Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Clarity ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Thirteen
Yuki had just finished typing another section of his novel after working vigorously for three hours. As if to annoy him farther, the phone rang persistently. He groggily made his way to the phone, answering it menacingly.
"What the hell do you want?" He growled, stressfully rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"That's no way to greet the beloved sister, who has just done you a favor." Mika retorted upsettingly.
"I have no beloved sister, and she must differently not being doing me a favor. Sorry, but you have the wrong number." Yuki stated bluntly, lowering the receiver so it gave the appearance he was really going to hang up.
"Eiri! Don't you dare hang up on me!" Her voice booming loudly through the phone, so that Yuki would be able to hear regardless of him hanging up.
"What is it Mika?" He asked grouchily. "I have more important things to be doing, rather than getting another lecture from you."
"Don't flatter yourself, you have nothing to do because you have no woman." Mika contemplated.
"If this is about getting me a girl, I'm not interested. I'm already taken." He smirked seductively.
Mika was flabbergasted. "You- you actually got a girl. I hope you didn't get any advice from Tohma."
Yuki laughed shortly. "I wouldn't call him a girl, it makes him testy."
"Him? Eiri! I refuse to have you see this guy. Even if you did truly love him, which I highly doubt, I want you to settle down with a WOMAN!" She protested. "So you get your pathetic lying ass out of that house and come meet the lady I picked out for you!"
Yuki shook his and smiled. "Since went through all the trouble of getting me a woman in vain, I will come and tell the hoe face to face that I don't want her, so you want have to." And before Mika could scream another rejection, Yuki hung up. He sighed half-heartily and got his coat as he left out the door.
Given the events of the day, Shuichi didn't managed to get home until well after dark. He knew it was late, but he decided to stop in to see Yuki anyway. He knocked gently on the door. He heard soft footfalls on the carpet on the other side.
"Hello?" A frustrated voice responded loudly, as it's owner opened the door. Shuichi looked up startled by the familiar black haired man standing in the doorway.
"Tatsuha..." He whispered abruptly, nervousness clouding his thoughts.
"Where have you been, Shuichi?" Tatsuha laughed, friendly patting Shuichi on the shoulder. Showing the shy boy inside. Tatsuha closed the door.
Shuichi's eyes darted down toward the floor. "I really should tell you." He mumbled inaudibly. "Tatsuha, I-" Before Shuichi had the chance to blurt out his explanation, Tatsuha interrupted.
"I'm sorry!" He yelled. Shuichi's head shot up quickly and stared at the flushed teen who had quickly change his persona from cheerful to upset. He looked as nervous as he was a moment ago. "I'm sorry, Shuichi!" He yelled again, in case Shuichi had missed the first declaration. "I-I shouldn't have abandoned you like that. Especially to go with Ryuichi." He blushed and looked Shuichi in the eye. "I thought you were avoiding me because you were upset. So I came here by the off chance you may have dropped by. But Yuki isn't even home, so I didn't have him to ask where you were."
Shuichi glanced at the floor that had seemed to have grown more fascinating than Tatsuha. "I should be the one saying sorry...I left with Yuki after you left with Ryuichi." Feeling more ashamed for having completely fallen for his brother while Tatsuha still had enough courage to apologize, gave Shuichi a lousy feeling. "You see, I-" Shuichi murmured, unable to tell the full story.
Tatsuha had missed Shuichi's silent replies. "But I swear Shuichi, I didn't do anything with Ryuichi after we left!" He rushed out, causing Shuichi hate himself even more. "You believe me don't you?" Tatsuha yelled hopefully.
"Tatsuha..." Shuichi stuttered reluctantly. "Me and Yuki...we...I-"
"Can we start over!" Tatsuha interrupted again, taking hold of Shuichi's hands in his own.
I need to tell you. I have to...otherwise I can never forgive myself. But I'm too scared of what you might think of me. I love Yuki...but I still have feelings for you as well, Tatsuha.
Without warning, Shuichi suddenly felt two soft lips press sweetly against his. Blinking clueless, Shuichi stared shockingly at the teen. Tatsuha broke away slowly. "I still love you, Shuichi." Shuichi blushed wordlessly.
His lips seem softer than I remember, different from Yuki's.
Tatsuha instinctively wrapped his arms around Shuichi's shoulders, drawing him closer into an embrace. "I hope you can forgive me." His kissed Shuichi once more, softer, longer. His body straddled Shuichi without meeting any resistance. As if he ever did when it came to Tatsuha's suckling. A peaceful agreement of a temporary closeness, Shuichi tried to convince himself for why he allowed this to linger on. He had spaced out, he noticed. Awakened when rough fingers trailed on his cheek into his hair slowly. Gently. Repeatedly. And he didn't mind, for rarely he did. The caress went by without any objections, and Shuichi returned them. As he always did. This cycle of closeness was damaging his sense of knowing what's right and what's wrong. His defenses had crumbled into miserly pieces, leaving him unprotected. And as his fingers ran through the black hair he had grown all to addicted to, he hesitated. His hand stopped in its movement, a debate taking place inside his mind. Doing this was not wrong for crying out loud, he had practically invited the kiss all along! What with the way he acted he was surprised Tatsuha hadn't done anything more. It was all his fault, allowing Yuki and Tatsuha to both love him without him specifically choosing one.
"Do you want to start where we left off? Before the club." Tatsuha teased, a lopsided smile still on his face. He smirked down at Shuichi, his face drawing closer as if to intimidate him. His hands were now beside the pink haired boy's head, not touching, but surrounding him against a wall.
"I swear, both of you love to draw me into a corner." Shuichi snorted almost pouting. Tatsuha smiled, kissing Shuichi on the neck.
"What? Is that a bad thing?"
"Not exactly...I just wish you would ask for my consent." Shuichi mumbled bashfully.
Tatsuha smirked, cupping Shuichi's chin once again. "Does a boyfriend need consent for this?" Placing his lips softly over Shuichi's, their tongues met, with a more passionate greeting than Shuichi expected. He hadn't remembered Tatsuha's tongue being this pleasurable, or this seductive. Caressing Shuichi's tongue with his own, Tatsuha received playful, delicate moans from the pink-haired singer. Trapped against a wall, not only physically but mentally as well, Shuichi let the sensation overwhelm him. Small finger nails firmly assaulted Tatsuha's back, as his own hands possessively groped Shuichi. Hungrily, he bite at Shucihi's plumped lips, kissing them, then his chin. Shuichi whimpered slightly when one rough hand slipped from his waist to his rear, squeezing it firmly, and the other roaming beneath his shirt. "I love it when you melt beneath my touch." Tatsuha moaned, drawing back for air. He smiled, seeing how Shuichi was panting heavily. Shuichi was just as eager as him, due to his now hard member grinding into Tatsuha's thigh. "Since you requested it..." Tatsuha gave another seductive smirk. "May I have your consent to fuck you senseless?" Shuichi redden at the formality.
"Tatsuha...I have something important to tell you..." Shuichi hesitated for awhile, coming up with the right words to use. Tatsuha stared clueless at the stammering singer.
"What is it, Shuichi?" How could he say I slept with your brother without completely destroying their relationship and damaging Tatsuha's heart. Shuichi sighed in defeat, there's no possible way this could end well. "Nervous?" Tatsuha kissed Shuichi gently, brushing the dishelmed pink hair back into place. "You don't have to be... I promise not to hurt you, Shuichi." He whispered soothingly. Somewhere between Tatsuha's kiss and his wordless allowance, Shuichi found himself in Tatsuha's bedroom, clumsily being lead to the bed. Tripping on the carpet, Tatsuha nearly pushed Shuichi onto the thick mattress. He eagerly connected Shuichi's lips with his own and forced Shuichi out of his jeans and boxers. Shuichi blushed overwhelmingly as Tatsuha's eyes remained on his up right member.
"Tatsuha..." He moaned as soft lips once again touched his flesh. They nipped at the indention in his neck and slowly trailed farther down, running along his tine bare chest to his small belly button. Tatsuha smiled, seeing how when he licked it, Shuichi would laugh hysterically. Innocent moans he made every time he kissed his delicate skin, brought pleasure to Tatsuha's ears. Shuichi suddenly gasped out loud, when a curious tongue ran along the tip of his erect member. He groaned loudly, Tatsuha had completely taken him in his mouth and was sucking it continuously. "Tatsuha...I...I..." Shuichi tried to blurt out, but he found it hard to do between his own moaning. Arching his back, Shuichi threw back his head, biting his bottom lip till it turned heavy red. Tatsuha smiled, still bobbing his head up and down as he sucked harder. Shuichi moaned, his breaths coming out uneven. His eyes half open, clouded with lust and pleasure. His hand entangled within Tatsuha’s hair, trying not thrust upwards into his mouth. He felt his stomach tightened, signaling he was close to release.
I can't let this continue. I have to tell him...but I can't. I-
Without warning, Shuichi released, after no longer being able to contain it. But that wasn't the only thing he let go. Tatsuha swallowed eagerly, licking the white from his member. He was completely caught off guard when Shuichi yelled out...
"I slept with Yuki!" Tatsuha nearly fell off the bed, but instead he just froze in place. "I'm sorry, Tatsuha!" Shuichi felt hot tears from his eyes as the guilt swelled up. "I just couldn't let you do this, not knowing it though..." He cried silently, as astonished eyes kept on him.
"Bastard..." Tatsuha finally said, breaking the silence. Shuichi's eyes jerked up and watched as Tatsuha left the room, slamming the door behind him. "Alright big brother, I'll play your game." He mumbled, delivering an open cold glare that would even out do Yuki's signature frown.
To Be Continued...
A/N: Lol, I know doing all the cliffies are eating you alive, but I just love doing them. Also, I'm sorry for the long wait! School has started up for me and I have to find time to type up my pages. But I will try harder to get them all in soon. See you next time!