Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewashed Anchor ❯ Cruel ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

C Title: Cruel
LJ Author: pikapicokitt
Theme: #3 Jolt!
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Akito x Yuki
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket is property of its original creator; I can only be credited for the story idea. The song “Cruel” and the selected lyrics I've chosen from it are property of Tori Amos.
Spoiler warning ahead!!
~So don't give me respect~
Akito snarled at the boy's inane silence, pushing away from him in aggravation or else she might hit him. She stood, flinging her arms in a defeated manner, letting the tone of her voice tell him how disappointed she was. “Fine, don't tell me then, I will find out on my own.” She heard him move, shift, it sounding as if he were curling up and away from her. She tilted her head, back facing him or Yuki might have seen the surprise on her face when he spoke. “W-why…are you always so fascinated with Shigure?” he gulped when he saw Akito's form stiffen, not daring to ask the question of if Akito was gay, though most pegged him for it. Akito didn't appear emotionless, just unsure, that was how Yuki saw it anyway.
~Don't give me a piece of your preciousness~
“I simply worry about him, Shigure is a member of the Jyuunishi after all. I must worry about you, if I did not who would? No one else cares as much as I do.” Akito nodded her head in agreement with herself, setting her hands on her hips justifiably. She scowled when his voice rang again, defying her once more. “Because…you're worried? You don't worry about the rest of us that way…” Yuki was finding his voice blasphemous, though for some reason he couldn't stop it today, there were just too many questions riddling his mind. He jumped when Akito whirled around in his direction, appearing so close to his own face again. “Do you want me to worry more about you, Yuki?” She snorted at the quick shake of his head, of course he didn't want that. “What I thought. You contradict yourself, Yuki. You should think more before you speak.”
~Flaunt all she's got in our old neighborhood~
Yuki let out the breath he had not been aware he was holding, relaxing back against the wall when Akito finally shifted to the other side of the room. It was obvious neither really wanted the other's company but now that they were here there was really no complaining about it. Yuki didn't dare to express his utter hatred for Akito, and likewise the Sohma head didn't want to admit her loneliness. She sat down boisterously in the chair by her dining table's side, extending a hand toward the seat across from her. “Won't you join me? These are far more comfortable than the floor,” Akito had a fashion for western things, though she didn't much like the suits she had to wear, she did indeed like some of the other fashions; architecture and paintings were among those things.
~I'm sure she'll make a few…friends~
Yuki really had no choice in the matter and he settled down in the chair at the window's side, curling his hands together on his lap. His eyes were trained on the vase of flowers in the middle of the table, orchids that were probably velvety to the touch but he didn't dare extend a finger toward them. Akito settled her cheek in the palm of her hand, her elbow settled against the polished oak surface. “…Your studies…” Yuki blinked, shaking his head as he came out of a daze, eyebrows knitting in confusion, as he hadn't caught what Akito had said fully. “Huh?” Yuki watched her nose twitch and hoped he hadn't angered her with his lack of attention. “I asked how your studies were. I hear good things, are you enjoying school?” Though her questions sounded concerning, her visage rang of indifference. Yuki shifted uncomfortably, his feet curling around the legs of the chair, an object he was not use to in the least. “A-alright…school is relatively easy when you study…” Akito shifted, seeming amused for a moment that Yuki actually had to study; he was a smart boy, she gave him that much.
~Even the rain bows down~
Akito's chin slipped from the hand it was cupped in, cheek resting against the hard wood of the table as she sighed. Her dark eyes wavered over Yuki's shoulder, staring out the window where a light drizzle had begun. Akito was always caught between feelings on the rain, unsure if she enjoyed the soothing trickle against her roof, or was annoyed she'd be stuck inside for the day. She watched the boy across from her move, turning stiffly in the direction of her gaze. Yuki frowned, catching Akito's form straightening in the corner of his eye; he knew he'd be stuck with her company for quite some time. Lashes fluttering as violet orbs trained on the floor at his side, Yuki found himself regretting ever leaving the comfort of his own room. An uneasy silence fluttered between them, the beating of the rain the only resonance. Akito stood after a moment, flicking a few strands of her sooty hair from her face, walking toward her favorite place; the window. “Make yourself comfortable, it would be silly to venture out until after the rain has cleared.” Though her tone was calm and assuring her words rang to Yuki's brain as more of a `you're stuck here so you better deal with it.'
~Let us pray as you cock-cock-cock your mane~
With a sigh, Akito let her hand dangle out the slightly open window, watching the droplets of rain slide along her slender fingers and fall to the ground. “What monotonous weather, and it was so nice only a moment again.” Her attention remained on the rain that slithered along her pale digits; very aware of the gaze settled on her back. “What are your feelings on the rain, Yuki? I'm unsure of my feelings toward it,” She heard the chair scrape against the floor as it was pushed back, Yuki moving slowly to her side to stare out the window, an odd tranquility settling between them. “It has the tendency to make a moment depressing, though it is necessary for survival,” Akito's eyes slid toward Yuki as he talked, understanding his viewpoint, but still undetermined on her analysis of the matter. “I don't see where it's necessary, let the plants drain dry, there would be less pollen in the air.” Yuki blinked, staring at Akito as if she were some sort of alien. “Without the tree's or flowers…everything would die,” A sly grin slid across her face as realization dawned on him. “Precisely.”
~I can be cruel…~
“You have a sick way of thinking, Akito-san,” His eyes widened in the same instant he placed his hand to his mouth, never had he spoken back with such truth; he'd pay for the comment dearly. There was a flurry of movement, attempts to evade damage which were ignored as in the existence of rage she was faster. He cried out under the bitter sting of her nails to his face, finding that their position had come of her straddling his strewn out mess of a body on the floor, tearing at his cheek with fingernails he noticed drolly were filed to pierce skin in the most unpleasant of ways. He couldn't, wouldn't dare fight back, though tears of pain weren't against him at the moment. When her fingers scraped against an eye his hands came up of their own volition, locking on her shoulders to push her off his body. He scrambled back, rubbing the sting from his eye for the few seconds before they opened in surprise. In the haste and panic of the moment he'd pulled the top of her kimono loose, as well as jarred the binding when her chest had made contact with the floor. Never would Yuki have imagined this turn of events, never would he have guessed his abuser had all this time been a woman.
~I don't know why~
“Y-you…” He wasn't aware he was pointing, mouth agape and face filled with a horror-lined shock. “Stop it! Stop staring at me!” Her hands hastened to pull her kimono back in place, to cover what she had worked so hard to keep hidden. She snarled at the hushed `why' that slithered past his lips, she didn't owe him an explanation, as stupid as the real reason was. When she had regained a little of her composure, Akito dragged Yuki's face toward her by a lock of silver hair, snarling her demand in his face. “You will tell no one about this, you understand? What I've done to you will be like candy in comparison to what I will do to you if anyone finds out.” She smirked at his terrified nod, throwing him away from her. Despite all that had happened in the past minute, Yuki would still have to stay, the thrash of the rain outside the window had not stopped and Akito would not let him go until it ended. “Why don't we play a game, Yuki…have you ever heard of truth or dare? I've learned it's a fun way to pass the time.” She smirked, settling in one of her table chairs as she twirled a lock of her hair. Yuki didn't enjoy the malicious intent set behind that smile, if any other moment he wished he could tell her no.
~Why can't my balloon stay up in a perfectly windy sky~
“I'll be generous, you may go first, Yuki.” She heard him meep slightly and turned her dark eyes in his direction, having been looking at the rain painted windows for a moment. “Well? Truth or dare, pick one.” Yuki gulped, pushing his shaking body in the direction of the other chair, he was still a little stirred from the fight and the revelation of Akito's sex. “T-truth…” Akito snorted, having figured he'd choose the weaker subject. “Ask what you'd like of me, and I'll tell you honestly” Yuki blinked, scratching his head, a little confused. “Isn't it… I choose one of the two and you ask the questions?” That was how he had learned the game anyway. Akito copied his action, scratching her nose instead, pondering. “I suppose it is… then I will ask you a question” She hmmed, unsure what she wanted to know about the boy, if anything, but she was bored and never thought of nice things. “Do you like that girl?” Yuki tilted his head to the side curiously. “Honda-san?” Akito waved a hand in an uncaring manner. “Yes, that one,” Yuki smiled and nodded, he very much enjoyed the girl's company. “Do you love her?” Yuki's eyes widened at the sudden question that had just been dying to be asked. “You can't ask more than one question, Akito-san…it-it's against the game rules.”
~Dance with the Sufis, top ten in the charts of pain~
“Hnn… fine. I suppose it's my turn now. I'll choose truth since I can see that question burning in your eyes.” Yuki startled at her words, unaware he had been so easy to read. “I…” He thought of a way to phrase it so that Akito wouldn't try to ram his head through a wall. “Do you charade as a man of your own free will?” He cowered slightly at the slant of her eyes before letting out a long breath when she didn't strike him. “No.” There was no need for more explanation then that. Akito grinned, waving her hand to signal his turn to pick his poison, that same question she had tried to use ready to pass her lips when he chose truth. “Dare,” Yuki wasn't a moron, he knew what was on the woman's mind and he wasn't going to let her exploit him like that, not when he was still uncertain exactly what his feelings were toward the girl. He watched Akito's eyes widen a touch in surprise; she'd hadn't expected that, he had to really try to hold off the smirk that threatened. He shrunk back into his chair when she advanced on him; he'd made a fatal mistake in not just answering her question.
~Lover, brother, bogenvilla~
“Your dare….let's see…” Her fingers skirted along his arm, grabbing the collar of his shirt when she reached it, wrenching him forward till their faces where just hairs length away. “How well can you please a woman?” Yuki gulped, scooting back into his chair as much as he could but it didn't work as she only drew in closer. “I…I've never tried…” Akito `tsked' at him, trailing her fingers under his shirt, her sole purpose against him now to have blackmail so that he would never speak of her gender for fear of exposure; she'd destroy every bit of sanity left within the boy. “What an opportunity then, after all you won't change with me.” She smirked, enjoying the look as it reflected in his giant eyes. “It's not like you'll get another chance, this is impossible with normal people, besides you were the fool who chose dare…should have stuck with the truth.” His eyes slammed shut as he felt her lips on his skin, grazing his neck and collar, he was indeed the fool now trapped in her little game.
~My vine twists around your need~
“Akito-san…please…” Her fingers ran back down his chest, trailing along the waistline of his pants with expert ease, she'd spent many a steamy night in the arms of both Kureno and Shigure. She dove her fingers in, sliding against him as she spoke. “Please stop, please more, please what?” Yuki squirmed, the action both spreading his legs wider and bringing her closer and he wasn't sure if his body had done that on purpose or not. “I…I don't know…” His eyes were slammed shut, his cheeks tinted red in embarrassment, or was that desire? “I think this part of you does.” She cupped him in her hand, smirking when he slapped his hands over his mouth at the moan that tore past his lips; he hadn't meant to do that. His body couldn't really want this, it wasn't possible, this was Akito, his tormentor, his abuser, and his biggest fear. However the piece of flesh growing rigid beneath the soft caress of his pants defied him, with every stroke from her hand shattering his hold on himself.
~Even the rain is sharp~
“No matter how far you run, you'll always be mine. All of you, mine.” She tugged at his length when he dared to say something, drowning away his thoughts into lustful moans. She nibbled along his neck and ear, though she wasn't usually the one in command once things had started, this was not a situation to expect Yuki to just take control. Akito didn't like the idea of Yuki being in control either. With Shigure or Kureno it made all matters of sense; mostly with Shigure, how she loved him and loved being devoured by him. Yuki would be simply another play toy, like Kureno; a sexual item to both keep them in line and further drive in the nail that she owned them. She pulled him from the chair, throwing him against the tatami mat and stripping him of his clothes, his will, and soon his virginity. She would make him crave her in ways he'd never imagined and destroy him with those wants. She would own him, body and soul.
~Like today as you shock me sane~
Yuki had never felt such sensation and though his body was enjoying her advances in some sick demented way his mind was crying, screaming for this to stop; words he couldn't put together to shout in her face and might never be able to. He wanted to cry, shed tears of inner turmoil but knew they would be wasted. His brain shut down when he felt the tight heat circle around him, eyes slammed so tightly closed he couldn't open them to find the source of the velvet clamp around him even if he wanted to. He wasn't immature to the idea of intercourse, while he had refrained from experiencing it not simply because he was cursed, he didn't feel it was needed. His whole logic on the matter would change after today as each movement above him drew his hips closer to thrusting back until he had no control anymore. When he reached the peak of all sensation he reveled in it, enjoying the feeling more than ever would have thought possible before the harsh reality of the moment set in and he took in account the body gasping for breath above his. The tears came, quick and fast till he could almost imagine they were drowning him, to float those jagged, broken pieces of his core to the surface where his nightmare could use them at free will.