Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Remains ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Had fun writting this chap. explains alot, but i still left somethings for you to guess about.
Warning: This chapy contains character death. Don't be upset.
Disclaimer: Some of the characters mentioned do not belong to me.
Kenji glanced at his adopted brother as they drove in the car. Passing by street signed and shopping centers. Kenji kept trying to make a light conver sation, but Ryou was silent of course, he hated being called out to do this. It was his job though, he couldn't stop it.
'He's the only one who can do it. . . he needs to get used to it.' Kenji thought.
"So . . . who screwed up this time?" Ryou asked, looking out the window. "Fumito?"
"Ya . . . he got a new girlfriend." Kenji answered.
Ryou scowled at the memorieds of the last dew times he was called out for Fumito. He sighed. "Every time that guy gets too horny for his own good, I have to erase someones memory."
Kenji glance back to the road, deep in thought. 'It must be hard to erase someones memory. Especially if your emotions are easily swayed like Ryou.' The car came to a red light and Kenji closed his eyes. 'I feel sorry for him . . .'
Sumi walked up to the front doors of the Sohma main house. Vinse twirled up and down over the wall and Sumi felt like she was in a trance.
'It looks smaller sense the last time I came.' Sumi thought. 'I'm probably just less nervous.'
She slowly opened the huge door. Sumi found the hallway to be earily quiet. It was almost sufficating her, and it felt different from the last time she was there. Of course then, Kenji was with her. But she was alone now, and Sumi knew that worrying about stupid things like that wouldn't help.
She stepped in and started walking over to were she remembered Tadashi's room was.She felt as is she was walking no where, like a mysterious force was pulling her. It made the long journey to the tall slidding wodden door, seem even longer.
Sumi felt her footsteps echoing of the stone walls. Comeing up from the bottom of her bare feet to they rapind beating of her heart.
'I hope he's here.' It would be horrible if she had to endure this only to find Tadashi not there.
She came to Tadashi's door and hesitently rapped on its surface. The sound that resinated echoed even more than her footsteps and Sumi's heart quickened.
"I told you! No visitors!" shouted Tadashi from inside. Sumi gave a sigh of relief knowing he was there. Fir some reason, the shouting didn't bother her.
"I'm sorry Tadashi. It's Sumi, remember? You met with me a week or so ago." She spoke normaly, with no hesitation or difficulty.
She heard quick shuffling and a lighter voice floated out of the room. "Sumi . . . what can I do for you?"
Sumi slowly opened the door and peered inside. It was still the signature dark and once again, Tadashi was huddled in a corner.
"I uh . . ." Sumi was lost.
She had rehearsed what she was going to say countless times, but now, when she was sitting right here infront of him, she couldn't speak. And just a moment ago she was talking to him like an old friend, but seeing him in the flesh, made her shiver.
"Yes, Sumi?"
"I'm sorry . . . I probably look really stupid right now. I was . . . I mean . . ." Sumi struggled on how to express the frustration that was welling up inside her. Her fists clenched tinghter and she wasn't even trying to look calm anymore.
"Sumi, I want you to be comfortable with me. Tell me." He said reasuringly.
Tadashi was being kind and heartful, and it sort of calmed her. As Sumi looked up at Tadashi, she didn't see the Head of the Sohma's, she saw a person. A person she could trust.
In all honesty, she really didn't trust anyone. She acted and told her self she did. THat she trusted Kenji, Ryou, Kaya, her friends from school, Yuiri and Takana. But deep in her hollow heart, she didn't.
"I do." Sumi whispered. "I do trust you Tadashi, more than anyone."
A soft smile went on Tadashi's face.
"I'm gland." Tadashis said. "I feel a certain connection to you Sumi.I'm ont sure if it's becaus eyou where also lately notified of what you are or what, but . . ." Tadashi looked at her stait in the eye. He met the redness without wonder or fear. He just simply looked into her eye's like a father would. "I do know that you are special."
Sumi watched as Tadashi slowly stod. Shankingly supporteding himself with his arms. Breathing heavily, he started walking to a large book shelf. He skimmed over the names written on the spines. Finding the one he wanted, he took it from the shelf and turned to Sumi.
"I think it is time I tell someone the truth about us." Tadashi slowly sat down infront of Sumi. He put the book down and turned it so it was facing her. "This generation of Sohma's is diffrent from the others . . ."
"What?" Sumi asked. "Different in what way?"
"Well, that's what I intend to show you." Tadashi opened the book. Sumi now saw that is was more of a photo album.
On the first page was a name, "Akito"
"These are pictures of the generation before us. We keep track of them by the name of the Head. Akito was the latest one." Tadashi stared at the name for a while, a sad look in his eyes. He become lost in thought, and Sumi wanted to hear more.
She greedily spoke trying to get him out of his daze. "Tadashi . . .?"
Sumi's questionable voice braught him back. Tadashi smiled and looked fondly at her."Sumi, this story is a long one, and if you want me to stop . . ."
Sumi feircly shook her head. "No, I want to learn about my family."
Tadashi sighed. "Very well."
He took the photo album in his lap and started looking through th pages.After a whil, Tadashi paused. Sumi looked up at the old man.
He sighed. "Last generation, an outsider found out our curse. A girl . . . she, from what I know, was somewhat of an orphan. She came apon a house that two Sohma members were living in, and well . . . they invited her into their home."
"I guess they felt it was the right thing to do." Tadashi looked at the album. He handed it to her.
On it was a picture of people, all sitting around a blanket. Sumi smiled at the shinning faces, they all looked so happy. And she sorrowfully wished she would be able to smile like they did.
"That one," Tadashi pointed to a girl with ribbons tied in her brown hair. "That girl, right there. Tohru, I believe her name was."
"Yes, but I still . . ."
Tadashi waved a hand to silence her. "I know, this is not your question." He looked at Sumi with the most sorrowful eyes. Such a deep, dark color. "I'm getting to it. "
Sumi nodded.
"Well, Tohru had gotten very attached to the Sohma's, and them to her. One day, she braught two of her friends, who of course knew nothing of the curse, over to the house. They all thought nothing of it, the friends had come over many times before." Tadashi gave a long heavy sigh, and Sumi shifted into a more comfortable position, knowing that this would be a long story. "One of the Zodiac members bummped into Tohru's friend." Tadashi looked down sadly.
"So, did they end up keeping the curse a secret too?" Sumi asked hopefully, already knowing her answer was wrong.
"No. They saw a dog in the place of a man. They started screaming and rampaging through the house. Trying to drag Tohru out of the house, away from them." Tadashi looked back up at Sumi. "There memories were erased the next day."
Sumi stared at the man. 'How could they erase someone's memory? It sounds a little too fantasy-ish to be real . . . but then again I turn into a cat, so I guess anything is possible.'
Tadashi spoke again. "Akito demanded that the friends memories were erased, along with Tohru's. But the man who erased people's memories, Hatori Sohma, refused. For some reason, all the Sohma's banded together to fight against Akito, just to save the memory of a girl. Just so they could keep her for themselves."
"You make it sound selfish . . ." Sumi began.
"Isn't it?" Tadashi asked. Sumi looked thoughtfully at the picture. The girl, Tohru, looked so peaceful and happy. Everyone around her did too, all smilling, faces stained with watermellon juice, it was so peaceful.
"Anyway somehow, Akito got to Tohru. Told Tohru that she had caused so much trouble for the Sohma's, that their family was weakening because of her. That she should leave before it got even whorse. And you know what?" Tadashi looked Sumi in the eye as he spoke the nest two words. "She listened."
"Tohru left?" Sumi asked.
"Yes . . . left without a word. All the Sohma's were terified by her disapearance. They looked day and night for her, but Tohru was never found." Tadashi siged and took the book back from Sumi. He went through the pages, on and on. "No more pictures were taken after that."
Sumi looked over at the book and found that no pictures were there.
"Belive me Sumi, it gets worse." Tadashi said sadly. "One of the Sohma's was said to have been in love with Tohru. In his depression he jumped of a brigde into the cold water in a desperate attempt to drown himself. He was rescued by some nere by fishermen and was taken to a hospital. There, he strangled himself with one of the plugs."
"He comitted suicide?" Sumi asked, the horror welling in her heart.
"Yes." Tadashi nodded. "After his death, the fact that Tohru couldn't save them anymore, that she couldn't hold them by the hand anymore, came and hit them all in the face. They were scared and frightened. They had no one else to turn to besides Akito, who welcomed them with open arms. All of the Sohma's led hard lifes. Few are alive today. Some are wandering in the streets, still looking for her face."
Tadashi sighed. "I believe fate wanted the curse to be broken by Tohru. Tohru failed and fate is trying to have the curse broken this time. To tell you the truth Sumi, fate made the zodiac members pop-up in random places this time. Just coming out of no were. Why? I'm not sure. So most of us are not real members of the Sohma family. I'm not, Ryou's not. And you're not."
Sumi's eyes widdened.
"I believe fate is trying to reinact the events that happened in the last generarion, only with possitive results."
"What are the possitive results?" Sumi asked.
"To be free of this curse. To live a life were a boy can be embraced by his mother. Were a girl can give her father a hug when she's going out on her first date. These normal things that we are not permitted to do, that is the possitive result."
"Have you found all the Zodiac members?" Sumi asked curiously.
"No. We haven't found the rat, the snake, or the boar. The last generations could still be alive, though I doubt it."
Sumi looked down at her hands. She felt selfish. She always thought that her life was miserable, that no one's life could possibly be worse. And then, she hears about the last Sohma's and all the depression that must have built inside the very house she was sitting in.
'What if Ryou's, Kenji's, and Kaya's life's are as miserable as this.' The thought struck hard, and for the first time, Sumi realized how little she knew.
She barely knew these people that she was living with, that she was trying to call her family. She barely knew there voice. For some reason, though, she was able to tell them anything. But she realised that she new close to nothing about any of them.
For some reason, the thought of them keeping secrets from her made her want to cry.
Ryou stepped out of the car. He looked up and down the street, secretly hoping that this was all a wild goose chase.
"Ryou," Kenji shouted in his direction. Ryou turned to face his adopted brother. "It's this way." Kenji pointed to the large apartment at the end off the busy street.
Ryou followed Kenji up to the front door.
There was a chart, with the names of all the residents and Kenji skimmed over the names by the doorbells. Finaly stopping at the name he remembered the caller gave him, he pressed the doorbell. A ringing was heard and it took only a second for voice to be heard through the speaker.
"Kenji?! Ryou?!" said a frantic voice.
"Yes, we're here Fumito," Kenji said calmly. "Hows she doing?"
"Fine, uh . . . I mean she's not intirely concious right now, but . . ."
"Idiot! You knocked her out?!" Ryou shouted at Fumito. He was already mad at him for making him come all the way out here again.
'What is this, the forth time?' Ryou asked himself.
"Of course I didn't knock her out! She sorta . . . fell . . ." Ryou could almost picture Fumito rubbing his head while saying that.
"We'll be up in a minute Fumito," Kenji reasuringly tells him. "What's the room number again?"
"221, third floor. Be up here soon."
"We will, bye." Kenji took his finger off the button and stod back.
He walked to the front door of the apartment building. Ryou walked by Kenji's side as they neered the elevartor. Kenji pressed the up button and soon an elevator came.
Ryou reluctantly stepped into the elevator, he wasn't fond of small spaces. Coming inside the small, confined area, Kenji looked at the numbers.
"Let's see . . . I beleive Fumito said the third floor." Kenji choose the botton with a large 3 on it and Ryou felt the cable lift the steel box upward.
After a while of nausea, Ryou was able to get off the elevator and walk down the hall to the room. As he passed by the rooms he went over the numbers in his head.
'213 . . . 215 . . . 217,' He thought as the numbers passed by as merily a second thought. 'And finally, 221 . . .'
"Here we are," Kenji said, trying to keep a cheerful exterior.
Kenji nocked on the door and waited for it to be answered. Loud shuffling and movements were heard. Curses and swears could be made out from all the bumping and slamming around that was heard from inside.
Finally, the doornob turned and a boyish face popped out into the doorway. His almost maroon hair swaying in his face.
The man gave a sigh of relief, "Thank God you guys are here."
"Ya, because if we weren't you'd be in even a bigger shit pile of trouble." Ryou comented hottily.
"Oh man Ryou cussed. He must really be tweaked huh Kenji?" Fumito said, openeing the door wide for them to enter.
"Don't play games. You said that she was unconcious?" Ryou asked.
"Ya, over there," Fumito pointed to the couch. There lay and girl who looked to be asleep, but her positioning was such that it was obvious she wasn't.
Ryou walked over to her. He took one last long breath before preparing for what he was about to do.
'God, I hate doing this . . .' he thought.
He gracefuly put his hand over the womans eyes and slowly closed his own. In his mind, he felt a force well within his subconcious. Ryou got hold of the ever growing force and pushed it into his palm. The serge of energy blasted from his hand and he saw a blinding white light from beneith his eyelids. The girl was sent sprawled on the floor, still unconcious.
Ryou opened his eyes.
"Did you make her forget everything?" Fumito asked, almost sadly.
"Yes . . . everything about you." Ryou said, looking up at him.
"Man, I was really starting to like her." Fumito said. "Oh well, can't expect anymore when your cursed."
"Well, Fumito, maybe you should be more carful around outsiders." Kenji said.
"Ya, I know." Fumito said sadly. He then looked at Kenji. "Hey, I was living here with her, and sense she doesn't recognize me now, do you ythink I could stay with you guys?"
"No." Ryou said. Fumito looked at him, surprized. "We barely have enough room as it is. There is no way you can stay with us."
"Fumito, why don't live with your sister or somethig . . ." Kenji offered.
"No way! I'm not moving into her crazy house." Fumito said. "And what do ya mean 'We barely have enough room'? Last time I was there I had a whole room to myself."
"Things changed." Ryou stared at him angrily, for some reason this guy was really ticking him off.
"What cha-" Fumito stopped as a grin slowly formed on his face. "Oh I see. One of Ryou's lady friends moved in . . ."
Ryou blushed as an image of Sumi formed in his mind. He shook it away and glared at the man. "What are you talking about?! Of course not!"
"Well, then perfect. I see no reason why there wouldn't be enough room for me." Fumito said, smirking.
"Fumito, that's not it." Kenji said strongly. Fumito turned and looked at Kenji's stern face. "Something very drastic happened. We found the cat."
Fumito's eyes widened. He stared at Kenji for a long while.
So, you learn alot bout everything and you meet a new zodaic member ILL GIVE A KUDOS BAR TO WHOEVER CAN GUESS WHAT ANIMAL FUMITO IS . . .
vote on pairings!
(there will be alot more coming up, ones that dont hav Sumi in them too.)
Please R&R . . . honestly, do it