Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 26

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 26

The Winner/Barton suite in the compound's hotel was a hive of activity. Toby and Benny had been woken and given the details of the previous evenings work and discussion. Benny was understandably a little nervous and worried about the role he was to play in this seemingly huge operation. Quatre did his best to keep the boy at ease. Toby on the other hand was jumping around like a jack rabbit. He was so excited and feeling super important that they had been trusted to participate in the Preventer work.

"Don't worry so much Benny, it's gonna be fun." said Toby trying to reassure his friend.

"I can't help it. I just gets really worried around that guy knowing what he did an all."

"Nothin bad 's gonna happen, Trowa and Wufei will be watchin us all of the time. 'Sides, Paul will be wiv us as well."

"I know Tob but I still can't helps the feeling I gets just thinkin 'bout him." Benny gave a little shiver.

"If you don't want to do this Benny then you don't have to." said Trowa.

Benny stared into his guardians emerald eye. He could see the understanding there. He sighed. "It's okay. I'll do it for yer. I don't means ta be such a baby but I can't help what I feel." Benny hung his head.

Trowa picked the boy up into his strong arms and held him close. "It's okay to be scared Benny. I understand what inner turmoil you are feeling. I have gone through similar things myself many times in the past. Trust me when I say I don't like the thought of you two doing this either but it will be a lot less suspicious than with Wufei and myself following them around."

Benny snuggled deeper into the safety of Trowa's arms. "S'okay. I wanna help."

"We will be watching you all the time. I promise I wont let anything happen to either of you. Quatre and I love you both too much to let anyone hurt you."

"It's gonna be an adventure Benny." said Toby. "Kinda like when we used ta go out an see how many pockets we could pick an not get sprung."

Benny looked down into Toby's blue eyes that were alight with excitement. He nodded. "Yeah I guess so."

"An we doesn't hafta get close to these guys either, jus follows them around wivout beein seen. Ain't that right Trowa?"

"Yes Toby. The three of you are to stay close enough to them to follow them but not draw attention to yourselves. Paul is the one whom we will be relying on to let us know of any developments."

Benny began to feel better about the whole shamozzle. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. He remembered back on L2 when they would play hide and seek, or follow a potential target with the intent of pinching whatever they could from them and not get seen or felt while doing so. This would be something similar.

Toby sensed Benny's acceptance and grinned. "Gonna be jus like the old days." he said.

Trowa stood Benny back on the floor. He smiled as he watched the pair, an old story sprang into his mind at the sight and sound of their chatter. He recalled the old earth tale he had read a long time ago, the story of Oliver Twist. In many ways these pair reminded him of Oliver and the artful dodger. He made a mental note to find the tale and read it to the boys when they returned home to the estate.

Quatre returned from the bathroom straightening his tie. He picked up on the emotions running high in the room and looked at Trowa. Trowa sent him a warm smile and Quatre relaxed a little. He wasn't all that happy about the boys involvement either but he trusted in their capabilities. "I think you had better get going Trowa, Une will be waiting for you."

Trowa nodded. He gave both Toby and Benny a hug and kiss. "I'll see you both shortly." he said before turning to Quatre. "Love you." he stated simply as he hugged Quatre close.

"Love you too." Quatre snuggled into the embrace. He searched out Trowa's lips and gave the tall Latin a sensuous kiss. "When this is all over we are going on a vacation."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes." Quatre placed a couple of gentle kisses to Trowa's throat. "I think we need some quality time alone."

"Mmmm.... I agree."

"Any ideas where you would like to go?"

Trowa was rapidly melting under the gentle kisses. "I don't really care as long as you and the boys are with me and we have a bed, baby-sitter and lots of lube."

Quatre chuckled. "I'm sure something along those lines can be arranged." He gave Trowa one last lingering kiss. "Now off with you, we can finish this discussion later."

Trowa smiled and with one last ruffle to Toby's hair he left for the main surveillance room and Une.

Quatre watched him go. He couldn't help the small feeling of fear that crept into his heart. Today was going to be a rather perilous day for them all. They were about to undertake several risks and he just hoped that at the end of it all they would still be together and in one piece. Copying one of Duo's traits he slipped on a mask and turned to the two boys to finish getting ready and meet up with the rest of the group in the main surveillance room.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Wufei, Sally and Paul arrived at the medical facility. Sally was still on edge and against Paul's involvement. Paul on the other hand was finding it hard to control the adrenaline that was coursing through his body. His eyes shone with excitement at the prospect of pitting his skills against those of the 'bad guys'.

"Please be careful Paul. I don't want you to wind up in this facility." said Sally as she gave the dark haired boy a hug.

"I can take care of myself, afta all I did fer a long time on L2." he growled. Then in a softer tone he added " I promise not ta take any risks Sally." He knew she was only concerned for his well being and that comforted him more than she would ever know. In his few years of living he hadn't been shown much in the way of love and respect and it was a warm feeling to know that he was cared about and loved. Suddenly he lunged forward and took Sally in a fierce bear hug.

Sally was slightly surprised at Paul's sudden gesture, the teen having similar traits to Wufei and not showing much emotion at all. She knew then, without a word being necessary, that Paul loved them and was determined to stay alive and well. She smiled to herself as she hugged the boy back.

Wufei watched the small display and felt warmth steal into his heart. The boy was finally accepting their love and guidance so it seemed. Once Paul had released Sally, Wufei stepped forward and gave the woman a hug. He pulled back and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

Shocked even more at this display from Wufei, Sally could only stand and stare.

"We need to go." stated Wufei and he spun on his heel, striding away as if nothing had happened.

Paul gave Sally a cheeky grin and the thumbs up sign before following the Chinese Preventer.

Sally stood in shock for a moment longer before shaking her head and going inside the facility. She made a mental note to re check the drugs cabinet and make sure that neither she or Wufei had taken anything that may have caused this strange, out of character behavior.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Une looked up from the main console as Trowa entered the room. "Good morning Trowa."

"Good morning Lady Une. I trust you slept well."

"As well as can be expected Trowa."

Trowa moved to the other console and proceeded to type away bringing up the lists of the maintenance scheduled for that day. He found the one he was looking for and scanned down the page. He smirked when he found what he wanted.

Une picked up on the smirk. "I take it you have located where they are to be today?"

"Yes. There are three jobs on this list that they are to attend to. The first is the small back up generator in a bunker room near the main recreation hall. The second is a fault in the system of the staff canteen next to the medical facility. The third is the refrigeration unit in the main kitchens of the hotel."

"Right. We can follow them easily enough then. It shouldn't be too hard for Paul and the other two to follow them given those areas."

The door opened again, this time admitting Wufei and Paul. Wufei nodded to the two already there and Paul grinned.

"So where they at today Trowa?" asked Paul.

Trowa was about to answer when a noise outside alerted them to the arrival of Quatre, Benny and Toby. With all of them in the small room there wasn't a lot of space left. Une suggested they move to the adjoining room.

Trowa gave the three boys the run down on where the suspects would be that day. "While they are working on the generator you three should have no problem watching them. The unit is inside a small bunker right next to the recreation facility and on the edge of the playing field."

"We can have a game of soccer or somefin." piped up Toby.

"Or fly them paper planes we was makin the other day." added Benny.

"Don't worry Trowa we will watch em real close." said Paul.

"Once they have finished with the generator they are to move to the staff canteen by the medical facility." continued Trowa.

Paul studied the small map of the compound that Trowa had produced. He was pleased to note there were lots of hallways and side rooms to afford them some form of cover.

"From there they are to go to the main hotel kitchens."

Paul nodded. "We can tail em easy enough."

"Good. Try not to get yourselves into trouble with these pair." Wufei warned.

"I promise we will be careful Wufei." said Paul.

"Anyways if they springs us we can always say we is lost." offered Toby. If there was one thing they had learnt off the streets of L2 it was how to improvise as the situation demanded.

Trowa smiled at the child's quiet confidence. "Yes I guess you can Toby."

"Let's get them wired." said Une.

Wufei opened the small locker on the wall and extracted several small units from within. He placed them on the table.

Benny, Paul and Toby stared at the small gadgets.

"Okay, who's first?" asked Trowa.

"Me." all three responded at the same time.

Trowa chuckled. "Eager aren't you?"

Three heads nodded vigorously.

"Come on then. Benny you come here." Benny moved to Trowa who picked up one of the units and proceeded to attach the device to him.

Wufei and Quatre similarly picked up a unit and began to attach them to Paul and Toby. Quatre clipped the small body of the unit to the waistband of Toby's jeans. He ran the two wires under the t-shirt and brought them out of the neck band. He tucked the tiny flat microphone just under the hem of the neck band and secured it. The other wire he ran up the back of Toby's neck and over the top of his ear before lodging it by the ear canal. He silently thanked the fact that he hadn't had the boy's hair cut before they came. The added length served to conceal the tiny wires and the fact that the ear piece was flesh colored made it nearly impossible to detect. He stood back to make sure that all was concealed.

Wufei and Trowa finished setting Paul and Benny's units. "Now let's try them out." said Trowa.

Wufei showed each of the boys how to adjust the volume control to the ear piece. The boys were amazed at the clearness and volume that the tiny ear pieces were able to project. They were further stunned as Trowa recorded their voices and then played them back. The clarity of the recordings was crystal clear.

"Wow. Who'da thought such a tiny thing could be so powerful." said Benny his eyes wide.

"Cool ain't they?" giggled Toby.

"Do I get ta keep one of these nifty things Wufei?" teased Paul.

Wufei opted to growl.

Quatre reached for the other unit on the table and proceeded to wire himself. Trowa assisted him with the final bit of securing the mic and ear piece.

"Now does everyone understand what they are doing?" asked Une, her voice serious.

The assembled group nodded.

"Okay then." she glanced at her watch. "Time to move out then people. Good luck to you all and remember." She looked at the three boys. "Any sign of danger and you three are to get out of there as fast as you can."

Paul, Benny and Toby nodded in affirmation.

"Quatre, we will be monitoring you all the time."

"No problem Une." came Quatre's reply.

"Then lets get this show on the road."

Wufei choked at Une's attempt at humor, Trowa gave a wry grin and Quatre stifled a giggle.

"Be careful Quatre." said Trowa as he kissed Quatre's nose as they parted at the door.

"I will. You take care too. No heroics okay?"

With a nod Trowa placed one last kiss to his lovers lips before heading back into the room to collect his weapon, com unit and spare clips.

Quatre walked away towards the main conference room deep in thought. The small unit resting against his hip gave him some comfort but not as much as the feeling of the cool metal of the pistol that nestled against the skin of the small of his back. He hadn't told Trowa he was taking the gun and had nearly changed his mind himself, then at the last minute he had tucked it under the waistband of his pants. He was glad now that he had decided to take it with him, he just hoped he wouldn't have to use it.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Paul, Toby and Benny made their way through the compound to the recreation hall. They chattered quietly between themselves about life at the compound, school and various other topics. They were all fully aware of the enormity of the situation they were in but each was quietly confident in their own abilities of stealth and the skills they had learnt while on the streets of L2.

Arriving at the facility they greeted the staff and took a soccer ball from the equipment room. Outside Paul scanned the area and located the bunker where the generator was installed. The door was still locked so he breathed a sigh of relief. Nylan and Carter were yet to appear. Taking the ball the three proceeded to kick the round object about, practicing their footwork and ability to dribble the ball. Paul kept one eye on their surroundings and a short while later he noticed Nylan and Carter approaching.

Benny turned around as he followed Paul's gaze and watched the two men approach the bunker. He tried to control the shiver that raced up his spine.

Toby moved closer to Benny and whispered. "It's okay Benny, no ones gonna hurt ya."

Benny nodded and continued to kick the ball around.

Paul maneuvered the game to get closer to the bunker without appearing suspicious. They continued to practice their passing while Paul snuck up to the rear of the small room. He could hear the muffled conversation going on within. Moving around to the side where there was a small ventilation grill he listened intently.

Toby and Benny continued to play with the ball, making enough noise to convince anyone that there were three of them out there and genuinely involved in their game.

Nylan and Carter approached the small bunker. Carter watched the kids playing with the ball. "Been a while since I got to kick a ball around like that." he said softly.

Nylan snorted. "There's more important things than wasting time with a football."

"Yeah I know but still it's fun." he whispered more to himself than anything. Silently he envied the kids their fun. For as long as he could remember he had been taking orders, first from OZ and then White Fang. It seemed all their efforts though had been in vain. He had been persuaded to join Deliverance by Nylan who insisted that the Earth's supposed support of peace was nothing more than a cover up. Allowing himself to believe all that Nylan had told him he joined the group. After all what did he have to lose? His wife and child had been killed during the wars and so there was nothing left for him. The Romefeller foundation had taken from him the only thing he had ever loved and cared for and so he joined the OZ group to avenge himself for their deaths.

He sighed as he thought back. When OZ had shown it's true colors he opted to side with White Fang. He found himself once more in the thick of the fighting, trying to liberate the colonies from the earth alliance rule and the ones responsible for the death of his loved ones. It hadn't taken much to convince him to join Deliverance. The urge for revenge still pulsed as strong as ever through his veins. The thought that those originally responsible for the decimation of so many had already been rounded up and dealt with never crossed his mind. The fact that the new group of heads were all striving for the same goal was of no concern to him, they still hadn't paid for his heartache and until they did Carter would continue to find a way in which to avenge himself.

He watched the kids once more as Nylan unlocked the door. He never even got the chance to kick a ball around with his son, that's why this plan must not fail. Let them die and let their remaining loved ones feel the anguish and pain he felt. He tore his eyes away and followed Nylan into the room.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Quatre entered the room adjoining the main conference hall. He gazed around to see most of the people had arrived already. He moved across to where Relena stood chatting idly with the L3 senator. Not wanting to interrupt he waited patiently at the side, scanning around the assembled group he could make out the form of Evans on the far side.

Relena finished her conversation and turned to Quatre. "Good morning Quatre. How are you and the rest of your family today?" she politely inquired.

"Everyone is well Relena, thank you for asking." he replied. Quatre took Relena gently by the elbow and steered her across to a quiet corner. He took a deep breath. "Relena, there is something going on that I think you need to be aware of."


Quatre quickly filled her in. He gave her a brief run down figuring he could always tell her the full story later.

Relena stood in quiet repose for a moment. "I won't tell you that I am not surprised by all this because I am. I had a feeling there was something funny about Evans, he just doesn't appear to be quite himself. There's something about him that I couldn't put my finger on. I don't think anyone that doesn't know him all that well would see anything amiss but like I said he just seems a bit... offish."

"I'll know once I can get close to him."

Relena nodded. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I'm not sure. Let me check him out first. Once Une and the rest know they will advise us from there."

"Okay Quatre. But please if there is anything just let me know."

"I will Relena... and thank you."

"For what?"

"Being so calm about all this, I mean your life is in danger here as well."

Relena gave a little laugh. "I think I am used to danger by now Quatre. After all look at how my life has been during and since the wars."

Quatre had to agree there. Being the main Earth representative didn't come without danger and he had to admit Relena handled it well.

"I haven't made it this far without picking up a few... shall we say tricks on the way." She smiled and then winked. "I also had five very good role models in the art of self preservation."

Quatre laughed. "I wouldn't exactly call Heero a role model for that, after all he did try to self destruct a few times."

Relena joined him in the joke. "I think you all tried it at some stage."

Quatre's eyes clouded as the memories of the wars came back to him. He wasn't allowed to dwell for long though as Relena continued.

"Thank god none of you succeeded."

"Amen to that." thought Quatre.

"Looks like we are about to start." Relena nodded towards the main doors which had opened up to permit their entry.

Quatre picked his briefcase up from where he had put it on the floor and escorted Relena into the room.

Taking her seat Relena looked at him. "I'm here to help." she whispered.

"I know." Quatre gave her hand a grateful squeeze before taking his own seat and waiting for the chairman to declare their meeting agenda.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Une, Trowa and Wufei were each watching the screens. Trowa was keeping a close eye on the proceedings with the boys, Nylan and Carter. Wufei was monitoring the main conference room and Quatre. Une continued to pass between the two as well as watch the other screens for anything unusual.

Trowa could hear the conversation between the boys quite clearly. The one that was occurring in the small bunker room was a little harder to hear. He quietly beeped Paul.

Hearing the small sound in his ear Paul nodded, knowing that to speak would give his current position away to those he was spying on. The nod he knew would be picked up by one of the many cameras around the compound.

"Not picking up the conversation clearly." came through the tiny ear piece. "Trusting you to acknowledge if interception is required."

Paul nodded again in affirmation.

"Any talk of the virus release?"

Paul shook his head.

"Continue to monitor."

Paul nodded again and shifted his position slightly. All he could hear from within the bunker were the two men discussing last nights activities. Not that he really wanted to know what they had been up to after leaving the compounds bar/night club.

Toby and Benny continued to kick the ball around as they kept one eye on Paul. Suddenly Paul scurried over to them.

"Come on, lets hide the ball, these guys are leavin now." said Paul as he hurried up to the pair.

Toby watched out the corner of his eye as Nylan and Carter exited the bunker and locked the door.

The two men moved away towards the main buildings, Benny hid the ball by the bunker before joining Toby and Paul slinking after the two men. They followed them through the passageways and towards the staff canteen.

Once they arrived at their destination the three split up. It would be easier to keep track of the two suspects if they worked as singles.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

In the main conference room the clock's hands read 9.30am. Quatre had allowed the others in the group to argue points this morning, he needed an opening to allow himself to get closer to Evans without arousing suspicion. The said senator was currently involved in a rather heated discussion with Williams from the L1 group. Suddenly the opening was there.

"I can't see what it is you don't understand." said Williams.

"It's not clear to me the exact intentions your colony has with this proposal. For all intents and purposes your colony could be seeking to exploit our colonies workers with nothing in return." responded Evans.

Williams sighed. "It's all there in black and white on the sheet before you."

Taking this as his cue Quatre stood up. All eyes swiveled and locked on him as he moved gracefully around the backs of the seats until he stood directly behind Evans. "Let me see if I can't point it out to you and clear this up."

Evans shifted slightly as Quatre leaned in to reach over his shoulder. As he leaned in so Quatre's eyes darted over the man's neck and hairline. "Here, section 3 paragraph 4-2 The workers will be contracted to carry out the necessary jobs on L1. Once complete they will be returned to L2. Payment for services will be made direct to a finance institution of their choice with a bonus incentive for early completion. Paragraph 4-4 Any vacancies that the company has at the conclusion of the work will be offered to those L2 workers and if accepted the company will have a written agreement to employ them for a minimum of five years. There is a bit more but I think you get the general idea senator...." Quatre moved back to his own seat.

Evans didn't look happy at the obvious sarcasm in Quatre's voice as he had addressed him. Quickly he composed himself. "Before I was to agree to this proposal I would need to go over the finer details with my personal advisors."

"But of course. This is just an outline. I would expect a detailed examination from your advisors as well as a comment from the citizens of L2." said Williams.

Quatre once more stood up but this time he made his way over to the small table that stood to one side containing refreshments. He picked up a jug of water and a glass and proceeded to pour himself a drink. While occupying himself he quickly spoke into the microphone. "Quatre here, can you hear me okay?"

"Chang. Go ahead Quatre."

"I have checked out Evans. No birthmark."

"Affirmative. The man is an impostor then?"

"Correct. There is no way I could have missed seeing it if it was there."

"Right. Will advise remaining agents. Stand by."

Quatre took a sip from the glass and pretended to be listening to the rest of the conversation while waiting for Wufei to come back and let him know what the next step was. He didn't have to wait long.

"No news from remaining contacts as yet. Advise sit tight and watch for anything unusual. Base will continue to monitor. Chang out."

Quatre returned to the table and sat down again, the push of the gun's muzzle against the small of his back helped to reassure him slightly.

The conference continued, the topic changed and once more the discussions went on. Quatre listened with half an ear, the rest of his mind thinking about Benny and Toby and hoping they were all right. He tried to reach out with his empathy to 'feel' if the boys were okay. Suddenly there was a beeping sound and Evans reached for his pager, at the same time the ear piece jumped into life and Trowa's voice came down the wire into his ear.

"Signal given. Status report now!"

"Evans beeper activated. Suspect about to leave." replied Quatre quietly.

"Agents dispatched. Sit tight."

The unit went dead. Quatre looked as Evans stood up.

"I'm afraid I have to leave for a moment gentlemen. Something that cannot wait." Evans moved to exit the room only to find his way blocked by Quatre.

"I don't think you are going anywhere Senator Evans."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~