Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Warming Up ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Nine
Warming Up
I was reluctant to find out Yuki was still out when we got back to Tatsuha's place.
"It's about time he left!" Tatsuha complained, crashing onto the couch. Shuichi laughed as he watched Tatsuha burry his head in the couch pillow.
"Are you tense, Tatsuha? You should really relax." Shuichi stated, coming up with an idea. He smiled, approaching him. Placing one leg on each side of Tatsuha, Shuichi climbed on top of him. Tatsuha immediately noticed the pink haired idol on his back, pushing him deeper into the couch cushions.
"What are you up to now, Shuichi?" He moaned suddenly feeling Shuichi's nibbled hands massage his shoulders and farther down his back.
"Ah, do you like that?" Shuichi giggled reaching lower. Tatsuha moaned in pleasure. He knew they haven't been this intimate since Yuki walked in on them, this mainly because Tatsuha knew Shuichi was still a virgin and he didn't want to rush anything. "Tatsuha..." Shuichi murmured in a slightly choked voice, stopping the massage to lay down on top of Tatsuha. His soft cheek rubbed warmly against Tatsuha's back as he hugged him from behind.
" you" Shuichi felt himself blush at such a forward question.
"God, yes." Tatsuha leaped up, causing Shuichi to fall back onto the couch. He then moved closer to Shuichi, rushing into a rough kiss. He breathed and trailed his tongue along Shuichi's neck. "Are you sure you're ready?"
Shuichi hesitated for a moment then he nodded quickly, sitting up. "Yeah." He walked into the guest bedroom, followed closely by an ecstatic Tatsuha. The door shut and Tatsuha's arms reached around, pulling Shuichi's shirt off and tossing it onto the floor, before starting to kiss down the slender boy's spine. "...Tatsuha..." Shuichi shuddered, his knees buckling. Tatsuha took his own shirt off, swallowing slightly as he got the buttons undone on his pants, kicking them off. Shuichi leaned back against Tatsuha and allowed him to take his pants off as well before feeling a hand slip down the confines of his boxers and grasp lightly at his arousal. He gasped sharply and nearly fell to the ground, hearing a soft chuckle in his ear. And as if to purposely kill the moment Shuichi's cell phone rang. Tatsuha immediately hesitated from removing Shuichi's boxers and released the singer for he could retrieve his phone. Shuichi laughed defensively and looked for his pants on the floor. After removing it from his pant's pocket he looked at the id. "Hiro?" Shuichi blurted out.
"What?" Tatsuha rushed over and jerked the phone from Shuichi just as he answered the call.
"Shuichi-" Hiro exclaimed, but was cut off.
"Hey, Hiro, do you mind calling later when Shuichi isn't about to get banged!"
"Tatsuha! What are you saying!" Shuichi jerked the phone back. "Fine, lie to your friend. I don't care as long as I still get to hit that later." Tatsuha said coldly, crossing his arms.
Shuichi blushed and tried to ignore him. "Yeah, Hiro?" Hiro remained quiet due to what he had just heard. "Hiro? Hello?"
Hiro shook his head violently trying to regain his thoughts. "Oh, yeah! Shuichi, you won't believe it!"
"Believe, what?" Shuichi asked curiously, Tatsuha looked at him curiously as well.
"The Ryuichi Sakuma is here at the bar, 'Beloved'." Hiro shouted.
"Ryuichi Sakuma? What the hell?" Tatsuha interrupted, overhearing the conversation.
"What the hell are you waiting for Shuichi, get your ass down here now!" Hiro hung up then after.
" you mind?" Shuichi looked back disappointed.
"Why the hell should I be, it's the Ryuichi Sakuma!" Tatsuha explained already searching the closet for something new to wear. Shuichi smiled and nodded.
Trading ideas about how Shuichi will react once he met Ryuichi as Hiro and Suguru sat at their table, drinks by their sides, waiting for their friend. Suguru was the first to spot Shuichi, looking unbelievably sexy in a low-cut, tight fitting black jacket and tight black leather pants. Tatsuha was the second stunner, because for the first time that any of them could remember he looked equally sexy in lower riding black jeans and a extremely tight red sleeveless, muscle shirt. Shuichi, leading the way, glided up to the table. "Hi, Hiro, Suguru!" He said quickly, all smiles. He pulled Tatsuha forward. "He just had to meet Ryuichi too." Rapist, friend stealing bastard, Hiro thought as Tatsuha slid into the seat next to Shuichi. "So where is Ryuichi?" Shuichi asked out of turn.
"Somewhere on the dance floor. We saw some blonde guy pull him off, once we yelled out his name. The jerk just gave us this cold glare and dragged poor Ryuichi away." Hiro stated, crossing his legs and resting his arms on the booth, one unexpectedly behind Suguru.
Before Shuichi knew it, everybody off and gone to the dance floor and he feeling in no mood to join them. He sat at the table by himself, nursing his drink. Tatsuha had just up and left explaining that he was going to look for Ryuichi Sakuma and then Hiro left, inviting Suguru to dance with him; which was the greatest shocker to Shuichi. Shuichi had turned down four offers for dances, suddenly feeling so out of the mix it was as if he'd never belonged.
Feeling far removed and away from everything, the sensation had snuck on him without warning. One minute he was sitting bopping his head to the beat, the next a funk had descended and he found himself wanting nothing more than to go home.
Shuichi was trying to find a source, a reason, for his change of mood when his eyes moved towards the dance floor. And there below his was his answer.
He was on the dance floor moving to the beat with Ryuichi Sakuma. He was not suppose to be down there having fun. Not suppose to be down there laughing, smiling, grooving like everything was alright. And most importantly he wasn't suppose to be down there grinding sexually into Ryuichi and hugging his hips tight, whispering in his ear and kissing on his neck!
Shuichi took a long sip of his drink. Didn't see Hiro return, only felt him nudge his shoulder. "See'em?" Hiro whispered.
"Yeah, I see him."
"You gonna go say hi? After all it is Ryuichi Sakuma." Shuichi shook his head. "Man, I was out there dancing with Suguru and I saw Tatsuha and had to cut the dance short."
Shuichi realized what he was doing-playing I spy, except he was the one hiding this time. He shifted in his seat, giving his back to the dance floor, encouraged Hiro to do the same.
"Shouldn't you be up there pulling Tatsuha's ass out of that?" Hiro said.
"He can do what the hell he wants with who the hell he wants."
Sensing Shuichi wanted the matter dropped, Hiro changed the subject. "Well I'm going back out there, you want to come?" Shuichi shook his head and Hiro returned to the dance floor with Suguru.
“Get off of your pathetic ass and get on the dance floor, Shuichi.” A familiar voice said loudly from beside him. Shuichi lifted his head to find the only blonde haired jerk he knew.
Shuichi looked at him incredulously. "Why the hell are you here?" He murmured.
"I thought you already knew why." Yuki chirped toying. He leaned closer to Shuichi, his lips nearly gracing over his ear loaf. "I'm your guardian angel and I'm here to save you from your miserable life." Shuichi's face redden quickly and he looked at Yuki innocently. "You believe anything." Yuki smirked, withdrawing from Shuichi. "Your pet, Tatsuha stole my date, leaving me in the same state as yourself. So to end your painful existence...will you dance with me?"
“Go dance with you? Are you serious?” Shuichi's eyes widened at the request.
“No. I don’t dance with rapist.”
“I believe you. But I doubt you want to remain here the rest of the night alone and dateless.”
Shuichi thought about this for a minute. Well, considering the impact of Tatsuha ditching him for Ryuichi had destroyed his whole night.
“OK then, lets go, but only for a little while.” The writer reached out to grab Shuichi's hand, but he hesitated.
“Don’t worry. I won't bite.” With that, Yuki pulled Shuichi up, who wobbled a bit, and dragged him out in the middle of the dance floor.
There in the middle, men and women crowded around, bumping and grinding. The beat was just right–fast enough for dancing, slow enough to be sexy. The DJ at the club was actually very good, Shuichi admitted, as he began to dance.
Yuki began to move his body, closing his eyes to find the beat. He danced smoothly, sensually but not overboard. When he opened his eyes, he found Shuichi staring at him. It felt weird to have the singer’s intense gaze on him, but he figured the boy was just studying his dance moves. Shuichi was really thinking how sexy Yuki looked dancing like that, it was addicting to watch. Yuki sighed. He gripped Shuichi by the waist and pulled the boy in, using his hands to guide Shuichi's hips. They danced, moving under the shifting lights.
To Be Continued...