Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Moments in Time ❯ Scotch and Soda ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Scotch and Soda
Author: Mookie
Pairing: 1+2
Warnings: shounen ai
Challenge: magic
Word count: 1,745

Duo reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of change to pay for his lunch. As he counted it out, he frowned. He counted it again. The cashier looked like he was losing his patience, and Duo turned to Heero, a chagrined look on his face. Heero quietly handed him a folded bill, one Duo accepted reluctantly.

They sat down with their trays and Duo picked up his sandwich. "I don't like it, Heero," he said. "I would swear I had more than that when I left this morning." He took a bite, chewed it slowly, and swallowed. "Thanks, by the way. I'll pay you back later."

Heero shook his head. "You don't need to."

"Sure I do," Duo protested.

"Would you expect me to pay you back?"

"Well, no..." Duo paused. It wasn't the point, really. He wasn't sure what bothered him more, the fact that Heero had to give him the money, or the fact that he thought he was becoming scatter-brained.

It was the first time that he'd not had enough money to pay for lunch, but definitely not the first time that he'd come up short. He wasn't a tightwad by any means, but he was frugal. He knew before he left the apartment each day exactly how much money he had on his person. He'd known he and Heero would be coming to this cafe today, and he had certainly brought enough with him. Even after filling up his gas tank, he should have had enough.

He frowned. It wasn't like he was missing all that much. He'd been just a tad shy of the total amount. Had he spent some of it in the vending machine and forgotten? He'd taken quite a few blows to the head in his teens. Perhaps there was some latent brain damage.

Duo realized Heero hadn't started eating yet. "Everything OK?" he asked.

"You tell me." A trace of concern was on Heero's face. Duo had told him once that he'd make a good father some day. Heero had looked almost stricken, and Duo hadn't mentioned it again. He'd never figured out why that comment had bothered Heero. It wasn't as though it weren't true. Heero was the most caring person he knew. If it were anyone else, Duo would think that it bothered Heero, both because he was still single and because he'd made no attempts to change that status.

Duo wasn't one to talk, as far as that aspect of his social life went. He'd not really been interested in dating all that much. Casual friendships were one thing, but there were only four individuals who he felt he could really be himself around.

It didn't help when he'd realized he was gay.

A former terrorist, a stealth expert, an expert pilot - and a queer. It didn't seem to be a good resume for a meaningful relationship.

At first he'd thought that relationships were unlikely for any of them. He'd been surprised when Trowa and Quatre had gotten together, more because Trowa seemed so distant than any other reason. The news hadn't fazed Heero in the least, but then, he'd spent more time with Trowa. Hell, he probably related more to Trowa than to any of the others.

Wufei was the type of person that Duo had expected would never let anyone close to him on an emotional level. He'd been a bit of a loner, and he seemed quite comfortable with it.

Until Duo had noticed Heero's attention riveted on something one day. When he'd turned to see what had caught his partner's eye, it was Wufei and Sally Po, bent over a table and reviewing mission specs. There was nothing untoward in their behavior, but then Duo realized what he'd almost missed.

Wufei's posture was relaxed.

By the time Duo had looked at Heero again, he'd have sworn that he'd missed the slight smile. He knew better.

Heero would make a great husband, Duo mused, if he could find someone that understood him. Someone that deserved him.


Duo frowned at the coins in his hand, specifically the one that the vending machine was refusing to take because of the mangled edge. Next to the coin slot, the message USE EXACT CHANGE was glowing. He shoved the change in his pocket and was ready to turn away from the machine in disgust when he saw Heero walking by.

He dug a crisp bill out of his wallet and held it up with a question in his eyes. Heero nodded and reached into his pocket as he approached. He held a handful of coins, carefully sorted through them, and gave Duo the change he needed, neatly folding the note he'd received in exchange.

He stood there in companionable silence as Duo inserted the coins, one by one, and made his selection.

"Ooo!" he exclaimed as he reached in to withdraw his snack. "I got two. Want one?"

Heero smiled and held out his hand to accept the offering. Side by side they returned to their shared office.


Duo reached into his refrigerator and removed two bottles of beer. From his pocket, he withdrew his key ring, using the attached bottle opener to uncap them. He handed one to Heero, who was leaning against the counter.

"You're a beer snob," Heero commented.

"Just because the stuff you buy has a twist off cap, doesn't mean I'm a snob. Besides, I don't see you turning it down."

Heero smiled slightly as he lifted the bottle to his lips. Duo watched, fascinated, before realizing he was staring.

He swung his keys around his index finger. "I have about a half dozen of these babies," he said. "I think bottle openers must rank with mini-Frisbees for cheap promotional gewgaws." He threw the keys in the air and caught them with one hand.

"Think fast," he warned before tossing them to Heero, who intercepted them without blinking.

Heero opened up the drawer near the stove and dropped the keys inside. "Turns out Relena doesn't need me to help her after all this weekend," he said casually.

Duo raised an eyebrow. "This means your calendar just opened up?"

"If I get a decent offer," Heero replied, taking another long pull from his bottle.

"Scotch and soda."


"Scotch and soda," Duo repeated. "You, me, bottle of Scotch, case of soda."

Heero snorted.

"How about pizza and a movie then?"

"Works for me."

"You make this almost too easy, Heero."

"You'd rather I make it hard?"

Duo almost choked on his beer. At first he thought Heero was smirking at him, but before his vision cleared, Heero was throwing out various movie titles.

By the time they'd agreed on a first and second choice, it only made sense that Heero stay for dinner.


"You're welcome to take a shower," Heero offered as he unlocked the door to his apartment.

Duo pushed his sweaty bangs off his forehead and grinned. "Beating you at racquetball does take a bit of work. Sure. I appreciate it...but you first."

Heero looked like he might argue, but Duo shook his head. "It's your place. Screw that 'I'm a guest' crap. It's just me."

"Make yourself at home," Heero said unnecessarily. "I won't be long."

While he was in the shower, Duo went into the bedroom to find something to wear. As he pulled open the drawer where Heero kept his T-shirts, his eyes fell on a small ashtray on top of the dresser. It was full of assorted coins.

Duo's brows furrowed in confusion. Heero usually emptied his pockets into a small bowl in the kitchen when he first got home. All his spare change and his keys went there. He reached in and pulled out a few, his fingers brushing against a small bottle opener with a gaudy imported beer logo on it as he did so.

He sorted through the coins, wondering what was so special about them, when he noticed one of the coins was a bit damaged. He recognized it at once. He moved his index finger over the coins, turning them all so they were face-up.

They all had one thing in common. They were all minted in AC195.

"The year we met," Heero said quietly, from the doorway.

Duo looked up at him, confusion written all over his face. Heero sighed and walked towards him, a bit warily.


Heero was within arm's reach. "Do you need me to answer that?"

"I'll tell you in a minute," Duo said. He ran the fingers of his right hand through Heero's damp hair and brought Heero's lips to his own.

The kiss was brief, but as they parted, Duo was sure he wasn't alone in what he felt.

"You should have told me," he chastised.

"I didn't know how," Heero confessed. This time he was the one who initiated the kiss. It lasted a bit longer the second time.

"Third time's the charm?" Duo asked.

Heero flicked his eyes to an item next to the ashtray. Duo recognized the rabbit's foot. "Damn it, Heero, you're the one who stole my lucky charm!"

"You said you believed in making your own luck. So..." he trailed off with a shrug.

Duo picked up the rabbit's foot and swung it like a pendulum. "I don't know," he said. "I feel like I'm getting lucky right about now." He grinned at Heero. "And I will somehow pay you back for all the time we've wasted. I have a reputation to uphold, you know. Expect to find a few things missing from your pockets. You've no idea the can of worms you've just opened up."

Heero smirked at him. "I think I do. And it was my pleasure."

"I can't believe how many times you were practically groping me and I didn't notice. You're damned good with your hands, Heero." He winked. "What say you we put that to the test?"

"What about your shower?" Heero murmured as Duo nuzzled his neck.

"Most household accidents take place in the bathroom," Duo said. "I don't want to press my luck."

He drew Heero in for another kiss, then pulled away abruptly. He held out one hand expectantly. "You're slipping."

Heero sheepishly handed over Duo's key ring.

Duo took one look at it, then at Heero, then he placed it in the ashtray with the coins.

Heero would have smiled at the gesture, but by then his lips were otherwise occupied.


Scotch and Soda is the name of a coin trick in which a half-dollar and Mexican centavo are handed to a spectator, and during the course of the trick, the centavo 'magically' becomes a quarter.