Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Little Town ❯ FOREVER ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: Wow…*wants to cry* I just had the most inspiring moment to write some more on this. *Tries to smile* It's a little sad but please hang in there, thank you all my wonderful reviewers. I'll try to make this the best so far. Try and read everything as if it was the end… it will make the reading better.

~*Wicked Little Town…*~


"Tell him I need to think okay? Tell him I don't want him around." Squall threw a white bed sheet over to Irvine who caught it. He swallowed the lump in his throat.

{I shouldn't feel bad, no, I don't feel bad, I need to think by myself.} Forcing his head high Squall walked out the door. He felt good for the first few steps outside, he felt good knowing he did the right thing, until he heard the most horrible sound in his life. So pained and horrified. So broken. So piercing.

Seifer jerked and wailed. Screaming in agony.

"SQUALL!!!" Struggling to sit-up but tangled in the white cotton he flailed. Irvine pinned him underneath his weight, Quistis tried to keep his legs from kicking, Selphie just held her hands over her face and Zell held his arms at his sides.

"Fucking get off of ME! SQUALL!!" Seifer sobbed throwing his head up after Squall. Tears bruised his face as they ran grooves down his cheeks.

"I'm SORRRY!! PLEASE-" He gulped the air.

"HE DOESN'T WANT YOU!!" Zell Yelled " Leave him the Fuck ALONE!" He tightened his grip on the man's wrists. Seifer screamed louder throwing his head back on the arm of the couch, droplets of grief flecked the air.

"AHHHHHH!" Seifer howled, his body quivering with pain. [Oh god it hurts, OH GOD!] He fell to the floor, a mixture of sweat tears and spit. His body hiccupped violently, his once gorgeous eyes now pink and puffy; his nose red and runny, lips wet and held half closed with strings of spittle, face splotched with red and tinged with anger. He broke. Seifer squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lips together to stop another outburst of sob. He whimpered with his throat, it took every thing not to scream, not to call for his mother's comfort. He never had the comfort that a mother could give, he knew nothing of it, except that he needed it now, he was so alone and he had finally lost the only thing that meant anything to him, all because of his stupidity, his rash decisions. Nothing could stop the tears, they wouldn't stop, not for anyone else, they bleed for Squall.

When Seifer woke up he was in a bed. Soft white linen fell neatly over his skin, the smell of fresh sheets and the cozy feel of feathers. Snuggling closer to the pillow the blonde nuzzled it. Opening his eyes slowly, every thing was a blur; a giant white haze covering his vision. Throwing an arm to the side he stared at it, moving his fingers back at forth trying to focus on the digits. In the back of his head you could almost here a click as something found it's place. Seifer's eyes widened. Pulling his head up quickly he scanned the room, wasn't his, squinting his eyes together he felt something prickly on the corner of his eyelid. Blinking a few times to try and rid himself of it he reached with his hand and rubbed at the corner. Dried tears had crystallized. Rubbing both eyes with his fists Seifer stopped in mid scrub. Throwing his arms behind him for support he sat up at full attention.

"Relax, he needs some time to think." Seifer's vision shot towards Quistis sitting neatly on a chair.

"It's okay, it was a rough night." He choked on the newly formed lump in his throat, tears threatening to break loose.

"I know." He croaked. Voice rasp from all his screams. Swallowing audibly Seifer began to speak tentatively.

"Y-You know how sometimes, you say something or do something that isn't the right thing, and-" He looked up from his hands folded on his lap. " And you wish that you could just erase it, say your sorry and it will all go away… But even if you do, people will still remember…like you just smeared your life into one big mess, and even when you know it's wrong, you just keep pursing it so you have something for argument sake? When you keep at it because you don't want to be proven wrong…0r-" He took a deep breath. "Or look like an idiot?" He let his head fall into his hands. "FUCK! Quistis I don't even know what I'm dong anymore! What I did makes no sense!" His shoulders trembled.

"You're not yourself Seifer, just rest okay, try not to analyze it to much." Quistis soothed quietly.

"But WHY?! Why am I not myself." Removing his face from his hands he looked at the young woman.

"I don't know, perhaps you love him?" She shrugged.

"LOVE HIM?! …. Then why did I assault him like that? Why do I just want to get into his pants!? Fuck, I just want to start again…"

"That's what he said, he wants to start again. Maybe you just wanted to show him your love, not quite how others would do it, well not right away, but your different, you've always been rough and taken dominance towards Squall, taking the short root to everything. Today saying I love you means nothing, it's been over used, what other way are you going to show him?" She sighed. "I have no clue, you would know best Seifer, okay? I really don't know. But be gentle all right? Start again." Standing elegantly, Quistis stood in the doorway.

"He couldn't love me… even with the love I could give." Seifer's words hit like slap in the face. Quistis turned around and looked straight at the blonde, sulking with his head low.

"He went to see his father, I thought you might want to know. Me and the others are going out for Lunch, it's two o-clock." No need to think, just out of the hatch.


After Quistis left I thought about everything that had gone on through week. I laughed bitterly for a while then felt sorry for myself again. There always has to be a problem, in every story right? Well, I seem to be it. I would be the man who screws everything up, yes sir, that's me. I attack him at the lake. I attack him at his home. I'm just one rabid horny 20 year old chasing after my stifling rival. Like Quistis said, I'm not myself at all, at least not when it comes to being around Squall…As I said before, the day I went after him, he does something to me, makes me needy and wanton. My breath hitches. I've never known to have sexual preference towards guys, well, not always at least, but Squall does something to me. He has something of mine, which I want. And, I think it has to do with his whole being. Moping wasn't going to help me much."

I took an empty duffle bag from the closet, Squall's closet, the one where I found the rather revealing top and shorts, I couldn't help but grin to myself, utter grief and remorse following up later for my actions. I'm such an ass. I know it, but I'm going to change that. I don't know what I'll say when I get there. "Hey! I'm back to try and molest you again!" I really don't think that will get me anywhere, but neither will me clinging onto his legs and screaming my head off. I've had a day to think about it, I've calmed down a lot since last night, what with me wailing like a six year old. Half the town probably heard me. Sigh, I've got to get back to my house yet and pack it up. I think I'll burn it. That's all it's good for now, I don't know where I'll stay but I'll figure it out. That rat hole will just make my sanity worse, too many nightmares…

Seifer walked out of the house, empty bag in hand and his sweater in the other. The ground crunched under his weight like hard candy, his walk limping off beat more than once. The blonde's normal strut faltered dramatically once he reached his house, well, it didn't really look like one anymore. Windows were smashed and scrawled in obscene profanity were the letters like "MOTHER FUCKER" and "Burn in hell you bleeding crack!" Sprayed across the outside walls, and on the door were the words "Sorcerer's Bitch." The leather strap in Seifer's hand squeaked as he gripped it harder. Grinding his teeth and narrowing his eyes, he kicked in the front door and headed straight to his room with the whiny mattress. So much anger, so much regret went surging through his veins at that moment he thought for sure that he would burst. Hadn't he suffered enough? Did people think that he doesn't remember what he was back then? He scoffed.

[I was bloody there! No, they just feel the need to remind me everyone few months our so. Well the hell with it!] Opening his top dresser drawer Seifer grabbed an armload of clothes and threw them into the bag on the floor. Moving onto the second he did the same, filling the bag with a mess of cloth.

Plopping down on the mattress Seifer zipped up the duffle bag, then looked up at the water stained ceiling. A few minutes passed, the blonde's eyes closed and his eyebrows working together in thought. He lifted his head back up and starred at the dresser top like it just had a double bypass, starring back at him was the picture of two kids. Pushing off his bed, Seifer shuffled forward and grabbed the picture and admired it with envy

[You lucky kid, everything was fine, everything is fine in there…everything will be fine.] Tucking the picture under his arm and grabbing the bag's strap he threw it over his shoulder, and walked out of the house.

[Flammable, what's near by and flammable?] Walking around the building once Seifer's eyes caught on the lawn mower. Putting down the picture and bag he moved behind the mower and sought out a red tank and shook it. [Half full. Not bad] Scooping up his stuff once again he moved around to the front of the house, putting down everything but the tank. Un-screwing the top with a little more ease once he found the right way to twist it, Seifer started to douse the outside walls with lawn mower gas. Walking inside and letting the liquid fall out around him, he once again doused the inside walls and bedrooms. Satisfied with his coverage, he threw the container in the corner and felt around in his pockets. [Lighter, lighter] Scanning the room he found a pack of matches in a glass by the table. In bright neon orange read "The Boom Room" Taking the matches outside with him and sparking one up he threw it at the house. Didn't catch. Grumbling slightly he started up another one. Didn't catch either.

"Oh come one!" This time lighting up three Seifer carefully walked closer to a gas soaked wall. Stretching out his arm carefully he touched the matches to the wall. The whole thing went up in an instant. Backing up quickly the blonde let his arms hang at their sides, the flames casting a orange glow on his face, picking up his cheek bones and partially shadowing his eyes.

"Well that probably wasn't one of the smartest things I've done, but really, right now I couldn't care less." Watching his home snap and crackle Seifer lifted the bag over one shoulder and picked up the old picture, flicking off bits of grass from the ground that had clung to the glass with his fingers. Tightening the strap on his back, he turned and began to follow the path towards town. He'd find a train station, grab a sandwich and be on his way.

[WALLET!!] Stopping in his tracks he felt his pockets rapidly and then his back ones. Sighing in relief as his left back pocket held tight his sacred wallet. Walking a little faster as excitement started to drug his body, either excitement about seeing Squall after only 48 hours, or the excitement of not knowing what's next seemed to push him on.


"I think I've summed myself up, and have found two words I think work. One, stubbornness, two thick headedness, and soon to be a three a hopeless romantic…Graded too high? I kind of think so myself."


Hey! So sorry about the wait, I just came home from traveling across Canada and thought I should finish this chapter up.

Thank you all for your e-mails and we'll see how this goes.


Reviews please! I want to know if it's still got your fancy. * Tip of the top hat*