Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament ❯ Level 2, Match 2 ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Episode 25

Level 2, Match 2

Written By
Mark Moore

Author's note: With this episode, we've reached the halfway point of the series. I planned on reaching this point months ago, but, now, I'm gonna focus on getting this series done by the end of the year at the latest. That's around the same time of year that the story should end, storywise, so it'll fit nicely. Enjoy the story. Feedback is welcome.

Sayla Mass has scored her second victory, defeating Niger and keeping the United Kingdom in the tournament. Now, attention shifts to the next match.

Friday, November 16, 2007, 4:52 PM, Eastern Standard Time

The United States military base where the Gundam was being tested was Aznable Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. The Gundam was in a hangar.

Lunamaria Hawke, the Gundam's test pilot, was sitting in the cockpit, which was located in the Gundam's chest area.

Emma Sheen stood on the platform adjacent to the cockpit, watching Lunamaria. Standing at consoles on the platform were Nina Purpleton and Lucette Audevie, the two engineers that had designed the Gundam for the United States Government. They worked for Anaheim Electronics and were currently under military command while on this project. The fourth person on the platform was Relena Peacecraft. She was interested in the proceedings but was primarily there to give moral support to Emma.

"Okay, raise the right arm."

At Nina's request, Lunamaria pulled the lever on her console that controlled the right arm. The arm slowly rose up until it was pointing straight up.

Nina smiled. "Good. Now, make a fist."

Lunamaria pressed the right fist button. The Gundam's right hand closed into a fist.

Nina nodded. "Good!"

"Everything seems to check out."

Nina nodded. "Agreed, Lucette. Power down, Lunamaria."

Lunamaria opened the Gundam's hand, lowered its arm, and shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Lunamaria got out of the cockpit.

Nina looked at Emma. "I'm not sure what else that we an do. You seem to be all set to go."

Emma smiled. "You've done a great job. Thanks."

Nina smiled. "No problem. I bet you wish that the match was today."

Emma laughed. "I'm not that eager to pilot this thing again."

Murrue Ramius, Emma's superior officer, walked into the hangar.

Emma and Lunamaria saluted her. "Captain!"

"At ease. How's the Gundam coming along, Nina?"

"Great. It's all ready to go."

"I guess you were so caught up in your work that you forgot about the time. Match 2 is going to start soon. Take a break."

Lunamaria smiled. "Thanks for reminding us. Let's go to my house to watch it. I'll cook dinner."

Murrue smiled. "Sounds good."

Emma, Relena, Nina, Lucette, and Murrue gathered in the living room in Lunamaria's house and took their seats.

Lunamaria, carrying a tray with six large glasses filled with cola, walked into the living room. The other five women each took a glass. Murrue set the tray on the table, took a glass, and sat down.

Lunamaria turned on the television.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Level 2, Match 2, of the First Gundam Tournament. We're here live in the streets of Warsaw in Poland. Allow me to introduce myself to those of you watching at home. My name is Bright Noa. I am the commentator for this tournament. Today's match is Poland versus Iran. The Polish pilot is Lech Marcinkiewicz. The Iranian pilot is Ali Ahmadinejad. Poland's Gundam - the red one - is 17 meters tall, 1 meter of which is taken up by the head. It is armed with a beam rifle. Iran's Gundam - the sandy one - is 22.5 meters tall, 0.5 meters of which is taken up by the head. It is armed with a beam rifle. The match is about to begin."

"Fight!" a simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

Ali moved his Gundam forward and punched Poland's Gundam with its right fist. Poland's Gundam was knocked back a bit.

Ali made his Gundam jump into the air, then he fired at Poland's Gundam with the beam rifle in its left hand. The shots hit Poland's Gundam repeatedly.

Panels on the arms of Ali's Gundam slid open.

Lech fired his Gundam's beam rifle. Ali made his Gundam fly into the air and dodged the blast.

Missiles rose out of the arms of Ali's Gundam.

"Matko Boze!" Lech exclaimed.

Ali fired the missiles directly at the cockpit of Poland's Gundam.

The missiles impacted.

"Over-" the simulated male voice of Poland's Gundam started to declare.

Poland's Gundam exploded.

Ali's Gundam landed back on the street.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!" the simulated male voice declared over a speaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is horrible. Not only has Iran won the match, but its pilot has killed Poland's pilot. We'll go off of the air now. A decision will have to be made as to what happens next. There will be more coverage on your evening news. Thank you for joining us."

Lunamaria turned off the television.

The women sat in shocked silence.

What the fuck?!" Relena finally asked. "They can't do that! Can they?!"

Murrue's cell phone rang.

Murrue took her cell phone out of her jacket's left pocket, flipped it open, and answered the call.

"Hello?" Murrue stood up and walked away. "Yes, sir. I saw it."

The rest of the women didn't move for a while.

"We've got some time before the evening news begins. I'll make dinner now." Lunamaria stood up.

Lunamaria collected the empty glasses, placed them on the tray, and carried them into the kitchen.

Lunamaria turned on her grill in her backyard, placed six steaks on it, and closed the grill.

Lunamaria walked back into the kitchen and then into the living room.

She took her seat.

The evening news came on.

Peter Jenkins, the lead anchor, was sitting at his desk in New York City.

"Good evening, everyone. The second match of the second level of the First Gundam Tournament was held in Warsaw in Poland this afternoon. To say the least, it was tragic. The participants were Poland and Iran. Iran won, but it was the result of the Iranian pilot completely destroying the Polish Gundam, therefore killing the Polish pilot. The United Nations held an emergency meeting after the match and decided that, since there is no rule forbidding killing, Iran will be allowed to remain in the tournament. However, Iran might have to compensate the Polish pilot's family under rule #7. Regardless of the moral or monetary issues, Iran will move on to Level 3. Poland, meanwhile, having been eliminated from the tournament, has announced today that it will back the United States in the tournament. We turn to our White House correspondent, Donald Samuelson. Donald, how is the White House reacting to Iran's victory and Poland's defeat?"

"Peter, the White House is greatly upset that Iran has advanced to the next level of the tournament, but it's also happy that Poland will support us. Overall, it's a mixed - but largely negative - reaction."

"Will the resources of Poland help the United States?"

"It's possible, Peter, but a lot of people doubt it. Poland's Gundam was completely destroyed. It's possible that the tech specs might be of some help."

"What about this hole that allows killing?"

"You can bet that the United Nations will close that hole for the next tournament."

"All right. Donald Samuelson, many thanks. Now for the day's other news."

Lunamaria turned off the television.

"Dinner should be ready." Lunamaria stood up.

The rest of the women stood up as well.

Lunamaria opened the grill, turned it off, picked up the steaks, and placed them on a plate.

Lunamaria walked back into the kitchen and set the plate on the counter.

Each woman took a steak, placed it on her own plate, and poured barbecue sauce over it.

Lunamaria added mashed potatoes on each plate and then poured gravy on it.

The women took the plates to the table, sat down, and started eating.

"What do you think of the match?" Murrue asked.

Emma swallowed a piece of steak. "Iran's Gundam is more brutal than last time. There's no fucking way that they added those missiles on their own. They must have had help."

Relena swallowed a piece of steak. "I hope we can beat it."

Lunamaria smiled. "We'll have Russia's help. I'm sure that it'll be no problem."

Murrue smiled in amusement. "You seem confident."

Nina looked at Lucette. "Iran's Gundam is very impressive. I look forward to analyzing Poland's Gundam data."

Lucette considered that for a moment. "Yeah. We need that sent over here as soon as possible."

Murrue frowned. "I'll call them tonight. Once we finish dinner, let's go back to base. I want to go over some things."

Murrue sat behind her desk in her office. Emma, Relena, Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria sat in chairs in front of the desk.

Murrue felt uneasy regarding what she was about to say. "The President has tripled our budget and authorized us to add missile launchers to our Gundam."

The other women gasped.

"He doesn't expect us to use them!" Relena exclaimed.

Murrue frowned. "If we must, assuming we even fight the Iranian Gundam. Nina, Lucette, if it comes to that, install them."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

"If we get knocked out of the tournament in any level, we will support a non-Muslim nation. Those are the President's words."

"When do we have to make the decision of support?" Lunamaria asked.

"Theoretically, anytime. However, up until now, it's been done soon after a nation had been knocked out of the tournament. However, the President might wish to wait until the match line-up for Level 3 is announced. It might not come to that, anyway."

"Assuming that we make it to Level 3, but we're not paired with Iran, may we share our technology with Iran's opponent?" Emma asked.

"No. That's treason, Lieutenant. Anyway, let's see which nations are left in the tournament." Murrue checked her laptop. "The United Kingdom, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, us, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Ireland, Zambia, Brazil, and Canada. I think we, the UK, Japan, and Canada stand the best chance of beating Iran. Emma, continue practicing in the simulator."

"Yes, sir."

"Relena, assist her."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, dismissed. Get to work, everyone."

The rest of the women stood up.

Emma opened the door. Relena, Nina, Lucette, and Lunamaria walked out of the office. Emma walked out after them and closed the door behind her.

Emma frowned. "I'm worried."

Relena smiled. "Don't be. You might not even have to fight Iran. Let's concentrate on beating Iraq first."

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament

At Miyasato Air Self-Defense Force Base in Tokyo, Japan, work was proceeding on Japan's Gundam.

The Gundam was located in a hangar. An elevator was set up to take people up to various levels of the Gundam. There were also metal platforms set up for people to walk on.

Mirai Yashima, the Gundam's test pilot, was sitting in the cockpit, which was located in the Gundam's chest area.

Fa Yuiry stood on the platform adjacent to the cockpit, watching Mirai. Standing at consoles on the platform was Rain Mikamura, the head engineer that had designed the Gundam for the Japanese Government.

"Okay, raise the right arm."

At Rain's request, Mirai pulled the lever on her console that controlled the right arm. The arm slowly rose up until it was pointing straight up.

Rain smiled. "Good. Now, make a fist."

Mirai pressed the right fist button. The Gundam's right hand closed into a fist.

Rain nodded. "Good! I think you can take a break for now. Power down, Mirai."

Mirai opened the Gundam's hand, lowered its arm, and shut off the Gundam. The blue glow in the Gundam's eyes disappeared.

Mirai got out of the cockpit.

Rain looked at Fa. "I'll get some engineers on the overheating problem."

"Will they have it fixed by Saturday morning?" Fa asked her.

"They should. I'll personally supervise the work from now until then."

Lucrezia Noin, Fa's superior officer, walked into the hangar.

Fa and Mirai saluted her. "Captain!"

"At ease. How's the Gundam coming along, Rain?"

"Well as can be expected, Captain."

"I'd like your opinion on something."

"Yes, sir?"

"Would it be feasible to install missile launchers in our Gundam?"

"Missile launchers, Captain?" Rain asked, uneasy.

"The Prime Minister just approved them as a precautionary measure. If we make it to Level 3 and are paired with Iran, we'll need to be ready. Can it be done?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's all that I wanted to know. Get back to work."

"Yes, sir."

Lucrezia looked at Fa. "I want you in the simulator, Lieutenant. There's nothing that you can do here at the moment."

"Yes, sir."

Lucrezia looked at Mirai. "Continue testing the Gundam. I don't want any problems appearing and surprising us."

"Yes, sir."

Fa walked into the elevator and rode down to the floor. She walked out of the elevator.

Fa and Lucrezia entered the simulation room in another building on the base.

Fa got into the simulator. "Okay, I'm ready."

Lucrezia made some selections on the computer console. "I'm going to program the drone to have missile launchers. You might never have to face a monster like this, but I need you to be able to beat it. I'm programming missile launchers into your Gundam, too. Okay, try this."

The screens inside the simulator turned on. They displayed a dock. The ocean appeared to Fa's left. The drone appeared in front of her. A thunderstorm was approaching. There were dark clouds in the sky. Lightning flashed. Fa heard thunder. There was a light chop to the water.

"Fight!" the simulator's male voice declared.

Fa moved her Gundam forward. She swung the left arm at the drone. The drone jumped and avoided the attack. Fa jumped and fired her beam rifle. The blasts hit the drone repeatedly. Fa then kicked the drone three times with her Gundam's right leg.


Fa knew that she had caused damage to the drone. She activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky. She fired at the drone with her beam rifle.

"Not enough power!"

Fa's Gundam landed back on the dock. The Gundam didn't have enough power for long flights and had to recharge.

The chop in the water was now medium.

The drone came at Fa and kicked her Gundam five times with its left leg. Fa punched the drone three times with her Gundam's right fist. Then she kicked it three times with her Gundam's right leg.

Fa activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky. She quickly flew over the drone and behind it.

"Not enough power!"

Fa's Gundam landed back on the dock.

Fa kicked the drone three times with her Gundam's left leg.


The chop in the water was now heavy. Water was splashing onto the dock.

Fa knew that she was close to victory. She kicked the drone five times with her Gundam's left leg.

The drone punched Fa's Gundam fives times with its right arm. It then fired at Fa's Gundam with its beam rifle repeatedly.


Fa grew frustrated. She backed her Gundam up.

The drone fired at Fa with its beam rifle. Fa activated her Gundam's thrusters and started to fly into the air. The blasts hit her Gundam anyway, and it fell back onto the dock.

Panels on the arms of the drone slid open.

Missiles rose out of the arms of the drone.

The drone fired the missiles directly at the cockpit of Fa's Gundam.

Fa activated her Gundam's thrusters and flew the Gundam into the sky.

The missiles missed.

Fa selected the MISSILE option on her Gundam's computer console.

Panels on the arms of Fa's Gundam slid open.

Missiles rose out of the arms of Fa's Gundam.

Fa fired the missiles directly at the cockpit of the drone.

The missiles impacted.

The drone exploded.


Fa's Gundam landed back on the dock.

"Well done! Glory to the winner!"

The simulation ended. The screens went black.

Fa got out of the simulator.

Lucrezia smiled. "Pretty good, Fa. Your reflexes are pretty good. So is your strategy."

Fa walked over to her. "I don't know. I could have done a lot better."

"You won. That's what's important."

"Only with the missiles. I don't like using them. I don't want to kill anyone."

Lucrezia gave Fa a stern expression. "If it comes down to that, I hope I can count on you to keep yourself alive and fight to win."

"Yes, sir. You can count on me."

Lucrezia gave Fa a cheerful smile. "Don't worry, Fa. You might not even have to use them. There's only a very small chance that you'll be paired with the Iranian pilot."

Fa smiled at her. "I suppose so."

"Come on. Try it again. I'm sure that you can improve your checkmate time."

"Yes, sir."

Fa walked over to the simulator and got back into it.

"Are you ready?" Lucrezia asked.

"Yeah. Let's do it."

Fa and Mirai walked into the living room of their house.

Mirai closed the front door behind her and locked it.

Fa groaned. "I'm so tired - and a bit cold. It's been pretty chilly today."

Mirai smiled. "It sounds like you need a nice, long, warm shower."

"Mmm, that sounds nice."

"And I'll be happy to join you."

"That sounds even nicer."

"You may be tired, but it's nothing compared to how Rain will feel by tomorrow morning."

"Oh, yeah. She's gotta be there all night long, going over missile launcher possibilities. Poor girl."

"I'll tell you what. Let's take off our clothes, have a soda, and take a shower for an hour or two."

Fa smiled. "Or three."

"Or four."

Fa and Mirai took off their clothes and dropped them on the floor.

They walked into the kitchen.

Fa opened the refrigerator and took out two cans of regular cola. She offered one can to Mirai, who took it. Fa closed the refrigerator.

Fa and Mirai opened their cans and started drinking their cola.

"I heard you did good in the sim today."

"I guess. I hope it'll be enough, though."

"Well, all that you have to do is keep practicing. Together, we can get you ready to win this tournament."

"Let's concentrate on winning my second match first."

"We've got enough time between now and then. We can get in a lot of training sessions - just not today. I'm glad to be home."

"Me, too. I don't think I could take anymore sessions in the simulator today."

"Yeah, I can imagine that'd get pretty exhausting after a while."

"You have no idea. I know they're not real battles, but they certainly drain your energy."

"Well, I hope you won't mind a bit more energy-draining before bed."

"Not at all."

When Fa and Mirai finished their colas, they dropped the cans in the recycling bin.

Mirai smiled. "Let's go upstairs."

Fa smiled. "Right behind you."

Mirai grinned. "You will be soon - and in front of me, too."

Fa and Mirai stepped into their bathtub.

Mirai pulled the curtain closed.

"Do you want any music?" Mirai asked.

"Yes, please."

Mirai turned on the portable radio. "Yokohama Cool" by Kumi Miyasato started playing.

Fa waited in anticipation.

Mirai turned on the water. She felt it with her left hand to determine the temperature. When it was warm, she turned on the shower.

Water splashed on both women, getting them wet.

Mirai hugged Fa.

Fa stared back at Mirai.

Mirai kissed Fa on the lips.

Fa hugged Mirai.

Mirai pressed her tongue against Fa's lips.

Fa parted her lips and allowed Mirai's tongue into her mouth.

The two women french-kissed.

Fa felt warm - both because of the water and because of Mirai's kiss.

The next match is Israel versus Lebanon. Who will win?

Next on "Mobile Suit Gundam Tournament":

"Level 2, Match 3"

You will race with the tide.