Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Chapter 12
It didn't take us long to shower, which was surprising considering the number of times we both dropped the soap. Returning to the main room, I rummaged around for clothing aware of Duo watching me. I turned around to meet his thoughtful gaze and quirked an eyebrow. There was obviously something on his mind.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked as I dressed.
He frowned, stood up and fetched his own clothing. I could see he wasn't ignoring me, simply trying to find the words he needed to tell me his thoughts.
"I suppose this is going to sound silly or something, but, well.."
"Duo, just come out and say it."
"Okay." He took a deep breath. "How do you want us to act now?"
I paused in my dressing to ponder the question. "How do you mean?"
"Well, during this convention we've been acting the role of boyfriends simply for ease and convenience for protecting Relena. Now that we are, ummm, involved in a relationship, do you, shall we, I guess I want to know if you're still okay with that or would you prefer not to?"
I mused over his words before replying. "You want to know if I'm comfortable with the thought of people knowing we're actually a couple in the real sense and not just role playing. Am I correct?"
"Ah. Yes."
"How do you feel about people knowing we're together?"
Duo's brow furrowed as he seemed to toss my question around in his head. "To be honest, it doesn't worry me what people think. I like you, Heero. I've always had a soft spot for you and wished for the chance to share a relationship with you. Now that I have that chance I feel like I want the whole solar system to know. I don't want to hide it, but I want to know that you're comfortable with that too."
I gave him a smile, a genuine from the heart smile. "I don't give a damn what people think either, Duo. It's our lives, our feelings and emotions that count, not theirs. I'm quite comfortable with people knowing you're my boyfriend; in fact, I'm damn proud to be yours, so why hide it?"
I knew I'd said the right thing when his face lit up into a broad grin. He barreled into me, hugging me close and kissing me wildly.
"I'm damn proud to call you my boyfriend too, Heero. I want to show you off, let the world know that you're mine."
We stood together in the middle of the hotel room simply holding each other. Duo's arms were warm and strong around me. It felt - nice. Actually, it felt better than nice, it felt perfect. Knowing there was someone there for me, someone who cared about me stirred feelings deep in my chest and I knew I wanted to hold onto them forever.
"Are you two ready yet? I'm starving." Relena's voice through the door sent us both scurrying to finish getting dressed.
We sat in the hotel restaurant, stomachs fed and sipping on coffee as we contemplated what to do with what remained of the day. It was three in the afternoon and the convention was beginning to wind down. The panels Relena had wanted to attend had been while we slept. I don't think Relena minded all that much though, she'd had a pretty nasty scare and was happy that all of us had come out of it okay.
I had to report in to Une, but decided it could wait until later. She wouldn't be expecting a report for a little while, knowing I'd been injured so I didn't worry too much about it.
"There's only the closing ceremony left to attend," Relena said as she glanced over her timetable.
"I'm sorry if I ruined the convention for you, Relena," I began and then stopped as she fixed me with her blue eyes.
"Don't you dare apologize for doing your job, Heero. I don't care if I've missed things, I'm still here, still alive thanks to you and Duo."
"She's right," Duo said softly. "There will be other conventions, other chances to attend panels and such. There's only one Relena, and fortunately, thanks to you, she's still here." Duo reached out and cupped my cheek, rubbing his thumb across my cheek bone in a soothing caress. I leaned into the touch.
Relena's eyes widened a little as she observed our small display of affection. I could see the mental wheels turning in her head, but her sense of decorum prevented her from prying. I knew she wouldn't give up though.
"What about we have one last trip around the dealers' room before putting in our report to Une and getting ready for the closing ceremony?" Duo's voice broke into the silence as he dropped his hand from my cheek and entwined our fingers under the table.
"Ah, yes. We could do that," replied Relena.
The questions were building in her face, the curiosity burning in her eyes. I glanced at Duo and he gave me a smirk. He'd also noticed Relena's interest. We weren't trying to hide our relationship from her, in fact, we were continuing to play our roles, only with a little real passion.
"Let's go then," Duo said as he drained the last of his coffee.
We all stood and exited the restaurant. Duo slung his arm around my shoulders and I let mine wrap around his waist, hugging him close to me. I couldn't help the smug grin as I watched Relena's eyes constantly darting from Duo to me and to where she was going. I wondered how long it would take before she finally cracked and just came out with her question? Until that happened though I was quite happy to play my part and torment her imagination.
There wasn't a whole lot left inside the dealers' room. A lot of the stalls had sold out of various items and some were starting to pack away what remained of their wares. We browsed along for a few moments and finally stopped at a stall that still had a large quantity of doujinshi on display. Relena picked up a copy of one and began to flip through it. Duo also rummaged through the pile while I continued to sweep the room for possible threats. Even though the convention was winding down and we'd had the one attempt on Relena, it didn't mean there couldn't be another attempt and I wasn't about to relax in my duties.
We didn't appear to have anything to worry about so I trusted that my instincts would continue to remain aware while I browsed the stalls with Duo and Relena. I peered over Duo's shoulder to see what had him interested and felt myself blush slightly. I couldn't help the reaction. Even though I'd not long ago experienced the joys of making love with someone I felt deeply for, seeing the images of people making love in the doujinshi still embarrassed me.
Duo soon changed that though.
He turned the page a little, his brow furrowing as he studied the picture before him. I noticed Relena start to turn in Duo's direction, her curiosity aroused as to what had Duo captivated.
"Heero?" Duo said as his eyes flicked from the picture to me, "Think you could get into that sort of position?"
My mouth opened and closed and must have given a good impression of a deer caught in the headlights. I looked into Duo's violet eyes and saw the mischief glinting in their depths. I didn't miss the subtle flitting of his gaze to Relena and back either; then the penny dropped and I gave a soft smirk. I took the doujinshi from him and made like I was studying the picture carefully.
"I don't think I'd be quite flexible enough. You have better maneuverability than I do, I'm sure you would be able to manage it," I replied and handed the doujinshi back.
Duo's eyes lit up at my blatant playfulness and he grinned. "We can always give it a try later. I'll buy the doujinshi so we can use it for reference."
"Good idea." I ran a hand down his spine and gave his backside a squeeze. Glancing out the corner of my eye I could see Relena almost choking.
"Something wrong, princess?" Duo asked in a casual tone as he handed over his money to the vendor and tucked the doujinshi in his back pocket before taking a firm hold of my hand.
"W-W - what? W - when? H-H - how?"
Well that had to be a first. I'd never seen Relena stuttering before.
Abruptly, her eyes narrowed and she grabbed a hold of my arm. "Coffee shop. Truth. Now!" Turning around, but still holding my arm, Relena dragged us both out of the dealers' room and into the hotel coffee shop. She pulled us between the tables to one at the rear, safely enough away from others that eavesdropping wouldn't be a concern, and sat us all down. The waitress appeared and Relena ordered and paid for all of us.
"Cappuccino, long black and a double shot espresso for me, thanks." Once the waitress had gone to fill the order, Relena looked from Duo to me and back to Duo. She opted to remain silent until the coffees arrived and then she only spoke after drinking all of hers in one go.
"Right." She fixed us both with her clear, blue eyes. "Clearly there is something going on between you two, and I want to know what it is."
"Why would you think that?" Duo asked in all innocence.
I could see he was going to make Relena work for every word.
"You two, you're acting - different."
"I thought the plan was to act like a couple so as to be able to protect you better, Relena and not arouse any suspicion," I said quietly.
"I know that, but..."
"That's all we're doing. Acting like a couple. It didn't seem to bother you yesterday," Duo said softly, a smile tugging at his lips.
"It's not that."
"Then what is it, Relena?" I asked as I stirred my cappuccino with my spoon and scooped up a large amount of froth onto it.
Duo's hand wrapped around my wrist. He guided my hand and the spoon away from my mouth and to his, and proceeded to suck the froth off the spoon and then thoroughly clean the spoon with his tongue.
I couldn't help it. I gave a soft moan.
"That!" Relena said.
"Aggghhh! I know you two have been pretending to be a couple while at this conference, but..."
"But?" Duo asked, the mischief still in his eyes. "We're still just playing the part."
"You're still acting that way, yes, only you seem to be really getting into the roles. If I didn't know any better I'd say you two are more than acting, that you are a couple."
I gazed at Duo, his violet eyes twinkling back at me. Slowly, he closed the distance between us and kissed me. It was a slow, sensual kiss that set my heart racing and my blood burning with need. As we broke apart, he pecked my bottom lip once and smiled.
"You are a couple! I knew it!" Relena was almost shouting now in her excitement. "That's so cute!" She sat back in her chair and looked at us both expectantly. "When did this happen? How long have you been together? Why didn't you tell me?"
I sighed and gave a small smile. Trust Relena to want all the details. "We only just got together," I replied honestly.
Relena raised an eyebrow.
"What Heero says is true, Relena.” Thankfully, Duo took over the conversation, knowing how difficult it was for me to find the right words to say at times. “I've had feelings for Heero for a while now, but Heero didn't know about them."
I decided to interrupt and lay bare my own soul. "This weekend, this convention gave me food for thought. Acting as a couple to protect you awoke something deep inside me, something I wasn't even aware existed. It's hard to explain, but pretending that Duo was my partner, other than in the mission sense to protect you, made me realize what was missing in my life. When we were at the auction and all those other women were bidding for Duo, I felt an overwhelming emotion that I now know was jealousy. I didn't want anyone else to be with him; he was mine and I didn't want to share."
"Really?" Duo's surprised eyes looked at me and then softened.
"Yeah, really." I raised my hand and brushed his cheek with my fingers.
"Sweet," Relena said.
"That's when I discovered I wanted to be with him,” I said, continuing. “I wasn't sure how to handle these new emotions, or if what I was feeling would be reciprocated so I decided to play it by ear and enjoy what I could get while acting as a couple. It wasn't until after the attempt on you and our return from the hospital that I finally found the courage to admit to Duo what I was feeling. Luckily for me, he felt the same way." My voice had lowered to a husky whisper with those last few words and my eyes fixated solely on Duo.
I could see the emotions swirling in his eyes, the gentle play of a smile over his lips as he leaned in to kiss me again.
"Have you two gotten it on together yet?"
"What?!" We both turned to face the smirking woman.
"Oh, come on. You know what I mean. You two done the horizontal tango? Who was uke? Or did you take it in turns?"
"Relena!" I choked. I could see Duo's cheeks burning red and could only surmise from the heat I felt in my own that they were the same color.
"Research, Heero," Relena smirked. "Now I can write my fics with absolute realism and authenticity. What sort of lube did you use? Does Duo's hair get in the way? Which one of you has the biggest - "
"That's enough!" I glared at Relena who simply smirked back at me. Beside me I could feel the laughter shaking Duo's form as he fought to keep it in.
"What we do in the bedroom is our business and not yours. I am not about to divulge anything, not now, not ever," I huffed.
"Awww," Relena pouted. "Not even the tiniest hint? It is in the name of research for good fiction writing."
I was about to give vent to my mounting annoyance when I caught the twinkle in her eye. Instantly the anger bled out and I sighed. "I refuse to say anything at all."
Realizing I'd caught on to her teasing, Relena gave up and smiled. She reached across the table and put her hands over mine and Duo's. Her eyes were sincere as she spoke. "All jokes aside, I'm happy for you both. I think it's wonderful that you have found in each other what you need and I hope you stay together forever. You both have my blessing for a long and happy relationship."
"Thanks, Relena," Duo said and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.
"Thank you, Relena," I said softly and leaned over to give her a peck to the cheek.
Relena blushed slightly and then gave a wicked grin. "I still want details though," she snickered and then got up to exit the coffee shop before either one of us could formulate a reply.
* * *
I typed the last words of my report and turned to Duo who was busy sorting through his clothes and packing them away into his duffel in preparation for the shuttle flight back tomorrow. "You want to check this over and add anything?" I asked.
Duo looked up and then sauntered over. Leaning over my shoulder, he scanned the report I'd written up on the attempt to kidnap Relena. "You left out the kissing bit," he said with a sly smirk.
I felt myself coloring a little. "I didn't think it was necessary to explain exactly what we were doing prior to the dart being fired."
"Heero Yuy, lying?"
"I'm not lying."
"I'm merely omitting the finer details of what was happening immediately prior to the dart being released and my connection with it."
"In other words, you're lying."
"I prefer to think of it as withholding a minor detail. It isn't relevant to the case and therefore does not warrant being mentioned," I huffed.
Duo spun the chair and me in it around. He straddled my lap and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I still say it's lying," he whispered and then kissed me soundly. Breaking away, he rested his forehead against mine and whispered. "But your secret's safe with me."
"Are you two going to get... Oh, sorry," Relena said as she entered our room.
"Don't you believe in knocking, Relena?" I grumbled unhappily that she had simply walked into the room by way of the connecting door.
"I did, but you obviously didn't hear me."
"Then you should have knocked again and waited until one of us heard you and gave you the all clear," I stated. "We could have been busy." No sooner were the words out of my mouth than I realized what I'd said. Duo buried his face in the crook of my neck and snickered madly.
"One can always live in hope," Relena quipped and gave me a beaming smile.
"You're not going to give up, are you?" I sighed.
"Nope." Relena walked over and sat on my bed "The closing ceremony starts in half an hour."
"We will be ready," I replied as I hit the save button on the laptop. "I have to call Une and report in before we go though."
"So do it already,” she said. “Duo? I've got a few snacks still left in my room if you want to come and help me finish them off while Heero talks to Une."
Duo hopped off my lap and gave me a quick kiss. "I'll be right next door."
I shook my head as they disappeared. I'd give Relena five minutes of plying Duo with various food stuffs before she started trying to extract information from him regarding our private affairs. Good luck to her. Duo had survived worse torture at the hands of OZ and knowing him he would lead Relena on a wild goose chase. I grinned at that thought and picked up my cell phone.
The call to Une didn't take long. I assured her that I was completely recovered with no ill effects from the drugs that had been in the dart. From the analyst's report, the drug should have held the recipient under its influence for a minimum of forty eight hours. For once I blessed J and the extensive drug training he'd done on me. Usually it was a drawback, my resistance prevented the normal dosage of drugs from being effective, but in this case, it had been an asset.
Une had dispatched agents to the locations given by the suspect Duo had arrested and interrogated. It hadn't taken them long to have all the remainder of the gang in custody. Our suspect had been transported to Preventers Headquarters and questioned again, his story remaining the same as the statement he had given Duo. When the other members of the gang had been questioned, they broke pretty quickly, their stories matching the one from our suspect.
"The preliminary hearing will be in two weeks. We expect the charges to be read and a court date appointed at that time. I will need a brief report from you and Agent Maxwell to present at the preliminary hearing. A more detailed report will be required for the court trial once the date is set."
"I've already done up a basic report," I replied. "Agent Maxwell will have a brief report for you as well once we return."
"Good. Your shuttle leaves tomorrow, correct?"
"You won't be landing until the afternoon on Monday so take the remainder of Monday off, I will see you both in the office on Tuesday morning; with your reports."
"Yes, Commander."
"Oh, Yuy?"
"Well done."
Before I had a chance to respond, Une had disconnected the call. With a smile, I slipped the cell phone back into my pocket and went in search of my boyfriend.
"Boyfriend," I said softly.
I liked the way that word rolled off my tongue.
~ * ~
To be concluded...