Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Little Town ❯ Seifer's Line ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: *smiles * 7 reviews, wow, to tell you the truth I wasn't expecting any at all ^__^;;; I'd just like to thank Moquake, Purple Penguin, Pixie518, YuriNigasa, redrum, Mistress Hotaru, and Katy Kinneas. Thanks guys for giving me the positive reviews, and being my first reviewers!! Hope this next bit is to your satisfaction.

Enjoy!! And Purple Penguin, yes eventually this will be a lemon.

Disclaimer: Once again I don't own any of the characters in this story, except Tess.

Another note, this one has a little bit of insight for what happened in the past, and Seifer's mindset.

@~Wicked Little Town~@

On a hill a little ways away from the towns hustle and bustle, sat a blonde young man in his early 20's, soaking up the last of the beautiful weather. The sun was soon to become merely a crescent as it set across the valley.

Some people paid this man no heed, while others scorned him for his past mistakes for his stumbles along the road of life, and others had no idea who this young blonde was.

The gunblader tilted his face towards the warm breeze that caressed his smooth skin letting it tousle one untamed lock from his eyes. Leaning back on his elbows he let out a sigh, trying to steal himself into his daydream of a young boy with soft chocolate hair. The boy smiled at him, and then disappeared as the blonde felt a little tug on the end of his sleeve. He turned his head to look at a little brown haired girl that smiled sweetly at him.

"Seifer? Can you come play with me pleeeasse?" Seifer chuckled lightly, and pushed off the ground, standing up to his full height, then picked Tess up putting her on his shoulders. The little girl thrilled over being so high up.

"Sure thing, but remember I'm no longer Seifer okay? You're supposed to be calling me Scott. Your mother wouldn't be to happy about finding out her only daughter knows a Seifer now would she?" Tess shook her head back and forth. "Nope, mommy'd be mad."

"That's right. Now, we'll play for a bit, but I've got to return you to your mother before it gets to dark." Seifer walked over to the town with Tess on his shoulders.

Seifer first came across the little town on a forced vacation from his employer, but later received a letter that bluntly said, "Dear Mister Almasy, we regret to inform you, yadda yadda yadda, that you have been laid off as of September 7th." Seifer was furious,

"Way to cushion a firing" he thought, "send them on a vacation and then tell them they have no job to come home to so they might as well stay there!"

Hell though, the blonde's job was, worth going back for, but he just didn't bother. At the time Seifer had worked for a restaurant, one of the best, a classy little place with expensive taste, if you knew how to cook a lobster 6 different ways then that'd about get you in for a job offer. The main course was a tiny morsel on a big plate with and intricate design around the rim, and topped with caviar. The dessert, a chocolate mouse truffle baby cake with a wing of white chocolate out the side, and a plate designed with chocolate sauce and frosted with icing sugar. You could say the gunblader was talented with his hands, in more ways than one, or even two for that matter.

Seifer worked behind closed doors, as the chef, people didn't really care who he was, just so long as he kept cooking the way he did. At that time he went by the name of Mark, fake licenses and birth certificates were made under the name Mark E. Walton.

Although Seifer had to admit, his driver's license photo was the worst bloody picture in the world, he was sure of it.

After the sorceress war was over, Siefer had settled down in Balamb for a whole of two weeks. "For Chirst's sakes!" he'd say to Fujin in an upcoming fit. "I can no longer shop happily! They all treat me as if I wasn't born, but more or less as if I just fell out!!"

At that point the furious blonde would storm out to a bar and down a couple drinks, each time he emptied a bottle he'd feel a bit freer.

While still in Balamb, Seifer would watch Squall form afar, sometimes watching his Squall and Rinoa shop for clothing. Seeing his Squall, and a clingy Rinoa hanging off of him made the blondes stomach a bit queasy, and made his blood rise a few temps and his fists clench each time Rin kissed Squall on the cheek, or attempt a mouth to mouth face suck. Seifer classified that as border line of disgusting. Leave it to his mind to make up the stuff they did behind closed doors, at that point the gunblader's conscience would set up a road check, not a regular kind though, it'd basically tell him, "Hell Seifer! Go get a bottle of hard liquor! And one for me!"

Thus Seifer liked to drink a little on his spare time. After the two weeks had gone by, he had decided to leave Balamb, but he truthfully knew the real reason he was leaving. It hurt too much to see Squall. The handsome blonde left, and then found his job as a chef; about three weeks into that job Seifer was offered a vacation. Then the letter came. Then the swearing came. Then the drinking came. And here he was now, living in a make shift house, held together by old rusty nails.

Seifer was no longer as cocky as he was before, although he still had his wits about him, and still had the well toned body he worked so hard to get. He now trained as a hobby more or less, and still had Hyperion. His blessed blade was no longer in use really; he kept it in its case against his dresser.

Seifer's house was not what you would call, beautiful, but more along the response of "…it's…nice?" Not the most exciting thing to really happen to the world, but it served its purpose. Inside there was floor, and then bedroom floor. On the dresser in the small bedroom is one small picture framed by a brown wood of some kind, and a sheet of glass to protect the image. A thin layer of dust has settled on the top of the picture frame. In the photograph sits one very happy child, Squall and an even happier Seifer. The two boys are laughing, and Seifer gives the other chocolate haired boy bunny ears with a big grin. The two are frozen in time, no real secrets said, but just a captured image of their childhood. It's almost sad to see the two not moving around again. The bed, the dresser, the photo, the gunblade and a cast iron stove are about all that inhabits the little house. The wood floorboards smell of dirt and the walls of dust, but not the bed. But to say it again, it served its purpose.

Seifer had changed his name from, Seifer Almasy, to Mark E. Walton, to Scott. Just Scott. To tell the truth, he didn't really care what others thought about him, but to actually know what his best friend, what the person he loved thought about him, that made his heart strings contract in pain. It hurt sometimes, but that was when he found his new friend alcohol. And Tess. She balanced out the Alcohol, and Seifer vowed never to let her see him drunk, ever.

Tess would sometimes bring daisy chains and dandy lions for him when he was feeling lower than usual.

It gave Seifer that extra boost each day, to know that someone did care for him, and did think about him enough to bring him flowers, whether they were weeds or not.

To be Continued……

Authors note: Tongari: Hoooo-ee! That was longer than anticipated. Hope I didn't drag it out to long though. I'm trying to find my medium so please bare with me. I think I did fairly good with the names, but please if you think otherwise give me a review!^__^. I want to know what you want. And if anyone, that's A-N-Y-O-N-E wants to suggest something for the plot, lemme know! Thanks a bunch!

Also to A Voice in the Wind, my eighth reviewer,( yay! ^^.) plots still undergoing changes. ^______^. But Stay tuned, * singles crappie television music * for a new chapter soon!!

