Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ United Hearts ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys. They belong to their respective copyright companies. I do however own Shane, Paul, Colin, Mickey, Benny, Toby and any other unfamiliar characters. I also own the plot if you can call it that.

Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5+S

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Angst, Yaoi, Shonen-ai, violence, language, references to rape, sap, blood, Death (not one of the boys), Lemon/Lime, medical stuff, and any other weird thing that comes out of my head.... be afraid...

Notes: This is the sequel to "Lost Souls." While it is not necessary to read "Lost Souls" first I do recommend it otherwise some of the occurrences may not make sense. The references to medical procedures, medical reports, autopsies etc. are entirely based on my own pathetic knowledge of such and so I apologise in advance for any incorrectness contained there in. :)

" United Hearts "

Aug. 2002 ShenLong

Chapter 6

Quatre lay naked and spread on the large bed. Trowa hovered over him running his hands gently over the vast expanse of skin easing the knots and kinks from the muscles. The scent of vanilla graced the air as Trowa dribbled a little more of the sweet oil onto the creamy back before him.

"Mmmm that feels so good." murmured the blonde as Trowa's skillful hands massaged the tired muscles.

"You still work too hard." came the husky reply as lips pressed to the nape of the neck in a sweet kiss.

"If it means I get to enjoy this each night then I think I will keep on working hard." he mumbled then, "Ahhhh..... nice...."

Trowa's hands began to work the creamy buttocks before him, gently kneading and smoothing the skin. As he worked so he brought his fingers closer to the cleft, with each sweep he dipped a little nearer and then ghosted his fingers in-between pulling a moan from the body beneath.

Chuckling softly to himself he continued to work his fingers up and down the cleft, stroking lightly across the entrance he knew to be the garden of Eden.

With each teasing touch Quatre felt himself respond. His cock steadily filling with blood until he was as hard as a rock, but the fingers continued with their gentle torment causing him to push against the bed in an attempt to find some relief for the ache.

Knowing the reaction his ministrations were causing, Trowa dipped a little deeper. Tracing the pad of his finger in lazy circles around that tight ring teasing gently with the promise of more. His own cock stood proudly to attention and his groin was on fire but he held himself in check. Drizzling a little more oil he watched as it trickled down between the cheeks. His fingers followed the trail working it into the soft skin. Tracing down further he massaged the small patch of skin behind Quatre's sac causing his love to arch with the pleasure and lift his hips from the bed.

"Ohh that feels sooo good Trowa."

Taking advantage of the shift of Quatre's hips Trowa reached underneath and ran his fingers lightly along the hardened shaft. The heated flesh gave a convulsive jerk as a groan left the blonde's throat. Returning to his task of working the oil into the slick skin he began to tease that tight ring again, gently probing and pushing until he worked a finger inside.

Quatre's eyes closed as the pleasure washed over him, one hand worked his buttocks while a finger gently stretched and lubricated him. He moaned wanting more.

Trowa inserted a second finger and began to search as he stroked the blonde's passage. He found the small gland and began to massage it sending currents of fire through his lover.

Quatre's hips bucked and began to rock backwards trying to drive the teasing fingers deeper as stars burst behind his eyelids. "Ohh Trowa..... Please I'm ready." he whimpered.

Trowa slid his fingers out and began to lube himself. He leaned forward and kissed the neck before him whispering, "Are you ready to try out a couple of those positions my sweet?"

"Yes.... ohh yes.... I'm ready for anything just as long as I have you inside me." came the needy response.

Trowa rolled him over and began to arrange their limbs when the air was split by the ringing of the vid phone. Trowa growled.

"I don't believe it!" hissed Quatre in annoyance.

"Leave it. Let the answering service take it." Trowa stated flatly feeling his passion along with his erection beginning to dwindle slightly.

"Damn! I forgot to turn the answering service on. I'll have to answer it." said Quatre. "Sorry love, I wont be a moment." He began to slide from the bed.

Trowa caught him around the waist, "Whoever it is get rid of them quick. We have some unfinished business to take care of." and he gave Quatre's cock a squeeze to remind him exactly what he was talking about.

Quatre moaned and padded across the room to the desk where the vid phone still beeped. He sat in the chair making sure he couldn't be seen from the waist down and hit the accept button. The screen blurred and then cleared. "Quatre Winner here. This had better be important." he growled angrily.

Duo's grinning face appeared on the screen. "Hey Quat, hows it hangin man?"


"Yeah its me. Look sorry to disturb ya and all that but I really need to talk to you and Trowa." On his end of the line Duo could see that Quatre's chest was bare and his skin flushed. "Oh man." he thought to himself, "I did interrupt something."

"What is it Duo?" sighed Quatre.

"Well ummmm..... " Duo's eyes went wide as Trowa came into vision.

Hearing that Duo wanted to talk to them both Trowa had raised himself from the bed and walked over to the vid phone to stand behind his lover. Uncaring that he was still nude and not mention aroused, he moved with a sensuous grace and leaned over Quatre's shoulder to stare back at Duo.

Duo was treated to a wonderful view of Trowa's lean sculpted body as the man came into view. He had to swallow hard as he felt his own pants shrink as he enjoyed the little show.

"What is it that you wanted Duo?" asked Trowa as he gave Quatre's neck a few exploratory kisses.

"Well... We have had a case come up at Preventer and thought you guys might be able to help a little. Well not exactly you two but Benny and Toby."

"Benny and Toby?"

"Yeah. Look I wont go into all the details as I would keep ya for ages and I can see you got better things to be doin so I'll cut to the chase. Does Benny or Toby keep in touch with any mates back on L2?"

"Not that I know of." replied Quatre. Trowa had his mouth full with Quatre's neck so was unable to comment.

"Know if Colin or Mickey do?"

"No, but I can ask them. What's this about Duo?"

"Seems a couple of Shane's mates went missin a few days back and then one of Paul's did too. We got some bodies turnin up on L2 with unusual cause of death. Two of them have been identified. One was Paul's friend and one of the others was one of the two of Shane's that had gone."

"I'm pretty sure the boys don't keep in touch with anyone back there but I will check with them in the morning and let you know tomorrow. I'll also ask Colin and Mickey."

"Thanks Quat. I dunno what's goin on but hopefully Sally will have more for us ta work on after she's through with her examination on the latest victim."

"Okay then Duo. I will talk to you tomorrow."

"Right Quat, you two go back to whatever it was ya was doing." he gave a cheeky grin and wiggled his eyebrows. "Have fun."

Trowa leaned forward to the phone and spoke in a low husky voice. "Oh we will Duo... Thanks for the e mail...... We're about to try position number 43 so I'll let you know if its good or not." He cut the call leaving a stunned looking Duo staring at a blank screen.

Duo stared at the fuzz running over the screen as he processed Trowa's words. Trowa.... he was usually as quiet as Heero he mused. Seems Quatre was bringing the Latin out of his shell at last. The throb in his groin reminded him of what his two friends were up to and adjusting himself he went in search of his koi.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

In a run down old building in a small back street in the slums of L2 a man worked quietly and methodically. He wore a thick gown and rubber mask and concentrated carefully as his gloved hands moved efficiently, sealing the small vials into the disposable cigarette lighters that lay upon the table. Having replaced the insides with the vials he sealed the lighters back up and placed them in a neat pile. Turning one over in his hand it looked for all the world like a normal lighter. He smiled to himself beneath the mask as he placed the lethal item back with the other nine. He got up and retrieved his small bag. Stripping of the gloves, mask and gown he carefully picked up the lighters and packed them into a box, sealing the top with plastic. To anyone else they now appeared to be a normal package. He placed the box in his bag and picked up a small can of fluid. He scattered the contents around before making his way to the door. He looked out upon the deserted street and seeing no one he quickly tossed the now empty can back inside and reached into his pocket for the box of matches. Lighting one he checked the street again before throwing the match into the room.

The fluid caught the heat of the match and instantly ignited sending a wall of orange and red throughout the building. Glass shattered and brick glowed as the hunger fed upon anything remotely combustible. Mask and gloves shriveled into liquid as the tongues of the fire licked the building dry.

Without so much as a backward glance the dark figure walked briskly down the street to be swallowed by the darkness of the night.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Sally laid down the instrument in the tray and rubbed the back of her hand across her sweaty brow. Her eyes were bleary and her head ached. She had covered all the basic examinations and discovered what she had expected. All organs had ceased to function. One by one they had gone off line until the body had been forced to surrender it's small grip on life. She reached for the small tray and began to slide the various samples into tubes and label them. She had drawn blood and requested several standard tests along with a few not so standard tests and was awaiting the results of those. She had now taken several tissue samples from the various organs and hoped that the tests she would run on these would give her some sort of clue as to the cause of the organ failure.

Popping the last of the tubes into the tray she sighed and leaned back. Raising her hands above her head she attempted to ease some of the kinks from her spine. The intercom buzzed and she hit the button.

"Une here Sally, How's it going?"

"Pretty much finished for now. I have all the samples ready so the next step is the lab tests."

"Okay. How long before you have anything?"

"Hard to say. I'm taking the samples across now so somewhere in the next couple of hours or so."

"There's something else isn't there?"

Sally sighed. "Yes there is."

"Come on... spill."

"It appears that this one had sex before he died."


"Yes, It's not uncommon you know, especially on L2 and Paul did say that his friend was a prostitute and that he had last gone out to try to get a customer or two."

"I know that Sally. Do you think this has any connection to the death?"

"I'm not sure. It seems that death occurred several hours after he had sex." Sally stared at Une as if reading her mind and then continued. "Penetration was very rough. I doubt if there was any preparation. The inner tissues were bruised and a little torn. Whom ever it was must have been a pretty big guy."

"I see."

"I have taken samples but I'm warning you we may not get anything as it was at least twenty four hours before death that this took place."

"Okay. Let me know as soon as you have anything."

"Will do. Sally out."

Une rested her chin on top of her hands as she thought. "I hope you get something soon Sally... something we can work with." Then she turned back to the schedule for the coming convention.

Sally walked back to the small body and ran a hand absently through the lifeless locks. A tear formed in her eye as she stared at the small form. "You poor thing." she murmured. "What bastard did this to you?"

Picking up the tray of tubes she left for the lab.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Trowa sat at the table with Toby and Benny eating their breakfast. Trowa was glancing through the morning paper while Toby and Benny were making short work of the plate of scrambled eggs and toast. Catching a soft movement from the corner of his eye he looked up as Quatre came into the room wincing slightly with each step.

Benny noticed the unusual gait and elbowed Toby who looked up in indignation. Seeing Benny nod towards the door he stared open mouthed as Quatre came in to the dining room.

"Are ya all right Quatre?" asked Toby.

"Yes Toby, I'm fine."

"Ow come yer walkin funny then?" asked Benny.

Trowa hid behind the paper a smirk on his face.

"I errrr twisted a couple of muscles in my back and leg last night."

"Did ya fall out of the bed?" asked Toby.

"No not exactly. I think I just got into a couple of awkward positions."

Trowa was trying hard to contain his laughter.

"I sometimes do that. I get all caught up in the sheets and stuff and get really twisted. It hurts tryin ta get out of it." continued Toby his small voice really serious.

"How come Trowa didn't help ya out then?" asked Benny.

Quatre looked across at his green eyed lover who was hiding behind a newspaper that was shaking suspiciously. "Lets just say that if Trowa hadn't tried to help me out then I might not be in this situation. Right Trowa?"

Trowa lowered the newspaper keeping his emotions in check. He stared at his lover. "I didn't hear any complaints when I was assisting you." he said, voice neutral.

"Yes well.... you're a little more flexible than I am." Realizing the two boys were still listening intently he quickly changed the subject. "Duo called last night." he said as he gingerly lowered himself to the chair and helped himself to coffee.

"How's he doin?"

"How's Shane an Heero?"

"They're all fine. Duo asked me to see if you two still kept in touch with any of your friends from L2."

"Nah.... We didn't really ave that many. We jus stuck together in our little group." answered Benny.

"What about Colin and Mickey? Do they still contact anyone back on L2?"

"I don't think so. We didn't make a lot of friends. It was too dangerous so Shane said, so we mostly hung out together. When we did go out we always went in twos or as a group." said Benny.

"I can ask em if ya want?" offered Toby.

"Thanks Toby if you could I would be grateful." said Quatre.

"What's Duo wanna know for anyway?" asked Benny.

"It seems a couple of Shane and Paul's friends have gone missing so Duo just wants to check to see if you guys kept in touch with anyone and to check they were still okay." Trowa said.

"Okay. I'll ask em at school." Looking at the clock Toby jumped up from the table. "Come on Benny, were gonna be late if yer don't move it."

The two boys left the room to collect their school stuff. Quatre sighed as he listened to the thunder of little feet as they pounded the staircase.

Trowa cocked his head. "I'm sorry about last night."

"It's okay Trowa. I did enjoy it despite pulling a muscle or two." Quatre winced again as he shifted in his seat. "I just wish I knew how you can be so damn flexible!"

Trowa laughed.

"Just wait till I speak to Duo..... Him and his lousy e mails." he muttered.

"Ahh but it was fun experimenting wasn't it?" winked Trowa.

Quatre decided to let that comment slide.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Duo and Heero met up with Wufei in the parking area at Preventer Headquarters. "Any more from Sally?" asked Duo as he bounced up beside Wufei.

"No. I haven't heard anything. She didn't come home last night so I am assuming she is still working on the body."

"Hn. Maybe she has got something for us by now. How was Paul this morning?"

"As well as can be expected. I thought it best if he stayed home but he wanted to go to school."

"Yeah, Shane has gone too so he will keep an eye on him Wuffie." grinned Duo.

Wufei opted to send a glare at the braided man as he pushed open the doors to the building. Entering their office Wufei set about the task of ordering his files into priority status, Heero switched on his computer and Duo went in search of coffee.

Setting a mug down on Heero's desk Duo went back to his own to tackle the final tasks of the security system. He had only been working through a couple of minor things when the intercom unit on Wufei's desk beeped. He looked up as Wufei hit the button.

"Chang here."

"Ahh Preventer Chang, Could you and Preventers Yuy and Maxwell please come to my office as soon as possible. We have the results from the autopsy and I'm afraid to say it doesn't look good."

"On our way. Chang out." Wufei looked up into cobalt and violet. "You heard the Lady. Lets go."

Nodding Heero and Duo followed Wufei to Lady Une's office.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Sitting under the large oak tree Toby, Benny, Mickey and Colin were swapping lunches and chattering idly.

"Duo called last night." said Toby as he traded his banana for Colin's orange.

"How's he doin? Wanna swap yer sandwich fer mine?" said Mickey.

"What's on yours?" said Benny.

"Peanut butter an jelly."

"I got ham an cheese. That okay? Duo's fine... so's Heero an Shane." replied Benny.

"Yeah I'll swap." Mickey passed his sandwich over and took Benny's. "So what did he want?"

"Wanted to know if we kept in touch wiv anyone from L2." replied Toby around a mouthful of cheese.

"What for? I'd much rather forget all about that place." said Colin as he peeled the banana.

"It don't hold nice memories fer any of us." added Mickey. "'Sides I didn't ave that many friends there other than you lot."

"That's what I told Trowa. Seems Paul an Shane keep in touch wiv a few guys they know." Toby chewed the bread thoughtfully.

"A couple of their mates ave gone missin so Duo wanted ta know if we had any mates done the same thing." said Benny taking up the tale.

"Well I don wanna remember that place so I ain't got anyone there to talk ta anyways." said Colin as he put the yellow skin into the trash can.

"How bout a game fore we go back in?" said Mickey.

"I'm in."

"Me to."

"Toby? Yer gonna play?"

Toby stood up and dusted off his jeans. "Sure." and he joined his friends with the soccer ball.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Wufei, Heero and Duo entered Lady Une's office and were met with a rather tired looking Sally and a frustrated Une. "Sit."

They sat and waited.

Shuffling a few papers around her desk Une searched for the right words to begin. "Sally has finished the larger part of the examination of the body and we now have some interesting facts come to light. Sally if you will..."

Sally took over the conversation. "The tests I ran on the blood and tissue samples show the same results as those done on the other bodies on L2. However..." she glared at Duo who was about to open his mouth.

He shut it and opted to play with the end of his braid instead.

Sally continued. "However I have also run some more extensive tests and I now believe I have found the cause for the organ failure. Without another body to run the same tests on I cannot confirm that what I have found is responsible for those deaths but I strongly suspect that it is."

"So what did you find onna?" said Wufei who was getting a little bored with all the talk and no action.

"The tissues of the organs all show that some form of virus was responsible for their failure. How or where he contracted it is still inconclusive but this virus has not been seen on the earth for centuries. It appears to have entered through the respiratory system and then traveled via the bloodstream to the remainder of the body. Once it reaches the organs it begins to penetrate the cells and take them over rendering them useless. In a sense it is similar to the cancer disease that was predominant in the past."

Heero's mind was working overtime processing the latest information. "How do you mean similar to the cancer disease?"

Sally rubbed her weary eyes. "It alters the cells nucleus and composition to suit itself but this particular strain does it a lot quicker. Like cancer it eventually gets to the point where it kills it's host, the difference here is that with cancer, if detected early enough the spread could be stopped. This one cannot be stopped that I can see at this point. It spreads rapidly causing the organs to falter and then cease to function completely within seventy two hours of first contact."

Duo let out a low whistle. "That's fast."

"Yes it is."

Lady Une spoke up. "With this sort of virus around I do not need to stress to you how important it is that we find the source of the infection and quickly. Sally is still conducting tests to see if it is contagious and how it is spread."

"So how do you propose we find the source?" asked Wufei.

"Heero... I am assigning you and Duo to this case now. I need you to go to L2 for me and with all the information we have in relation to the bodies, their last known whereabouts and their location when found see what you can find."

Wufei growled.

Une continued. "I know this was your case Wufei but Duo knows L2. He knows the right sort of people there to get information from. I will need you here to take over the running of security for the convention."

Wufei still didn't look too happy about it but accepted the change.

Duo thought about Une's proposal. "I think it would be a good idea ta take Shane with us. He knows the kids that hung out with some of the missing ones not to mention one of the bodies."

"Hn I agree with Duo. Shane could prove to be an asset."

Une looked from one ex pilot to the other. "I can't say that I approve of the idea of a civilian going on a mission with you but I understand your reasoning and in this case I will allow it. But.... I warn you. Be very careful."

Duo grinned as he bounced in his chair. "Come on Une baby, ya know us....."

"Yes I do and that's why I'm asking myself if this isn't a big mistake." sighed Une as she rolled her eyes.

Heero grabbed the end of Duo's braid and gave it a light tug.

"Itie! Watch the hair Heero.... I'm rather attached to it ya know. By the scalp to be precise." he grinned at his lover.

"Hn. Don't worry Une, I will keep him under control."

"Thanks Heero. Now I suggest you go back to work. Heero you and Duo will need to bring Wufei up to speed on the security as it stands so far. Sally will be reporting back in once she has anything more to add to the report. I will round up all the information you will need and you can take the files home with you to study up on. The shuttle leaves at 9am tomorrow."

"May I make a suggestion here?" said Heero.


"I think it would be a good idea to contact Quatre and Trowa to let them know what is going on. I also think maybe we should ask Trowa to assist Wufei with the security. It really needs two people and no one has better skills than Wufei and Trowa."

Une thought about it. When it came down to the wire Heero was right, she knew there were no better infiltrators or security aware people than the five ex Gundam pilots.

"Quatre is already attending the convention so I assume Trowa will be with him. Seeing as how he will already be here why not put his skills to use?" pushed Heero.

"I agree." said Wufei. "He could be a valuable asset in this case."

"Okay... okay... you win. Could you contact him Heero? Let me know what he says. Of course he will be paid by the Preventers for his work." she added as an after thought.

"I don't think it's the money that will get him in.... more like the challenge." quipped Duo.

"Okay now all of you shoo.... go back to work and get yourselves sorted out. I will speak with you all later." Une gestured to the door and the agents moved out.

Sally headed back to the lab as Wufei, Heero and Duo discussed the changes in events on their way back to their office.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~