Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewashed Anchor ❯ My Precious ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's note: It came to my knowledge that some people might not understand the title to this fiction.... so I thought I'd be kind and explain its meaning ^.^
The “white-washed” part of the title refers to two different things within this story... the first meaning is a type of concealment of flaws or failures.... (ex: Akito tries very hard to appear to herself as flawless) the other meaning is a defeat in which the loser scores no points (ex: Yuki continues to lose hardcore against Akito throughout the fic... and it seems that he receives no wins on his side because Akito is always capable of destroying his 'game' in some other way)
The “anchor” part is rather simple.... something that weighs you down or keeps you set firmly in place (ex: Yuki is incapable of leaving Akito and seems to always be stuck in place while Akito is always anchored down in a state of hate and mistrust because of how she's been treated and raised.)
Well, I hope that made sense to people ^^; On to the story!!
C Title: Precious
LJ Author: pikapicokitt
Theme: “Ano saa”
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Akito x Yuki
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket is property of its original creator; I can only be credited for the story idea. The song “My Precious” and the selected lyrics I've chosen from it are property of Lifehouse.
Spoiler warning ahead!!
~Can't hold you down~
“And what makes you think I'll agree to that? Agree to such a silly deal when I can simply take you and throw you away without a care in the world. Do you think anyone would stop me? Anyone would dare? I can lock you up in a cell so dark and deserted, where only my flesh will visit you.” Yuki visibly shuddered at her words, eyes slamming shut against the visions that dared to play before him, mocking him by lighting against the back of his eyelids. Akito smirked, watching his reaction, shifting so that she had thrown one leg over his hips and her position was now straddling him. “Now, tell me you belong to me” That deceiving smile grew wider as she trailed thin, frail digits through his silver hair. “You…” He hissed when she dug her nails into his scalp, snapping at him to speak up. “You, I belong to you, Akito-san” She smiled wickedly, and rested her cheek against his shoulder, letting her grip in his hair lighten so that she was once more simply stroking the strands. “That's right. All of you, mine”
~Can't hurry you up~
Hatori sighed as he filed another paper, glancing back at Akito who sat sprawled in his chair, an unhappy expression on her face. “Why don't you wait in your room, Akito? I'll send for you once I'm finished” The cursed seahorse let out a short gasp of pain as a pen caught him in the temple. “No. You work faster; I want to get this finished today. What on earth is taking you so long in the first place? I've been waiting for hours.” Hatori groaned inaudibly, resting his forehead against the filing cabinet before him. “You've only been waiting for ten minutes at the most, Akito. I must get these patient files put away so that I don't lose them…. You should understand that” Akito sighed, positioning her form over the chair in an exaggerating expression of boredom. She understood the importance of Hatori's job, but that didn't make her any less impatient. After another five minutes of groans and sighs Hatori turned to her again with a soft frown. “Akito, I promise to have that letter written today, now if you would please stop distracting me” She jerked to a straighter position in the chair, causing Hatori to step back in fear as if she were going to throw something more damaging then a pen at him. “I want to be here when you write it, I want to put my say into the letter, make those people understand how rude it was of them to ask that of me.”
~There's nothing I can do~
“Alright Akito, you like making deals…” Hatori's idea was jolted to a close as she stood; glare frightening enough to send him to an early grave right then and there. “No, I'm tired of deals, no more. I don't care if she decides to decapitate you for not having those files put away. I want this letter written now!” She was still angry about Yuki's defiance earlier; she'd really have to teach him a lesson for that. Hatori let out another long sigh and set the stack of papers he had been working through on top of the filing cabinet. There was an odd dance between the two of them as they shifted around the desk and Hatori sat down in his chair, Akito draping herself over one of his shoulders from behind. He moved to pull out a piece of formal paper from his desk before she stopped him, pointing at his laptop. “They don't deserve something hand-written” Hatori sighed and pulled the computer in front of him, opening a word document to get started. “What is it you want to emphasize in your letter, Akito? Other than your obvious disdain for their proposal.” Akito scratched her chin, thinking about Hatori's question, she actually hadn't given this return letter too much thought. They bickered over the letters contents, Hatori ending up writing the brunt of it, as everything Akito had to add was mundane or childish. What they ended up with in the end was a letter of disapproval that simply not answering would have made more of an impact.
~A slave to your hands~
Akito's breath came out in a short, sweet moan, her body arching to the fingers that slithered along it. “Kureno, do you find me childish?” He blinked, his hands stopping in their caresses to watch her and try to gauge the correct answer to use with her right now. “Sometimes, I suppose. Everyone is childish sometimes” He stiffened, bracing himself just in case the answer angered her, then let out the breath he had been holding as she closed her eyes; it seemed as though the answer had been a suiting one for her. “Why do you ask, Akito?” His fingers went back to work, skirting along her naked thighs as she arched toward him. “Hnn… Shigure tells me I'm a child a lot” Kureno scowled at the use of the dog's name, digging his nails into her hips slightly as punishment for even thinking of that man. Akito mistook the action, moaning slightly with the pressure; sometimes she liked it when Kureno was a little rough. “What does it matter what he thinks? If you ask me, he acts more foolish than the rest of us” Akito opened her eyes, glaring at him for speaking rudely of Shigure, whom she truly adored. “Well, no one asked you” She watched her insult hit him like a brick and sink in with the frown that appeared on his lips. Kureno settled on paying her back for that comment with his body, instead of words.
~Climb up above~
Her face tinted red with desire, Akito somehow managed to feign indifference as Kureno pressed and stretched his fingers within her. She stared at the ceiling, biting her lip for a moment to keep the moan within her throat before she spoke again. “Ano saa…that Yuki…what do you think I should do with him?” Kureno stopped abruptly, staring down at her and a glint of jealousy and despair crossed his face. If she hadn't wanted this from him, why had she initiated it in the first place? He took in a breath to control himself before speaking, his voice low and questioning. “What of him?” Akito tilted her head, her eyebrow rising. “Did you not hear? I figured Hatori would have mentioned it” Kureno removed his fingers, which had been still since she had begun speaking. “I didn't hear anything; I don't really talk to anyone” Akito rolled her eyes, patting his cheek mockingly. “No, I don't suppose you do. You're so disclosed, have you ever thought of making friends?” Kureno's face visibly twitched, she was pushing it now. “I'm alright, Akito. Do you want me to continue?” He emphasized his question by pressing himself just at her entrance, but not pushing in. She gasped at the pressure, groaning with anticipation and her body gave into him.
~Your precious time~
Tohru, while having been worried already, was even more so when Yuki arrived home late and completely skipped dinner. The air around him was so depressing it made her frown slightly as she debated knocking on his bedroom door. She startled at the sound of his voice and being discovered before even making any real sound. “You can come in Honda-san” There was the sound of sputtering from her on the other side of the door before Tohru finally resolved to enter. “Are you alright, Sohma-kun? You haven't been yourself recently…” Yuki felt a twinge of hurt for a moment, while he knew Tohru had always cared for him, she chose now of all times to express it so outwardly. It had been a while since she'd shown this level of worry, but then he supposed he hadn't really needed it, if he even did now. “I'm fine Honda-san, I just haven't been feeling well. I'll be back to normal soon” Tohru nodded, though somewhere within her she didn't quite believe him. She wanted to believe him though, so she straightened herself and concluded that he'd talk to her if it were needed. “Mother always said it wasn't good to keep a heavy heart… I-I'm here if you need me, Sohma-kun” Yuki offered her a smile, as genuine as he could manage and nodded. “I know, Honda-san, thank you” He watched her as she bowed and took her leave and something within him stirred with realization. While there had always been a rapid painful roar in her presence, it was now a dull almost invisible thud…was this proof his heart was now broken beyond repair?
~Don't worry your time~
Yuki couldn't help think how quickly he wanted school to pass. It wasn't even mid-day and he was already antsy to leave. While classes and classmates had begun to serve as a sort of entertainment, it was all bland and boring to him now. He supposed everything just really didn't matter anymore. He was irreparable, beyond any and all help and he had nothing to blame but his own foolishness. While he knew the real culprit, the real cause of his pain was none other than the woman that had violated him; he couldn't blame her for it. No one could blame Akito for anything, not when she was pretending to be a man or very much a woman in front of your eyes. There was no choice but to love Akito, hate Akito, have every feeling in the world toward Akito and suffer because of it. He wanted to see her, to try standing up to her one more time. Yuki knew if he could do that, he could free himself from this engulfing sadness. Did he dare confront Akito? He knew this sudden lingering feeling could be nothing but fear.
~Don't hurry your mind~
His foot rattling against the chair leg and the end of his pencil chewed to pieces, Yuki was the first one out of the door when they were dismissed. His pace down the hall was almost frantic until he was stopped by the sound of a familiar voice. Turning, he found Hatsuharu's stern look a little alarming. “Hey, Yuki…would you like to come over today?” Haru hushed the other male with the shake of his head before Yuki could really protest. “You seem like you could use a friend right now… we don't have to talk about anything…we can just watch t.v. or study.” Hatsuharu offered his dear friend a weak and worried smile. Yuki was torn a little as he stood there contemplating. Did he really need to confront that Akito today? Was he ready to try standing before her and denying her what she felt she owned? He straightened and came to a conclusion. “I have something to do…. if you don't mind waiting for me…” Yuki felt the weight grow a little lighter within himself as Haru smiled and nodded. His friends really did look out for him.
~Where did you go~
He parted with Haru at the main gates, causing the cow to raise an eyebrow at Yuki's direction. What could his friend honestly have business with on that end of the estate? He thought for several moments before the look on Yuki's face as he had moved on struck him. All the emotions that had poured into Yuki's eyes; the feelings of fear, desire, and determination; was he going to try standing up to Akito? He waited until Yuki had turned the corner and then followed after. Yuki hadn't told him not to come, simply to wait. His heart hammered as they neared Akito's rooms, and Haru knew Yuki had to be even more afraid then he was. Peeking around another corner, he watched Yuki tap on Akito's door. The sound was so light you almost wouldn't know he touched the door if you hadn't seen his hand moving. Sure enough, after a few seconds the door flung open and the poor boy was yanked inside by his shirt. Haru flinched as the door was slammed and crept toward the door to listen.
~Where did you hide~
“Why are you here without permission? Why do you keep showing up? Don't you think I might not want you here?” Akito's voice was a growl as she threw him to the floor, her hands squeezing his neck for brief seconds before she stood and stomped away. “S-sorry… I just…” Yuki jerked back when she whirled around, her feet making loud slapping noises against the tatami mat as she stomped back toward him. “You just what? What the hell do you want with me?” She watched a lump travel down Yuki's throat as he swallowed and could read the confusion emerging in his eyes. “Isn't it you…. that wants something of me?” A quick whine escaped him as she jerked him toward her by his chin, his large, frightened eyes reflecting her face as it neared him. “Don't think you're special because I gave you a little pleasure! You don't mean a thing to me.” For some reason, the words stung him and he slammed his eyes shut to hide any sudden emotion. He was trying to think, trying to remember why he had come here in the first place, but she was so close, right there within reach. Images danced along the back of his eyelids, memories of how their bodies moved together and he wrenched his eyes open to try and get away with them to only be met with her angry and accusing face. “I-I know I'm not special… I'll go now…”
~All I can do~
Yuki didn't make it far, he didn't even manage to stand up completely before he felt his face and upper torso crushed to her body. “Oh Yuki, my poor, pathetic Yuki. You just wanted to see me, didn't you?” She pet his hair, holding him to her in his odd hunched over position. Yuki blinked several times, how quickly her moods could change. He quickly realized he sort of preferred her abusive side to whatever this was now; preferred being beaten to this false adoration. However he found his fingers tightening in the sides of her kimono and his eyes sliding shut as he let her cradle his face between her unbound breasts. He could almost forget who this person was, could almost believe her words were real, but he knew it was all just a lie. It was all just a horrible and hurtful lie to keep him under her control. He would have cried in frustration if he hadn't decided to never cry in front of her again. Yuki took in a deep breath and then pulled himself from her false warmth. “I didn't come to see you for this… but I'm not strong enough to tell you the truth so I'm going to leave now” He bowed, and braced himself for what he knew would come next.
~Is watch you walk by~
Yuki had expected her to hit him, however with a flower vase wasn't something he had calculated. The screaming erupted, those high-pitched wails that were just angry enough to hide every other emotion from her voice. Yuki couldn't register what she was saying, didn't care. He staggered a few steps before opening the door and leaving the enraged Akito behind. He steeled his expression as he saw Haru stand and knew the other had been listening to the whole conversation. He ignored the question in Haru's eyes and pushed past him. “I'm sorry, I think it's best I go home.” He was stopped by hands on his shoulders and he looked up into Haru's determined eyes. Yuki knew, no matter how much he wanted to, he wasn't going anywhere. “You can go home after we have Hatori look at your head, okay?” Yuki frowned but nodded, following beside Hatsuharu and toward Hatori's office. He was thankful that Haru looked at a loss for words.
~Every time I try to take it back~
Hatori was both worried and unhappy to see Yuki walking into his office with blood trickling down his face. With a long sigh he pushed his chair toward a cabinet and pulled out some gauze and ointment. He didn't have to ask what had happened, he had a perfect guess as to who had done this to him. Haru watched the silent exchange between the two and felt himself grow hot with anger. He shut the door and sat down, not really thinking before opening his mouth. “Why didn't you stand up to him? That's what you went to do, right Yuki?” Yuki's eyes darted to the side opposite of where Haru was sitting, ashamed of himself. “Not now Hatsuharu.” Hatori's words set a fire to the cow and he jumped up, voice rising. “What do you mean not right now? Something happened to him, what the hell did that fucking Akito do to him?” Hatori opened his mouth to knock Haru's advances back but Yuki stopped him. “Akito-san and I…. are lovers… I just went there to tell Akito that I couldn't see h…im today.” Haru's face twitched with rage and he slammed his fist against the wall beside him. “That's a bunch of bullshit! There's no way you'd do that stuff with that creep!” As Haru ranted he became very unsure, the look on Yuki's face making his words feel false. “You can't be serious…”
~I know I don't wanna live like that~
“Why can't it be, Haru?” Yuki knew the answer to that question without anyone even saying it… because you hate Akito'. “Hatsuharu, that is enough. I'm not asking you to leave now, I'm telling you” Hatori's tone spoke to arguments and the cow slumped over as he exited the room. Hatori turned his attention back to Yuki, speaking as he wrapped the wound. “Why did you lie to him? Why make people suspect what happened?” Yuki's frame shook a little; he couldn't really believe he had said all that either. “I don't know… I just had a feeling he wasn't going to believe me if I said anything else” Hatori's eyebrow rose and he shook his head. “Anything would have been more believable than that, Yuki” The ratboy sighed, curling in on himself slightly. “I know… it was just the first thing that came to mind… it's not like I want to be like that with her” Hatori frowned, he had no idea how to help heal this boys pain. He wasn't sure if there was anyone in the world that could heal Yuki right now.
~I'll wait for tomorrow~
Yuki felt it even before the man entered his room, that horrid cold chill of jealousy. Looking up from his bed, Yuki tilted his head in curiosity at Shigure. “Akito's asked for you, will you go?” Slapping his book shut a little too quickly he nodded and stood. As he passed Shigure they stared at one another for a long moment, seeming to size the other up. They both quickly feigned indifference and headed down the hall. “I think I'll go with you Yuki” Shigure's tone was still a little edgy, stepping into his shoes and waiting for Yuki to hurry with his own. “You don't have to, I'll be alright” Shigure waved a hand, placing a large and incredibly fake smile on his face. “I'm not worried about you, I just have some things to talk about with Haa-chan.” Yuki smile in return was just as false. “Alright then, lets walk together.” Tohru and Kyo passed them on their way out, Tohru smiling and making a comment about how they both got along so well. Kyo gave her a look as if she might be crazy. He couldn't understand how someone couldn't notice the hateful aura that had built around the two.
~Too tired to go the other way~
Yuki wasn't entirely sure what Akito wanted with him. He hoped she was at least in a better mood than she had been the last time he'd visited and wound up going home with his head wrapped up. He sighed with relief when she hadn't pummeled him the moment he stepped foot in the room. “You asked for me, Akito?” He watched her swagger toward a chair and almost wanted to ask if she was drunk. “I did, now come sit with me” Yuki obliged, sitting down in that uncomfortable chair across from her. When she leaned forward to speak, he caught the heavy scent of sake and inwardly pitied himself for being right. If Akito was dangerous sober, he couldn't imagine what she was like drunk. “So have you learned anything more about pleasing women, Yuki?” Yuki frowned and shook his head. Perhaps horniness came with drunkenness? “I told you, I haven't been with a woman” Akito made an odd face, squinting her eyes and twitching her nose. “What do you mean haven't been with a… I'm a woman!” Yuki just barely managed to hold back his groan. “With no women other than you!” Akito grinned, swaying back in her seat a little. “That's a good boy. I don't have to worry about you like I do the older boys” Yuki blinked, watching as Akito fumbled with emotions. Did it upset her when they slept with others?
~Too late to wait another day~
“Do they sleep with other people?” Yuki knew he was pushing it by asking questions… but just maybe she would be calm in this state. Akito's face puckered even more in slight irritation. “I bet they do. Especially Shigure! I bet he sleeps with every girl he meets.” Yuki frowned at the use of Shigure's name again; she was really obsessed with him. “And you don't want Shigure to sleep with anyone but you?” He watched Akito's body sway a little and her face grow angry before it fell. Her head sunk until her face was pressed into her folded arms and she mumbled against her skin. “I don't want Shigure to be with anyone else… Shigure is suppose to be mine, he's suppose to love me” Yuki's expression went sour; he didn't want to see this side of her. He didn't want to believe Akito was an even more pathetic creature than he was. Yet Yuki couldn't help it when he stood and moved toward her, petting her hair much as she had his a few days ago. He didn't have words to tell her, so he just stood there, fingers combing her hair, and waiting to be pushed away.
\Ending AN/ I'm sorry if this chapter was a little choppy.. I had to rewrite most of it due to a disk crash ;-; I hope you still enjoyed it, I'll try to get the next chapter out a little faster.