Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kyo trudged back to the house, his head down. Why was Tohru scared of him? Hell, he knew he wasn't the friendliest looking thing when his true from showed, but Tohru knew he wouldn't hurt her…didn't she?
He sighed. It didn't make any sense, no sense at all….
He reached the house, and slid the door open, stepping out of his shoes. Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, he turned to see Shigure poking his head into the room.
The dog smirked. “Where's your shirt Kyo? You didn't do anything indecent with dear little Tohru again, did-”
“Shut it,” Kyo grunted under his breath, heading to the stairs.
“Where's your shirt?” Shigure asked again.
“My beads came off. I'm not going to school today.” He walked upstairs to change.
Kyo spent most of the day training, trying to keep Tohru off his mind. It worked mostly, concentrating on how to improve, to make himself stronger and beat Yuki. He had Tohru know, all he needed was to be accepted into the family.
The damn rat didn't know how lucky he was; why would he ever want to get out of the family? All his life, Kyo had been tormented and ridiculed for merely being the cat of the zodiac. No one could see what he could do; only what he couldn't.
But then Tohru showed up, and didn't seem to notice all his imperfections, or, if she did, she appreciated them because they made him different, they made him him. The first time Kyo had realized this, had found that someone finally accepted him, it was the greatest thing he had ever felt. He had been searching for that acceptance his entire life, and finally found it in Tohru.
Kyo rested against a tree, panting. His bangs were clung to his forehead from his sweat. He liked how he felt after he finished training; his muscles sore, throat parched, his entire body weary. It meant he had pushed himself to his limit, and the longer he could go before he felt this way, the better.
“You've been training hard.”
Shigure's voice came drifting out to him, and Kyo looked up as the dog stepped onto the porch.
“You've been out here for several hours; trying to buff up to impress our little flower?”
Kyo merely glared; it would take to much effort to yell at his cousin.
“I'm just teasing,” Shigure said with his usual stupid grin as he sat on the porch. “I actually came out here to talk to you.”
“About what?”
Kyo lay on the roof, scowling. Shigure had actually tried to set up rules. Not just any rules, but rules regarding him and Tohru, and where they could be alone. Kyo was now banned from going in Tohru's room, though she was allowed in his. The rules didn't apply to Tohru, because she was just a guest in their house, but Shigure felt that he could actually make Kyo follow the rules.
Kyo snorted; like hell he would.
The sun had set a while ago; Kyo had long since taken a shower. Tohru had come home from work moments ago; he'd seen Yuki and her coming down the drive. She had been talking rather intently with Yuki, and hadn't noticed him. He'd been too tired to call to her; he was close to falling asleep now. He knew he should go down to his room before he fell asleep up here, but couldn't will himself to move.
He heard someone climbing up the ladder to the roof, and looked over; it was Tohru. He smiled.
“Hey Kyo,” she said, walking over to him.
She stretched out on the roof beside him. “How was your day?”
“Fine. I trained a bit. How was yours?” Kyo asked.
“It was good, just like always. Kyo…I'm really sorry about your uniform. I didn't mean to…to….” Tohru said slowly.
“I couldn't care less about the stupid uniform,” he replied, shrugging it off.
“But…you need it for school. You don't have enough shirts now….”
“I don't care about school, Tohru…. School isn't everything.”
Tohru seemed shocked. “But if you don't get good grades, you won't get into college!”
Kyo shrugged again.
Tohru paused. “Kyo, are you okay?”
“Why wouldn't I be?” he asked, looking over at her.
She was chewing on her lip, like she always did when she was nervous or was afraid that something was wrong. “You…seem a little upset.”
“It's nothing.”
“Did I do something?”
He sighed, and rolled onto his side, so that he was facing her. “Earlier today, when my beads came off…you looked scared…. Are you scared of…me?”
“I'm sorry Kyo…. It's just…. I know you won't hurt me, but…it does scare me…that side of you. I wish it didn't…”
Kyo's heart sank as he rolled back onto his back. So she was scared of him….
Tohru leaned her head on his shoulder.
“It's not you exactly that I'm scared of…. I love pretty much everything about you; the easy-going side you only let me see, how passionate you are when it comes to things you enjoy. There are so many good things about you.”
“Except for my true form,” Kyo sighed.
“That part doesn't matter…. I don't think about that part of you. All that does matter is what's here.” She put her palm over his heart. “And I know that what's in there is good, no matter what form you're in.”
“So why're you scared of me?”
“It's…just what you look like. I know it sounds horrible, but…it just scares me. I'm sorry Kyo. I really am.”
Kyo sighed again. He couldn't stay mad at her. “It's all right, don't worry about it…. I was just wondering.”
“Are you sure?”
Moments passed between them in silence. Kyo closed his eyes, so comfortable with Tohru lying beside him. This moment was a perfect moment, one he'd love to hold onto forever. Comfortable silences…he loved them. To him, words were overrated.
“ Kyo?” Tohru asked softly. “Could I ask you something?”
“Shoot,” he replied without opening his eyes.
“Do you…do you think of your master as your father?”
Kyo paused before answering. It was such a strange question, but it wasn't too private…he could answer it. “I… respect my master the way kids respect their parents. He is- I mean was the father figure for most of my life.”
“But do you think of him as your dad?”
“…No. But he's the closest thing to it…. Why do you want to know?”
“I just wanted to learn a secret about you.”
“Sneaky…. Tell me a secret then.”
“Ask me a question,” Tohru said, yawning a little.
Kyo thought hard; he couldn't choose anything too personal. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. “All right. Who do you think of right before you fall asleep?”
“Depends. Usually it's mom or you or Uo and Hana….”
Kyo smiled a little, glad for some reason that she thought of him. “What do you think about when you think about me?”
She smiled playfully. “You all ready asked one question.”
“You can ask me another after you answer mine. So…?” He rolled onto his stomach, so that his head was almost just above hers.
“I think about how sweet you are around me, and how you hide that sweetness from everyone else. You're such a caring person Kyo; I wish you wouldn't hide it.”
`They'd see it,” Kyo thought, `if they gave me a chance….' “Now, what's your question?”
“Do you…do you really hate Yuki?”
Kyo didn't hesitate. “Yes.”
Tohru gave him a questioning look and said, “Is that the truth? You really hate him?”
Damn…. She really wanted to know. Now wasn't the time to lie, he couldn't cover it up this time. “He…he gets on my nerves a lot….How he's so quiet and calm and how he always knows what to say to make you smile. It-it just pisses me off how he doesn't even have to try at anything, and it'll come out perfectly.”
“But…do you hate him?” Tohru asked again.
“He gets on my nerves and all…. But…I don't know. I don't know him that well, and you have to know someone pretty well to hate them, right? I just…I have to hate him. It makes it easier, gives me more of…. I don't know, a push when I fight him.”
“Do you have to fight him?”
“Yeah…. I have to beat Yuki….And it's expected. Cat and rat can't like each other.”
Tohru put her hands on the back of his neck and gently stroked the soft skin there. It sent slight shivers down Kyo's back. “Thanks for opening up to me.”
“Did I have a choice?”
“You always have a choice.”
Kyo smiled and kissed her. “You're too cute….but tell anyone about this and I'll-”
Tohru smirked. “You won't do anything...right?”
“…Just don't, okay?” Kyo asked, rolling his eyes.
“I won't. I'm good at keeping secrets, aren't I?”
“You're very good,” Kyo agreed, kissing her again, longer this time.