Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Little Town ❯ Moose or Truffle? ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: Holy Moely! Gah! It's been forever since I updated this! I had a severe case of writers block ¬¬

Seifer Muse: Yeah right you were just staying up late and sleeping in tell 1:30pm…Lazy ass.

Me: Shadup!

Seifer: *snikker*

Aheh, well hopefully there are still some people out there who are still interested in this little story, and believe me! It is going to get better! …Hopefully…Anyway, Please be gentile and tell me what you think, and a lemon should be on its way, although I want to make this story about more than two guys bashing each others brains out…*thinks for a sec* No, no never mind what I just said. Anyway here is part Four of tha fic. ^________^.

* thumbs up * The plot is changing a bit, Seifer doesn't think that Squall has interest in him, and that he is straight.

Here's hoping it'll work out.

Oh, by the way, I'm using Squall's other last name Loire. Hope I'm spelling it right.

≈§§§§§Wicked Little Town§§§§§≈

Squall Loire couched down and handed the girls their kite, then shooed them off.

"Hey, you guys scram, me and Seifer have some things to talk about."

The brunette smiled and ruffled Tammy's hair with one hand, his other arm slung across his lap, the two giggled and ran off to go and play with the kite. The gunblader turned back to see Seifer, grinning like a Tomcat, as always, and stood up.

"What? Something on my face?" Squall wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. The blonde shook his head.

"No, nothing…" he looks down for a moment, then back up "You got plans for today?" looking down again, his sandal squishes an ant

"No not really, just bumming around, I've got some house work that could be done, but I can finish that up another day." He gestured with his hand, watching Seifer kill the thing. "Why?" The blue-eyed blader looks up and cocks his head to one side.

"Well, you said 'things to talk about' I thought we might be able to get a coffee or something, maybe lunch?" he poked his thumb over his shoulder towards the town's cuisine district. A brown eyebrow rose in question.

"Seifer, it's" he looks at the other mans wrist "10:45, I just ate." Eyes sought out green irises again. The taller of the two raised and arm behind his head

"Yeah, well, who says we won't be together at lunch?" a chuckle " Besides, I haven't eaten out for awhile." Smiling coyly the man nods his head once in the direction where his thumb pointed before.

"Come on, we've got a lot to catch up on." The burnet smiled in return.

"Fine, just let me grab a few things, here I'll show you where I live."

A little ways away from the field that Tess and Tammy had claimed as their own, was a small house or cottage, nestled in between some trees.

"Ah, so you're the lucky bastard who lives here." The blonde elbowed the smaller figure beside him, making him stumble a little.

"Yeah, the doors need some fixing, but other than that, it's a nice little hideaway."

Trekking up a narrow gravel and dirt path, the two came to a stop in front of Squall's home. The house was nice, a cozy little place where one could lay back and just enjoy life for a bit, take it all in, do some serious thinking. Turning the doorknob and bracing himself against the wood like before, the gunblader gives it a shove, the hinges creek.

"Nothing to fancy inside I'm afraid, but come on in, I'll just grab my wallet and gloves." Seifer stepped inside, the floorboards groaning a little.

"Gloves? It's summer." Disappearing into a room on the left, the brunette rustles through some stuff.

"Yeah yeah, I know what time of year it is, theoretically we should all wear gloves to bed, but that sometimes interferes with things you know?"1

The blonde didn't so much see or hear the bashful grin that played on Squall's face, but more or less felt it, he himself, grinning wide, his sharp canines showing.

"Squall, have you no shame?" The blonde teased. A drawer opened then closed again.

"Oh yeah right, like you don't yah big kink!" he called after the blonde who was checking out his kitchen. Taken aback, Seifer stopped his movements.


Just then the brunette pokes his head out the master bedroom door.

"What? I'm just kidding!"

The blonde clears his throat

"Whatever happened to you and Rinoa anyway?" he returns to the living room and to a safer subject while picking up a rather weird looking ornament.

"Huh? Well, it just didn't work out, too sappy really, she always thought of it as a fairy tale, hero saves world and rescues damsel in distress. After awhile it was just too much, I thought I was happy and everything, but then one day I woke up to the real world." A shrug "Things change."

Still inspecting the weird object he held, Seifer turned his head towards his rival's room.

"I thought you where going to just grab your gloves and wallet." Placing the thing back down on its shelf, the blonde walked over to the brunette's room.

"Changed my mind, I need to change, I'm wearing my bum clothes."2 Squall came slowly into view; he was staring into a vast walk in closet of clothes his arms holding onto the handles and a puzzled look on his features. He tsked, and let his mouth open to click his tongue a few times, he shifted his weight from foot to foot, but both sides seemed uncomfortable.

"Need some help?"

Coming up beside the smaller man and resting his hands on his own hips, he peeked into Squall's wardrobe. Ducking under an arm, the taller man looked through the brunette's clothing, a piece of material catching his eye.

"Why Squall, what's this?" the blonde grins, pulling out a black crop-top and holding it up for his rival to see. Blushing a deep pink the other lashes out for it.

"Hey-!" Raising his arm as the other comes after the shirt, he covers Squall's face with his hand, clutching the hanger against his chest. The smaller male stops his struggle and pulls the blonde's hand off his face, hair tousled and a little flushed with anger, he puts out a hand and looks into jade eyes.

"Give it back, seriously Seifer." Blowing a piece of hair out of his eyes, he huffs.

"My my, showing a little midriff are we now?"

Grinning teasingly the blonde looks around and then grabs a pair of cut off jeans that are way to short, holding the two pieces up he looks at the other.

"Here, put these on." Grinning even wider, if that is at all possible, the taller of the two pushes them outwards.

"Oh come off it!" Squall snatches the articles of clothing from Seifer, glaring daggers as he does so.

"It gets hot out here, that's all" looking flustered as ever, the lithe figure gets on tiptoes and puts them on the top shelf. A rather smug looking gunblader goes rooting through other pieces of clothing.

"No- Hey stay out of there!" The brunette puts himself between the clothing and Seifer. "Nope" shakes head "No no, out with you! Out!"

Turning the blonde around he pushes him towards the closet opening.

"Wait there, I'll be out in a minute" Closing the doors, and locking the other one out, Squall sighs and proceeds to find a suitable outfit.

Laughing as he stumbles from out of the closet, the blonde scans the bedroom. [Okay, we have a bed…a very, BIG, bed…and a canopy?*snicker* great taste Squall. Night table, drawers, mirrors- dresser drawers.] A wicked grin snakes its way to his lips. Walking over towards the dresser he continues to snoop through bits and pieces of clothing. He opens the first drawer


He opens the second drawer.

[Over sized t-shirts]

He opens the third drawer.

[Hello, what have we here…]? Pulling out a black skimpy thing, the blonde raises an eyebrow.


Another wicked grin. Digging through the wooden container Seifer was surprised to see only two pairs of boxers, and the rest flashy male tighty whiteys. ( not just whites)

[Well, I always figured Squall to be a boxer type of guy.]

Holding up a red male thong in the middle of a master bedroom stood Seifer, the one and only, now rooting through his old rivals underwear drawer, many would have called it sad, and I can assure you most of them do.

A yell.

A flustered Squall

And Seifer on the receiving end of a right hook.

"What the hell are you doing?! You never, EVER, touch my underwear!"

The blonde made an attempt to protest, but was only met with an extremely angry and embarrassed young brunette.

"Do you have any respect for peoples privacy?!"

"Don't panic" He felt his tender cheek.

"I'm not panicking!

"Yes you are." He said moving his jaw back and forth [Ow...]

"Okay maybe a little." Squall let out a shaky breath running his hand threw his hair.

"…They're. Cute, besides, I know you have underwear, what's the difference"

"I beg your pardon?" he said rather politely.

Seifer repeated.

Another right hook, this time the blonde catching the brunette's hand in his, and conveniently hooking his left leg around the others right, making them both fall in a tangle of kicking limbs. The two landed on the floor in the most awkward position, on top was the blonde's 6'1 frame, and the smaller brunette underneath still squirming.

[Whoops] inside the blonde's head he smirked [However did that happen?]

Too occupied with the feeling of a squirming Squall, and trying to suppress a moan that tickled his throat, he failed to see the heavy punch to his left cheek. A loud crack was heard and the blonde's head whipped to the side. Now that was definitely going to leave a bruise.

Fifteen minutes later the two were walking along the pavement sidewalks into town, when an awkward silence had decided to settle soundly between the two young men. Continuing to their destination Squall finally spoke up.

" They're not mine you know."

Seifer rubbed his jaw


"Don't you dare breath a word of this to anyone okay? Promise?" He stared into the others eyes.

"Fine." said the blonde looking away quickly with a hurt look on his face.

"I have boxers too you know, I just, I just don't like to wear them all the time, besides-"

The taller male continued to ignore the other as he went into a rambling of how to explain the underwear situation, the only part he did catch was a sigh.

"Look, Seifer, I'm sorry okay? But you have to have a little more respect for other people's private lives, all right? Besides, you're blowing this up way out of proportion." Said Squall waving a hand about in the air.

Seifer snorted, and then smiled while wrapping his arm around Squall's neck and giving him a noogie.

"Apology accepted, only next time you won't be so lucky catching me off guard."

"Hey, it was your fault in the beginning, you were asking for it."

Grabbing onto the blonde's arms the smaller man choked.

"Please, if you don't mind,-gasp- you're choking me."


He let go of Squall and ruffled his hair again, just because it was so soft.

"So, where do you want to go to eat?" he said putting his hands inside his pockets.

"I don't know, I'm easy, how about the diner, they have some nice booths, we can talk there for a bit." The brunette pointed at a small diner that looked like it was made up to be like an old retro style restaurant. The blonde shrugged.

"Sure, I mean, if you like that kind of thing."

The two former rivals walked up the two steps out front of the dinner and went inside, Seifer holding the door open for Squall. A waitress greeted them and took them to a booth at the back and gave them the lunch menus.

The brunette slid into the booth, picking up the menu, then blinked as his blonde friend slid in right beside him. The other not really seeming to notice the baby blues on him picked up his menu, then glanced over to his left.


"You know, there's a lots more room on the other side of the table."

The blonde looked at the smaller man.

"Yeah, and there's lots of room here too." He smiled, and then went back to the menu. Doing the same Squall read over the choices for lunch.

"So, what are you having?"

"Hmm? I think I'll get the Cesar salad, how 'bout you?"

"I'm gonna get the quiche." Putting down the list of choices, Seifer started playing with his cutlery, trying to build a tower.

The waitress came up to their table.

"Hi, I'm Marry and I'll be your waitress for this evening, what can I get you to drink?" She smiled sweetly.

Seifer being closest to the end leaned on the table and put on a flirtatious attitude.

"Hi Marry, I'll have an ice tea and my friend here will have…'

"Just water please."

"Water." The blonde grinned. "Can we order now? Of course if that's alright with you, Merry"

"Sure thing Hun." Merry chimed. "What'll you have?" Taking out a pen and note pad she wrote down their orders, smiling once more at the blonde, then busied herself away.

"Flirt." Squall jabbed him in the ribs.


"Bah! You're impossible."

Merry came back with their drinks and winked at the green-eyed blonde, his ice tea being rather LARGE for a small. Looking at his water, then the size of Seifer's ice tea, the brunette humphed.

"That's not fair."

Seifer pushed the ice tea over to the other man.

"Fine have some."

"I don't want any."

"Then why are you complaining?"


"Because what?"

"Because I want to."

"Because you want to why?"



"Never mind." He gave a sigh and slumped into his seat.

"Well, while we're waiting what did you want to talk about?"

Squall sat up straight.

"Ah, nearly slipped my mind. Thanks for reminding me. Each summer we have sort of a reunion, a get together kind of thing, this year Quistis, Selphie, Zell and Irvine are coming out here to visit for a few days. A few will probably sleep inside at my place, but then the others will sleep outside, and since I found you, I was wondering if you wanted to come join us.

"Ha! You didn't find me, you just happened to fall out of a tree as I was passing by."

"…Whatever, the point is, if you want to come, your more than welcome to." Squall took a sip of his water.

"Have you been down to the lake yet?" he put down his glass.

Seifer ran his finger down his ice tea, smudging to condensation

"There's a lake?"

"Yeah, it's about a 10 minute walk from the back of my place. I'll have to show you, it's got a huge cliff and a rope that you can jump off of. It's quite fun really." He took another sip of water.

"Yeah, we'll have to do that sometime." He licked his finger, then drank half his tea. "What about Rhino?"

"Rhino?" a chuckle. "That's not very nice, She's not coming, and she has no right to come either."

"Pass me the salt and pepper."



"Better." The brunette handed the blonde the salt and peppershakers.

Still trying to accomplish his tower, Seifer very carefully balanced the salt and pepper on either end of his masterpiece.

"Voula!" He raised his arms into the air.

"Beautiful, I commend your ever vigilance my liege." Squall teased.

The waitress came back with their orders and filled up their drinks. The two ate and discussed what they had been doing this whole time, Squall filling in Seifer what was new and how the garden was. Finishing up their meals Merry came and took the empty plates and glasses.

"Want some desert? I'll buy." The brunette offered.

"Sure, but let me pay for your lunch, it's the least I can do."

"Fine, what should we get?" Squall picked up the desert menu and held it so they could both see.

"How about that one?" the blonde pointed out a chocolate moose cake.

"nah, I want something with whip cream."

"How about that one then? It's got whip cream galore."

"Looks good."

The two ordered the desert and waited for it to arrive. They didn't have to wait long, this time a different waitress brought them a huge bowl of chocolate truffle cake, whip cream and chocolate sauce.

"Time to splurge!" Seifer grabbed a spoon and dug in.

" Hey hey! Equal shares remember!"

As far as the chocolate haired gunblader was concerned, he was done, and left the other to clean to rest of the bowl. Licking his own spoon clean, Seifer proceeded in doing the same to Squall's. Leaning back into the booth he let out a sigh.

"Man that was good."

"Seifer, you've got-" he motioned his face.

"Where?" the blonde grabbed a napkin and wiped but missed the piece of whip cream.

"No here." Squall tried again, but the blonde couldn't quite get it. The brunette sighed, reaching out he took his finger and wiped the cream off the blonde's chin and stuck it in his mouth, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

The tall gunblader just looked at him for a minute, and then grinned wickedly.

"What?" Squall blinked stupidly.

"…Nothing, nothing at all. Check Please!" He raised his arm and called for the bill.

_________________________________________________________ _______________

Alrighty then, I really hope this chapter was okay and not too much out of character. *cringe* Please please please if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them! And thanks to Jen for giving me a better idea for the panty scene *snicker*

Footnotes: (1) I know it's from Oceans Eleven but I had to use it. ^___^.

(2) And when Squall said "Bum Clothes" it certainly meant 'Bum' clothes if you get my drift ^______~.

Seifer: Oh yeah! *devilish grin*

Squall: What? *Yelps as Seifer smacks his derriere*

Seifer: Get it 'Bum' Clothes! HAHA!

Squall: Oooo! Wow you two are so sneaky. ¬¬

Seifer: I know aren't we! *Slings arm over Tongari's shoulder* We are very very sneaky!

Me:…^_____^;;, um.. YEAH!

Thanks to all the wonderful reviewers!! I'll try to get chapter 5 up shortly, and I'm really sorry for not posting sooner! *Grovels at your feet* Please, review I need all the ideas I can get,!!. Lemme Know!!

*Bows out humbly*