Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewashed Anchor ❯ Sunday, Bloody Sunday ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

R Title: Sunday, Bloody Sunday
LJ Author: pikapicokitt
Theme: #2 news; letter
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Akito x Yuki
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket is property of its original creator; I can only be credited for the story idea. The song “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” and the selected lyrics I've chosen from it are property of U2.
Spoiler warning ahead!!
~I can't believe the news today~
Akito scowled, throwing the letter before her across the room. Watching it flutter to the floor she decided simply tossing the atrocious piece of paper wasn't enough, so she gathered it up again and ripped it into a thousand tiny pieces. How dare this two-bit family suggest marriage! It wasn't the first time she'd received a request as such, but normally people were more formal and asked during a dinner or party. Never had she dealt with the audacity of someone sending her written letter. Besides, all the possible candidates were women; she would never marry a woman, no matter how fooling she had to make her appearance. She was never allowed to explain correctly why she wouldn't marry and that infuriated her. If only she'd been born as a male, there would be no need for this charade. If only Ren wasn't such a horrendous bitch, Akito might have been able to have a comfortable lifestyle. Yes, that was it, this was all Ren's fault and she felt her hatred for her mother rise in the back of her throat like acid bile.
~I can't close my eyes and make it go away~
Her thin fingers scrubbed at her temple, her head burning with the onslaught of a migraine. She needed…someone to yell at, to take her anger out on or else she might implode with so much rage soaking up her soul. Her target was the first person she saw, being the maid outside her door whom looked as if ready to cry when she saw the anger lines between Akito's brows. “Fetch me Kureno, NOW!” Akito's hand came out, but did not hit the woman, simply pointing down the direction of the hallway as if it would hurry the terrified servant. Retreating to her room, Akito slumped onto her futon, curling on her side as the pain within her temples blazed, obstructing her vision. “Such a nuisance…” She hissed against the smothering air within her room, shrugging out of her outer coat as she felt sweat gathering on her face. “What is?” Akito jerked at the sound of Kureno's voice, whirling her head so fast in his direction she saw stars for a few seconds. “You. Get me some water.” There she went blaming and ordering people again, however Kureno moved as if her words didn't affect him.
~How long…~
The water flowed down her parched throat like some sort of lifeline; a soft sigh passing her lips when she'd finished the glass. She handed the empty cup back to Kureno who set it on the table in the other room, moving back to her side. “Good boy. Now come, sit with me” She patted the spot at her side, her voice still demanding as ever. Like the obedient man he was Kureno sat down beside her, allowing her to curl up on his lap. One arm circled around her thin waist and she left a soft kiss on his collar in approval. “See, you can treat me nicely, why can't he?” She snorted, mumbling to herself as the thought of her dog sent another flash of rage down her spine. “Who?” Kureno's head tilted slightly, having a good idea already who she was talking about, not caring really as it wasn't him. “No one. Shut up” Akito pushed Kureno's hand away, angry with him for asking and as some type of punishment he had to now keep his hands to himself. Her ways of discipline where really on the childish side.
~How long must we sing this song~
Yuki turned onto his side, his position a seemingly dead mass lying across the floor of his room. One of his pale digits flicked at the channel button on his radio, searching for a song that was more suiting to his mood. Rolling onto his back, he let out a long sigh as he stared at the ceiling. The weekends were boring, blatantly so as Yuki always had his homework done on Friday's. There wasn't much to do for fun. He attended to his garden on Saturday's, Tohru worked through the weekends now, and there was no way any of the other household members could amuse him. He rolled onto his side once more before pushing himself up, what a bleak boring Sunday. With a lazy slide to his step, Yuki moved out of his room and toward the kitchen. “I wonder if there's any cake left…” Turning into the entryway to the kitchen he blinked, Shigure stuffing his face with the sweet treat Yuki had hoped to have another piece of. The rat sighed, moving past his housemate and toward the front door. “Maybe I'll just visit Haru…”
~Cause tonight…~
“If you're visiting the main house, could you take this to `Tori?” Shigure grinned, peeking his head out of the kitchen and holding out a book in Yuki's direction. He blinked as the item was snatched from him, silently questioning if Yuki was in some sort of foul mood again. “I'll be home later” With a short wave, Yuki tapped his feet into his shoes and headed off toward the Main House. Heading down the walkway, Yuki looked at the book finally, raising an eyebrow. He had no idea what Shigure would want with a book on health and diseases. Shigure was a romance novelist, of sorts, not a health critic. With a shrug, Yuki tucked the book back under his arm and turned onto the sidewalk, heading in the direction of the Sohma estate. He still wasn't happy with the aspect he'd have to be so close to Akito's quarters. Yuki never again wanted to be near that man, and how he wished they weren't family.
~We can be as one~
Hatori startled a little at the sound of rapping on his door, an almost unheard light rattle to the wood. Folding the tip of his page to keep his place he closed the book he was reading and moved to the door, opening it and raising an eyebrow at Yuki. “How might I help you, Yuki?” His dark eyes turned to the book in the boy's hand and he nodded, taking it and setting it on his desk. “How are you this evening?” Hatori returned to his seat, setting one foot on the other knee as he watched the rat close the door behind him and lean against it. “Alright, life has been…” Yuki scratched at his temple, thinking of a correct word to explain his current life. “Slow I suppose would be the best explanation” Hatori nodded, silently wishing that `slow' could happen around the Sohma estate once in a while. Akito never allowed days to be calm and relaxing, things always had to revolve against some kind of turmoil she was going through that day.
~Broken bottles under children's feet~
Hatori jerked to a standing position when he heard a sharp cry of what could only be female. Yuki jerked around, flinging open the door to see one of the maids clutching her face and crying. He watched the blood rolling down her face with wide frightened eyes, his hand going up to his mouth in a feminine fashion. Hatori moved to the woman's side, holding her shoulders as she wept and Akito screamed. He paid no attention to the insane woman's shrieks of anger, his attention taken up by making sure the shattered cup that had connected with the poor ladies face hadn't made any threatening cuts. When Hatori managed to pry the maid's fingers away from her sliced flesh he frowned, the wounds didn't look good. This woman would probably receive the same sort of injuries he had, she'd be lucky if she were capable of sight when the cuts healed.
~Bodies strewn across the dead end street~
Akito was in quite a mood and since Hatori was so entranced in dealing with that dog of a servant she turned her attention on the other male, grabbing Yuki by the hair. “You, what are you doing here? I did not give you permission to be here” She threw the rat boy to the floor; her anger so extreme she even kicked him in the side for good measure. “Get up, I'll let you keep me company since you're here anyway.” She tugged at the startled boys arm, glowering in his direction when fear crossed his face. Yuki's vision whirled between all the people in the hallway, becoming a frightened mess as Akito dragged him away. It would happen again, he was sure of it. With Akito's current mood he'd be beaten almost to death again, reduced to a shivering mass in a corner.
~But I won't head the battle call~
“Wha-What are you going to do with me, Akito-san?” Yuki swallowed around the lump in his throat, dreading her response like a sickness. He stumbled as Akito hauled him into her room; pushing him carelessly to the side once they were in. “What do you think? You're my company, be honored” She sighed as she lowered herself into a chair, her eyes sliding closed in silent contentment. When she opened them, Yuki was still sprawled in the odd position when she had flung him against the wall. She pointed to the floor beside her, frown settled on her frail features. “Come, sit with me” She never asked, her words were always an order. She felt it superfluous that she ask for anything, she was their master, they served her.
~It puts my back up against the wall~
Yuki's frame was visibly shuddering, fear clinging to him like a bad scent as he settled down at her side. He gulped, searching desperately for his voice, thinking of a way to rephrase his question so that she would not lash out at him in anger. “Why… what…would you like to do?” It was a loaded question and Yuki wasn't so sure he wanted to know the answer. His eyes grew wide, fear consuming the color within them, as her black soul was all he could see, pressing him to the wall at his side. “So, you'll tell me why Shigure will not see me, won't you? Is he hiding something, is there a woman? Speak Yuki.” The boy's mouth hung open a little, his mind not capable of firing the area's of thought within his brain, his soul seemingly seeped out but her close presence. It was an answer he couldn't answer because he did not know, but would Akito believe him?