Fan Fiction ❯ Withered as a Rose ❯ Darkness Plagues ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Withered as a Rose`Chapter Three - Darkness Plagues`

She looked around the classroom, oblivious to the stares or words the others said. The ringing in her mind was unbearable. 'Remember…I never want to forget.' It kept repeating, over and over.

"Who's there?!" Was her frantic cry. She fell to her knees clutching her head, what was invading her mind? And why…Why couldn't she remember the voice?!

"Catrina? Catrina!" Dryst called to her, falling with her and shaking her shoulders. "Catrina, it's me! Dryst…And your in English." He tried to explain to her, what was wrong? He couldn't be sure, he scanned her immobile form. She had fallen to her side, staring blankly at the desk in front of her. "Catrina?" He said barely above a whisper. His eyes scanned hers, but something was different. The once bright orbs of emerald were glazed in a silver fog. Engulfing them to a point of no return. He feared for his love, shaking her to no avail.

The students also became curious, peering over their desks to look at the fallen woman. The teacher had called the nurse to come, but in her mind, nothing was happening. Everything was at a stand still, and she was witnessing a sight she thought she'd never see again. 'Who're you…?' She thought, staring at the dark abyss that was her mind.

'…You've forgotten?' Was the voice's sad reply.

'Forgotten what? …I don't understand.' She thought back to it.

'…' It didn't respond, but suddenly she became very aware of where she was. She was in her own mind, her form, it was hers and she was standing in the darkness. '…You've grown up.'

She looked blankly at the blackness, staring off into no where. She couldn't pin point the words, and feared they were probably another vision, another stupid dream here to take her to the past she thought never existed. '…What do you mean?'

'You're not six anymore, that's what.' Voice responded back, a new emotion coming into it. Was it…amusement?

'Of course I'm not, I can't stay…Wait, are you…?' She blinked eyes wide at what she was hearing now.

'So you remember, deep down you do know who I am.' The voice said back to her, she could now at least recognize it, as a…Male's voice.

She looked down, though nothing was different, it was still as dark as the ceiling, walls…It didn't matter where she was staring. '…I do?' She racked her brain, she did remember, but it was too absurd to hope on a dream, was it?

A talon touched her chin, bringing her head up, to stare in the eyes of a demon. 'Yes, you do.'

'Corick.' Her mind gasped, eyes looking deeply into his.

He smiled to her, hand taking the side of her face in his grasp. Talons playing with the streaks of silver and gold that weren't there when he knew this child. 'I knew you could remember, if you tried. I've kept my promise.'

'…You did.' Her eyes began to fill with a soft mist…tears.

'…Don't cry, Trina, I'm sorry if I've upset you.' He had been taken aback, she didn't want to remember…Did she?

'No! I'm just…I never thought…' Her lips curved into an angelic smile, one he remembered every moment he was away. 'I thought you were just a dream. Not real…You know.' She chuckled, embarrassed. 'It's silly…But…'

'Its not…Not all humans can believe in -myths- such as demons and angels.' He said simply, still taking her eyes in his. 'You don't know how long I've missed you…How long I waited to see you again…But, not like this.'

'Not like this?' She repeated, confusion hinting her words.

'Not in your mind…in person. I am sorry it had to be this way…Don't worry, I'll find you again.' Was his last statement as his body began to disintegrate in her mind.

'No Corick! Don't leave…again.' She whined, but he was gone…Was it even real… She fell again, to sob silently in her mind as she was brought back to 'Reality.'

Her eyes drowsily came back to focus; the sight was one that wasn't what she'd plan. She was staring up at a white ceiling. Yes, she wasn't caught in her mind any longer…This was real. And she wasn't even sure if the Corick she saw was even just a figment of her dream world…Or, that was really him keeping his promise to her. Her eyes clouded with tears once more, but was broke from her sad thoughts. "Catrina! I'm so glad your o.k…The whole class thought you've gone…" He said the last bit in whisper. "Insane. You were screaming at nothing…And your eyes were so clouded."

She moved her head to the side, her obsidian locks cascading down the side of the medical bed. "…Maybe I have." She whispered soundly.

"…Catrina, don't think that way. I've told you before, no matter what I'll help you get through it…together." He said softly, a hand brushing her cheek as he smiled down to her.

'Dryst…' She thought sadly, "…What if you can't help…"

"Don't think that way. Whatever happens will happen…Together." He said once more, taking her hand in his to give a soft squeeze, to show support.

'…I don't know anymore…What's real and what's fantasy.' Her mind was racking thought quicker than ever, was this insanity? '…Dryst, he's so nice…so sweet. I never want to hurt him, but I don't know anything anymore.' She couldn't help the tears that filled her eyes. '…I don't know anything.' She wrapped her arms around his neck, swooping him in a hug, she never wanted to let go…

"Don't worry, let's go home." He said gently in her ear, lifting her up and walked to the nurse's desk. "Could I please take her home now."

"…If you find it best, but please try and get her some help, not just from me." The middle-aged woman responded, nodding, giving permission for him to leave campus early. "I will tell your teacher's where you have gone."

"Thank you." And with that he headed out for the car. Carrying his girlfriend in his arms. He set her down in the seat next to his and began to drive home. He began to talk, but didn't realized nothing registered in her mind.

Thought carried elsewhere as her eyes blankly stared out the car window. '…What is…My life anymore.' She thought, eyes watching the blurs that passed on their way home. '…Corick, are you even real…'


A silent observer, was the male that followed the woman and child. "Who is he again, Catrina?" The blonde haired woman asked her daughter in her arms.

"His name Corick. He my friend from de park." She said, smiling widely.

"…Alright…" She said softly, for her daughter only to hear but was unaware how excellent the hearing of a demon. He was disguised best he could be. He had hidden his wings from human sight, as well as his other demon characteristics. Even masking his eyes to look a pale brown. All…For that human child.

"Mama, I want him to carry me." She whined to her mother and she reluctantly gave in, setting down her daughter as she leapt into the man's arms. She still kept watch over her, as they began walking to the store.

"…Don't worry, mama just protective." She giggled softly, and swatted at his bangs, "You are toos, huh?"

He snorted in response; the only reason he came on this trip to the mall was because he also had understood what could happen to humans. Many things could happen from a short trip to a public place. And sure…He was protective now of this girl, and therefore would protect as they ventured. He had to make himself known to her 'Mama' in case she had noticed him following. "…No, I simply came because you wanted me to." Was his excuse.

She shook her head, but took it, known to how much pride he had. And knew he would never admit to liking a 'human' in such a way. "…Ohs." She responded to him, keeping the knowing smile from her face. She leaned into his chest, being cradled gently by her dark angel friend. She kept a content smile instead…It felt perfect to be held by him. Even at the tender age of five she couldn't deny such a thing. It felt different from when her mother held her. Perhaps, that is why she was a 'unique' child in his eyes…Different from the rest in soul and mind.

"We're here." The woman ahead said stiffly, and the three walked inside the mall…


"We're here." Came a same remark from the driver, taking her from her thoughts.

'It was different…Both mother and Dryst…It wasn't the same.' She thought silently as she came shakily from the crimson colored vehicle.

"You sure you're fine?" He said skeptically, watching as she exited, ready to catch her if she fell.

She nodded to him, and casually walked inside, "…I just need some rest."

"If your sure…" He said skeptically.

She nodded again, waving him off as she headed up the stairs. "…Just some rest." She repeated and he watched as she walked up the hard wood steps and disappeared around the corner of the wall. He sighed and headed to the kitchen, going to make something for her later. She opened her door and stepped in, slipping off her sandals, and walking past her dresser…Or almost past it. '…Rose.' She thought as she looked to its misty petals. Fingertips brushed the aqua strands of the rose. Eyes trailing to the note still perfectly attached to the ice-colored steam. 'I will see you again.' The delicate hand-writing… She smiled, even if he was a dream, he was a good one.

A voice broke her thoughts; "…You still kept it."

She gasped, and turned around. That voice… She looked into the face of the other that was in her room. "Corick?"


Lol, CliffHanger! Though you kinda know what it's about… Or do you? Cackle You know the drill, review and I post a new chapter…C'ya soon wink Love the support, thanks to all that reviewed so far! A few fans of Corick out there? Hehe, join the club! Lol, bye for now… P.S: Sorry for the chapter's shortness!