Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear Death ❯ Mark Revealed ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing just this plot and AU.
Heero, along with Quatre and Wufei stare at the braided hair boy. Heero didn’t want anyone in the village to know that they were shifters. It wasn’t something that many people accept and it’s something that could destroy their mission.
Heero took a step towards the braided youth only to see his skin pale. He pauses. The boy had looked fine just a moment ago yet now he looks deathly ill. He skims his eyes over the boy and starts his walk back towards him.
Duo watches as the prince walks towards him. He feels his stomach clench and nausea build up. It was the feeling he had just the day before. He takes that as an excuse and turns running off back to the house.
Heero watches in odd fascination as the boy ran off. Quatre walks up to Heero’s side.
“Is something wrong?” He asks. Heero turns his gaze onto the blonde man.
“It’s odd that we keep seeing him like this,” Heero mutters. Quatre nods agreeing with him.
“It is very odd isn’t it? You saw him on the first day and the rest of the time we’ve been here, it’s very odd,” Quatre states. Wufei walks to them.
“We should follow him…make sure he isn’t reporting to someone that we’re here,” Wufei suggests. Heero nods.
Duo ran at a medium pace back to the house. He didn’t want to run to fast in case he got sick but not slow enough that the prince could catch him. He stopped running when he got to the house. He let himself catch his breath before stepping into the house. When he entered he noticed that Eldon was still in the same position he was when he had left. He slowly made his way towards Eldon.
Eldon turned his head and gaze to fixate on Duo. Duo froze when Eldon’s eyes narrowed.
“What do you want?” Eldon asks calmly. Duo took a step forward and places his hand on his stomach.
“I have the feeling again,” he whispers. Eldon’s face immediately brightens. He stands and grabs his cloak. He glared when he saw that Duo wasn’t following.
“Come on boy we need to settle this,” Eldon states. Duo frowns but follows Eldon out of the house. Duo slowly follows Eldon down the alleyway towards the marketplace the feeling getting stronger. This time the feeling wasn’t the only thing. Duo could swear he could see slight images of the person though they were just slight ones. Duo almost let tears fall when he realizes they were going straight towards Howard’s tent. Duo tries to halt his body from moving forward but it seems that he couldn’t. His body was in complete control and he couldn’t stop the impending doom he knew was coming.
Duo enters with Eldon and saw that Howard was sitting behind his desk. Duo starts to panic or at least he was on the inside. He wanted to scream or yell at Howard to run away! All Duo could do was watch as Howard came to greet he and Eldon and stop when he looks at him. Howard looks at Duo analyzing him and then his eyes widen. Duo felt a shift in his body and usually he would go unconscious at this point but no…he has to suffer. He watches as Howard’s eyes show horror and then a long menacing looking scythe came down and slashes Howard’s chest. It left no mark and showed no blood. There was no trace of anything.
Howard collapses to the floor just as a white whimsical mist came from Howard’s body. Duo watches as his hand reaches forward and lightly touches it. The mist shook and then shot up towards the sky. Duo didn’t shift back but he could see Eldon. He watches as Eldon went through Howard’s pockets and took everything that was worth value from the store. Duo was disgusted at his guardian.
Finally he felt a shift and he could finally control his body. His immediate reaction was to glare at Eldon. Once he realized Eldon wasn’t going to look at him he cast his eyes to Howard. He was laid out on the floor looking as if he had seen some monster. Duo shivers because he knew that the monster was him or whatever he shifted too.
Eldon finally finished grabbing things and heads out. Duo follows behind him silently holding back his rage. When they made it back to the house Duo closes the door silently. He watches as Eldon places the things by the hallway and then sat on the couch not sparing one thought as to why he was awake.
“What the hell am I!?” Duo growls. Duo watches as Eldon froze and turned around finally noticing that he was in fact awake. Eldon narrows his eyes and stands.
“What did I tell you? It is none of your concern to what you are! You are mine and yet you have disobeyed me again! You will be punished this time for disrespect!” Eldon seethes. Duo’s eyes widen as Eldon summons his whip and walks towards him. He pushes Duo against the wall facing it and brought his hand back and sent the whip forward with a CRACK! Duo flinches but kept still. Eldon kept going until Duo’s shirt was basically destroyed.
Duo clenches his fists as rage courses through him. He knew he didn’t have to take this! Right when Eldon pulles the whip back and sent it forward he moves. Eldon hears the whip crack but no sound on flesh. He watches as Duo runs out of the house.
“Where could he have gotten so quickly?” Heero ponders aloud. Heero silently walks through the alleyway where he first met the braided haired boy along with Quatre and Wufei. He hears the distinct sound of a whip and turns to face the closest house. Just as he was about a 3 feet away from the door it busts open. It was the braided boy. Heero watches as the boy ran right past him and down the alleyway.
Heero’s eyes immediately traveled to the mark on the boy’s lower left back. His eyes widen. He quickly turned his gaze to Quatre and Wufei who were both giving him unbelievable faces. Heero didn’t think he just turns and ran after him. Quatre and Wufei were quick to follow.
Duo runs as fast as he could. He knows where to go. It was the only place that Eldon hadn’t been able to find him. It was just on the outskirts of town and it held a small pond. He keeps going until he finally gets to it. He rips the rest of the shatters of his shirt off including his pants and steps into the pond. He didn’t shiver at the ice cold touch. He takes his braid and puts it in front of him. He scoops up water with his hands and makes the water fall onto his back. He hisses as the cold water hit his open lashes. He continues to do this until he heard a twig snap. He turns immediately putting himself into a defensive position. He immediately lockes gazes with cobalt.
All thoughts of the mark went out the window when Heero saw the boy’s body. The boy’s body was magnificent until he looks closer to see the scars. His eyes widen when he realizes there were fresh ones and even ones that were at least 5 years old. He steps forward keeping his gaze locked with the boy. He keeps going until he was about 2 feet from the boy.
“Do you need help?” He asks. Duo hisses at him and backs away.
“I would never trust you with something like this! I don’t even know you!” Duo replies in a snarl. Heero blinks in surprise. The boy was right he had never given his name.
“I am Heero Yuy crown prince of Humaria. What is yours?” He asks. Duo hesitates just a little.
“I’m Duo Maxwell,” the boy, Duo, states. Heero smiles.
Duo’s breath almost caught in his throat when he saw Heero smile. It was breathtakingly beautiful. He watches as Heero’s eyes scans over his body.
“Who did that to you?” Heero questions. Duo turned his gaze away and then looks back into the fierce cobalt.
“Someone that is none of your concern,” Duo replies smartly. Heero gave him a blank stare.
“Did you father do this?” Heero asks. Duo laughs.
“No,” Duo said which causes Heero to growl.
“You’re mother?” Heero asks again. Duo’s eyes held anger in them.
“No,” he replies with venom in his voice. Heero’s eyes narrows. Duo immediately set his gaze on the blonde as he moves toward them.
“I’m Quatre Winner, cousin to prince Heero. May I ask you?” Quatre asks. Duo nods.
“Did your guardian hurt you?” Quatre asks. Duo stiffens and clenches his hands.
“Yes,” He bites out.
“Has this been going on longer than 15 years?” Quatre asks. Duo bites his lip and shakes his head.
“12 years then,” Came Quatre’s next reply which causes Duo to glare and nod in frustration.
“Were not leaving you with that monster, you’re coming with us,” Heero states. Duo turns his gaze to Heero’s and could hardly believe the truth in his eyes.
“No,” Duo says.
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