Fan Fiction ❯ Withered as a Rose ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Withered as a Rose`Chapter Four - Meeting`

Her eyes fell upon the one sitting casually on her bed. She blinked a few times, registering the boy in her mind. It was the ebon haired boy she saw at school earlier. That was right, he could mask himself as a human. He smirked to her glance and nodded to his name she called. "Now we meet in person. You weren't imagining me in your mind you know." He said simply, pale eyes looking to hers. "You kept my present."

She nodded, "…Yes, I guess I did. At least I know why it didn't wither away all these years, huh?"

He chuckled slightly, "Yes, my life force is keeping it alive for you…"

"…So that's how it works." She said softly, looking once more to the soft blue rose, then to him. The life he had within kept this beautiful flower alive. No wonder it hadn't died… It's because he was still alive… Out there somewhere. If she had only known that so long ago, she would have had hope to know she wasn't imagining him. She mumbled, still getting over the fact that he was…Truly real. "…Corick…" She couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips or the glow her spirit felt now that he was with her again.

"Yes?" He asked, tilting his head to one side, causing his messy locks to fall to his right.

"…Why did you have to leave…You know, when I was six." She could barely remember the reason now. "And why did you take so long to return. I thought I might be going crazy, seeing you again in my mind…"

"…The war." He said silently, looking down to her floor now. "Between Heaven and Hell. It waged on for years… The first time I crashed down to the earth…Remember I was wounded?" She nodded, and he continued, "I was shot down, by an expert angel archer…" His memory of the battle came to view in his mind…


"Torith!" The demon shouted as another comrade was shot down. He growled, clenching his fingers into a tight grip around his dark sword. He glared at the one who shot his friend… Straight through the heart, and capturing his spirit. The angel ahead of him… His eyes narrowed menacingly. "You…You'll pay deeply for that, Angel."

"…We'll see…Demon." He spat, his cold blue eyes watching his movements. Following each thrust of the sword, each kick, each wing flap. He was too good for an angel, he mentally recorded. He was even better than a demon lord was. Who was this…This angel? He couldn't be sure, but battle waged around them. Mist of crimson and smell of copper filled the heavenly air. The satin white clouds stained, tainted, with the fallen demons and angels. He growled low in his throat as he caught blade with the angel. "I can't let you win." Was the arrogant reply as his lips turned into a cold smirk.

He glowered, something wasn't right. "…Neither I you." He spat back and thrusted forward, breaking the stance of blades. "Your good, I'll give you that." Again, they flew at each other; cracking of metal filled the air as they rammed eachother over and over. Breaking and regaining stance of swords. Not a breath of metal touched their skin, just the angry clash of energy from the blades, one to the other. Light and darkness, waged in battle, but it was soon broken. Not by demon, nor by the apposing angel… But by a well thought trap.

"Looks like the angels have one, and demons will die. Every one of you will die…" He grinned, and set his sword to his side, looking coldly to the falling demon. He had been shot, straight through the stomach. His wound… Was bleeding rapidly, sending the droplets to the air as he watched in horror as he fell. The scene stood still in his mind. His sword fell away. He caught the sight of the once hidden angel archer. The arrow he shot, was the one that pierced his tan flesh. And sent him coreening towards the earth. Out of heaven, and away from Hell. A pained cry was shouted in response to the angel. He couldn't touch his wound, and it stung away his flesh. Binding him from the inside. He fell, leaving the eyes of demons and angels as he fell numbly towards the lush green land of the earth park.

Falling through the trees he landed with a deafening crack upon the thick mossy earth. He growled, but was reluctant to move, wings covering his body as he trembled from the holy energy still circulating through. He would have been done… Until, the soft voice of the girl filled the morning breeze. His pointed ears perked the soft voice calling out, "Hewwooo?"


He explained all this to her, sighing softly and looking back up. "…That was the beginning of the war, so long ago…" He mumbled. "…And that was when I met you… When I was a casualty of the demon and angel war."

"…I see. But…" She seemed to understand now. "So, you left because your wound healed… And you needed to fight once more?" He nodded, but her face broke to a smile. "But, you don't have to leave now…Do you? That war… It's over, right?"

"…For now. We need to retaliate soon though." He said simply, but returned, a half smile.

"So, you'll leave again? …Heaven won, did it?" She said, gaze falling to her floor.

"…I don't need to leave for a few years or more. Heaven won, but we'll take it soon enough." He said, falsely adding the time length. Inside, he was unsure of how long it would take before the next war waged. But to calm the girl's… No woman's spirit he had stated the times. It seemed to please her and he was relived.

"That's good…" She said, keeping a smile this time, and an eye lock. He stood from her bed, and brushed aside a lock of hair. 'This is real… He really is Corick…' She couldn't believe how much relief came, just from knowing he was real… She didn't waste her dreams on a fictional character. He truly was real… This wasn't her mind; this wasn't a dream…

'She's just a human…' He told himself, as he had for these past years he'd been apart from her. 'But, one I never will understand nor forget.' He smiled slightly to his own mental conflict. The feeling in his heart, it always escalated when he was with her. His eyes looking deeply into her playful optics of emerald. How he missed her eyes… His lips parted, about to say something when her room door opened abruptly, startling both inside.

"Cat- who's that?" He demanded, the tray nearly forgotten in his hands. Upon it the bowl of soup and glass of juice were prepared apparently for the woman inside. His icy eyes narrowed to the other male, and was greeted in the same cold stare.

Luckily, her fallen angel was masked as human. She was grateful for this but none the less upset about her current situation. The same question came to her once more from the demon. She sighed inwardly, brushing aside the other and walking to Dryst. Making Corick a bit unnerved, as he was about to follow. "…This is Corick. Corick this is Dryst HighWind."

He kept a cold glared, and what was that human to her? He thought angrily but nodded to the other, crossing his arms in front of his black clothed chest. "…What is he doing in here." The brunette asked, loud enough for her and him to hear.

She almost let another sigh emit. The disguised demon growled deeply in his throat, not very human-like to her misfortune. He apparently caught her first sigh, and thought of Dryst being the one to upset her. "He came in, I gave him a key a few days ago at school. He's my… Tutor. I suppose he let himself in, awaiting to help in my studies."

He didn't understand what half the things she said were. He did know human school, but otherwise he shrugged it off. Awaiting a reply from the other. "Then why is he off school early as well?" Their conversation was in secret, as much as it could be. Seeming how he had demon hearing, it didn't matter how low they whispered he was still hearing every word.

She had forgotten she went home early, yes, how was she going to explain this. "I don't know… Why don't you ask him, and be nice. He's a friend of mine…" She said simply.

He casted his gaze to the ebon haired male and nodded once more. Setting aside the tray and reaching a hand out. "…It's nice to meet you." He faked a friendly smile and awaited the hand of him.

Apparently he didn't get it, and kept where he was. "Yeah… We'll see." He kept an almost silent growl. And the woman had to intervene.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll all get along. Now, come on, let's go have an early lunch…" She stated, trying to get the two to quit their locked anger.

Both looked to her and headed in unison down the stairs. Corick watched as everything passed, it was the same home he was in with her so long ago. He kept the smile from his face as he recognized her scent and the newcomer's. Her scent… It was stained with the smell of him. And she seemed troubled as well. 'What's Trina hiding…?' He thought to himself, watching her every movement as the headed into the dimly lit kitchen.

"Are you sure you should be up, Catrina… You sure you're feeling better?" He asked, sitting at the table. However, thinking of getting up as Corick went to her side to watch her get the pot ready for boiling.

"I'll be fine… I'm over everything." She said softly.

"Over what, what was wrong?" He had so many questions to ask her. About the other in the room, and about what happened the years he had been gone. But that was the first question to escape his lips.

"It was nothing, I was just having too many thoughts at once and passed out at school." She told him, only for him to hear as the question was only for her. She saw her boyfriend become a bit jumpy as he watched them skeptically from his table seat. She carried the pot over and placed it on the stove, dumping in three bags of instant rice.

He looked to the water and bags in the iron pot and said, barely audible, "Sorry, it was my fault you got jumbled with dreams."

"It's fine." She smiled, waving off his apology and setting next to Dryst. A smug look crossed his face witch only made Corick's darken. "I'm making rice, is that o.k. with everyone?" She stated, breaking the cold stares.

"Yes." He replied curtly.

"…Fine." He said, as well, if it were fine with him, it'd be fine with him as well. He kept a glare, having to have a seat across from the duo. '…' His mind was blank as well as he watched the two, intent and closely. He watched the male's arm drape casually around the girl's slim waist. He nearly jumped to counter but something caught in him. Her eyes were looking to her companion. …The way she looked, it was… A soft glow in her beautiful eyes. Had she not noticed? Or did she not care… He kept stiff in his chair, watching and waiting for any discomfort from her. It never came… And he felt… Hurt? … A pained feeling gripped his chest. '…Maybe, it was foolish to come back to her.'


Eep! Gomen, gomen, gomen! So many errors…I know, I love writing but I never said I was very great at spelling and what not… Keh, again sorry. And again, the chapter is kinda short… But I hope it was still an enjoyable read… I try to catch my errors, but as you see, it doesn't always work out. Again, reviews = chapters. And if there's any errors, sorry but read anyway and try to get over it ^. ~ I'm sure I'm not the only one that miss-spells stuff often… You'll hafta get over the way I use 'witch' though for that's the only one I use and understand how to spell. Sweatdrops yes, I'm that pathetic. And hey, I posted two whole chapters in one day! Awesome for me, ne? Anyway, until next time! waves