Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Can I Be Your Lover ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Eight
Can I Be Your Lover
Shuichi. Shuichi, Shuichi, Shuichi. No matter how many times Yuki said that name to himself, it would always sound better every time. There was something deliciously enticing about a boy so innocent and naïve, and Yuki wanted him. In the golden-eyed one’s opinion, thousands of women or men were simply not good enough for the boy.
It wasn’t that Yuki was in need of attention, or wanted someone to care for him. No, he was long past the stage of pining for a lover, and now only wanted Shuichi so he could manipulate that innocence, tease it round his fingers and enjoy watching the boy fall deeper and deeper into his control.
First, however, the prey must be captured, and it was much easier to do that while Tatsuha was not watching. Through careful observation, Yuki noticed, the best times to do this were when Tatsuha was out, as Shuichi usually waited in the house for him.
Yuki planned first to teach Shuichi some things; things that he was sure Tatsuha could not ever do to the boy. That would render the quiet one well and truly helpless under his control. His first lesson came with great success: give something pleasurable to Shuichi that will leave him begging for more or at least keep you on his mind.
The blonde padded silently in circles his living room, every now and again glancing at the door, wondering when his prey would venture in. And then, as if on cue, Tatsuha strolled in, walking quite quickly, his eyes fixed firmly on the his pink haired boyfriend, clutching to his arm like a child to his mother.
"Yuki?" Shuichi questioned, freezing to stand perfectly still, his round, pink eyes staring at the blonde man awkwardly sitting down on the couch waiting for there arrival. He couldn’t say why, but the sight of Yuki looking so suspicious was making him feel nervous.
"Hi, Tatsuha, Shuichi." The blonde said bluntly trying to rid himself of all suspicion. Shuichi smiled nervously, taking one small pace backwards as Yuki stood up and advanced softly, his back bumping against the opposite wall.
"Eiri, what the hell are you doing? Leave Shuichi alone!" Tatsuha grabbed the frightened singer and lead him to the door. "We have some where to be anyway. But I ran into Tohma today and he asked me to tell you to stop by at his place. He said he had something urgent to show you."
Yuki smirked. "Fine."
Tatsuha opened the door and headed out again. No longer protecting the defenseless Shuichi. "Come on, Shuichi." Shuichi followed him until Yuki surprisingly grabbed his wrist and held him back.
“Why not go with me, Shuichi?” Yuki purred, bearing down on him. In a smirk-like grin, the blonde showed a tiny flash of his white teeth. “Wherever you are going might end up dull and boring.”
“Um... I don’t think... I really have to go!” Shuichi straightened up away from Yuki. The other man’s head was uncomfortably close to his and yet... and yet... there was some feeling inside him, a feeling very deep inside that told him he wanted to be closer.
“If I can’t change your mind...” Again the unnerving smirk from the golden haired man, one of his cream-colored hands moving up to teasingly cup Shuichi’s chin. “At least let me give you something to part with.”
Shuichi’s eyes, if it was possible, only widened more, as, with a tiny inhalation on his behalf, he felt Yuki’s lips brush against his own.
“Delicious...” Yuki breathed in what might almost be called a sneer, pulling himself away from Shuichi to view his reactions. Shuichi frozen in place, blinking quite rapidly and trembling at the knees.
“Yuki?” Shuichi managed at last, incoherently, but Yuki had already left the house. "Damn you. You are always doing this!"
Shuichi staggered out of the house and continued the walk with Tatsuha, who had impatiently been waiting outside, not knowing of anything that just went on; in a state of perpetual confusion. Yuki had a fleeting suspicion and the results he arrived at caused a pink tinge to appear on his pale cheeks in a flush – surely he wasn’t that desirable?
“I’m back!” He called out as he opened the door to the studio, dumping his bag in the corridor and listening for the footsteps of his band members.
“About time!” A rather impatient voice snapped at Shuichi. “Where have you been?” Hiro angrily walked up to his late friend.
“Oh...” Shuichi tried to shrug nonchalantly. “I was having lunch with Tatsuha.”
“Why were you gone so long?” Hiro was by Shuichi’s side in an instant, his eyes flashing dangerously. Shuichi smiled.
“Hiro! It's nothing like that!” The teenager shuddered inwardly, remembering the brushing kiss and feeling it would be wisest to not mention it to Tatsuha. He wasn’t sure, but it seemed that something inside him was telling him he wanted... more? "And now that we have that out of the way, let's play!" Shuichi yelled cheerfully running to the microphone in the middle of the studio.
"Tohma. What's so damn urgent?" Yuki said bluntly walking in when the door opened. To his surprise not to long after he was completely inside he was tackled. Falling down roughly and almost unconscious, Yuki groaned. "What the hell was that for?"
"Yuki! Long time no see! I've missed, missed, missed you! Did you miss me too!" A overwhelmingly excited green haired, blue eyed pop idol cheered.
Yuki painfully lifted his acing head to see the person who had said that. "Ryuichi? Get off you damn brat!"
"Oh, Yuki you are a meanie!" The green haired man whined. "I haven't seen you in a long time and all you can say is get off brat! I really missed you! Please say you missed me to?"
"Fine. I missed you too." Yuki swallowed, hardly believing what he was saying, daring himself to venture further in to the lion’s mouth. “Instead of playing this stupid cat and mouse game, you could have just told me earlier.” Yuki suddenly looked behind the crazed singer and noticed Tohma conveniently standing in the corner with a smile on his face. He laughed under breath and tried to contain himself, but it was just to cute. "Tohma. What's so urgent?" Yuki whined pushing the man off of him.
"Oh, did I tell Tatsuha it was urgent?" Tohma said surprisingly. "He makes it seem all important."
Yuki groaned, standing back up. "So you measly called me over here for ideal chatting? How thoughtful of you Tohma, especially when I was in the middle of something." He said coldly, giving Tohma the famous glare.
"Oh come on, Eiri. I bet you are just grumpy, because you haven't got you a new lover yet." He teased knowingly. Yuki's brows twitched and he crossed his arms with a grunt.
"Oh! Yuki is looking for a new lover!" Ryuichi interrupted, jumping to his feet. His eyes widened and stared affectionately at Yuki. "Pick me! Pick me! Yuki, pick me!" He pointed to himself and waved his hands in the air, anything to get Yuki to notice him. "Can I be your lover, Yuki?" Ryuichi asked childishly embracing Yuki. He wrapped his arms around the man's waist and gave him the cutest puppy dog eyes he could conjure up.
Yuki just groaned again, "what makes you think you have the balls to be mine? Plus, I already have my eyes set on someone else."
"Really, Eiri?" Tohma joined in finally finding some interest in the conversation. "Who? Maybe I could get you two together."
Yuki smiled. "You already know him, but only as a her."
Yuki laughed inwardly and gave an evil glare. "You know what Ryuichi, I may have use for you yet."
"Really?" Ryuichi jumped up and down with excitement. "Tell me. Tell me. Tell me."
Tohma sighed loudly. "Eiri, you're not going to make them jealous are you?"
Yuki smirked. "Now Tohma you know me too well."