Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Not The Only One ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Twelve
Not The Only One
"Damn." Hiro murmured, taking a step from Suguru's car. Suguru was in dismay to Hiro's attitude as result of seeing Shuichi dancing with a blonde stranger, but he refused to mention it out of fear that Hiro would yell at him. Suguru noticed Hiro seemed different after club, they even left early just when they were starting to have a good time. Hiro had a determined almost frightening look in his eyes. Of course Suguru knew why, but this look on Hiro's face was completely new to him and hard to adjust to.
"How about dinner, Hiro?" Suguru asked, after emerging from his car. "I'm a pretty decent cook."
Hiro hesitated at the thought, taking in everything. He was so shrouded by angry he failed to notice Suguru had drove them to his own house. "Dinner? Uh...sure." He stammered, watching the green haired boy pull out his eye and open the door. Once in, Hiro walked to the living room and sat down, observing Suguru's home. It was plain and clean, much like you would expect from someone so responsible as him. There were three chairs in the living room; one a couch and the other two were simple seats. There were long blue curtains covering one huge window and a fire place beside the TV.
"I'll set the fire." Suguru exclaimed, heading toward the chimney.
"Uh, no. You don't have to, I don't plan to stay long." Hiro raised a hand defensively and shook his head. But when he saw a pained confusion ride over Suguru's face he sighed loudly. "Maybe I can stay longer."
Suguru smiled and nodded, getting on his knees to set the fire. The fire sparkled with an razor flame. The sparks danced rapidly in the fire. They popped each way and had such an inspiring way of moving. Smoke produced such a unpleasant environment as it flew to the top of the chimney and out into the sky. The mischievous flames burned the wood as Hiro's eyes relentlessly watched. It was such a serene, calm night. He had no other thoughts, but to enjoy this time I had to rest. Suguru was most delighted to have Hiro calm and peaceful again as he prepared the dinner.
Hopefully the sweet aroma of noodles and chicken shifting through the air will cheer up Hiro even more. Suguru called Hiro to the table and he sat down. "Thanks, Suguru." Says Hiro stupidly, a light blush coming to his face. The meal goes by without disturbance and not that much conversation either. Hiro was still mindful of tonight’s events and refused to forget his upsetting attitude from before. Even after dinner, he acted the same as before. Something is bothering him, and Suguru wanted to know exactly what. Hiro was still vain. He just wouldn't let that feeling cool off. Suguru wanted to yell at him, but that would only make matters worse. The look of displeasure remained on his face for awhile.
"Thanks for dinner Suguru, but I should head back now." Hiro said, standing up and heading for the door.
"Hiro what's going on?" Suguru blurted out just as Hiro's hand reached for the doorknob.
"What do you mean, nothings wrong?"
He knew exactly what Suguru meant, but he pretended not to notice. "Hiro your upset about seeing Shuichi with that guy, aren't you!"
Hiro blushed. "I'm happy he's over that jackass Tatsuha, but going straight to another stranger is out of line." He mumbled. "Even if I told Shuichi I was jealous, I don't think he would change his mind." His terror-stricken tone made Suguru panicky. "I just want the damn idiot to know how I feel!"
Suguru stuttered trying to say, "you are just the same as him."
"See you tomorrow, Suguru" Hiro replied, just about to leave-
“Dammit Hiro, don't leave!”
Suguru's sudden out burst had startled Hiro, but he Hiro found himself more startled by Suguru jerking him by the hand and pulling Hiro closer to him. He kissed him gently, sliding his tongue along his lips. Trying to preoccupy Hiro's thoughts as he gently removed Hiro from the door. His eyes closed, long delicate eye lashes hiding the deep mesmerizing pools, and he whispered "I love you" between a breath. But as soon as those words were said, Hiro drew back.
"Hiro...I love you." Suguru blushed and released Hiro. His head titled in shame. "I always knew you liked Shuichi and that he didn't feel the same for you. I was jealous but the same time relieved. If you could come to love Shuichi who is a male than maybe you could come to love me as well. But even when all hope that Shuichi will return your feelings, is lost, you still find a way to focus on it and ignore everything and everyone around you."
"Suguru..." Hiro lifted the boy's hand and his chin with his finger. Tearful eyes stared up at Hiro with sorrow. "I'm sorry...if I had known how you felt I would have given you a shot." He smiled softly and gently kissed Suguru's lushes lips. "I will love you in return."
Suguru took a trembling breath and tried to relax his relentlessly tense body as Hiro continued to kiss and stroke his unclothed skin, that he had early removed. Gently trailing his tongue lightly over thick pink nipples, Hiro smirked to Suguru's childish fidgeting. He giggled after receiving adorable moans from the boy, as he made his way down; kissing delicate cream colored flesh. Suguru released a high pitched gasp as Hiro's lips brushed over his member and started suckling it soothingly. "Don't act so nervous, Suguru."
"I can't help it...I've never done this before..." Suguru moaned, his voice husky from strain.
"Neither have I...then we should make it worth it, don't you think?" Hiro whispered sweetly into Suguru's ear. He received a nervous nod and continued.
“Sorry I'm late,” yelled an energized and slightly annoyed Shuichi.
Hiro turned to the singer with a sour look, "what the hell took you so long?" He groaned upsettingly.
"Oh, come on, Hiro. You and Suguru only got here a few minutes ago." K interrupted with a smirk.
“Oh, Hiro, what happened to you last night? You and Suguru left early.” squealed Shuichi, angrily. "I had to catch a ride with Yuki, since Tatsuha also left." He pouted.
“Oh so that's his name.” Hiro stated simply “So did you simply ask him his name before screwing around or after-” Hiro said sarcastically.
Shuichi just stared at the guitarist with huge eyes. "How the hell did you know!" He blurted out mistakenly.
"What the-" Hiro suddenly jumped in astonishment. "I was only joking! God, Shuichi, you are a slut!"
“Hey I’m not a slut and for your information I did not sleep wit…well, actually I did, but that’s not the point!” Shuichi said stubbornly
“Good god did you go to the kinky side or what, after a dating Tatsuha you immediately dump him for some other pervert just because you got bored.” Hiro spoke to himself loudly.
"Hey that is not what happened! Tatsuha ditched me for Ryuichi Sakuma, so I have every right to do the same!"
“So is that what that Yuki guy told you before fucking you senseless, or did you come up with that all by yourself?” asked Hiro.
“...” Shuichi blushed, "damn you're on a roll today."
"Damn, Shuichi." Hiro sighed loudly. "And here I thought me and Suguru were wrong."
"You and Suguru?" Shuichi quickly lost his embarrassment and stared at Hiro. "What is wrong?"
"Huh?" Hiro's face reddened slightly and he turned away wordlessly.
Shuichi immediately knew what that meant and dropped his mouth in surprise. "You and Suguru...actually...oh my god..."
"Shut up! You can't talk, at least I know Suguru!" Hiro yelled back.
Shuichi exploded into laughter. "I've known Yuki since I started dating Tatsuha, but I still can't believe you two...actually...fucked."
"So what are you going to tell Tatsuha, then Shuichi?" Suguru budded in with a blush, now that Shuichi new why they two were late as well.
Shuichi quickly quieted, "...tell him..."