Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Romance ❯ Forget Is To Forgive ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters.
Warnings: This is a Yaoi/ Shounen ai fic. As much as it is concerned, most of the fic is PG-13 with occasional R. For angst, mature themes/ sexual content, and language.
Track Fourteen
Forget Is To Forgive
Mika crossed her arms frustrated, her eyebrow twitching with irritation. As Yuki explained, he would come meet the girl she had found for him and tell her he wasn't interested. The fact that actually met it and actually told the young girl off, upset Mika more than the fact that he couldn't have could and made her do it.
Yuki returned to standing beside his elder sister when the fair lady had sadly walked away. He smirked and gave her an intimidating look. "It would save you from farther humiliation if you just stopped looking for somebody for me." He stated bluntly, taking his leave.
"Eiri." She retorted, catching him before he made another step. "Why can't you be normal sometimes? Get a decent lady who will settle down. The worse thing you can do is date some stupid boy that only in for the sex. Which I know happens to be the only kind you attract." Her eyebrow lifted slightly and she questioned his express.
"Well you seemed to like him when you thought he was a girl." Yuki added rather low.
Mika growled under breath, she hated when Yuki talked behind her back. "Well if you think this guy is really worth dating, then I want to meet him."
"Why Mika, you already have." Yuki teased, turning sharp on his heels. "But none the less if that's what you want." He waved goodbye and walked away without another word. Leaving Mika infuriated.
Yuki walked home soundly, but couldn't help thinking of what Mika might say if she knew Shuichi was still with Tatsuha. Knowing her, she would probably rub it in his face. He sighed remorsefully and pulled out his key to his cozy little apartment room. He turned the knob slowly as a chill crawled down his spine. He was unsure of the feeling, but something told him he wouldn't be to pleased once he went inside. And as if on cue, the moment the door closed behind him in the dangerously dark room, Yuki was met with a startling affliction.
He had no time to shield himself from the on coming fist that was imbedded in his face, sending back into the door. The bruised flesh stung slightly as he rubbed it with his hand. He flipped on the lights and so an angry Tatsuha.
"What the hell are you doing, Tatsuha!" He yelled out, getting back on his feet.
"Don't act dump you jealous, sex hungry molester! What the fuck is wrong with you! Can't you get your own damn guy, besides stealing mine!" Yuki had never seen Tatsuha so mad, which was rather frightening.
Yuki shook the feeling away and stared menacingly at Tatsuha. "I'll tell you the same thing I told him." He walked up to his brother, until their chest touched. "I get whatever I want and I want Shuichi. And if that upsets you, you can have your little hissy fit as long as you get out of my house." He smirked seeing the flaring tension between them.
Tatsuha grunted loudly and charged in for another punch to the face, but Yuki quickly caught the fist. "What type of sick bastard are you! You'd think I could trust my own brother, but the ones you trust most end up stabbing you in the back." He jerked his fist back.
"Oh, don't give me this crap. Haven't you ever heard people do crazy things for love?" Yuki mocked childishly.
"Your crazy ass things are driven by lust, asshole!" Tatsuha shoved Yuki violently out of his way and stomped toward the door. Just as he opened it he paused and turned around. Giving Yuki a coldhearted glare, "if you so much as go near Shuichi again, I'll fucking kill you." He slammed the door behind him, loudly.
Yuki smirked still. "And hear I thought you were childishly going to give him to me out of anger, but I see I will have work to keep what is mine. Enjoy your relationship while it still last, Tatsuha."
Practice ended later than usual, mostly because Shuichi was too distracted by yesterday's events to finish the song flawlessly. He had left Yuki's place almost immediately after telling Tatsuha the truth. He didn't dare say a word as he left. Now he was unsure what might happen if he went over there again.
The thought of what happened after the club made Shuichi fidget more as he walked home. It had only been a couple of days and the event was still fresh in his mind. He thought of reasonable explanations as to why Yuki had reacted that way. After all Tatsuha was his own little brother, and he had heartlessly moved on Tatsuha's guy.
"What will Tatsuha say to Yuki...?" Shuichi asked himself but then paused briefly. "Ahhhhhhhhhh! What have I done! I may have destroyed life as we know it! It's all my fault for sleeping with Yuki! Have I gone mad!" He repeated and knocked himself in the head with his palm. Thinking about it only made things worse and more frustrating. "Even if that day had gone differently, I'm sure I would still be obsessed about him. There’s so much I don't know, and the more I try to forget it, the more I want to know. Or maybe its my over inflated pride, that is overwhelmed by the admiration from them both. Which ever reason it is, I can't help but be feel this way toward this right?" He mumbled off to himself, switching into thought. "No! I've ruined everything!" Shuichi exclaimed, clutching his messy pink hair in realization. He received startling looks for his awkward conversation with himself out loud. Shaking his head vigorously in irritation, he was surely mistaken for a nut.
"You're bad luck." A slightly familiar voice said childishly. Not even looking to who had said it, Shuichi kept yelling.
"I know, I know, I can't do anything right!"
Shuichi suddenly heard a stifled laugh and looked up. His eyes widened and his cheeks redden in embarrassment. "You make this almost entertaining." He smiled softly and brushed the dishelmed pink hair. "Though I can't disagree with you, you do make allot of mistakes."
Shuichi looked down bashfully. "Did you just hear all that?"
Tatsuha smirked and lifted the boy's chin gently. "I could hear you ten blocks down."
" you hate me, Tatsuha?" Sweet violet eyes quivered as light tears collected in the corners.
Quickly dropping the friendly expression, Tatsuha looked serious. Bending down slowly, he pressed his lips against Shuichi's. Soft and innocent compassion left Shuichi as their lips parted. "I'm not too happy to say at the very least but...I could never hate you. I love you too much for that." Shuichi gave a pained smile. "Shuichi..." The pink haired singer looked up curiously. "Do you love Yuki?"
Shuichi was speechless. This was the very question he had been trying to answer himself for a very long time now. To tell the truth he wasn't so sure of it. He had never told Yuki he actually loved him, but Yuki had told him he loved him.
"I don't know..." Shuichi murmured.
Tatsuha smiled slightly and wrapped his arm around Shuichi's shoulder. "Will you be my boyfriend?"
"What!" Shuichi jumped in astonishment. "What are you talking about, we already are-"
"When you cheated, you lost all my trust. So now we must start a new in order for you to earn my trust again." Tatsuha laughed hysterically at Shuichi's pale expression.
"That's no fair!"
"I think its very fair." Tatsuha flicked the top of Shuichi's nose. "After all I think the punishment should fit the crime."
"Fine." Shuichi moaned. Some how irony had managed to bite him in the butt, Yuki and Tatsuha believed in the same morals. Oddly enough, they seem to contradict each other's morals as well. Shuichi had managed to fall between a sibling rivalry of tug-of-war.
A/N: I want votes! How many people for Tatsuha and Shuichi lemon!