Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Pleasure And Deceit ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Seven
Pleasure And Deceit
Shuichi stared at the older boy's face, seeing the determination on his face. A tiny smile appeared on his lips, as he brought his arms around Shuichi's waist, pressing Shuichi's forehead against the blonde's strong chest, seeming to melt into his warmth, as if he was never going to let Shuichi. Yuki raised a hand, and paced it on the boy's head, lightly stroking his damp pink hair. The steam finally seemed to settle around them, as if making the scene more perfect than it already was. They both seemed to stay like that... until one fact was brought up.
"Huh? What is it?"
"In case you forgot, we're still in the shower room... and I'm still naked." The singer replied with a shade of blush covering his face.
"Oh, I know Shuichi." Yuki smirked. An evil thought showed through his eyes and Shuichi feared it.
Yuki was suddenly forcing him down to the floor, onto his back with his hands above his head. Yuki gazed down at him, a fang showing through his pearly white smile and he chuckled, his body settling itself between the cradle of the younger boy’s legs.
Fingers grazed down a sleek small chest as lips fastened themselves to a long silk neck. He could feel Shuichi’s quickened pulse against his lips… He loved it. He nipped over the shell of his ear, feeling the boy below him subconsciously arch up against him when his hands came over the front of his legs.
“Y-Yuki… s-stop…” Shuichi turned his face away, embarrassing tears making their way down soft flushed cheeks. He was breathing harshly, bare chest rising and falling as he struggled to maintain any sort of control. Yuki growled low, not happy with his sudden insubordination. Grabbing his chin roughly with his thumb and forefinger, he stared directly into panicked pink orbs.
“For someone so unwillingly, you certainly are easy enough.” Shuichi looked away, eyes burning with hate and embarrassment.
“I'm not easy.” He choked, hating himself for how weak he was. "P-Please, don’t… I’ve never done… anything like this…” Yuki smirked as he ran his thumb down the side of his face softly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” His voice was full of amusement as he eyed Shuichi’s bare and struggling form beneath him.
“No! Cause I don't want th-“ Crushing Shuichi’s lips to his, he sucked the air right out of him and thrust his tongue through the pink’s unwilling lips. Yuki groaned as he ravaged his sweet mouth, tongue rubbing over his and tasting his lips.
I don't want this...I don't any of this! Especially not from Yuki...but then why am I no defending myself. I thought I didn't want this, but I can't force myself to fight back. It's because his kisses are so soft and warm, though I've kissed Tatsuha, his can't compare to Yuki's. But I don’t want to, not like this! And with that thought, Shuichi bit Yuki's tongue and watched as the man broke apart quickly.
“Mmm… I like you better when you’re feisty…” Yuki complemented going back down to kiss him once again, unfastened his own pants as he did so. Shuichi tried to bite him again, but he just smirked. “Hm, you should know better by now than to try that again, Puppy.”
“Puppy!” For some reason, Shuichi turned him on more than Yuki cared to admit. A lot more. Smooth, delicious creamy skin, full, soft, sweet lips and an even more sumptuous mouth… His length twitched just thinking about it.
“Shut up… You know you want it, Puppy… Otherwise, you wouldn’t be so fucking pathetic when you act like that around Tatsuha.” Shuichi's eyes looked any place but at Yuki as his lower lip trembled. Yuki laughed evilly and grabbed Shuichi's hips, preparing to enter the small boy...
Zipping his pants up, he leaned threateningly over Shuichi as he fingered his cheek softly and chuckled. “This was fun… We should do it again sometime…” He pressed one last kiss to Shuichi’s lips before getting up, ringing the water from his shirt, and leaving the room. Shuichi's eyes flew open and he sat up, panting as he tried to clear his thoughts.
"He didn't do it?" Shuichi looked around the bathroom, nothing out of place and only him soaking wet on the floor. It was nothing but a terrifyingly cruel joke Yuki had played on him. He was never going to rape me! And that bastard scared me to death, I was sure I would wet myself!
The steam had finally cleared up, and after a short while, Shuichi had left the bathroom after getting dressed in the clothes he had picked out. The shower head had little drops of water fall from it's metal surface, and onto the floor where the two had been before, and shared something not just anyone could have... a kiss soaked in purifying water. Yeah Right! That was nowhere near purifying more like a tainting kiss.
Shuichi walked down the hall and stopped at Yuki's room. His door was closed but not locked, and Shuichi could hear the older man talking to himself. Letting himself in Shuichi wanted to make something clear.
"You freakin bastard! You try to rape me and then think you can get away with it!" Shuichi stomped in. Yuki's glare forced it's way to a rageing Shuichi and he smirked.
"We could always continue where we left off, if you are not satisfied." Yuki whispered in a extremely sexy way.
"Hell no!"
Before Shuichi could leave Yuki's room, Yuki pulled him back in and kissed him on the lips once again. At first Shuichi tried to pull Yuki away from him, but damn, he had to admit that Yuki was one hell of a kisser the more he got a feel of his lips. Yuki nibbled Shuichi’s bottom lips, asking for permission to enter his mouth, and was granted. The cool feeling of Yuki’s velvet tongue had made the hairs on Shuichi's neck stand up in excitement. Yuki was more than happy with tasting Shuichi just for the fun of it.
The two pulled away to get some fresh air and continued to kiss. Yuki's hands slipped from Shuichi’s back to his ass, squeezing it a little hard to feel its firmness, and lifted him against the wall, which caused Shuichi to automatically wrap his legs around Yuki.
Yuki’s heated kisses traveled down to Shuichi’s neck and kissed it with a lot of hunger, not getting enough of the taste of the boy’s skin from before. Their hips started to buck together, making their hard ons even harder, educing soft moans from one another.
But when Shuichi felt Yuki’s erection against him, that's when he had to call it quits. “I can't do this,” said Shuichi putting his legs back down and pushing the obviously horny writer, away from him.
“Like hell why not! I can tell by the way you stopped resisting that you wanted it as much as I did.” asked a confused Yuki.
“I don’t even know you and you’re trying to get me to make out with you and then turn it into sex!”
“Well we did make out.”
“Just shut up! And if you have forgotten, I'm going out with Tatsuha!” Shuichi rushed out of the room. "Damn...he got me again...those lips. I can't forget there touch." Shuichi whined walking to the living room.
A/N: For all you impatient YukixShuichi fans, I must tell you if you want any real actions from these two, you must at least wait until chapter 10! Hope you can! Until then, Shuichi is on reserve for Yuki and not Tatsuha,lol.