Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Little Town ❯ Stop Crying you Heart Out ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: Alrighty then! Here is another update! The last chapter was a little slow I know, but I want Squall and Seifer to actually have a relationship as friends before anything else. It's not like they would just meet each other say "hi!" and go bonk each other, no no, well not how I see it anyway. BAH! *Waves hand about* enough of me blabbing on. PLEASE!! I NEED REVIEWS!! I don't know if this is a story I should stick with or not! Here's chapter 5. I had to come up with a name for the town Squall and Seifer live in, so I put down Tapance…I have no idea why though. ^_____^. R and R please!

Be warned, a little shounen-ai here. Could this be the end?

[ ] ß Seifer's thoughts

{ } ß Squall's thoughts.

~~~~~*Wicked Little Town*~~~~~~

(Back at the Garden)

Quistis picked up the envelope on her desk and tore the seam open with a fingernail, and removed the small letter inside scrolled in neat writing.

Dear Quistis.

How is everyone at the garden? Hope everything is going well. Yourself, Selphie, Zell and Irvine are all invited to this year's reunion here in Tapance for a week. Please come Saturday the 9th if you are able to. Bring bathing suit.

Hope to see you soon.


Instructor Trepe smiled and looked at the clock that adorned her office wall. 1:00 pm Friday afternoon. Just then an excited Selphie bounded through the door.

"QUISTISS!!!" Selphie ran up to the desk waving her letter in one hand and slamming the other down on the table.

"You're going right!? Oh I can't wait! This is going to be so much fun!" The bouncing ball of energy squealed.

"Come on we gotta get you packed!" Selphie grabbed Quistis' arm and pulled her out of the office.

(Back at Tapance)

Seifer took out his wallet and paid for their lunch, and insisted on paying for desert too. Leaving a 3-dollar tip for Marry, the two rivals walked out of the diner and into the hot afternoon sun. The streets cast a mirage of water and heat waves tugged at the air.

The blonde ran a hand through his hair.

"Man it's hot out, how 'bout that lake you were talking about." He glanced at the brunette.

Squall caught his gaze.

"Sure, I'll show you how to get to it, but I'm not going swimming, I need to tidy up a bit before Quistis and everyone get here." He turned his attention back to walking.

"When are they coming?"


"…Really" Seifer raised a quizzical eyebrow, and thought about that for a minute.

The brunette noticed Seifer's body tense slightly.

"Oh you'll be fine, no one has a grudge against you we all grew up together. It'll be fun, just like old times right?" The brunette smiled.

"…yeah, just like old times."

The two continued to walk in silence.

(Back at Garden)

"Let me get that for you darlin'" A young man in a cowboys hat sporting a ponytail went to pick up Quistis' bag.

"Thanks Irvine, is everyone packed?" she sighed.

"I think so, 'cept for Zell, he's still in his room." Irvine called over his shoulder as he went to go put her bag with the others.

"ROAD TRIP!!" an equally excited ball of energy wearing a Hawaiian shirt bounded out to meet Quistis, Selphie and Irvine.

"ALRIGHT!!" Swinging his bag over his shoulder, the martial artist grabbed the cowboy by his hair and dragged him towards the parking lot, half running half skipping. Irvine mouthed, "Help me" To the girls and disappeared out the door.

(Back a Tapance)

"Wow…" the blonde breathed.

Crystal clear water rippled slightly in front of the gunbladers, a long rock jutted out above the water and a tree on the other side with a rope hanging down, swayed in the heat. It was shrouded with trees, and a soft trickle of water perked ears with a soft chime.

"It's beautiful."

The blonde relaxed, allowing the soothing aura around the lake to settle over him.

"It's not very big, but still, it's always nice on hot days, plus, no one really seems to know about it. Kind of my private lake if you will."

The brunette placed a hand on his hip. Seifer walked up to the edge of the water and dipped his hand in, the water, being almost soft, tickled his fingertips. An evil grin found his lips.

"Hey Squall, come here for a sec will you?"

Moving his hand from his hip and through his hair, the brunette made his way over to where Seifer sat crouched at the water.

"What?" Crouching down to see what the blonde was staring at, resting his hands on his lap.

"See that?" the blonde pointed in the water.

"No. Where?"

The blonde pointed again.


Squall bent down for a closer look.

"Seifer, I don't see anything it's jus-!!"

Seifer pushed his lithe rival into the lake, and a massive splash and flailing arms sprayed him with water. Covering his face with his arm to keep dry, the blonde burst into laughter. A soaking head burst out of the water and gasped for air. The other clutched his sides as spasms of laughter wracked through his body, pointing at his rival.

"You Little SHIT!!" Squall's hair clung to his face sopping wet as he climbed out of the water, splashing a large wave around himself.

Seifer was still splayed out on the forest floor kicking his legs in laughter.

"You know what?" The brunette shook out his hair, sending beads of water onto the blonde's face. Standing up slowing, Seifer wiped his face.

"What?" he said with a chuckle.

"I never thanked you for lunch did I?" the wet figure tilted his head

"No, why?"

"How rude of me!" he places a hand on his wet chest "I must thank you for that lovely lunch!"

Squall dove onto Seifer, hugging him tight, getting water on the blonde.

"You're all wet!" the blonde squirmed, trying to push the wet man off him.

"No?! Am I? I never noticed!" he said sarcastically.

Stumbling closer to the edge of the water the brunette tried to throw the taller man in, letting go of him, Squall gave a sharp shove and the blonde's arms did a pinwheel as he fell into the lake.

This time it was Squall's turn to laugh. Stopping in mid laughter, as his rival didn't come up for air.

He panicked.


He looked into the water but couldn't see the blonde.

"Shit!" Looking behind him frantically, missing as two long arms came out of the water and wrapped around his waist. Squall gave a startled squeak as the blonde burst through the water and snuggly pressed his chest to the others back. Pulling both of them back underwater, Seifer kept his arms around the smaller mans chest and waist, kicking them both down deeper.

It was a scene that should be painted, under the water, bubbles scurried to surface as two bodies sunk deeper into the blue abyss, one clutching onto the other as if it was his life support.

Letting out the last of his air, Squall freed himself from the blonde's touch and swam to the top, Seifer close in tow. Bobbing out of the water, the wet blonde caught the last bit of his rival breaking through the surface; eyes wide open and dramatically snapping his head back gasping for air. Droplets of water catching in the sunlight gave the scene a heavenly look.

The blonde's jaw dropped.

[Oh Hyne]

At that moment the same feeling pricked inside his chest as it had when Squall licked the whip cream from his finger that morning, only stronger, and deeper, and a little of something else. Love maybe?

Seifer mentally shook himself.

[No, Squall's not like that, don't even go there, you're setting yourself up to be vulnerable. But still he did-]

Before he had a chance to analyze the feeling anymore, the brunette came over and dunked the blonde's head under the water.

"And that's for getting me wet!" Squall used both hands to push the other down.

Swimming underneath the smaller figure, the blonde grabbed the others legs and pulled him under sharply. Facing one another, Seifer gave a wicked grin underwater that made the other shudder, pushing off the blonde's chest he swam back to land.

Climbing out like he did once before, Squall shook his hair and took off his shoes. Leaning on the edge of the lake, the blonde studied the man in front of him, soaking wet, chocolate hair now plastered the nape of his neck, his pants and shirt clinging to him tightly, not really leaving much for the mind to make up. The blonde inwardly smiled, and slicked his hair back.

Shacking out his shoe the young man scowled.

"What?" Seifer gestured with his hand. Resting his head on his arm, the brunette watching the water trickle down his neck.

"…You got my shoes wet, not to mention my pants and wallet." Squall felt his back pocket, then padded his front and back again.

"Oh shit. It must have fallen out." He sighed.

"I'll get it."

Before he could protest his rival was out of the water and striping off his wet clothes.

"…W-What are you doing?" The brunette found he was fixated on the other's chest and abdomen.

"I'm going to go get your wallet, you can't swim as good when you're in clothes." He said a matter-of-factly.

Standing in his boxers, Seifer turned and winked at Squall.

"Wish me luck." Diving into the warm water once more, he descended downwards.

Squall stood for a moment, then fidgeted in discomfort of his wet clothing, tucking a loose lock of hair behind his ear, he waited for the other to come back up.

Squall was getting worried, it had already been two minutes, and Seifer still hadn't come up for air yet, as soon as that thought went through his mind, the blonde came up, gasping for air, and in one hand he waved a brown leather wallet.

"This it?" he grinned.

"Yeah, thanks, bring it here." He motioned the blonde over.

"Uh-uh, you come get it." He shook his head.

"Seifer, come on, I really don't want to."

"Well you're going to have to." He smiled waving the object in the air.

"Look I really don't have time for this." he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"And why not?" the blonde cocked his head, still treading water.

"BEACUASE! Now get the hell over here!" Squall was getting a little angry.

"Well then, since you put it like that, I'm not going anywhere."

"Alright, alright, whatever I'll come get it." Squall started to slide in the water.

"Not like that you're not." The brunette stopped his actions.

"And just why not?" He snapped. Seifer smiled.

"You'll never catch me in your clothes." [Seifer you sneaky thing you, just want him out of those.]

"What?! I'm not taking off my clothes!" He folded his arms over his chest.

"Alright, I'll just have to keep this then."

"Hyne, I don't know why I do this." He said through gritted teeth and looked up at the sky, gingerly getting out of the water and pulling off his shirt and throwing it by Seifer's.

[That's right, don't be shy Squally] The blonde grinned and watched as a little strip show was in the making. Stopping at his shirt the smaller man began to get in the water again.

"Pants." Seifer pointed out.

Squall blinked at him. "Oh come on." He rolled his eyes "NO!"


{Why do I do these things for him?}

"Seifer, I'm not taking off my pants!" Rubbing his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose, he sighed deeply.

"Okay, I'll just leave this hear and come help you then." Placing the wallet on a small rock nearby on the other side of the lake, the gunblader made his way over to Squall.

"ALRIGHT! Fine!" Holding out a hand, stopping the blonde from coming any closer. Undoing the first button on his pants, Squall turned to Seifer.

"…Do you mind?"

"Hmmm?" The blonde replied with half lidded eyes.

"I said, do you mind?!" Squall spoke up growling slightly.

"No, why?" He was less than a meter away from Squall in the water.

Raising a hand and smoothing out his eyebrows, the brunette swallowed deeply. "Hey come here for a second." He beckoned with his finger. The blonde obeyed and swam over to him, looking up at the man before him.

"Yeah?" tearing his eyes away from his chest to the icy blue eyes, Seifer smiled.

"What I said was, Do, You MIND?!" Squall took his foot and pushed his rival under the water. {My god, he's got a thick head} Surfacing the blonde called after the other.

"Alright alright, I'll be over here then!" he said swimming back to wear the wallet was.

Going back to his pants Squall took one deep breath undid the zipper, sliding the material from his hips and letting the pool at his ankles before tossing them to join the other bits of clothing. Seifer automatically took in a gasp and inhaled half the lake, coughing and spluttering, while Squall slid into the water.

[Oh Hyne. I have to thank those people who make that underwear!]

After getting what he could out of his lunges Seifer, grabbed the wallet and started swimming in the opposite direction of Squall.

"SEIFER!" The brunette yelled, then dove under the water after him.

Swimming as hard as he could the tall gunblader looked behind him, then whipped his head back just in time to see chocolate hair and a thoroughly pissed Squall inches away from his face.

"My god you're fast!" [And my gods are you beautiful]

" Yeah, well I wasn't in the swimming club for nothing." Flicking back his hair Squall snatched his wallet out of the others hand, and met Seifer's gaze. But something didn't seem quite right in the blonde's eyes.

{Seifer, what are you?-!!} Grabbing the brunette's wrists the blonde pulled Squall roughly against him; an evil smile slithered onto his face. Sudden fear registered on the brunette's face, his mouth-hanging open to say something in objection, but Seifer's quickly covered it. Crushing his lips against the pale man in front of him hungrily, he dove his tongue inside the hot mouth, searching the walls and probing deeper. Squall squeezed his eyes shut, a silent scream taken into the others mouth as a single tear spilled from under his lashes.

[Hyne, you taste so good Squall]

Nibbling on the pouting flesh of the brunette's moist lips he teased him with his tongue, nipping along his jaw line as he followed it down to his neck.

{Please, Seifer stop-STOP!} Another tear joined the first as it fell into the water.

Trying to push away form the blonde man only made him closer in the end. Tightening his grip on Squall's wrist the blonde pulled him closer with a grunt as sucked on his neck. Eyes widening and mouth agape as pain shot through his wrists, but only squeak came from bruised lips. Still sucking vigorously on the others neck, Seifer was barely aware of the others actions, intent on leaving his mark for others to see. Squall found his voice again, only it was choked with sobs and had a pained tinge.

"Se-SEIFER!!" He thrashed around 'SEIFER STOP IT! I-I'm not like that!! Stop IT!" Squall choked on his words and a mouth full of water. He felt like Seifer was crushing him, he couldn't breath. This time he did scream.

"SEIFER YOU'RE HURTING ME!!" Tears streaked his face as sobs wracked through him. The blonde instantly released his wrists, his eyes flying open and removing his mouth from the others neck.

[Oh god! I didn't- Squall!]

Pushing with as much force as he could, Squall swam to shore, not looking back, tears still in a steady flow.

"Squall! I-" The blonde reached after the retreating man.

"Shut the Fuck UP!" Getting out of the water he whipped his head around and yelled at Seifer. Shaking violently he grabbed his clothes and left.

"I…I never wanted to hurt you." [You fucking asshole! You're such an idiot!] Seifer punched the water with as much force as he could, then swam back to retrieve his clothes.

Sitting on his knees, he ran his hands through his hair and locked them behind his head, looking down at the ground.

[I'm such an idiot…Squall.]

Hold on.

Hold on.

Don't be scared.

You'll never change what's been and gone.

May your smile shine on.

Don't be scared.

Your destiny will keep you up.

Cause all of the stars are fading away, just try not to worry you'll see them someday, take what you need and be on your way.

And stop crying your heart out.

Get up.

Come home.