Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Number 12 ❯ Scream ( Chapter 6 )
Warning: Duo gets raped by a big, hairy monster in this chapter. It is graphic, and the creature has anatomical parts that teeters on the thin line between morbidly kinky and morbidly disturbing. Now, if this is any bother to you whatsoever, turn back.
Disclaimer: If I owned Gundam Wing, Duo would be constantly ravished to the point where he would develop a permanent limp. I do not own Gundam Wing. Be glad.
Author's note: I tried to get started on this as early as I could. This was probably the most difficult chapter that I've written so far. Again I must offer more excuses. College work as always, lacking of the sleep, and I have found myself in a perpetual orgy rp, and who am I to refuse an orgy rp? Eh? EH? ALSO, I have been messing with pictures of various anime and some not anime. They are up for charity for those of you with websites! If you would like to see them, go here:
Advertisement: Boku no Sexual Harassment. A yaoi porno! Wai! It's pretty damn kinky, and comes in three parts. Parts 2 and 3 are my favorites. It is impossible not to laugh at the corn scene. (By the way- 5x2 fans, if you haven't already, go read `Death and the Dragon Arc' by Mel and Christy. It will make you laugh, but also cry...a lot. Bring tissues!)
Dedication: To Nikki, and to anyone and everyone who has read this fic. I wouldn't bother finishing it if it wasn't for your tasty, tasty support.
So it was a rude awakening for Nat, just as it was for many other slave children who passed through that traumatic time: the first anguished recognition that I am a slave. It's not just a word anymore. I really am a slave, a piece of property, to be worked and ordered around like a mule.- Stephen B. Oates, The Fires of Jubilee.
Chapter 6
"No, fuck you. I'm not sitting in the damn chair this time." Duo told the hands firmly as they struggled to push him forward. He dug his heels into the ground that he couldn't see. "I am not going anywhere with you guys. You've got a crappy sense of fun."
The hands, however, were insistent and relentless, and eventually, Duo found himself giving. There was no use in resisting, he realized, all he could do was hope for it to be over with quickly. A light overhead switched on to illuminate the Throne of Corpses. Duo felt dull fear collect in the pit of his stomach. Carefully, the invisible hands guided him to the seat, where they gently, but firmly moved to hold him immobile.
He sat stiffly, nervously awaiting whatever new horror was out there. It was the girl with the brown curls. She made her way over to him with a careful slowness. He saw why when she came closer to the light. Both her arms lay crossed over her belly to keep her innards from simply falling out of the gaping wound across her stomach. The blood had stained her legs a bright red. She was naked, and seemed to be cold, cracked lips tinged a light blue. She came to a stop in front of him, swayed a little then stood still.
Oddly, Duo was not afraid of her, despite her less than comforting appearance. She was not one of the mutilated corpses from before.
Smiling softly, sadly, she leaned forward. The girl smelled like orchids. It was pleasant, and suited her well. Her hands left her belly and she raised them to caress Duo's cheeks as she planted a gentle kiss to his forehead.
"Hang on." She told him, and stood straight again. The girl looked different then, healthy, beautiful. She was alive. The tear in her abdomen was gone, her lips now soft and pink, and her skin was a light cream.
"You look like our maid." Duo told her with a grin. She smiled warmly at him and disappeared back into the darkness.
Something smelled like orchids. Duo's nose crinkled and his eyes fluttered open. Again he woke up to darkness. He was getting very tired of that. After some time of staring at an invisible ceiling, Duo sat up carefully then sighed as he looked down at himself, "Yup. Still naked."
"Okay, lessee, what happened? Met the crazy old man, they patched up my shoulder, revenge, blah blah blah, Mr. Hyde...aaannd- fuck!" Duo tensed, and he searched the room nervously. Mr. Hyde was not in the room with him, he relaxed. One of the walls was covered with a one way mirror. Violet eyes narrowed, "Perverts!"
A voice crackled on overhead, "Good evening, Mr. Maxwell."
`Evening? Already?' Duo blinked owlishly at the glass.
"I do hope it isn't too drafty in there. I'm sorry we were forced to sedate you again, however, we didn't have much choice. You'd pulled several stitches free after our meeting. I must admit I was surprised to see you rip the restraints off like that. Your figure is quite deceptive. One would never think you were capable of that much strength. But then, you were a Gundam pilot." A quiet laugh, "You nearly strangled me to death."
Duo smirked, "If you'd given me half a minute more, I would have."
"I wouldn't doubt it." Came the reply.
"So what happens now?" The braided boy asked, apprehension building again, `Please don't give me to that monster...'
"Number 12 has been put down for the night, so you'll be staying here until morning. We will prepare you for him at eight in the morning, after we've fed him breakfast."
"You sick bastard..." Duo murmured. The smell of orchids grew stronger when he lowered his head, "What the hell!? You put perfume on me!?" The American's head shot up to flash the mirror an accusatory glare.
More laughter, but from more than one person. Duo blushed furiously.
"Yes. To be more specific, we used Calvin Klein's "Orchid Shower". It was what Amelia wore. Oh- Amelia is Number 12's...ex-wife. Number 12 may or may not accept you as his mate. By simulating Amelia's scent, we feel he is more likely to be comfortable with you."
"Kisama!" Duo snarled and got to his feet, "You better pray I don't get out of here, because I swear I'll kill you!"
"I'm sure. Good night, Mr. Maxwell. I suggest you get some rest." There was another crackle and then silence.
Duo sat down, trembling. Drawing his legs to his chest, he wrapped his arms around them and lay his forehead down on his knees. "Heero. Please, please help me."
The man in white hummed softly to himself as he went over the newest reports. They'd picked up some new sponsors this month. He recognized a couple of the names on the list and cringed. Some of these groups were shamefully shady. It was embarrassing that Coldmine was reduced to taking petty donations from the Black Market. But there was no choice. After the Preventers raided them, they couldn't risk working out in the open again.
A soft knock on the door caught his attention. He adjusted his glasses, "Yes? Do come in, it's unlocked."
There was a muffled voice of assent and the door was opened. The man who came in meekly shut it behind him. He was young to be working as a Coldmine scientist, 29, with bright green eyes and a boyish haircut that made him seem even younger. He was a quiet individual, and extremely bright- a very quick learner. The man in white was quite fond of him.
"Is something wrong, Alex?" He asked, glancing up over his glasses.
"Ano...ah...It's...It's about the subject we're using in the 642 Program." Alex stuttered, obviously uncomfortable, and perhaps a little frightened.
The man in white frowned. He liked Alex, and certainly didn't want him to be afraid of him. "Yes, go on. It's all right, Alex."
"Well...ah...It's just that...he's so young. Don't you th-think it's a little...cruel, to do what we're doing to him? I mean, even considering what he did...he's just a boy."
The man in white smiled, setting aside his reports so that he could give Alex the full and proper attention that the sweet man deserved.
"Alex, don't allow his youth deceive you. He's nothing but a heartless murderer, a mindless terrorist with absolutely no regard or respect to the field of science or any remorse to the men and women he killed."
"I am inclined to disagree, sir, if you will pardon my impudence." The young man replied with sudden boldness.
"Why ever so?"
"He's...crying, sir." Alex murmured, voice full of distress.
"Poor child. Is he really? Alex, you're a very kind man, and that is commendable...However, if you wish to continue your career as a scientist, you must put aside these foolish sentimentalities. They will only hinder you."
"Yes, sir...but-"
"This conversation ends now. If you persist any further, I'm afraid I will be forced to terminate your contract with Coldmine." The man in white snapped, and immediately regretted it. If he hadn't scared the man earlier, then he certainly had now. But amazingly, Alex set his jaw and met the older man's pale blue eyes.
"Then I quit, sir."
The man in white blinked several times in utter surprise, and the smile faded, "Alex...Don't do this. Please reconsider. You know what happens if you leave Coldmine. To protect our interests- to protect the field of science, we will have to kill you."
"I am aware of the consequences."
Neither man had ever expected it would come to this. Alex was vaguely shocked that the words had come from his own mouth, and the man in white seemed speechless. Finally, the man in white removed his spectacles and began cleaning them on the hem of his coat.
"I don't have the heart to have you executed, Alex. Swear to me that you will keep silent about everything you have seen or learned here at Coldmine, and I will let you live."
"Of course, sir. You have my solemn vow." Alex said, relieved. Some of the color returned to his face.
"I'm taking an unimaginable risk here, Alex. Don't let me down." The man in white settled his glasses back on his nose and smiled warmly, "I wish you the best of luck. Leave your things at your desk before you leave, would you?"
"Y-yes, sir. Thank you, sir." The younger man replied, backing away, pausing as he turned to open the door, "Goodbye, sir. It was a privilege working with you."
"The same to you, Alex, my boy. Say `hello' to your daughter for me, will you?"
A small nod, and the younger man left the room, the door issuing a soft click as he shut it behind him.
Alex sighed as he made his way down the hallway, out the door, and onto the street. None of the guards tried to stop him, they continued to believe he still worked there.
He had never felt like such a coward in his life. He was leaving that boy in the uncaring hands of Coldmine. It wasn't like they hadn't used human subjects before, on the contrary, humans were the primary animals used in their experiments. But they'd always used embryos, criminals, and those no longer capable of movement or thought.
At least, that was what his department had always dealt with. He'd heard rumors; that they'd used runaway children, the homeless, men and women that they'd kidnaped off the streets...but he'd always dismissed it as just that- rumors. Alex had never believed that the head of Coldmine could be so cold as to use innocents like that. But apparently he'd been wrong. Bringing in that boy had changed everything. He had a name, a home, a job. That boy was going to die, there was no mistaking that. And he'd left him there. Alex couldn't help but feel responsible...
That was why he had copied the key card and stolen the information on Duo Maxwell. He would not abandon the boy to die.
Most of the morning past by Duo Maxwell in a daze. By the time the guards had come for him, he was so weak from exhaustion, hunger, and a developing fever that he could barely fight. However, he did manage to break one of their noses, and pretty much ensured that another would never be a daddy. Then they sedated him. Not so much that he blacked out- which Duo was grateful for; he didn't think he could handle another nightmare- but enough to where he was left unable to stand on his own, and the room blurred until he couldn't tell the wall from the floor. He assumed this was what it would feel like to be really stoned.
The two guards he hadn't gotten around to injuring hauled him up under his arms. The American hissed in pain, they weren't exactly being gentle, and being jostled about like this put a lot of strain on his injured shoulder. But he supposed it would have hurt a lot worse if he hadn't been drugged. That was a plus, at least.
He didn't remember being dragged into the stark white room surrounded by one way windows, was vaguely aware of one of the guards cupping his ass-trying to protest was useless, his mouth wouldn't cooperate with him at all-, and he may have blacked out while they buckled him to yet more restraints.
He came to in one of the most embarrassing positions he'd been in in his entire life. A collar had been attached to his neck, tied to a hook on the floor. Both of his legs had been cuffed to the ground, spread about one and a half, perhaps two feet apart, and both wrists had been tied to his ankles. This of course left him at a tilted angle, head down and ass up.
"Oh my fucking God... if I get out of here... no witnesses." He groaned, a deep blush staining both cheeks.
A sudden movement that he caught from the corner of an eye made Duo freeze completely. At first, he wasn't completely certain he hadn't just imagined it. They'd taken his hair down too, and the chestnut locks obstructed his vision considerably.
Whatever it was moved again, and he caught a glimpse of grey skin. "Oh Jesus, they're really going to do it. It's really going to happen."
Number 12 moved carefully around the tiny creature at the other end of the room. He had seen it before, he remembered, in the wet. Only now it smelled different. Familiar...female, maybe. But there was the smell under that one, under the familiar smell, that he couldn't place. It definitely wasn't a bad smell, but he couldn't place it. That made him nervous.
Coming closer, he fell to all fours, crouched, and sniffed. The creature was frozen, and it reeked of fear. So much so that it began to overpower the other two scents. That, at least, assured that this creature was no danger to him. He moved more confidently, towards the tiny thing. Prey, perhaps? A gift from Father?
He touched at it's face gently. The tiny thing flinched. The smell of fear grew stronger. He began to explore the thing with his hands, touching the back, tracing the tense line of the shoulder blades. Pretty.
Flashes of soft brown hair, pale skin, rose in his memories. Not prey. A mate.
The man in white watched silently from the other side of the glass. Number 12 seemed to have accepted Mr. Maxwell. He couldn't be certain yet.
There were five other scientists in the room with him. These were ones he trusted to be able to handle what was about to take place. Ones that had used human test subjects for years and thus felt no more pity for the young man trapped in the room before them than they would a rat due to be dissected. They were here to learn more about Number 12 and his behavior. They were the best that he had.
"Fuck. Stretched out like a bitch in heat." A man, behind him snickered. He knew the voice.
The man in white turned around, "Excuse me, John?"
Jonathon Locke blinked widely. He hadn't realized he had said that out loud. Oh shit. "Nothing, sir. I-ah, didn't mean it. Forgive me for my incivility."
"Mr. Hume, would you please escort Mr. Locke to a holding cell? Mr. Locke, it is a shame that you're contract with Coldmine should be terminated like this, but I'm afraid that I can't allow such behavior when you are expected to act like a trained professional."
Light blue eyes watched with no trace of emotion, as Hume, and eventually another of the scientists led the struggling, pleading, desperate man from the room. Shaking his head, he brought his attention back to Number 12 and Duo Maxwell.
It was really happening. It was going to happen. The was gonna...gonna...
`Please, God, strike me down now.' Duo whimpered as it trailed a large hand down the length of his body. But God was apparently busy elsewhere and his prayers were left unanswered.
Something brushed against his thigh. Violet eyes opened wide and the pilot bit off a scream.
Number 12 shifted so that he was crouched behind the boy, struggling to find a point of entry. Making an impatient growl, he rubbed himself up against the supple body beneath him in an attempt to relieve the aching pressure. Duo jerked but was unable to move away. The creature's huge cock slid against the crevice of the boy's ass, brushing against the tight opening. Number 12 fell still. There. That was where he was supposed to be. Number 12 lowered his huge hands to the ground on either side of the boy for balance and pushed.
"Oh" Duo moaned miserably, the creature's large hands continued to explore his body. "Go away...go away..."
Something very big fell against his backside. Wide eyes flared impossibly wider. `Oh shit...that's not....I'm going to be killed. I'm going to die. Heero, where the hell are you!?'
The thing shifted, and he felt something nudge at his entrance. Duo whimpered and shut his eyes. He felt, rather than heard the creature lean forward, thick leathery skin coming into contact with his own trembling flesh. The ex-pilot felt the push and immediately, instinctually tensed, his body violently protesting the invasion. But it made no difference, the blunted head of Number 12's member pressed relentlessly forward, past the tight ring of muscle, tearing, opening him wide.
Violet eyes flew open wide, breath catching in his throat before releasing in a strangled sort of mewl. It felt much like he was being torn in two. Unbearable, unimaginable pain arced through his body as it was put through abuse it should never have been allowed to sustain. There was no way he could take the entire length of the thing. It would kill him first. Tears prickled in his eyes, and it took all of his being to keep them from spilling over onto his cheeks- he wouldn't give the bastards that satisfaction. He wanted it to be over, he wanted it to stop, but all he could do was wait until it was through with him. Someone was screaming, over and over. It took him a while to realize that it was him, screaming. The searing pain did not subside as the creature withdrew, and only grew worse when it was forced inside his body once more. If at all possible, it felt as though the monster's member delved deeper than the initial thrust.
Duo screamed again, his voice quickly growing hoarse, throat raw. Another scream cut short as he lapsed into a short coughing fit that left him sobbing for breath. Blood trickled down the insides of his legs, and he was acutely aware of it.. Duo lowered his cheek against the cool floor, fingernails digging into the flesh of his legs, gauging skin.
"HeeroHeeroHeeroHeero...Please...Heero..." Out of the corner of his eye, the American watched the blood pool beneath and around him. The stitches in his shoulder had torn open. He was bleeding there too. `Make it stop...Heero, I'm dying."
Number 12 grunted, pumping repeatedly into the tiny, quaking form beneath him. He smelled blood, and paused momentarily. Bleeding was bad, but his need to finish the copulation outweighed the immediate concern. He had yet to fully embed himself inside his mate, to lock them together. The knot at the base of his cock pulsed. Number 12 growled softly and began to slide the knot inside of his mate's body.
Duo Maxwell screamed hoarsely as what seemed to be a fire traveled up the base of his spine. He struggled to breath but his body refused to comply, caught up in a violent convulsion. His vision went white, and then- mercifully, the excruciating pain lessened. His narrow chest heaved, greedily sucking in air.
The creature above him stilled. The American sobbed. Whatever had been placed inside him swelled, and Number 12 gave an excited snarl as his seed spilled into his tight sheath, filling him to overflowing. Duo Maxwell's exhausted body shuddered and went limp, the strain it had been put through finally proving to be too much. He eagerly welcomed the darkness that closed in around him.
"You've no idea how long I've waited to hear those screams." The man in white murmured, a gentle smile tugging at his lips.
Nikki!! I finished! See?! Friday and chapter 6 is done! Chapter 7 may take a while to get posted as I've got finals coming up. I may post the first chapter of my Evangelion fic in between now and the end of the semester. Again, if you are interested in updates and how I'm coming along in my stories, you can visit my online journal.