Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 22

The vid phone beeped and Trowa moved to activate it. Une's face appeared on the screen. "Lady Une."

"Trowa. I need to speak with both you and Wufei immediately, it's important."

Wufei stood and walked over to stand behind Trowa. "Chang here."

"Quatre and Sally are also here Une." said Trowa.

"Good. Have them come to the phone please, what I am about to tell you concerns you all."

Quatre gave Sally a worried look and Sally returned it with one of her own. She had no idea what Une was up to but the tone of her voice suggested it was serious. "Paul. Why don't you take Toby and Benny through to the bedroom for a while?"

Paul nodded. He could tell the adults needed to be alone to discuss whatever it was this head of Preventer was calling about. "Come on guys, lets go play a game or somethin."

Toby and Benny followed Paul through to their bedroom and quietly shut the door. The remaining four huddled around the small vid screen.

"What is it Une?" asked Trowa.

"I have received contact from Heero and Duo. They have managed to crack the case of the disappearing kids and located the source of the virus."

"Thank god for that." exclaimed Sally.

"Good for Heero and Duo." added Quatre.

"There's more isn't there?" said Trowa calmly.

"Yes there is and I'm afraid it isn't good."

"Please enlighten us Une." said Wufei.

Une took a deep breath and then launched into a slightly abbreviated repeat of what Heero had told her. "So this Taylor guy was responsible for picking up the kids and taking them to P for the experiments with the virus." she finished.

"The next obvious question here is why did they want to experiment with such a virus? What were they planning to do with it?" asked Sally.

"From what Duo and Heero have found these pair belonged to a group that calls itself Deliverance. They have taken up where OZ and White Fang finished. They claim that the current peace between the earth and colonies is all just a fabrication, a front if you will, that the earth fully intends to continue to dominate the colonies and allow them no independence."

"But that's all rubbish!" stated Quatre. "The peace is unified, the earth only wishes to assist and guide as well as provide economic growth for the colonies. That's one of the reasons for this conference...." Quatre trailed off as a thought hit him. He paled.

Trowa and Wufei were also thinking along the same lines.

"This virus...." started Quatre.

"The group intends to release it where it will do the most damage." came Une's soft words.

"They intend to set it free amongst all the heads don't they?" said Wufei.

"That is exactly what we think. Duo said Taylor confessed that by releasing the virus and wiping out all the senators, heads and main representatives then there would no longer be obstacles in the way of the colonies achieving the total independence they want." said Une.

"When?" asked Trowa.

"No idea."

"How do we know that the virus is here already?" said Wufei. "We have put everyone through the same security procedure and nothing unusual has shown up."

Trowa was locked deep in thought. Something was nagging at the edge of his mind. "You say this Deliverance group are more or less a follow on type from OZ and White Fang?"

"Yes. That is what Heero said. They have tracked down the leader and are on their way to arrest and interrogate him as we speak."

Wufei realized where Trowa was going with this line of questioning. He looked at the Latin. "The maintenance man... Nylan...."

"Exactly Wufei. I wonder." mused Trowa.

"What? What is this about maintenance?" asked Une.

Wufei explained. "Knowing that this man Nylan was a part of the OZ group and then White Fang it is possible he is also part of this Deliverance group. He did disappear after White Fang and the information we have on him currently does not add up. The time frame is out for his records."

Une digested this information. "I suggest you dig a little deeper, it wouldn't be the first time that records have been tampered with, look at the times Heero managed to hack into various systems and change the data around."

Trowa mind was in overdrive. "I think I may have something here."

The three faces in the room and the one on the vid screen turned to stare at him.

"If this guy Nylan is a part of the Deliverance group then what I am hypothesizing could easily be fact."

"Please inform us Trowa." said Une impatiently.

"The way I currently see this is, this guy Nylan joins with this Deliverance group. That would account for his disappearance. The records being falsified not only provide him with the perfect alibi for not being involved with the rape and murder of that young boy Benny witnessed, but also the perfect cover to infiltrate the conference. He could have planted bugs anywhere on the compound to feed information back to the head of the group."

"But the superiority of the security that Yuy set up would detect any alien bugs." said Wufei.

"Maybe. But what if he wasn't planting bugs? What if he was in fact planting the virus?"

Sally sank back into the seat. "If he has been doing that then it will be next to impossible to search everyone's quarters in time to prevent the release of the virus."

"I agree." said Quatre. "Once he becomes aware that the rooms are being searched he can release the virus and still take out quite a few important people."

"I suggest you track this guy and look into the files to see where he has been since the arrival of all the dignitaries." said Une. "I have no need to tell you that the release of this virus will be devastating."

"What I want to know is how did he get the virus here in the first place?" said Sally.

"Good question, and one I intend to find out the answer to." said Wufei.

"Sally, I think it would be best if you stay in the compound until further notice. If this thing should get released we are going to need your medical expertise." said Une.

"No problem Une. I will head over to the medical facility and make sure all is ready should the need arise."

"Wufei, Trowa, I want you two to track this guy. See where he has been in the compound since the conference started. Find out when he joined the company, when he actually started working in the compound and if possible any frequent contact with anyone from L2."

"We're on it." said Trowa.

"I'll get back in touch with Heero and Duo and see if they have anything to report on this leader."

"Who is this leader Une?" asked Wufei.

"Duo said he goes by the name of Marcus Saxby. He also works in the L2 Senators office and would therefore have access to political files and information."

"L2 senators office... Hmmm...." Quatre voiced his thoughts.

Trowa turned to study his koi. "Did you say something Quatre?"

"Umm no. Just thinking out aloud." Quatre wanted to toss the idea around a little before informing Trowa of what he suspected.

"We will contact you again in a couple of hours Une." said Wufei.

"No need to bother Wufei. I am coming to the compound. I will be there soon."

"Okay. We will get to work then." responded Wufei.

"Good luck. Une out."

The vid screen flickered and went blank. The four in the room stared at each other in silence. The ramifications of Une's information washing over each one of them. Finally Trowa broke the quiet.

"Let's go Wufei, we need to get as much as we can as quickly as we can."

"I agree. Sally will you be all right to go to the medical center by yourself?"

"Sure Wufei. I can take Paul with me, that is unless Quatre wants him to stay here."

Quatre looked up at the sound of his name. "Sorry I was away with my thoughts. What was it you said Sally?"

"Trowa and Wufei are going back to the main room to try and find out more on this fellow Nylan, I'm going to go to the medical facility and will take Paul with me unless you want him to stay here with you and the other two."

"No, no that's okay. You take Paul with you, I will stay here and watch Benny and Toby. It's their bed time anyway." Quatre failed to add that he intended to do some of his own 'research'.

"Right let's go then." said Sally and she went to the bedroom to fetch Paul.

Trowa took Quatre in a hug. "I don't know how long this will take my love."

"That's okay Trowa. I'll be quite safe here with the boys."

"I wish you would leave now and go back home where I know it's safe."

"You know I can't do that Trowa. I was a pilot too, remember? There's no way I am leaving now. Besides I might be able to help."


"Ohh just a hunch I have. I want to check it out first though."

Trowa gave him a questioning look.

"Don't worry, once I know what it is I'm searching for I will pass on the information to you." Quatre reached for Trowa's lips and placed a warm tender kiss upon them.

Trowa returned the kiss. "Please be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I'm not made of glass Trowa. I can still hold my own with the best of them. After all look at the sharks I deal with every day."

Trowa smiled. "I know you can my love. It's just that I want so much to protect you and keep you safe. I never want to see you hurt again, not like we were during the wars."

"And I am flattered that you want to. Now go and help Wufei. Find out what is going on and let me know." With another tender kiss Quatre released Trowa to leave with Wufei.

Sally also left with Paul and Quatre turned his attention back to Toby, Benny and his own laptop.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The combined efforts of Duo and Heero had resulted in tracing Marcus Saxby to his home. They stood outside the impressive looking building and contemplated their next move. "Re con first" whispered Heero.

Duo nodded.

They split up and scouted around the building, checking for entry and exit points as well as studying the general layout of the house. They joined up again minutes later.

"One door and three windows on the south side, two windows east side." said Duo.

"Hai. One door two windows north and four windows one door west. He appears to be alone and currently in the lounge room."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Duo slipped on his mask and slunk through the shadows to the rear door. He tested the knob and wasn't surprised to find it unlocked. "Tisk... tisk... Sloppy security." he snickered at Heero.

"Hn. Let's just get in and arrest the bastard Duo."

"Jeeze yer in a real hurry tonight aint ya?" teased Duo.

"I have had enough of these mongrels and the shit they have put innocent people through. I want to see them brought to justice."

"Now yer scarin me Heero. You sound just like Wuffles when he gets inta one of his justice rants." Duo grinned.

"Hn. Baka!"

Two silent shadows entered the building and made their way through the passage ways until they found themselves at the entrance to the lounge room. The door stood slightly ajar and Heero slunk to one side while Duo took the other. Soft sounds of classical music wafted out on the still air. Heero scanned the room and indicated to Duo that their target was sitting in the chair to the left of the door.

With a nod Duo confirmed his understanding. He dropped to a crouch as Heero prepared to enter.

Heero moved swiftly forward, gun drawn and cocked ready. He pushed the door wide and stepped into the room. Duo appeared crouching behind him ready to cover his partner if the need arose. "Stay exactly where you are." stated Heero in his flat monotone.

The figure in the chair froze. The music continued to play.

"Marcus Saxby?"

The figure nodded.

"I am Preventer agent Light. I am placing you under arrest."

The figure shifted and turned his head to better see his opponent. "And what are the charges may I ask?" The voice was calm yet cold.

"Conspiracy to bring about the destruction of the earth and colony representatives responsible for upholding and maintaining the unified peace."

Saxby laughed. The sound of that laughter sent a chill along Duo's spine. "That's only the beginning. Add to that the murder of several street kids and I think yer can safely say yer ain't going to be seeing sunlight artificial or otherwise for some time."

"And why would I want to destroy the representatives of universal peace and trade? As for street rats; I wouldn't be seen dead with one of those types of scum."

Duo felt the anger rising. "You fucking bastard. I ought to run yer through now."

Heero stepped in. "Place your hands where I can see them."

Saxby complied and held his hands outwards. Heero approached with the 'cuffs. He tucked the gun back into his jeans as he reached to place the handcuffs on Saxby. Just as he was about to clip them into place Saxby jumped forward and knocked Heero aside. Caught off balance Heero began to fall. He cursed at his own weakness as he tried to break his fall and retrieve his gun at the same time.

Duo sprang into action. As soon as he saw Saxby knock Heero down he was in the air and moving towards his target. Seconds later he had Saxby pinned on his stomach on the floor, hands drawn tightly behind his back. "Like I said before, yer not going anywhere for some time you piece of shit."

Saxby struggled but was unable to free himself from Duo's grasp. Heero retrieved his handcuffs and gun and walked over to his partner. "You okay Heero?"

"Hai." Heero reached down with the cuffs and slapped them on Saxby's wrists. Hauling the man to his feet he pushed him back to the chair. "Now we need some answers."

Saxby stared at his captors. They were nothing more than teenagers. How the hell could he let himself be taken so easily by a couple of kids? He stared back into cobalt and shuddered. Those eyes were not the eyes of a youth. They held within many dark shadows that promised that the owner of them had seen and experienced much more than Saxby could ever dream about. "I have nothing to say to you."

"I think you do." continued Heero in his quiet monotone. "You see we already know all about your little group you call Deliverance."

Saxby's body stiffened a little.

"Hai, we have spoken with Doctor P and know all about his research and experiments."

"B..b..but that's impossible, the man is dead."

"Hai, he is. We spoke with him before he died though." Heero continued to watch the man carefully, noting the body language. He glanced across at Duo and his brow furrowed. Duo was leaning against the door frame, for all intents and purposes he was observing the scene before him. Heero could see though on closer examination that Duo wasn't really there. His mind seemed to be off somewhere else. Keeping one worried eye on his love Heero went back to asking his questions.

"We also have Taylor in custody."

Saxby looked up sharply.

"Oh yes and what a confession he gave us."

"You're lying. Taylor would never betray the group."

"But that's where you are wrong. He was only to willing to spill the beans when my partner here persuaded him to."

Saxby glanced nervously from Heero to Duo and back again. There was something familiar about the long haired man. Saxby dug deep into his mind to try to trace the elusive memory. "What did you do to him?"

"I let my partner play with him for a while." Heero's voice was low. He moved closer to Saxby and whispered in his ear. "He has a friend you see, one that lives within him and I don't think you really want to see this friend of his."

Saxby shivered and stared at the other teen. Suddenly the memory burst forth.

Duo looked at the man cuffed in the chair. He knew that voice. He recognized it and for some reason it sent chills down his spine. He scrutinized the man closer and then the doors in his mind opened up and allowed the scene to play.

Heero turned to check on Duo. The American was trembling slightly and his eyes had a glassy look to them. Swiftly Heero was across the room and placed his hands on Duo's shoulders. "Duo?.... Duo, what is it? What's happening to you?" Heero shook him gently. Suddenly Duo seemed to snap out of wherever he had been. Heero saw a momentary flash of sadness, fear and pain pass through those violet eyes before they changed to become darkened with anger and hurt. A soft growl escaped those lips and Heero recoiled slightly.

Duo was aware of the scene so long locked away in a secret part of his mind. It played back in his memory as he tried to come to terms with it. The present drifted away to be replaced with the horrid vision of twelve months or so ago. He was back in that seedy hotel room with a customer. The man was hard and ruthless. He hadn't given Duo time to even shut the door properly before he had savagely attacked him, nearly ripping his clothes from his body in his haste to fuck him. Duo trembled as he recalled the pain as the man had penetrated him without prep. Just shoved that large cock of his right up his tender passage, tearing the delicate lining as he went. When Duo had protested the treatment, he found himself on the receiving end of several back handers. He had quickly quieted and suffered the blows, bites and painful thrusts in silence.

Saxby shifted slightly as he recognized Duo. This was the whore he had taken some time ago. He remembered fucking the tight slut into submission. He liked them with a bit of fight and this one had been one of the best. He had looked for him again many times afterwards but hadn't found him. In the end he stopped looking, figuring the whore must have moved on or be dead.

Duo stared at Saxby and Saxby stared back. Each recognizing the other, one as the tormentor and the other as the victim. Duo let go a low growl.

Heero pulled back and stared at his koi. He followed Duo's gaze to Saxby and noted the look of pure hatred on the usually sweet face. He saw Saxby staring back with a sneer on his face.

"So we do meet again my precious little slut."

Heero looked at Duo. "What's going on here Duo?"

Duo ignored Heero for the moment. "You! I should have known."


Duo turned to Heero, his face still twisted with rage and pain. "This.. this is the fucking bastard that raped me Heero." he said quietly but with anger in the undertone.

"You enjoyed every minute of it whore." spat Saxby.

Heero stared at the two in disbelief. "This is the man that raped you? The one that nearly killed you Duo?" Duo had never spoken to Heero about that night so long ago, the one he came back from beat up and bleeding. Shane had taken care of him but Duo had suffered. It wasn't long after that when Heero managed to track him down only to find him nearly dead and raced him back to the earth along with the rest of the gang that had been taking care of him. Heero's eyes hardened.

"You raped me you bastard. You fucking well RAPED ME!"

"You were willing enough slut, and you got paid well for your services." Saxby knew he had a chance to save himself if he could only keep getting under the man's skin with his barbed and twisted comments.

Duo's eyes welled with tears as he fought to control the memory. "You didn't give a damn about me, yer just rammed yourself that hard into me and never gave a thought to the pain yer was causing, or the damage."

"But that's all you street whores are good for. A good hard fuck." snarled Saxby. He glanced across at the other man, then shrank back into the seat in horror.

Heero had seen and heard enough. His eyes glittered almost black as he advanced on the form in the chair. "So you are the one that was responsible for causing the damage to my partner? You are the one that tore him up and left him bruised and bleeding? You're the one that gave him that disease that nearly killed him?"

Heero's face was within millimeters of Saxby's and Saxby could feel the heat in the breath as it wafted over his face, he could see the promise of a painful death in those darkened irises and he shuddered.

"You're the one responsible for my nearly losing the only thing I care about more than life itself?" Heero spoke the words with menace. "I swore that when I found the one who hurt my partner I would kill them."

A whimper escaped Saxby's throat. "You wouldn't dare. You Preventer agents aren't allowed to kill your prisoners."

Duo had recovered enough of his sanity to follow Heero across the room and face his tormentor. He stared at the man before him. "I don't think our boss would care too much in this case whether you lived or died. Yer talk about the street kids as scum, take a look at yourself, yer worse than any street rat, at least they have some standards and ethics. You have none." Duo reached out lightning fast. His fist connected with Saxby's jaw.

Saxby's head jerked back with the blow and he tasted blood.

"Now tell us what we want ta know or I promise you they will be scraping yer remains up off the floor."

Heero stepped in. While the rage still boiled through him they had to get their information first, then they could make this animal pay for what he had done to Duo. "I know you intend to release the virus at the conference. What I want to know is where and when."

Saxby stared at Heero. A sly grin formed on his face. "I don't think so."

Duo hit him again. "Wrong answer mate. Where and when?"

"It's going to take more than you have got cheap whore to make me talk."

Duo snapped and lunged for Saxby's throat. His fingers curled around the neck cutting the air supply. Saxby struggled. Heero watched impassively. He didn't really care if Saxby told them or not. He would find out. Besides the man deserved to suffer after what he had done to Duo.

Duo released his hold just as Saxby found his conscious thought beginning to slip away. "I'll give you one last chance. When and where?"

Heero had moved across to the desk and was rummaging through the draws. He located a folder and skimmed through the contents. His eyes widened.

Saxby noticed Heero searching his desk as his head cleared a little. He swallowed hard when he saw Heero extract the folder. He watched as the Japanese agent flipped through before setting it down and reaching for the laptop on the desk.

Hearing the familiar clicking of the keyboard Duo turned to see what Heero was up to. He frowned. "What are yer doing Heero?"

"Hn. I think I have the answers to our questions here Duo." Heero slipped a disc into the machine and downloaded the files. Once done he removed the disc and placed it in his pocket. He returned to the pair. "I have enough here to locate the virus Duo."

Duo's eyes lit up as Shinigami came forth. "So we don't need him anymore?"

"Iie, we don't"

"Then yer want to call in the rest of the agents?"

"Hai." Heero reached into his pocket and withdrew his communicator. Flipping it open he punched in the code for the Preventer headquarters on L2. "Preventer Light here."

Saxby relaxed a little and then stiffened as he heard Heero's next words.

"Hai. We have located the suspect, the information required has been retrieved. Preventer Light and Dark will return to base and report into main frame with the information. We request a clean up crew to the following address. It's not a pretty sight so make sure they have strong stomachs. The address is...."

Saxby paled as he heard Heero's end of the conversation. He swallowed nervously as the face of the long haired man came back into his vision. "You heard my partner..... Pay back's a bitch."

Staring into Duo's purple eyes Saxby took in the sight of death himself. He was vaguely aware of Heero speaking.

"I promised I would kill the one responsible for my partners pain and suffering if I ever found him. I have the blood of many on my hands so one more is not going to make a great deal of difference."

" can't be serious."

"I have never been more serious in my life. During the wars I was a trained assassin, a terrorist and a Gundam pilot." Heero advanced.

Saxby looked from Heero to Duo and back again, pleading with his eyes.

"I was also an assassin, terrorist and Gundam pilot." said Duo. "Yer want to know what they called me?" Duo leaned in close and whispered. "Shinigami."

Saxby cried out in terror as he realized there was no escape.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~