Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ On The Wings Of An Angel ❯ Trouble At Youswell: Part One ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

On The Wings of an Angel
Chapter Three: Trouble at Youswell Part One
Author: Yami No Kaeko
Warnings: AU, AT, lots of bad language and spoilers for episode 9(somewhat).
Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist
It was still dark out when Edward woke with a start. Next to him Roy was screaming. He tried to shake him awake but to no avail. A second later Roy was standing over him black bat wings stretched. In his hand he held a strange looking sword. It was rigged like a saw and there was blood on it. He looked down and saw that it was his blood and he screamed. The next thing he knew he was on the floor of the train with a concerned brother looking over him.
“What! What happened!” Edward shouted. His pleading eyes boring into Alphonse's
“You were having a nightmare and fell out of the seat.” Alphonse told him. He turned red a little and sat back down on the bench.
“That means something bad's gonna happen you know that right?” Edward told him. Alphonse laughed and patted his brother on the back as he sat down next to him.
“Isn't that superstitions Brother?” He laughed again.
“Al this is no laughing matter! Something bad's gonna happen! And no, it's not superstitions.” Edward tried to stress to his laughing sibling but he had no hope and gave up quickly staring out the window.
“What was your dream about Brother?” He asked. Edward flinched.
“It was about Roy…I can't keep this secret forever you know…” He said as he frowned and glared down at the floor like it was the worst enemy in the world.
“I had a dream that Roy was the Demon and he…He killed me…” Edward said as he put his hands on his face.
“Just because of what he did in Ishval doesn't make him a Demon, you know that Brother…and besides, only Roy and I know about what you really are, just because you're a Demon doesn't make you evil.” Edward shifted in his seat. He continued to sit like that until the train stopped. He looked out the window and saw the almost dead town of Youswell.
“Well let's go see if we can find that bastard,” Edward grumbled and Alphonse smiled. That was the Ed he knew. They got off the train and looked around. No one was in sight.
“So this is where we get coal,” Edward said as he assessed the area looking at the mining carts full of both culm and coal.
“The Wild Frontier' eh. I always thought a place like this would be a little more lively.” He said as he kicked a stone and looked over at his younger brother.
“Everyone seems a little tired.” Alphonse said as he too made an assessment of the area. Then out of no where something hit Edward on the back of the head knocking him to the ground.
“Oops, sorry bout that,” came the voice of a young man. Edward looked up to see who it was and saw a Dog chimera looking at him. He looked to be about the age of 18. He had floppy black ears and a fluffy black tail even though he had brown hair. His eyes, however, where hazel grey.
“Why you little…” Ed started to say but the Dog cut him off.
“Hey!” He said with excitement.
“You're from out of town right? On a trip?” The Dog asked.
“Uh…well… hold on!” Edward tried to say but the Dog had already cut him off again.
“Where're you from? Need a meal? A place to stay?” The Dog asked him. But before Edward could say anything the Dog had turned around and was shouting at someone on the roof.
“Dad! We got customers!” He shouted.
“Listen when people talk to you!” Edward shouted at him as he got to his feet.
“Huh? What's that Khayal?” the man answered him.
“Customers! A piggy bank!” he shouted back. Up on the roof the man took off his helmet and looked down at Edward. He had fluffy brown ears and a fluffy brown tail that matched his hair. But he too had hazel grey eyes. When what Khayal had said finally kicked in he glared over at the Dog.
“What do you mean `piggy bank'?” He growled at him.
“You don't say, my name's Jim Halling I run the local inn.” the Dog on the roof said. Alphonse laughed and Edward rolled his eyes.
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“Sorry about the dust. The Mines don't pay very much[1] so we run this inn to get by,” Jim told Edward as he served the other customer's drinks.
“What're talkin bout chief, your problem is you're a soft touch. Always giving what you make to the poor.” A Bear chimera said. He was bald except for the fluffy ears and thick beard. He was a big man. As were all the men that worked in the mines.
“Yeah that's why Shelly's always cryin,” A Wolf Chimera agreed.
“Keep it down you two, if you got a problem with how I spend my money, then hurry up and pay me what you owe for the booze.” Jim growled at them which only caused them all to go into a fit of wild laughter. Edward watched them and was hit on the head by Al for not paying attention to the inn keeper's wife.
“So, there's two of you…you want one night's stay and two meals each?” She asked them. She was by an obvious margin a cat chimera.
“How much?” Edward asked her.
“What afraid you can't afford it?” The Jim asked him.
“Don't worry I brought enough,” Edward told him with a sly smile on his face as he sat down in one of the chairs. The inn keeper grinned widely and put of two fingers.
“200 thousand,” Edward barreled out of the seat and then he stood up enraged.
“200 thousand, what a rip off!” he shouted and pointed at Jim.
“You're off by one decimal point,” he said calmly. Al pulled Ed over to a corner.
“Brother how much money do we have?” Alphonse asked Edward.
“Defiantly enough but I'm not going to pay that much for one night's stay,” He said going though their change purse.
“I'll transmute these pebbles into gold,” He whispered to Alphonse.
“Brother, you know that's illegal,” Alphonse told him. A grin appeared on his face. The kind of grin he got when a bad idea crossed his mind.
“If we don't get caught, we won't get caught,” He told him. Edward looked over to his right and saw the little Dog Chimera had been listening.
“Hey dad this guy's an alchemist!” He shouted. Jim looked over at him.
“I got a pickaxe that needs fixing, can you fix it?” He asked Edward. Edward nodded his head and Jim went to go get the pickaxe. A few minutes later he returned and sat the pickaxe down on the table. Edward walked up to it and clapped his hands. There was a flash of blue light and the pickaxe was repaired. All the men gasped and awed at the pickaxe.
“Just like new!” The Bear Chimera said as he picked it up and ran his fingers over the edges.
“Wow, first visitor in ages and he's a real live alchemist!” Jim said.
“So what does a man like yourself doing in a place like this?” Khayal asked Edward.
“We're looking for someone, maybe you've heard about him, Hohenheim Elric?” Edward asked him. Jim shook his head.
“Is he any relation to you or are you with the military?” Jim asked seriously.
“Yeah he's our father,” Edward told him. Jim smiled.
“I knew you looked familiar, yeah we heard of him, he's been working up north of here in a village, Hansdell I think its name is. He comes here from time to time to visit. We weren't sure if we should tell you or not but if he's your dad, well that changes everything.” Jim told him.
“Did you hear that Brother! Dad's been here!” Alphonse said excitedly.
“Yeah I heard,” Edward said monotone.
“I'm sorry sir, brother doesn't like our father, I talked him into helping me find him,” Alphonse apologized.
“The Bastard ran off on us when we were still little,” Edward growled. Just as he was about to continue his rant the door burst open and in walked three military men. One was a Fox Chimera, the other a Cat Chimera and the one in the middle was a Crow chimera. He had long black wings. His fingernails were sharp and long and he had feathers covering his face. He had short black hair and blue eyes. He also had a handkerchief covering his face.
“Lieutenant Yolky, you know you should cover your face more often it's a good look for you,” Jim said to the man. Edward looked over to Khayal.
“Who is this guy?” He whispered to him.
“That's Lieutenant Yolky, the one in charge of this place, but he bribed the higher ups and now he owns this place like his own personal property,” Khayal said with a growl.
“Well let's get straight to business, the taxes on this place are well overdue,” Yolky told him.
“We can't afford to pay taxes, it's hard enough to get by with our wages being so low,” Jim told him and growled.
“Well I'll just have to close this establishment then,” Yolky told him.
“You can't do that!” Khayal shouted and grabbed the nearest towel throwing it at him. It hit him in the face and slid off.
“Why you little brat! Don't kill him we just want him to be an example.” He said as he waved to the Fox chimera. The chimera pulled out the sword from his belt and charged at Khayal. He struck downwards but before he could cut the boy's arm off his blade hit metal and broke in two.
“Who the Hell are you?” Yolky shouted.
“I'm sorry to say this Yolky but I out rank you,” He said pulling out his pocket watch. Alphonse saw the look on Jim's face so he hid his.
“I'm so sorry, as a token of apology why don't you stay at my mansion tonight?” Yolky asked him as he ushered him out the door.
“Those dogs,” Jim growled. Alphonse sat down at one of the tables and wiped the sweat off his brow. Khayal sat down next to Alphonse and handed him a drink.
“No thank you, I don't like beer,” Alphonse told him. Khayal laughed and took the drink for himself.
“So you brother's a State Alchemist huh, military their all the same.” He said as he took a drink of the beer.
“You'd be surprised,” Alphonse told him and looked out the open door.
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“Eat up, I'm sure you're starving,” Yolky insisted.
“You eat pretty well considering what the people in the village eat.” Edward told him as he looked at the food.
“Well we all have our bad times, I have so much trouble collecting taxes from the villagers,” Yolky told him.
“Equivalent Exchange, you can't get without giving,” Edward said as he looked at Yolky.
“Exactly, I myself live by a similar rule,” Yolky said as he folded his hands together and sat his head on them. Edward shivered at how similar the action was to Roy's.
“Now,” he waved to one of his servants. She placed a bag of Sens next to Edward's plate.
“Is this supposed to be some kind of bribe Yolky?” Edward asked him.
“Bribe is such an ugly word, why don't we say it's a gift from me to you,” Yolky told him. Edward sighed.
“In exchange for a good word with my superiors correct?” Edward asked him.
“Yes, I like how you think, Mr. Elric,” Yolky laughed.
“And I have a feeling that the villagers with start behaving themselves very shortly,” Yolky told him.
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[1] The mines here in Kentucky pay 19 to 20 dollars and hour but it's not worth it, too dangerous, that's right I'm from Eastern Kentucky yall!
So no one gets confused, this was taken partly from both episode 9 and the Manga. 18 is the legal drinking age and Lira doesn't exist. Also Ed and Al have never gone to Youswell so the situation there was unresolved. Thus making this story even better! Next time: Trouble at Youswell Part Two: Mystery man appears! Yami No Kaeko.