. She tried her best to wrap his stomach, and it worked, at least it would stay in place. "Mama always put that stuffs on a hurt. And It goes away quick." She explained, sitting back down to look up to him with those mesmerizing emerald eyes.

Something within her soul was keeping him from killing her on the spot. Something he couldn't place, but only be left to gaze into those eyes of green. "…Thanks." He snorted, and leaned back against her dark blue wall.

"Welcome!" She smiled widely, and slowly made her way out of the closet. "If you get hungry you tell me. I go sleep."

"…Sleep, for how long?" He thought, wondering if she would sleep for years, like some demons he had known. Then, where would he be? But, didn't humans have a short life span? She didn't seem too far into it to have a year sleep as of yet.

"Just for tonight, silly." She giggled once more, and he watched her form creep up upon the rectangular thing a ways from him. "Close your door, don't want mama to walk in. Go sleep now." She mumbled curling under her covers and falling asleep abruptly.

Being demon, he wasn't tired and wasting time by prodding his newly acquired bandages. "…Yeah." He didn't shut it right away, more intent on listening to her even breathing before the door shut, and the night was wasted away…


"Catrina? Class is over." Dryst mumbled, shaking her shoulder. She had been daydreaming again, and drawing the same thing bigger and bigger. It was a weird drawing, of some winged guy and a rose. "What's that mean?" He pointed to her scribbles.

She didn't remember drawing a picture of Corick; she remembered the rose, but nothing more. "…Nothing, dream images."

"You dream about him?" He quirked a brow.

She countered; grinning and gathering up her notebook, "You jealous of a dream person, Dryst?"

"No." He spat the two of them heading down the twisting halls of the castle-like school.

"Good." She smiled. But, what was troubling her… Now the dreams even came at school, and the person she saw earlier, what connection did he have to that demon? She shook her head; it's nonsense and nothing more.

"Class take your seats, turn to page 444 in your English books. We will begin reading." The elder teacher said sharply to the arriving students. Dryst and Catrina were stuck sitting in the front row this time, causing both to groan in defeat and take out their massive books. "Would you like to read first, Miss Catrina?" He asked, cold onyx eyes peering over rounded glasses.

"…Yes, Mr. Souta." She sighed, turning the pages and finding the one he wished her to read. She saw it, a simple poem, and mere words upon the pearly sheet. She read it once in her mind before her lips parted and out came the words on the page:

Fly away…

Leave your sorrows behind…

Wings of angels come to save thee…

In your time of need…

Onyx feathers reign from the heavens…

To carry you away…

Darkness shan't take thee…

Leave in the light…

Angels save thee from Darkness…

Fly away…

The poem hit too close to home for her comfort. She sighed inwardly as the teacher began to ramble once more about, what the author may have meant in such a poem. But other things plagued her mind, as they often did. She stared blankly at the page. The onyx letters forming a different scene in her mind… One of memories and happiness.


"Really? You'll let me fly!?" She asked hopeful, half-hopping up and down in front of the onyx haired boy.

He simply nodded, "It's…Christmas after all."

"Yay! Thank you, Corick!" She smiled, hugging him around the waist.

"…Welcome." He learned enough of human words and customs by now. He half-smiled, resisting the urge to lean down and hug the girl as well. She had taught him so much. Even the meaning of Christmas. His wound has long since healed from the past months, when he met her that chilly October morning. "Come on, stand right." He commanded, heaving in a faked anger. She did as he said, taking his anger to heart. She looked up for reassurance and had none. She sighed, but he kneeled down, taking her arms apart. She turned around, feeling his voice touch her ear. "Let's fly away." He said softly, raising her small form high as his thick wings flapped. Leaving the air to break under his swift movements. The night was sanctuary to him, and he would show her the world as he saw it.

"Wow!" She breathed, eyes sparkling with all the streetlights and city lights below. He flew at a fast pace; witch made her locks flutter in the night breeze. Another heavy flap sent them higher into the air. "I can touch the stars!" She giggled, looking at the nightly beauties around her.

"This is the night, the true night." He said gently, holding her close, to keep the chill from her human flesh.

"It's so pretty." She felt him nod, and she smiled brightly. Looking at everything that passed by so fast.

"Let us fly away." He said again, few old feathers falling to mix with the night. She watched as a beautiful onyx feather passed her, just from her grasp.

"I cant…Mama will be sad." She thought his words merely a game. "We fly now and tomorrow though. And I see you all de time!"

'…All the time, I fear is too short.' He thought to himself but nodded once more, his tresses mixing with hers. "…Of course, we will fly again tomorrow. Fly away." He repeated.

She nodded, a yawn escaping her lips. "I'd like that."

"Then we will, I promise." He said once more, before averting his path, back to her familiar home. He flew easily into her bedroom window, already cradling the sleeping child. He set her down on her bed, watching briefly as she slept. He savored every minute he spent with this unique child. One he would never figure out, nor truly know. 'I fear our time is short.' He thought once more, brushing aside a few stray strands and pushing her covered on top of her. He sighed softly and made his way to her bay window. Grey, worried eyes shone to the night above. 'My wound is almost healed. And I will be leaving her.' He thought grimly. 'I shouldn't care. It's just another worthless human. But she is…' He tried to defend her but angered himself. 'She is just a human, I will need to forget.' He paced to his usual spot in her closet, shutting the door, falling asleep to her even breathing once again, as he did every night. '…But what if…I don't want to forget.' Was his last thought before his lids closed and he fell to the realm of dreams.


She knew what she was dreaming this time and sighed once more. Glaring to her English book. But a jolt up her spine sent her upright, her chair carelessly falling aside. "Is something wrong, Miss Catrina?" The teacher mused, but got no response form the girl.

'What if I don't want to forget.' Was said through her mind. She frantically looked around the room, the source of the words. The voice…It was so familiar yet…No face was recognizing in her troubled mind. Who, where are they? Where did it come from?


Hey! I'm so glad I got reviews already! So, as you saw this was chapter two. And don't worry if you don't understand what happened between her and Corick yet, I didn't want the first chapter to be like thirty pages long so I simply made it so, you'll understand in chapters to come. Flashbacks and what not. But, I thank you for your lovely support! Keep reviewing and I'll keep posting! Bye!