Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Everyone Wants Shuichi ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Six
Everyone Wants Shuichi
"So are you going to join us for lunch, Tatsuha." Suguru begged, still unaware of the whole situation.
"Why not? I have no where else to be right now." Tatsuha sat on the opposite side of a suspicious Hiro. He pulled Shuichi closer, and flopped him down into his lap., grinning and kissing Shuichi's cheek. "Stop looking so bashful. Are you embarrassed to be with me, Shuichi?"
"Tatsuha..." Shuichi grumbled, blushing as Tatsuha's hand slid from his back to his rear.
"Mmmmmm..." Tatsuha closed his eyes a moment as he sexily moved his head closer, licking and nibbling on Shuichi's right ear lobe. "This is your lucky day, eh, Shuichi? It's going to be nothing but pleasure and sin from here on out."
"Don't Tatsuha...not here.." Shuichi blushed as he moaned, feeling Tatsuha's lips biting his ear more roughly now and in that same frame of time, breathing was unimportant from excitement. Then the warmth of the body left Tatsuha's lap as Shuichi slid onto the seat.
Hiro and Suguru were very disgusted and serious looking. Tatsuha laughed as Hiro's wide eyes returned to normal. "Horny much." Hiro mumbled.
"I'm not horny, justly lonely." Tatsuha smiled, placing a arm around a embarrassed Shuichi. "You of all people should know how irresistible and cute Shuichi can be." He glanced back over at the flushed pink-haired boy.
"So...Tatsuha..." Hiro tried to find the words, but found it difficult due to Tatsuha's lack of attention. "You don't mind Shuichi being a guy?"
"Why should I?" He turned his attention back to Hiro, looking confused.
"You're a guy and he's a guy!" Hiro jumped to his feet. Shuichi and Tatsuha slid back into their seats, frightened of the furious band member. "For crying out loud, Shuichi, just yesterday you were trying to get a date with a girl. And now you show up here practically having sex in public with this guy!"
"You hooked me up with him, remember!" Shuichi yelled back in his defense.
"Well it wasn't meant to end up like this!" Hiro yelled back, finally taking his seat once again.
Shuichi's faced smeared up and suddenly tears rushed to them. "Hiro you're such a bastard!" Shuichi ran to the down. Tatsuha quickly followed his upset boyfriend.
Suguru stared still confused, at the frowning brunet. "Hiro, wasn't that a little harsh. Shouldn't Shuichi have the right to be with anyone he wants?"
Hiro just sighed, crossing his arms. "That bastard pisses me off! He acts like he knows me, 'you of all people should know how irresistible and cute Shuichi can be.’ He thinks he knows goddamn everything." Hiro said mockingly.
"He was right?" Suguru questioned, slightly understanding where this was going. He watched batfowled as his band member blushed bright red. "Do you like Mr. Shindo, Hiro?"
Hiro's eyes widened and he looked down. "Actually I was pretty glad Shuichi kept asking me to find him a girl. Then I would have control of who he was with. I was hoping if Shuichi ever decided to switch sexuality, I would be the first he would turn to."
"But you can't try to control other people's lives or their emotions. It just blew up in your face because you fixed Shuichi's dates to best fit your situation." Suguru explained as best he could to a stubborn Hiro.
Shuichi wiped his tears away the best he could, only to find that they kept coming. Silently. Shuichi was still crying when Tatsuha dragged him away from the door to the living room of Yuki's home. "Come on Shuichi. It wasn't that bad." Tatsuha whined to his upset boyfriend.
"It's not that Tatsuha! Hiro doesn't understand!" Shuichi cried. Tatsuha comforted to young crying boy.
"Shuichi, how about you just take a nice cold shower. that's sure to get your mind off of it." Tatsuha suggested.
Shuichi nodded to himself, and headed off to Yuki's room thinking Tatsuha's clothes would be in there, and looked for some clean clothes that he could wear after he finished refreshing himself. He pulled out a simple white shirt with short sleeves, small blue shorts, and brought it over his arm, and grabbed a towel, and headed off to the shower room.
He made his way over to the shower and hung his clothes over the door, and opened it, stepping inside, as began to undress, his boxers coming off his frame, and put them up on the door as well. He went under the shower head, and grabbed the handle labeled 'C', and gave it a turn, as the cold water came pouring down, beginning to cover his frame, as he closed his pink eyes in relaxation. He gave a tiny sigh, and reached for the strawberry body wash, as he began to rub his shoulders with it.
A soft look appeared in Shuichi's eyes, as his hands fell away from his shoulder, and by his waist. Now it was bothering him, what the blonde haired male had said to him. 'You enjoy toying with people's emotions just as much as I do.'
"Ow!" Shuichi whined, as water dripped into his eye, making him lightly raise his light fist, and rubbed the water out.
"Shuichi! I'm going out for a bit. You stay here, ok!" Tatsuha yelled from behind the door. Shuichi answered with a childish, 'ok'. Not to long after Tatsuha left, Yuki came home from a meeting with his editor.
He walked into his room to find all his belongings scattered across the floor. He groaned, reaching to pick up all his things. "Tatsuha, that idiot." He complained, walking to the bathroom after noticing the sound of running water.
The door to the shower room opened, as a familiar writer came into the room, his hair covering his golden orbs. He shut the door quietly, and made his way across the floor silently, stating the fact he wasn't wearing any shoes, so no annoying clip clap across the floor.
The older man looked at the currently occupied shower that had clothing draped over the door and steam slowly lifting up from the now switched on hot water, and into the air, covering the room.
He opened the door to the shower stall, and looked ahead to see the curtain that had been pulled in front of the younger male as he was showering. From the motions of his hands now, he was washing the shampoo and conditioner out of his pink hair. A sudden frown appeared on his lips, as his eyes narrowed, and made his way over to the curtain, and pulled it back, as it showed the currently bare Shuichi. Shuichi looked over in time to see the older male standing there, making him literally jump, as his back hit the back of the stall.
"Y-Yuki...?" Shuichi managed to get out of his mouth, "What are... you doing in here?"
"Don't ask stupid questions." Came the blonde haired male's response, as he stepped forward, the water hitting him as well, as he brought his hands right on each side of Shuichi's head.
"Yuki... what are you--"
Poor little Shuichi didn't have time to finish the question that was now currently stuck between his throat, and the older man's lips. His pink orbs slightly widened at the gentle contact, the last time Yuki kissed him, it was more harsh and bruising. The young singer finally let himself relax, at least the blonde haired boy wasn't being as hard on him like he was last night. The water on the shower continued to pour down on the two boys, as they seemed to be tasting each other's lips and mouth. Soft moans of pleasure coming from their throats. Shuichi's arms slipped up, and went around the Yuki's back, his fingers pressing against his slick back.
A groan escaped is lips, since he was running low on breath, and that caused the heavenly lock to break, leaving both of the boys breathing heavily. That sure didn't seem to stop the blonde from pulling the younger male into his arms, as he bit the boy's ear, causing a tiny cry to come from Shuichi... his prey. A sly smirk appeared on his face, as his hands began to grow curious, as they slid down Shuichi's back, though it seemed a lot easier since his back was wet. A small whine escaped Shuichi's mouth as Yuki suddenly took a little grip of his ass.
"Yuki...?" Shuichi said softly, as the older boy had placed him against the stall wall again, and was gently licking his chest.
"Hn?" He replied huskily, suppressing the heat of the water on Shuichi's chest with his tongue.
Shuichi placed his hands on the older man's shoulders, "why the hell are you kissing me!"
A eyebrow quirked up at the question that had spilled out of the young male's mouth. Yuki lifted his head, his feathery touches beginning to cease for now, as the golden eyes were locked with his pink ones. Shuichi swallowed softly, hoping he hadn't made the man mad at him again. His thoughts were interrupted as Yuki pressed his lower region against Shuichi, almost crushing his hips into his. His silence was replaced with a cry, as he heard the water go off, and felt a hand push his damp hair out of his face.
"You show up out of no where, let yourself in room, rummaging through my things, and use my shower. Mess with my brother, and you're in my fucking house, you damn brat. I think I should be asking all the questions."
"..." Shuichi took a dare, and spoke out of turn. "But you still kissed me, twice."
Yuki leaned down, and whispered into Shuichi's ear, "you couldn't look any more damn sexy and cute that you were last night under my brother. So I’ve decided I want you for myself. And anything I want I get." A shiver ran down Shuichi's spine at the next part, "and since you are in my house, you most follow all the rules. One rule, I can do anything I please."