Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Little Town ❯ Brood ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: Sorry if that was a bit sad for some of you, but Seifer can be so stubborn sometimes! *smacks Seifer*

Seifer: Ow!

This chapter doesn't, or shouldn't be that great but the story is slowly coming together in pieces! I still have no idea where or when to stop this so let me know if I over do anything, or if it just seems to unrealistic. Thanks so much again to my reviewers!

Disc: Not mine, Squaresoft's. *sniffle* WHY?!?!!


Sum: Well, Seifer is an animal when it comes to being around his Squall.

Wicked Little Town…

You'll never change…

"Just what the hell did he do to him?!" Squall laid on his bed curling his fingers around his blanket and pulling it up to his face. How long he was there he couldn't remember, all he could hear was the incessant chatter in the other room, Quistis was arguing with Zell while Irvine was trying to calm Selphie down. Beautiful blue depths empty, face a blank, he just wanted to leave, leave and not come back. The memories were too painful.

{I'll leave, I'll go to Esthar, I'll go see father} Squall fisted the sheets around him and buried his face into the feathered pillow. {I just don't know what to do anymore} Thoughts and emotions scurried through his head, beaming in all directions, scampering clambering, they all wanted to be said and heard. A dull ache had deployed itself inside the brunette's chest. Seifer was right, he was going to run, he was going to run as fast and as hard as he could, this wasn't right, what the blonde had done wasn't right. A few tears slipped from his cheeks and landed with a soft pat onto the pillow. {Fuck, I'm so weak.}

The door creaked as it was opened to Squall's bedroom and a blonde female poked her head through.

"Squall, can I come and talk to you?" Squall brought the back of his hand up and wiped his eyes but did answer. Quistis took the initiative and stepped inside closing the door. She sighed.

"Squall, what do you plan to do about Seifer?"

"…I don't know…" The pillow muffled his voice.

"You're going to have to sit up and talk, I can't hear you." The brunette rolled over and looked at the ceiling.

"What do you plan to do?" she said quietly.

"I told you, I don't know…I honest to god don't know." He raised his hands and placed them over his face, closing his eyes. "I wish" he took a shaky breath. "I wish we could start again."

"Then why don't you." Quistis made her way over and sat on the end of Squall's bed. Squall peered at her through his finger.


"Why don't you start again? Why not? Tell him how you feel, tell him that you wish to be friends and nothing more." Her eyes were worried.

"I don't know what I want to be!" He threw his hands off his face and sat up quickly. "I just don't want to be what he wants."

"Well that's being a little stubborn Squall, seriously sit down with him and tell him how you feel. We're all here for you okay? If he tries to pull another stunt like that, you don't have to see him again." With that she patted his knee and stood to leave.

"He's been calling for you." She bowed her head. "He's still unconscious though, you should come see him." Closing the door behind her as she left. Squall elegantly flopped back on his comforter

"…FUCK!…" Throwing the pillow across the room Squall watched as feathers sprang into the air, slowly swaying towards the floor.


(In the living room)

"Christ Quistis! Why are you trying to fix this? Squall obviously doesn't want anything to do with this creep! Just let it go. Seifer deservers what he got!" Zell spat as the blonde woman came back from Squall's bedroom.

"Why don't you just SHUT-UP Zell!!" She yelled then let out a weary breath and fixed her sleeves and hair. Silence. "I-I'm sorry…I- I got a little carried away there, I didn't mean to snap." The other three stood still, a little taken aback by her outburst.

"…How's he doing?" She walked over to the prone form lying on the couch.

"He's doing fine." Zell scoffed. Quistis glowered at the spiky blonde.

"What?!" She lowered her gaze again to the other man.

"Selphie? Can you get me a damp cloth please?" The girl nodded and scurried to the bathroom. Quistis felt Seifer's forehead. "How hard did you hit him Zell?" Her brows knitted.

"I, I can't remember, I hit him pretty hard." He fidgeted a little. "He should be okay though…in a few hours I mean, he's probably just stunned." At that moment Seifer's body gave a spasm, making a bitter sound with his throat. "…ssss-ssquallll…" He croaked, trying to curl into himself.

"Irvine, get him a blanket." Irvine stood without a word and passed Selphie on his way to Squall's room. He knocked quietly on the door and opened it carefully. It grudgingly creaked open.

"Hey, uh Squall?" The cowboy kept his eyes on the floor. "We need a blanket, Seifer's not doing to well and" He brought his eyes up. "…W-what are you doing?"

On the other side of the room the lithe gunblader was shoving clothes and throwing socks into few bags.

"Forget about the blanket, he doesn't need one" He shoved a shirt in the bag. "Seifer can freeze or choke on his own vomit for all I care." Roughly shoving his jeans in to emphasize his point.

"But Quistis told me to-" The brunette stopped his actions "I don't bloody care what Quistis told you to do!" Squall yelled and spun around to glare at Irvine. "Do you know how happy I was here? I loved it here, I still do, it's beautiful." His features softened a little. "I can wake up being who I am, I can let my barriers down and I was hoping that it could be like that forever," Squall shook his head. "This is what happens when I do let them down, my rival turns up out of the middle of nowhere and I have to deal with his-his" He put a hand on his hip scowling at the floor and waved his other hand in the air.

"His emotions?" Irvine prompted.

"Yes…NO!" Squall snapped his head up. "No! All he feels is "Want, need MINE!" That's all he sees me as, a fricken toy for him to play with. " He scoffed "He doesn't have any emotions of love."

"I never said he had any emotions about love Squall, you added that part in. I'm not trying to change your mind, whatever it is you plan on doing, I agree, Seifer is just a giant asshole when it comes to dealing with feelings for others, he's just not all there when he's around you." Irvine pointed to his head. "Remember when you were kids? He couldn't keep his hands off of you, but it was just playing and he never did anything drastic, not like this. It's all his pent up energy." He gave a shrug " Even at Garden, you wouldn't let him touch you, so he tormented you instead, that's the only way he could get your attention or give him the excuse to ruffle your hair or put his arm around you. To just say he was only kidding."

"But we never were enemies in Garden, we were just friends of a different sort!" Squall pinched the bridge of his nose, keeping his eyes on the floor. Irvine gave a chuckle.

"Well if that was what you would call a friend, then what is an enemy? You two shared something different, if that's what you mean. It wasn't friendship though." Irvine gave another shrug. "Hey, do what you got to do." He gave a smile and rapped his fingers on the door way then disappeared back to the living room.

"…Whatever." Going back to his packing, he tried not to think to hard about what Irvine had said it would only be worse in the end.

*~Author's note: Eeeep! *cowers* please don't hate me! I'm completely out of ideas, I thought that I might as well post this and think of some other stuff later. *grovels* Please Please PLEASE! If you have some ideas let me know, Rhino will be making an appearance soon, but other than that I don't know. *sobs*

Seifer: Well I know one thing that you can do for the next chapter! *waggles Eyebrow*

Tongari: Enough! *wacka*

Seifer: *whimper* Man your mean.

Tongari: Oh you have no idea >=D

Squall: What what?

Seifer Tongari: Nothing.

Seifer:…Please? Soon? Possibly in the next few chapters? *clasps hands*

Tongari:…We'll see. ^_____^.