Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewashed Anchor ❯ Simon ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
C Title: Simon
LJ Author: pikapicokitt
Theme: Our Own World
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Akito x Yuki
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket is property of its original creator; I can only be credited for the story idea. The song “Simon” and the selected lyrics I’ve chosen from it are property of Lifehouse.
Spoiler warning ahead!!

~Catch your breath, hit the wall~

Akito didn’t make it terribly far, her feet wavering and her mind hazy. It wasn’t long before she slipped and fell, landing with a loud thud on the ground. There was a gasp of pain and she curled around herself, arms wrapping around her body as if to block everything out. This wasn’t happening, she hadn’t heard him correctly. That had to be it-- her drunken mind had to have twisted things into what she wanted to hear. That wasn’t it either, because she most certainly didn’t want to hear that. He was confused, it had to be the medication, how could he say such things after what she had done to him? She suddenly felt awful and sick, rolling onto her chest and holding her stomach as if she were going to puke. Her body heaved a few times, but only saliva made it to the floor.

~Scream out loud as you start to crawl~

She felt tears slide down her face and she wasn’t sure why she was reacting this way. She didn’t even notice she had begun wailing, crying out as if someone were badly mutilating her body. She wobbled and tried to stand, a maid hearing Akito’s over-reaction and hurrying to try and help her up. There was a harsher pitched scream and the maid was thrown off her feet, the look in Akito’s eyes causing the poor woman to cringe and scoot away from Akito quickly. Akito stumbled again, but this time instead of falling to the floor a pair of strong arms caught her. Noting this, she turned her wrath on the person; beating his chest, screaming incoherencies in his face. “Akito, what’s wrong? Calm down and tell me what’s wrong, Akito” Hatori clasped his hands tightly around her wrists, trying to stop her from lashing out anywhere that might become harmful to him. He didn’t have to fight her long for her lunacy faded with her consciousness. The next one to cry out was Hatori himself, calling for Akito in worry and confusion.

~Back in your cage, the only place~

She didn’t wake for a long time, both Kureno and Hatori sitting by her bed now. Shigure had been called, but was yet to show. Shigure had once told Kureno that his care for Akito was pointless, because she did not love the bird but the dog. Kureno now questioned why he had been told this, and how that sadistic man really felt. Perhaps Yuki was right, maybe Shigure really was a horrid cad of a creature who only wanted to deceive people with his lies and trickery. Kureno wanted so badly not to believe that was his cousin’s true nature. He didn’t ever want to believe that a man with so much confidence and potential was really just faking it all. Kureno pressed his fingers into his temple, rubbing the pain in slow steady strokes, sighing heavily with the turmoil of his thoughts. If only he didn’t hold so much faith in other people.

~Where they will leave you alone~

Kureno was a bit of a mess once Shigure finally arrived. Kureno had been furious with his time lag, how could it take a man three hours to make it no more than four miles? He kept his comments inside, watching the interaction between the roused Akito and his older cousin. "How are you feeling, Akito? I heard you went into hysterics and blacked out, such a shame, what happened?" Shigure tilted his head ever so slightly, a smile painted on his face as he waited for Akito's answer. Had Shigure always appeared so fake to him? Kureno was sure Yuki's words were getting to him, but somehow Shigure made so much sense to him now with the boy's comment running through his mind. "I'm feeling fine, and what happened is none of your business." She waved any further questions away with the brisk swipe of her hand, turning her slanted and unhappy eyes toward Hatori. "Did you call for them?" She scowled slightly with his nod, rolling onto her side so her back was facing the little party in her room. "I want to be alone, leave all of you" With unhappy nods, they all did as they were told.

~Cause the weak will seek the weaker~

One would think Yuki would learn. That eventually, after going through so much pain he would understand how horrible Akito was. However, Yuki's stubbornness could prove to rival Kyo's on some days. Instead of leaving Akito alone as he was warned, Yuki found himself sneaking from the cold and unpleasant 'hospital' bed. With the midnight shadows as his cover and light steps, Yuki crept toward Akito's room without so much as a second thought to what he was doing. Yuki had heard about her little fit, and wondered if what he had said to her had really distressed her so much. He wanted to apologize for at least upsetting her, if nothing else. He still held fast to his words as the truth, but he hadn't meant to cause such an uproar. As quietly as the animal he was born under, he slid closed her door and moved toward the sleeping form curled beneath heavy blankets.

~Until they've broken them~

She appeared to be sleeping, though it was hard to tell when all you could see was a lump in the blanket and a bit of hair peeking out at the top. He sat down with a soft sigh, curling his feet under him and resting his hands on his lap. He startled slightly when she moved, rolling onto her other side and pulling the covers down to just above her nose, dark eyes blinking at him. Her voice was deep and throaty with sleep. "What do you want? It's rude to bother someone at such an hour" Her tone didn't really sound angry, more curious and rather tired. "I wanted to apologize for hurting your feelings, if I did." Yuki didn't avert his eyes like he normally would; he wanted to see her reaction, gauge if he really had hurt her, and if his words meant anything to her. She let out a long, disheveled breath, pulling the blanket down further with long, skinny fingers, and held her hand out to him. "It's too late to be up, you should be sleeping. Now come to bed so that I can sleep too, without listening to your absurd drivel." Oddly, her words didn't sting Yuki, he knew he was being silly, but her offer made him genuinely happy somewhere deep inside.

~Could you get it back again?~

Yuki found that he didn't want to sleep; he just wanted to lie there and watch her. This made Akito a little nervous, when every time she opened her eyes she was staring into his. After squirming for a few moments she flipped onto her side, not wanting to look at him anymore. "I told you to go to sleep." Yuki smiled slightly, she was flustered and that was amusing to him. "I will." He watched her squirm a little more, settling her face beneath the blankets before rolling over to face him again. "Why are you not sleeping already?" Yuki blinked before smiling, for some reason the two of them like this was peaceful. "I'm not really all that tired." Yuki gave her an apologetic face, grunting slightly when her leg grazed over his when she moved. "Well if you don't sleep, I can't sleep." She huffed, hiding her face once more beneath the blankets as if she were suddenly shy.

~Would it be the same?~

"Then lets not sleep, Akito-san." Yuki was sure he was still under the haze of the drugs Hatori had given him, it was the only reason he could come up with for why he was here with her, instead of safe in that room far away from her. Akito let out a grunt that Yuki couldn't discern; it was either one of understanding, or uncaring. He felt her hands on his face, their lips pressing softly and then melding together. It wasn't long before their tongues were clashing, fighting and taming one another's. They both knew what they were really here for, what at this moment they craved and neither was too shy to add just a little more pressure, burn just a little bit harder for the other. It wasn't really a battle for dominance; Yuki always let Akito have the control. Yuki was beginning to enjoy being at her mercy.

~Fulfillment to their lack of strength~

Yuki couldn't remember when he had ended up on his back, or when either of their clothes had been tossed haphazardly aside. All he knew now was her lips against his skin, his hands sliding down her bare shoulders. Her body felt good against him, as if their curves had only just decided to fit so perfectly against one another, no matter the position. Since he liked the feel of her breasts, he trailed his fingers down over her shoulders, slithering them along sensitive flesh. When she arched and moaned, Yuki smiled, putting a little more pressure into his fingers. Yuki hissed, Akito's nails scraping down his chest. This action hit something within him and without really being aware of what he was doing, Yuki became a little more aggressive. His hands became more insistent on her body and he bucked himself up into her hip. His action wasn't in vain; she let out an excited moan, grinding herself down into him. Each one drove the other into little acts of violence, Akito biting his collar and Yuki digging his nails into her ass.

~At your expense~

There was a bit of panic in Hatori as he noted the empty bed where Yuki should have been. He looked around the room and when he didn’t spot anyone, took off down the hall. Mid-way he smacked into Kureno, who became a little unbalanced from both the fact Hatori looked disheveled and had almost run his younger cousin over. "Are you alright, Hatori-nii-san?" Shaking his head and smoothing down his tie, Hatori nodded, clearing his throat. "Have you perhaps seen Yuki wandering around?" Kureno blinked a few times at the other's words, shaking his head slowly. "Why would Yuki be out at this hour of the night?" Hatori raised an eyebrow at Kureno as they moved down the hall. "Why are you?" Kureno coughed nervously, averting his gaze to the floor. "I just wanted some time to think." Hatori nodded, he well understood needing the time alone to contemplate matters. Hatori had a good suspicion on where Yuki might be if he wasn't in his room, and Hatori silently pleaded that for once he was wrong. "I will find him, so you can continue your walk."

~Left you with no defense~

Kureno smiled and shook his head. "I will help you look for Yuki, I'm a bit worried too that he is not where he should be." Hatori frowned, he had a very bad feeling about this all. He caught the questioning glance from Kureno when he stopped in front of Akito's room, bringing his hand up to the door. Hatori didn't need to open the door, he knew what was happening on the other side and he didn't want Kureno to have to see that. However, Hatori knew there was no way Kureno could not hear the moans and cries coming from the other side of the door. Kureno's words stabbed at that ice heart of Hatori's a little. "Do you think Shigure-nii-san decided to stick around after all?" Hatori let his breath out through his nose, the noise sounding twice as loud in the pained silence around him. Hatori let his hand fall from the door, walking back down the hallway. "You're going back? Weren't we looking for Yuki-kun?" The hurt ran through Hatori again and he shook his head at the naivety of his cousin. He couldn't determine if Kureno was in denial or just really didn't know what was going on. "I already know where he is"

~They tore it down~

Kureno blinked a few times, jerking his head back in the direction of the room as they walked away and then to Hatori once more. Visible anguish passed over the man's face and he jogged for a few steps to catch up with his older cousin. "You mean... they really are....?" Hatori frowned, not wanting to answer that question. He didn't know when Yuki had crossed that thick line between victim and lover or if Yuki even knew what he was getting himself into; how many people already hurt because of that title. "I don't think they really are anything. Yuki is very confused, she's the first woman to ever touch him and he doesn't know what to do about that." Hatori could see Kureno fighting some inner demons within himself--he knew Kureno wasn't happy about this situation at all. Fighting for Akito's affection with Shigure was one thing... but to have to fight a little boy was more than Kureno could handle. "So... you're saying this is all Akito's fault?" Kureno shrunk a little when Hatori simply didn't answer his question. Hatori couldn't even look at him right now.

~And I have felt the same~

Shigure hadn't been expecting a late night visitor and he blinked groggily toward the shadow that had entered his room. Shigure of course hadn't been sleeping, instead sitting and staring at his computer screen. Nothing had been written there, he was too lost in his own thoughts to write anything worth reading. He watched Kureno settle in beside his chair, with that pathetic and broken look that didn't only wear itself on his face, but in every joint of his body. Shigure let out his breath through his nose, relaxing back in his chair and staring down at the other. "Let me guess..." Kureno lowered his eyes, his shoulders slumping in dismay. "It's all true... he's with her now..." Shigure rolled his eyes, rocking in his chair slightly. "Well of course it's true, how could you not see what was going on, hmmm? He's her new toy, she'll soon get bored with him. It’s just a waiting game right now." Kureno frowned, he didn't really like that answer, it made it sound like he had lost from the beginning, that everyone but himself knew what was going to happen and who the victor would be. Kureno didn't like this one bit. When had this all become a game?

~Locked inside the only place~

This didn't feel like any of the other times their bodies had combined. Yuki couldn't explain it, something like his body was accepting what his mind was struggling with. All Yuki could understand was this feeling, this beautiful climb of passion between them as their bodies pushed against one another. Akito could feel his hands on her hips, helping to push him further, deeper into her. Though her breasts were small, she felt suddenly thankful for their lack of size, it brought her just that much closer to his heat. The fact he wasn't fighting this anymore made things easier, but it also wasn't exactly what she wanted. There wasn't much of a point to think about such things while they were having sex, but Akito couldn't help the quick and short wandering of her mind. To rid her of the thoughts she pumped against him faster, her hands pressed to his chest to prop herself up. The bent angle was interesting so she went with it, clamping her legs around his hips as she practically rode him. Yuki could feel that now familiar and wanted pressure building within him and he strived to meet her pace.

~You lost yourself~

Yuki found that when he woke, it wasn't to an angry face, or dangerous hands against his aching throat. He felt the soft breathing of the woman tucked into his shoulder and a content smile spread across his face. Akito woke slowly and at the feeling of a warm body she panicked slightly. Akito never woke up with someone beside her, everyone always left long before the sun rose. Jerking away from Yuki's arm, Akito stared wide-eyed at him, as if she had no recollection of him at all. Sitting up, she shook her head a few times, resting one side of her face in her hand. Worry flashed through Yuki and he crawled the few steps toward her, setting a hand on her shoulder. "Akito-san, what's wrong?" He watched her head jerk from side to side a few times before she smacked his hand away. "What are you.... why am I... why... get out" Panic now took hold of Yuki and the sheer want to stay crossed over his face. When she slapped him hard enough to send his body to the floor he scrambled quickly to his feet and down the hallway. Oh how he had made another mistake, how he didn't know when it was he had let her in so much, when he had decided he could depend on her. As if things weren't bad enough, Yuki managed to run into Shigure on his way around a corner. Yuki stared at his cousin with tear-stained and fearful eyes. Shigure looked very unhappy to see him.

~Refuse to feel, anything at all~

Yuki stared up at Shigure from his splayed position on the floor, his face adorned with another hand mark to match the one Akito had just given him. When had their relationship crossed the bridge to hatred and why did Shigure look ready to kill? "You've put yourself in a dangerous position Yuki. I thought you were smarter than this." Shigure watched the tears well up and fall down Yuki's face and for the first time he felt no compassion for the boy. "What do you mean? It's not my choice to--" Yuki jumped back, Shigure having bent over to get in his face. He had never seen his cousin so frightening before. "Lies. You knew exactly what you were doing, going to her room. Do you understand just who you're messing with?" Yuki gulped, shaking his head. "What do you care what we do and how I feel anyway? It's not like you care about her!" Yuki cried out, scrambling to brace his feet against something as Shigure lifted him off the ground. "What was that? I don't care about her? Well if that isn't a load of shit." Yuki was shivering; this new, enraged Shigure was dangerous, deadly. "But... how can you hurt someone as much as you do her... if you care about them?" These words hit something within Shigure and he dropped the boy to his butt, every ounce of seriousness on his face. "She uses us as her toys, she deserves to know how that feels. No matter how much I love her, I can't forgive her for treating ME like I'm nothing."

~Can't be weak, can't stand still~

Yuki's eyes widened, but not because of Shigure's words--behind him stood someone who never should have heard any of the conversation. Yuki gulped again, a deeper fear consuming him. Anything Shigure could do to him would mean little to what Akito would do to them both now. Yuki didn't like the look Akito had on her and when Shigure turned around at Yuki's gawking face, he too couldn't fathom what was to come next. Akito acted this time however, unlike either of them expected. She turned around on her heel as if nothing had happened and moved down the hall. The two males stared at one another curiously, something wasn't right at all. "What did you do to her?" Yuki glared at Shigure's accusation. "I didn't do anything to her, it's all your fault! You shouldn't have said those things." Yuki stood, brushed himself off and glared back at his taller foe. They weren't idiots, so instead of following Akito despite their curious nature, they both headed toward the Sohma estate exit.

~Watch your back, cause no one will~

Akito sat down calmly in Hatori's chair, waiting for all of two minutes before he walked through the door. He was a little surprised to see her there, but as she'd done this a few other times the surprise faded away quickly. "How can I help you Akito?" He smiled, always fake, sitting down in his seat when she moved. Akito took the spot on his lap, resting her cheek on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I would like you to tell Yuki and Shigure something for me." Hatori raised an eyebrow, unsure why she couldn't do it herself, but he had learned not to argue with her. He was thrown for a loop when she told him what she wanted. As Hatori hadn't caught the two on time, he went to their home to visit. The matter was too pressing to talk about on the phone and he wanted to ask them a few questions. When Shigure answered the door and Hatori asked for both his and Yuki's presence, he knew it was something to do with Akito. Of course what he couldn't have guessed were the words that would come from Hatori's mouth. "Akito has banned the two of you from ever visiting the Sohma estate. She said she doesn't wish for your company again."