Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ union of two elements ❯ Breakfast? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is chapter 3, hope you like it NO FLAMES PLZ!!!
Oh yeah, I forgot in the other chapters but I do not own FMA, the characters or anything for that matter. Sorry.
“Edward? Breakfast”
`Breakfast' Ed said quietly to himself.
Ed stepped out of the tub and struggled to get dressed in the clothes he was just wearing, he settled on wearing his boxers and tank top. His pants were hard enough to get on and he didn't feel like trying.
He exited the bathroom and stepped into the kitchen, his metal leg made a thump every time it hit the linoleum floor, well as compared to the other foot that didn't seem to make any noise at all.
Roy caught himself starring at the metallic leg, yes he knew Ed had on but he never got a chance to really see it. When he looked up from his examination Ed was blushing.
“What are looking at?” Ed croaked.
Roy opened his mouth to let out a common comeback, which usually related to the lack of Ed's height (in other words, a short joke) but considering his loss of material, he didn't say anything. Instead he went with the seductive smile, making Ed blush even more.
“Well, are we going to eat or what?” Ed said rudely.
Roy plopped down a large plate of food, which consisted of eggs, toast, hash browns, and a variety of other breakfast foods.
“Why breakfast food?” Ed asked, stuffing food into his mouth.
“It's three o-clock in the morning, Fullmetal. Breakfast time.” Roy said.
“Plus, breakfast is the only thing I really know how to do well.” He added lamely.
Ed had to fight the urge to laugh.
“ I'm sure breakfast isn't the `only' thing you know how to do well.” Ed said reassuringly.
Roy's mind suddenly went to the gutter.
“ Eat up fullmetal.” Roy said kindly
“What's with the “fullmetal” all of a sudden?” Ed asked
“That's your name right?”
“No, it's my title.”
“Well okay, `fullmetal' go to bed now and we'll see what I call you tomorrow.” Roy said, his mind still caught in the gutter and judging by the look on Ed's face, he wasn't far behind.
“see you in the morning colonel asshole.”