Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 28

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 28

"Nooooo...." The anguished cry echoed through the hall.

Trowa lunged forward as did Wufei, only their targets were different. Trowa went for Nylan while Wufei scrambled to Sally's side.

Feeling for a pulse, but not at all surprised at the lack of one, Trowa rolled the dead man's body clear of Sally. The knife was still buried deeply in the skull and the lifeless eyes stared at Trowa. Trowa shuddered as his finger tips slid over the eyelids, closing them for the final time. He clasped the base of the knife and pulled hard. The knife was stubborn at first but then gave up its hold and slid out. Retrieving a handkerchief from his pocket Trowa wiped the blade clean before replacing it in his boot. He turned to Wufei.

As Wufei reached Sally so his other hand went for his comm. unit. "Medical assistance required urgently... repeat URGENTLY in sector 6-83." Dropping the unit to the floor Wufei slid his arms around Sally and pulled her from the floor into his lap as Trowa rolled Nylan's body to the side. All the pain and fear he had felt when he lost his first love came back to torment him again. He couldn't bear to lose another person so dear to him, especially when he hadn't let that person know just how much they meant to him. Hastily he felt for a pulse and felt relief flood his body as the steady throb was detected. He began to scan her form for injuries, namely where the bullet had gone. A thorough examination failed to find any trace of either entry or exit wound. Wufei sighed aloud with relief and then looked at Trowa's concerned face that was hovering just above. "No sign of bullet damage."

"Thank god for that."

"I can't tell what other injuries she has but her pulse is strong." Wufei pulled the unconscious woman closer to him.

Trowa stood and reflected on the positioning of the pair when the gun had been discharged. His eyes raked over the remainder of the hall searching. He spotted a mark and moved in closer to study it. "I have found it."

Wufei looked up from his current position on the floor. "Where?"

"Here." Trowa pointed up to the cornice. He removed his knife once more and fetching a bucket from the cleaners room that was at the end of the hall he stood up on it and proceeded to dig the bullet out of the plaster with the tip of the knife. The small piece of metal yielded and dropped to the floor with a clatter. Trowa stepped down and picked it up.

At that moment medic's and a couple of Preventer agents came running towards them, Une followed a few moments behind.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Une had watched the scene unfold on the monitor. The gun went off and her hand flew to her mouth in horror as she watched Sally crumple to the floor. "Oh god no... not Sally.." she called to no one. Wufei's voice screamed down the comm. unit for help as Une scraped her chair back in her hurry to get to the scene. Dashing out of the surveillance room she flipped open her comm. unit and summoned the assistance of the remaining medic's and back up agents. She raced down the passageways silently praying and hoping that Sally would be all right. If anything happened to the woman she would never forgive herself. She careered around the corner and came to a halt. The medic's had just arrived and were checking over Sally while an anxious Wufei watched from the side lines, Trowa silent beside him. Approaching at a slightly more dignified pace she directed her question to the medic that seemed to be in charge. "How is she?"

"She is stable but still unconscious. We will know more when we get her into the medical facility."

"The bullet?"

"Didn't touch her Une." said Trowa in his soft tone.

Une glanced at Trowa and then to Wufei. She had to take a second look at the Chinese Preventer. Wufei looked totally lost. Never could Une recall having seen the look that appeared on his face now. It was one of complete helplessness. Suddenly Une could see just how much the proud man cared for Sally. Her heart softened a little. Une moved over to Wufei. "Chang?"

Wufei dimly registered that someone was calling his name but his eyes refused to focus on anything other that the woman he currently shared his life with lying unconscious on the floor.


Trowa nudged the raven haired man. Reluctantly Wufei averted his eyes to rest upon Une's form.

"She will be all right."

Wufei nodded and returned his gaze to the medics who were preparing to lift Sally onto a makeshift stretcher and take her to the medical rooms. As they lifted her still form so Wufei moved close and in a rare gesture that Une never thought she would see, he took Sally's hand and walked alongside as she was carried away.

The one remaining medic got up from his crouch next to the body of Nylan. "He's dead." he said as if announcing the weather forecast.

Trowa turned and stared at the young medic.

Une snorted. "Well aren't you just a genius, I suppose that's what you spent the last six years in study and training for? Any idiot could tell he's dead, there's a bloody great split in his forehead for god's sake!"

The medic appeared stunned by the short sarcastic tone. Unsure how to react to this outburst he wisely stayed silent.

Trowa chuckled quietly to himself. He could see the medic had never had to deal with the sharp end of Une's tongue before and an upset Une was not one to deal lightly with. At the moment Une wasn't just upset; she was well and truly pissed off and a smart ass comment such as the one the medic just made did nothing to alleviate her mood. Trowa thought it best to step in before the medic found himself on the receiving end of a tongue lashing from hell. "I think you should get some help and remove this body to the medical facility's morgue."

The medic nodded and with a wary glance at Une went to leave.

"Just put the body in a bag in the morgue and don't let anyone touch it. I will have the proper personnel deal with this." snarled Une.

The medic nodded again and then left, breaking into a run as soon as he was able to.

Une rubbed her eyes. "Come on Trowa, lets get to the medical center and see how Sally is doing."

Trowa followed.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Duo awoke feeling a little sore. His rib ached slightly and there was a small discomfort from his rear. He smiled as he recalled Heero's ministrations to his ass the previous evening. Turning slightly he came face to face with a pair of sleepy cobalt gems. "Morning koi." said Duo as he pressed a kiss to Heero's lips.

"Hmmmm... Morning to you too Duo." Heero stole his own kiss. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine Heero." He smiled as he nudged his nose against Heero's.

Heero pulled his hand from beneath the covers and pushed Duo's bangs from his face. Gently he traced the pads of his fingers across Duo's cheek and jaw. Rubbing his thumb over Duo's lips he felt the wet tongue dart out for a quick lick.

Duo flicked his tongue over Heero's thumb before sucking the digit into his mouth. Heero's eyes closed in pleasure as he felt his morning erection swell further. Duo pushed his own arousal against Heero's thigh as he continued to suck on his koi's thumb.

Not one to let an opportunity pass him by, Heero's other hand snaked between their naked bodies to bring their cocks together. Wrapping his hand firmly around the two shafts he began to stroke gently.

Duo moaned and flung his head back as their erections met and Heero's hand began to work them expertly. He could do nothing but give himself over to the pleasure of that talented fist and the feeling of skin against skin as their cocks lined up perfectly and slid against one another. His hips began to rock in concert.

Heero was also washed away with the sensations of Duo's shaft as it moved against his own. The tears being spilled from both tiny slits served to lubricate the lengths as Heero continued to massage with his hand.

Duo began to thrust harder against his lover. The pleasure building inside him. One hand grasped Heero's shoulder while his other snaked down between them to fondle his own as well as Heero's balls.

The touch of Duo's fingers on his sac caused Heero's breath to hitch and his hips to pump harder. Tightening his grasp slightly he sped up the strokes, determined to reach the goal he could feel hovering.

Duo lost himself completely to the touch of Heero. "Ohh gods Heero... more baby more..."

"Come with me Duo."

With a strangled sob Duo felt the familiar fire uncoil in his belly and race to his groin where it proceeded to burn along his length to erupt from the slit at the head of his cock.

Feeling Duo begin to tense triggered Heero's orgasm. He joined his koi in a duet of moans and cries as their cocks wept together. Their essence spilling and mingling over Heero's hand, their stomachs and each others shafts.

Still stroking the softening shafts gently, Heero lay enjoying the afterglow. Life with Duo was good, he mused.

Duo was still riding the wave of pleasure. Little trembles passed through his body as he slowly returned to himself. Sure he had enjoyed sex and had some good orgasms in his time, but nothing compared to what he had with Heero. With Heero it was different. Heero's touch ignited him, set him on fire, made him aware of every nerve ending in his body before feeding the inferno and bringing it to its peak. Once the peak had passed Heero left the fire smoldering, ready to fan the flames again and again and Duo didn't care how many times this fire burnt. As far as he was concerned it would never be put out.

"I think we need a shower oh lover of mine." Heero nuzzled Duo's neck as he spoke.

"Hmmmm... I'll be in that." Duo sighed softly and then chuckled.

"What are you laughing at koi?"

"I was just thinking Heero, the staff at this hotel wont let us stay again."

"Oh, Why not?" Heero was a little puzzled.

"The water situation here ain't exactly the best yanno, and with the way we keep messin up the sheets they're gonna charge us extra for the laundry." Duo snickered.

Heero threw his head back and laughed. It was a deep from the heart laugh. Duo had never heard a sound so sweet. "I think you could be right about that, we do seem to have a habit of making messes don't we?"

Duo snickered. "I could get used ta the sound of that laugh Heero."

Heero sobered for a moment and stared deep into his lovers eyes. With utmost tenderness he raised Duo's fingers to his mouth and placed a kiss on each tip. "I love you Duo Maxwell, with all my heart and soul."

Duo's eyes misted over with tears of emotion. "Ohh Heero... I love you too. All I have and all I am is yours... forever."

Lips found each other and parted to allow tongues to meet and acquaint. The kiss became sensual as it deepened. Reluctantly they parted for air. Heero rested his forehead against Duo's and placed a hand on each of Duo's cheeks. "You have the complete ownership of my heart my Duo. Ai-shiteru."

Duo caught the sob in his throat. Unable to form words he pulled Heero into a strong embrace, hoping he could convey his feelings through touch.

They lay entwined for a few moments longer before the stickiness of their bodies reminded them of their need to wash. Pulling apart Heero took Duo's hand and led him to the bathroom where he removed the bandage from Duo's chest before sliding their bodies under the warm spray.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shane awoke feeling strange. His head was fuzzy, his tongue felt furry and his shoulder throbbed with a vengeance. He shifted slightly and gave a small whimper as pain lanced through his shoulder. Movement at the doorway caught his eye.

Fayah awoke and for a moment lay in confusion. It took a few seconds for her mind to register where she was. With a smile on her lips she sank back into the soft mattress, reveling in the feel of it for as long as she could. God knows when she would ever experience this luxury again. Snuggling the pillow close she thought back over the past couple of days. Heero and Duo had been good to her, and Shane.... Well Shane was a different story. He was.. He was.... hell he was so different to the guys she usually knew. The ones in the gang she ran with were okay, they all looked out for each other but the ones on the street were only after her for one thing. That was to be expected though... after all she was selling herself to survive. Most of them just wanted a quick taste of her sweet young body and thought nothing about soft words or kindness. It was a case of 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' Shane was different. He wanted to get to know the person behind the body. She smiled to herself as she recalled his shyness. A whimper of pain alerted her to Shane's presence in the other room and quickly she got to her feet and raced to his room to see if he was okay. She stopped at the doorway and stared at Shane's sleepy form which appeared lost in the large bed. "Are yer okay Shane?" she asked softly.

Shane stared at the girl he had grown so fond of in the short time they had known each other. Her sleep mussed strawberry blonde hair gathered around her body that was hidden beneath an over sized sweat shirt. The words "Worlds Greatest Lover" imprinted on the front caused Shane to laugh as he recognized it as being one of Duo's shirts.

Fayah frowned at Shane not getting what he was laughing at.

Shane winced as another jolt of pain passed through his shoulder. "Ow!" he cried.

Fayah was instantly across the room and beside the bed. "What is it Shane? Is yer shoulder hurtin ya? Canna get yer a pain killer? Does yer want me ta get Heero for yer?"

"It's okay Fayah. The shoulder is achin a bit. Do yer think I can have a pain killer please?"

"Sure. Wont be a sec." Fayah left the room and fetched the bottle from the table where Heero had left them for her. She collected a fresh glass of water and returned to the bedroom. Shyly she handed the glass to Shane and then the bottle.

"Could ya see how many I need ta take and get them out for me please Fayah?"

Fayah took the bottle again and went to open the lid. Suddenly she blushed and then ducked her head away from Shane's eyes. Her shoulders began shake slightly.

Startled Shane put the glass down and ignoring the pain pushed himself up the bed so as he could reach out and tentatively place a hand on Fayah's back. "Fayah... what is it?"

Fayah didn't reply.

"Look Fayah, whatever it is yer can tell me. I promise I will try ta understand." Shane's voice was pleading.

Slowly Fayah turned around and stared into Shane's concerned brown eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek and she hiccupped softly. She turned her gaze back to the bottle in her hand and idly turned it around, then she whispered, "I dunno how ta read Shane."

Shane looked at her embarrassed face and gently wiped the tear away. "That's okay Fayah, it's nothin ta be ashamed of." His heart melted at the obvious distress the girl was going through. "Lots of people can't read."

Fayah's ice blue gaze met his as she struggled with herself. "I can't write either. I never got ta go ta school... My parents they...." she trailed off unable to say anymore.

Once more ignoring the pain in his shoulder Shane pulled Fayah towards him. With his one good arm he enveloped her in a hug, giving her warmth and comfort from his own strong body. Idly he stroked her hair as he whispered into her ear. "It's okay Fayah, It don't matter ta me. If yer wants I can teach ya the basics."

A watery smile made its way onto that sweet face and Shane felt his own heart melt. Slowly he found his lips being drawn towards Fayah's sweet ones. As they met in a soft brush so the door to the room burst open and Duo's happy voice rang out.

"Morning Shane... Fayah."

The pair swiftly pulled apart.

Duo watched with an amused grin as the guilty expressions crept over the teens faces. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anythin."

"Umm no Duo... Fayah was just gettin my pain killers fer me."

"Looks more like she was administering her own form of pain relief." teased Duo.

Shane went bright red as did Fayah. "No it wasn't nothin like that Duo." stammered Shane.

"Just keep it in yer pants man." quipped Duo.

Fayah choked as Shane wished the bed would open up and swallow him. "It wasn't anythin like that." protested Shane.

Duo knew what Shane and Fayah had been doing but he enjoyed teasing Shane and making him squirm with embarrassment. The fact that Fayah was also turning a few interesting shades of red only served to make Duo torment and tease them more. "Yeah ... yeah... It always starts out with just an innocent kiss."

"But Duo... We weren't doing anything."

"Oh no? I don't exactly call locked at the lip nothin."

Fayah caught the glint of mischief in Duo's eyes. "It was jus a good mornin kiss Duo."

"We all know where an innocent kiss can lead ya." Duo continued to tease.

Seeing the spark in Duo's eyes, Shane caught on quickly. "Well you and Heero should know all 'bout that." he retorted.

"Been peeking again have we?" Duo cocked an eyebrow in mock question. "Yanno Fayah, if you had known him before then yer might be a little more cautious around him."

"Oh?" said Fayah.

"Yeah, he was a real wild one on the streets. Why some of the stories I could tell yer..."


"Really?.... Do tell more." responded Fayah as she cast a glance at Shane.

"Duo!" Shane was the color of a ripe tomato

"Aww... Shane, no need ta get yourself all worked up." Duo winked at Fayah.

Fayah grinned back. She loved the way the easy banter passed amongst the three. She could see Shane was getting embarrassed so thought it best to intervene. "Honestly Duo, it was just a quick mornin kiss, Shane's too much of a gentleman ta try ta take advantage of me."

Shane looked smug at Fayah's defense of him. "Anyways, Heero and you are always kissin." he said.

"Yeah well Heero's such a great kisser..." Duo's eyes took on a dreamy look as he thought about his koi's lips against his own.

Shane snickered.

Duo was about to come back with another smart comment when a pair of arms wound their way around his waist. Lips met with the skin of his neck and Duo leaned back against the strong body of his love.

"So you like my kisses do you Duo?" came the husky voice.

Duo melted. "Hmmmm... yer sure know how to use those lips of yours Heero."

Shane coughed discreetly. "See what I mean." he sniggered.

Fayah couldn't contain her own giggle as she sat a little closer to Shane and shyly took his hand.

"Yeah well there's a difference ya know."

"There is?" queried Shane.

"Heero and I are legally adults...." Duo's eyes shut as Heero continued to gently kiss the column of his throat.

"Then yer should be settin us children an example." teased Shane.

Heero snorted. "Duo wouldn't know the meaning of the word in the correct tense."

Duo pretended to look hurt. "I'll have yer know Yuy I can behave myself."

"Oh really?" Heero paused and gave Shane and Fayah a look that clearly said No way!

Duo spun around and placed his hands on his hips. He pouted at Heero "And just who's side are you on here Heero?"

"Why I'm not taking sides.... I'll just take what I can get when I can get it."

Shane had to muffle his laughter in the pillow. Heero had well and truly got the longhaired man this time.

"Okay... that's it Yuy, until further notice this body is off limits." Duo huffed but gave Fayah a cheeky grin that Heero couldn't see.

"Really?" Heero quirked an eyebrow. "Hn, we will have to see about that later but right now I think it's time we went and had some breakfast."

Duo bounced across the room at that suggestion. "Sure thing. Food... my second favorite word."

Shane rolled his eyes. No way was he getting into that conversation again. He looked at Fayah who was about to open her mouth to speak. Having an idea of what she was about to say Shane beat her to it. "Don't ask what his favorite word is Fayah.... Trust me ya don't want ta know."

"Aww. Now you're spoilin my fun as well."

Heero grabbed Duo's braid and gave it a light tug. "Come on baka, lets leave these pair to get dressed then we can go and eat."

"Ow! Heero how many times do I have ta tell ya not the hair man!" Duo reached around and attempted to pull his braid free. "It's not a leash yer know."

Heero smirked. "Oh no?" He proceeded to use the braid as a leash and pull Duo from the room.

Fayah and Shane watched and tried to hold their laughter as Heero and Duo left, Duo still grumbling about his hair. Shane looked at the pill bottle again. "It says ta take two tablets every six hours." He passed the bottle back to Fayah who opened it and removed two of the small yellow pills and handed them to Shane. Shane quickly swallowed them. "Best we get dressed or Duo won't leave any food fer us."

Fayah blushed yet again as she realized she only had the torn dress from yesterday. Seeing the color rise on her cheeks Shane wondered what was wrong. Seeing Shane staring at her Fayah blurted out, "I don't have anythin ta wear."

Shane smiled. "It's okay Fayah, you're about the same size as me. I got some spare stuff in the closet there that should fit ya." Shane pulled himself from the bed and was about to stand up when he realized he was only wearing his boxers. "Ummm... Fayah?"

"Yes Shane."

"Can ya turn ya back for a minute... I'm not exactly dressed here."

"Oh." Fayah turned yet another shade of red. "I'll go wait in the other room." She hastily beat an exit.

Shane stood with a little effort, the pain killers were beginning to take effect. He strolled over to the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for himself and another set for Fayah. He managed to get his jeans on and zipped up but the t-shirt defeated him. With his shoulder out of action he couldn't manipulate the cloth with only one hand. He gave a growl of frustration.

Fayah heard the growl. "Yer okay Shane? Want some help?"

"Yes please." sighed Shane.

Fayah returned to Shane's room and assisted him with the errant shirt. She took the offered clothes and went into the bathroom to change. Moments later she returned. The jeans were a little long and loose but not overly so. Fayah was just happy to have something decent to wear and the fact that Shane's scent was on them and overwhelming her senses sent her light headed.

"Come on, lets go." said Shane as he took Fayah's hand and led her out to the hallway where Heero and Duo were waiting for them.

Duo gave a wolf whistle. "Love the threads." he said cheekily.

Fayah blushed slightly.

"Hn. Let's go eat, we have a lot to do today."

"I'm right with ya Heero." quipped Duo and the four went down to the hotel dining room.

As they ate so Heero outlined the day's agenda. "Shane, you have an appointment at the hospital for Doctor Griffin to check the wound. Duo also needs to be checked so I think you should go together."

Duo quirked an eyebrow but didn't speak as his mouth was currently occupied, namely with sampling all that the hotel had to offer in the breakfast buffet. The sausages that were in the throes of being eaten were to say the least, delicious.

Heero continued. "I will contact Une and see if there are any further developments with the virus."

"Okay Heero." Shane turned to look at Fayah. "What you got planned Fayah?"

Fayah looked into Shane's deep brown eyes. She felt her insides tighten. Dropping her eyes she spoke, "I should get back ta the gang. I've spent enough time away from them as it is an I really needs ta get back an check out what's happenin." She couldn't meet the gaze of Shane, knowing full well what she would see there.

Duo watched the exchange, his heart went out to the girl. He could see the struggle she was having, her loyalty to the rest of her 'family' warring with her desire to spend time with Shane. Quietly he spoke. "Yer never did get ta go on that date together. Look Fayah, while Shane and I go for our check up why don't you go back to the gang and let them know yer okay and what's been keeping yer from them. You don't have ta go into details just let them know you have been helping out a couple of friends. Heero & I will give you some credits which yer can say is payment for helping us out. Meet us back at the hotel and Shane can take you on that date he promised to." Duo looked at Heero for confirmation. Heero nodded.

Fayah stared from Duo to Heero her blue eyes shining. "Are ya sure?" she whispered.

Shane placed his hand on her arm and Fayah turned towards him. "I'd like ta take ya out Fayah, if yer still wants ta go that is." His eyes were full of hope and longing.

"Yeah I would Shane." She smiled at the three. "Thanks."

"Right then, that's settled so lets get going." Duo stood and reached into his pocket. He withdrew some credits and passed them to Fayah. "There ya go Fayah, that should cover the work yer done for the Preventer network."

Fayah took the credits and stared at them. "But that's way too much Duo!"

Duo laughed and waved her off. "Nah, the Preventer network can afford it, 'Sides if you hadn't helped us out things may have turned out a little differently."

"Hn. I agree." responded Heero. "The network owes you a real debt Fayah, you should be proud of yourself. You're a great kid."

Fayah blushed at all this praise. "Okay then." she whispered. "I'll get goin and meet yer back here soon."

Heero and Duo set off for their room. "Meet you upstairs in five Shane." said Duo as they left to give the pair a few moments together.

Shane escorted Fayah to the front doors of the hotel. "Don't be too long will ya."

"I'll be back before yer knows I'm gone." smiled Fayah.

Shane put his good arm around Fayah's shoulders and pulled her close. His lips gravitated towards hers and finally met. The kiss was sweet and tender. Shane brushing his lips lightly across Fayah's as she responded eagerly. Her eyes slid shut as she savored the feeling of Shane's warm moist mouth against her own.

They broke reluctantly apart and brown clashed with blue. Longing, desire and need passed between them. "I'll see ya soon." Shane said huskily.

"Yer can count on it." Fayah reached forward and stole another brief kiss before turning and heading back to her gang.

Shane watched her go, an ache already forming in his heart. Turning he went back to Heero and Duo's room to get ready to see the doctor. The sooner his check up was done the sooner he could spend time with Fayah and he wanted to spend as much time as he could with the girl. They would be heading back to the earth shortly and that was a thought he didn't want to know about.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~