Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ No Greater Payback ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Ten
No Greater Payback
The music was pulsing and the floor was crowded. Anyone free was always budding in on someone else's dance. Yuki quickly noticed this and did like their pushy attitude. To his much expected surprise a guy did show up, interrupting him and Shuichi.
"Hey, sweet stuff, wanta dance with a real man? I'm sure you're man friend here has nothing on me." He retorted, pushing Yuki aside and wrapping one arm around Shuichi's shoulder.
"Well I-" Shuichi stammered feeling overwhelmingly flattered but disappointed at the same time.
"Hey!" Yuki jerked the man's arm from around Shuichi, "he's mine! So get lost asswipe!" He yelled trying to be heard over the music. After pushing the guy away, he moved in quickly, putting his arms around Shuichi, holding him close. The grungy man looked at Yuki ferociously, but gave in and walked away. Shuichi smiled at him and placed his arms around Yuki’s neck.
"Thank you, Yuki."
As they began to move and sway together, Yuki found himself surprised at how well he and Shuichi danced together. It was new, but Yuki found that he was having fun. And from the looks of things, Shuichi was enjoying himself, too.
The lights were shifting around them a lot, making them dizzy, but in a good way. Shuichi smiled at Yuki–if it hadn’t been for the blonde, he might be somewhere he really did not want to be by now alone and depressed or jumped by that guy.
The music had slowed down and along with it Shuichi changed his dancing style. Yuki wasn't expecting however that he would so willingly flirt with him due to the change of tempo. Shuichi closed his eyes, letting the music control him, now moving closer to Yuki he start grinding. Yuki smiled and did the same as well. Nothing was more shocking than two guys as attractive as Yuki and Shuichi, grinding deeply into each other and moaning in the process, that drew wandering eyes to the couple; along with a few familiar eyes.
Tatsuha, who had been doing the same with Ryuichi was completely out of breath. Ryuichi on the other hand didn't give a flip about Yuki dancing with Shuichi, after all Tatsuha was welling to be intimate while Yuki was only keeping him around for his sick twisted games of rivalry. Hiro and Suguru were also in shock. Shuichi never mentioned liking some blonde guy, and the fact that Shuichi would accept anyone in his time of need beside the one offered to him, made Hiro upset.
"You know you are drawing attention, right?" Yuki asked bluntly, smiling as Tatsuha turned his head quickly back to Ryuichi.
Shuichi smiled back. "I know...but isn't it what the bastard deserves?" Shuichi softly leaned his forehead into the nape in Yuki's neck. Peacefully drawing in the writer's scent was making him dazed, but it was pleasurable. Shuichi could almost taste Yuki, depending on his sweet, soothing scent of strawberries.
"Then we should give him a show." The blonde smirked mischievously. Shuichi suddenly felt a warm hand cup his chin and draw him out of the loving scent to gaze into the eyes of the beholder. Shuichi blushed, Yuki was so beautiful close up, and having him hold him like this was only feeding the feeling. Yuki smiled sweetly and drew his head closer to Shuichi's. Finally being close enough their lips touched softly. Time was frozen and all Shuichi knew were the two soft lips pressed against his. And what seemed like hours quickly broke off in minutes. Shuichi looked startled, mostly at the fact Yuki stopped than at Yuki doing it at all.
"I get tired of being assigned the damsel in distress all the time." Shuichi wined, whispering.
"What are you going to do about it?" He teased, twisting Shuichi's pink hair around his finger.
"This." Shuichi jerked the blonde down to his level and menacingly pressed his lips against Yuki's. Unlike Yuki's kiss, Shuichi's was violent and forceful but equally filled with pure bliss. After deepening the kiss for a long while, Shuichi launched his tongue deep within Yuki’s mouth, exploring every taste he had to offer. Soon they were at war, as Yuki roughly countered. Passion mounted overly in them, like their bodies previously had done, the two boy’s mouths danced together with swirling tongues and hungry lips.
Shuichi broke off occasionally to catch his breath and to see if Tatsuha was looking, but after the first five minutes he left the club completely. Hiro and Suguru had disappeared as well during the kiss. Shuichi giggled softly. "You scared everyone anyway, Yuki."
"Me! You were the ass who had to lead." Yuki smirked, "you should go rub it in his face."
"Yuki!" Shuichi shouted in shock. "That would be too cruel. The punishment should fit the crime." Despite Shuichi's protesting, he went along with Yuki. But when they arrived at Yuki's placed, Tatsuha wasn't there. "Well, this was a waste." Shuichi crossed his arms and walked down the hall to checked all the rooms.
"The punishment should fit the crime." Yuki smirked and followed Shuichi. When Shuichi came to Yuki's room he was surprisingly trapped. The moment he step foot in, Yuki shut the door, locking it.
Shuichi blinked. "What are you doing?"
"If I know Tatsuha, there is only one thing he could be doing right now. And since you said it yourself, this punishment shouldn't be a problem." He grabbed Shuichi's shoulder and pulled him closer, kissing him forcefully. Shuichi struggled for a minute, but his knees went weak and he faltered with the intensity of the kiss. As Yuki continued to kiss him, rather enjoying this act of sexual harassment, his hands traced over Shuichi's back lightly, his fingers roaming lower. Shuichi's legs suddenly went out from under him and he fell to his knees with a sound that was half-moan, half-purr. His eyes closed halfway and he pulled way, panting softly. It wasn't safe for him to be here now. Standing on two shaky legs, he rushed to the door, but quickly found himself pressed to the back wall, the wolf in Yuki's eyes eating him alive. "Where do you think you are going? I thought you wanted payback.” One hand on either side of Shuichi's face, palms to the wall, Yuki leaned closer, kissing, very gently, offering his emotional throat to Shuichi.
Shivering now, Shuichi leaned forward, letting the hard measure of his need touch against Yuki's, accepting the offer of tenderness, intimacy, both emotional, and physical. "Yuki...I want you...but I can't."
"Cut the crap, Shuichi! Why so willingly give yourself up to Tatsuha, when he doesn't care? Once he gets what he wants, he moves on. Not to mention, I nearly puke every time I see him grope, touch, control you. I told you before...I want you!"
"Saying that makes you sound just like Tatsuha then!"
"That bastard doesn't love you!" Yuki growled, finally no longer putting up with Shuichi's stupidity.
"And you do!" Shuichi yelled back in a faulty voice.
"YES, Dammit!I do!" Still consumed in shock, Shuichi froze in place. Yuki kissed the side of Shuichi's mouth, kissing back to his ear, then biting softly. "From the moment I met you."
"Yuki..." Shuichi whispered as Yuki pushed the collar of Shuichi's jacket, tugging at sweaty fabric with his teeth.
"Are you going to reject me?" Yuki insisted, leaving the bit marked jacket to stare into Shuichi's eyes as he slowly ran his hands down his sides, tight against the skin, to where the pant zipper was. Shuichi blushed and closed his eyes, he turned his head to the side and gave no answer. Gently pulling off his jacket and then his shirt, Yuki noticed Shuichi's nervous fidgeting. Yuki smiled, pulling his zipper down. Fingers sliding under the tight denim, he pushed it down, going down with it kissing the small nipples on his chest, then the belly button. Shuichi held himself, palms against the blonde in front of him as the leather pants both exposed and restrained him as yuki slid them down along with his boxers.
"Shhhh," Yuki said now, feeling in control, watching the skin under his trailing fingers rise into goosebumps.
"Yuki...I know this will hurt..." Shuichi groaned noticing Yuki had turned him toward the wall. He yelped when Yuki's little finger slipped inside of him. First the little finger, then the ring, then the middle joined.
Yuki smirked, "what type of fun would it be if it wasn't painful?"
Begging, almost crying from it, Shuichi nearly whined as Yuki licked his bare skin, licked away the sweat from the curve from his firm ass. Once again, turning Shuichi to face him now, Yuki let Shuichi watch as he licked his erection and rise, to pull Shuichi closer to him. Yuki held him and Shuichi relaxed against him, wiggling as Yuki took the singer's hardness in hand. Kissing Shuichi's relaxing form, letting his lips nuzzle him, Yuki was content.
"Yuki..." Shuichi whisper hesitately, Yuki looked up. "I don't want you to lead..." He blushed.
Yuki smiled. "Only if you are as rough as you were on the dance floor." Shuichi nodded bashfully. "Good." Yuki released him and began undressing himself. Once naked, he found Shuichi kept his word, cause that very second Shuichi violently pushed him onto the bed.
"I won't be controlled no more, Yuki. Not by you or Tatsuha." He approached the writer and slowly leaned down, so that their flesh pressed against each other.
"Forget the preparing, I've been ready." Yuki groaned, just as Shuichi was about to kiss him.
"Fine. Have it your way." Shuichi smirked. And as requested, Shuichi immdediately force himself inside, the queit moans coming from Yuki sounded like a wounded animal and the tightness prevented him from going too much inside at once. When he was halfway in, he suddenly thrusted himself in at once, causing yuki to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. To his surpise Yuki wrapped both legs across his waist and wrapped his arms around Shuichi's neck. Shuichi stay still for amoment, relishing the feeling of being insode Yuki as he allowed him to adjust. "You alright, Yuki?" He whispered, and felt Yuki nod. His hands rested upon Yuki's hips and he slowly began to work himself in and out in a gentle rhythm, hearing gasps and moans from Yuki as he squirmed like a fish out of water.
"You're easing up, Shuichi!" Yuki leaned his head back and started to work his hips against the other pair, the pain nearly gone now, his mind swimming in the pleasure that he was experiencing, it was like nothing he had ever felt before in his lfe. Shuichi moaned, his voice strangled with lust as his thrusting became more frantic and rough, his mind driven with passion.
They were both panting heavil, the sounds of pleasure becoming louder and more frequent as Shuichi's back arched and he was barely able to choke out the words that stayed on his tongue. " ready?" Yuki nodded. Shuichi moaned as his own climax racked his body and Yuki had to bite his lip to keep from yelling blissfully, his body jerked against Shuichi's for a moment before his entire body went limp, ragged breaths finding their way from between his partd lips. Painfully, Shuichi pulled out of Yuki and sighed happily. Pulling the warm body closer, nuzzling Shuichi's check, Yuki sighed as well. Shuichi leaned over and kissed Yuki's check. "Payback couldn't be any more fun. And that goes for yours as well. Watching you scream and whine beneath is perfect payback for you almost raping me in the bathroom." He giggled and curled up next to Yuki.
"Fine. But I never did rape you. To me, its like you did the raping." Yuki smirked, brushing the pink hair near his chest.
"Then what do you call finger fucking me!" Shuichi suddenly went wide eyed.
"Shout up. Your annoying voice is giving me a head." Yuki yelled with a smile. He laughed to himself when Shuichi went quiet with an attitude. "You should be're my little annoying, Shuichi." Shuichi did cheer up, nuzzling the lover beside him.
A/N: I kept my promise, I think...but please review! You all should be happy for Shuichi and Yuki action after such a long wait. -Hope to hear from you all soon!